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pH和CaCO_3含量是土壤常规分析的两个测定指标,但其室内测定均需借助相应的仪器设备完成,耗时费力。以山西省土系调查采集的110个典型土壤剖面的426个发生层土样的野外测定的石灰反应强度和实验室测定的土壤pH、CaCO_3含量、交换性钠饱和度(Exchangeable Sodium Percentage,ESP)数据为基础,尝试建立石灰反应强度与pH、CaCO_3含量之间的定量关系模型。结果表明:北方黄土性母质土壤,当pH9.0时,CaCO_3含量是影响土壤pH的重要因素,二者的回归拟合最优关系符合幂函数曲线;当pH9.0时,CaCO_3与pH之间无明显关系。石灰反应强度在一定程度上可以半定量地反映pH或CaCO_3含量,但其确定的pH或CaCO_3含量尚是一个范围,并非精确值。同时,从发生学意义角度,土壤中CaCO_3含量高低对形态学研究具有重要意义,在这种情况下,如果需要用pH或CaCO_3含量来确定准确的土壤系统分类类型(如确定土体是否为酸性、具有钙积层/钙积现象等),为慎重起见建议还是以实验室的准确测定数据为准;对于非碱化(pH9.0)、野外有泡沫反应的北方黄土性母质土壤,无论泡沫反应强弱和CaCO_3含量高低,土壤pH基本稳定在8.51±0.49,这一pH范围对作物生长基本没有制约,如果仅从pH或CaCO_3含量是否影响作物生长角度考虑,无需实验室测定pH或CaCO_3含量。  相似文献   

典型菜地土壤剖面N2O、CH4与CO2分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究菜地土壤剖面N2O、CH4与CO2时空分布特征,利用地下气体原位采集系统与气相色谱法,周年动态监测3种典型菜地,即休闲裸地、轮作地Ⅰ(芹菜?空心菜?小白菜?苋菜)以及轮作地Ⅱ(菜心?芹菜?空心菜?大青菜)7 cm、15 cm、30 cm与50 cm土层N2O、CH4与CO2浓度变化。结果表明,0~50 cm土层范围内,N2O、CH4与CO2 3种气体浓度周年变异性较大,变幅分别为0.63~1 657.0μL(N2O)?L?1、0.8~72.5μL(CH4)?L?1和0.41~36.6 m L(CO2)?L?1。轮作地Ⅰ与轮作地Ⅱ的N2O平均浓度随土壤深度增加而增加,休闲裸地则呈现先增加(0~30 cm)后降低(30~50 cm)的变化趋势。两种轮作菜地4个土层N2O平均浓度均显著高于休闲裸地,二者氮肥施用量不同并未造成相同土层间N2O平均浓度的显著差异。3种菜地CH4与CO2平均浓度均呈现50 cm30 cm15 cm7 cm的梯度特征。轮作地Ⅰ与轮作地Ⅱ0~15 cm土层CH4平均浓度均大于休闲裸地,而在15~50 cm土层则分别大于和小于休闲裸地。CO2浓度呈现明显的季节性变化,除轮作地Ⅰ50 cm土层外,两种轮作菜地其他土层CO2平均浓度均小于休闲裸地对应土层。可见,蔬菜地高氮肥施用、多频次耕作等复杂管理使得N2O、CH4与CO2表现出较大的时空变异特征,其中氮肥施用对N2O的影响大于CH4与CO2,CH4受施肥与耕作的影响均较小,CO2显著受土壤温度与耕作措施的影响,在此基础上需进一步探究N2O、CH4与CO2的其他影响因素。  相似文献   

La(NO3)3 对盐胁迫下黑麦草幼苗生长及抗逆生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨稀土元素镧(La)对牧草盐胁迫伤害的缓解作用, 采用水培法研究了叶面喷施20 mg·L-1La(NO3)3 对NaCl 胁迫下黑麦草幼苗生长及其抗逆生理特性的影响。结果表明: 盐胁迫显著抑制黑麦草幼苗的生长, 提高叶片电解质渗漏率及丙二醛(MDA)、O2- 和H2O2 含量, 其作用随盐浓度的增大而增强。超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性和抗坏血酸(AsA)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、可溶性蛋白质、脯氨酸含量随盐浓度增大呈先升后降趋势, 可溶性糖和Na+/K+比逐渐增大, 质膜H+-ATP 酶活性逐渐降低, 过氧化物酶(POD)活性及POD 同功酶数量表达增强。喷施La(NO3)3 处理可降低盐胁迫下黑麦草幼苗叶片的O2- 和H2O2 含量, 提高SOD、CAT、POD、APX 和质膜H+-ATP 酶的活性及POD 同功酶的表达, 使AsA、GSH、可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖和游离脯氨酸含量及幼苗生物量增加, Na+/K+比降低。表明La(NO3)3 可通过提高抗氧化系统的活性和积累渗透溶质减轻盐胁迫伤害, 从而提高黑麦草的耐盐性。  相似文献   

集约化畜禽生产过程中产生的有害气体NH3对环境酸化、土壤及地表水的污染等问题在公众与科学界都引起了极大的关注,西欧等发达国家对畜禽舍内NH3的排放测定、减排技术及测量方法等方面进行了大量研究。该文对畜禽舍NH3的产生及其影响因素进行了分析,对目前国内外有关畜禽舍NH3的减排与控制技术进行了综述。  相似文献   

土地利用转变会导致土壤微环境及生理生化过程发生改变,继而影响土壤温室气体的产生和排放。目前关于土地利用转变对温室气体通量的研究主要集中于CO_2,而对CH_4研究甚少。本文以黄土台塬为研究区,重点分析不同土地利用方式的土壤CH_4通量特征与其影响因素的关系,并明确其关键影响因子,为预测整个黄土台塬土地利用方式转变对温室效应的贡献提供基础数据。以陕西省永寿县马莲滩林场为研究对象,于2015年4月—2016年3月,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,对耕地、天然草地、灌木林地、乔灌混交林地、乔木林地和果园的CH_4通量特征进行研究,并分析土壤CH_4通量与土壤温度、地表温度、含水量及全氮的关系。不同土地利用方式土壤CH_4平均通量差异显著(P0.05),但表现相似的季节变化,呈现夏秋季高于冬春季特征。林地、园地、耕地土壤均为CH_4吸收汇,其吸收能力(平均值)为乔灌混交林(51.24μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))乔木林(44.80μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))灌木林(31.52μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))草地(25.89μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))果园(18.97μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))耕地(14.89μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))。不同土地利用方式土壤CH_4吸收与土壤温度、全氮和地表大气温度均呈正相关;与土壤含水量呈负相关。其土壤表层(0~20 cm)温度是6种土地利用方式土壤CH_4吸收的主要影响因素。总之,自然条件下的土壤CH_4吸收率明显高于农业土壤CH_4吸收率,耕地转变为林地后土壤的CH_4吸收能力增强,土壤对减缓温室效应的贡献增大。  相似文献   

土壤源CH4氧化的主要影响因子与减排措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤源CH4氧化主要受土壤理化性状、温度、施肥种类和施肥量、作物品种及其生长状况、重金属离子种类与浓度等因子的影响。这些因子主要通过影响CH4氧化细菌群、种类、数量、活性及其分布模式产生作用。合理施用有机肥、调节田间水分、配施矿质肥料以及培养根系活力较强的高产水稻品种是减少土壤源 CH4排放量的主要措施。  相似文献   

农耕地土壤137Cs与210Pbex深度分布过程对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了137Cs与210Pbex在农耕地土壤深度分布过程的差异。基于137Cs与210Pbex的不同沉降过程,考虑到核素由犁耕层向犁底层的扩散,对农耕地土壤137Cs、210Pbex的深度分布过程进行了理论推导,并以杨凌符家庄麦田剖面的实测数据予以验证,同时讨论了实测符家庄麦田剖面137Cs、210Pbex深度分布的规律特征及其原因,以此阐明了137Cs与210Pbex在农耕地土壤深度分布过程的差异。137Cs源于大气核试爆,没有持续沉降补充,犁耕层和犁底层土壤137Cs深度分布一直处于随时间变化的非稳定态;而210Pbex是天然核素,存在大气沉降的持续补充,犁耕层和犁底层土壤210Pbex深度分布最终呈稳定态。农耕地土壤137Cs、210Pbex深度分布的实测值曲线与理论值曲线的差异,尤其210Pbex,可能与耕作深度的变化历史或土地利用(覆被)变化有关。  相似文献   

为合理利用工业副产硫酸铵,探究3,4—二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)配施硫酸铵对石灰性褐土中氮素转化及N_2O和CO_2排放的影响。通过室内培养试验,研究不同剂量DMPP与硫酸铵配施后,石灰性褐土中铵态氮(NH_4~+-N)含量、硝态氮(NO_3~--N)含量、土壤pH、N_2O和CO_2排放通量和累计排放量的动态变化,并进行了相关性分析。结果表明:单施硫酸铵的ASN处理在培养的前15天硝化作用强烈,第15天时,土壤NH_4~+-N含量降低了477.28 mg/kg, NO_3~--N含量增高了177.03 mg/kg。添加DMPP可以明显抑制硫酸铵NH_4~+-N向NO_3~--N转化。培养30天后,0.75%~1.75%剂量的DMPP处理的土壤NO_3~--N含量低于ASN处理174.02~177.00 mg/kg,硝化抑制率为94.92%~95.30%,且在0.75%~1.75%浓度范围内未表现出明显的剂量差异效应。各剂量DMPP在试验期间的硝化抑制效果表现较好,其作用时长为30天以上。培养30天时,与空白CKII处理相比,单施硫酸铵T1处理的N_2O和CO_2的累计排放量分别显著增加了975.3%,126.66%(P0.05),而添加了DMPP的T2处理相较于单施硫酸铵T1处理,N_2O和CO_2累计排放量分别显著降低了76.8%,6.22%(P0.05)。相关性分析表明,CO_2排放通量与N_2O排放通量呈正相关关系,土壤pH与N_2O、CO_2排放通量呈负相关关系。硫酸铵与0.75%DMPP配合施用在一定程度上可以抑制土壤酸化,同时短期内可以显著降低N_2O和CO_2累计排放量(P0.05)。  相似文献   

为了治理粪便臭气污染,测定了猪粪好氧堆肥过程中NH3和H2S的释放量以及堆肥温度、pH值、含水率、水溶性铵态氮等指标。结果表明,NH3在前20天释放量占总释放量的84.6%、H2S在前13天释放量占总释放量的100%。因此,在堆肥初期的前20天是控制臭气的最佳时期。并从畜禽粪便、垃圾、土壤和堆肥中分离、纯化了一些微生物,经过初筛得到能利用NH3的微生物41株,经过复筛得到脱除H2S较好的细菌一株,与对照相比其去除率达85.7%,经鉴定该菌是松鼠葡萄球菌。  相似文献   

西北黑河流域土壤pH与CaCO3相当物含量关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
林卡  李德成  张甘霖 《土壤学报》2017,54(2):344-353
干旱-半干旱地区的石灰性土壤中pH与CaCO_3相当物含量之间有一定关系,但目前黑河流域土壤中pH与CaCO_3相当物含量之间的关系及其影响因素尚不明确。从区域、海拔、土壤母质、土壤类型、土地利用方式五个方面分析了我国西北黑河流域土壤中pH与CaCO_3相当物含量之间的关系。结果表明,黑河流域土壤pH与CaCO_3相当物含量之间存在显著的非线性相关,pH随着CaCO_3相当物含量的增加而逐渐升高,当CaCO_3相当物含量升高到某一阈值后,pH增幅迅速降低,最终趋于稳定;不同区域、海拔、土纲、成土母质和土地利用方式下,pH与CaCO_3相当物含量之间的相关程度不同,表现为上游土壤pH与CaCO_3含量呈显著正相关,不同的海拔高度区间pH与CaCO_3含量之间具显著正相关,人为土、盐成土、均腐土、雏形土的pH与CaCO_3含量显著正相关,冰碛物、残积-坡积物、湖积物发育的土壤pH与CaCO_3含量具有极显著正相关,土地利用方式对pH与CaCO_3含量的关系影响较小;不同区域、海拔、土纲、成土母质和土地利用方式下,pH与CaCO_3相当物含量的最佳回归模型不同,有幂函数模型、一元二次模型、一元三次模型和线性模型。  相似文献   

干旱地区土壤碳酸钙淀积过程模拟   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
根据化学热力学过程吧及土壤剖面碳酸钙淀积过程的机理,借鉴前人的建模经验,构建了干旱地区土壤碳酸钙淋溶淀积过程模型CAEDP,并以晋西北黄土丘陵土壤为例进行了验证。  相似文献   

本研究通过系统研究种植果树对土壤胶结性物质的演化规律及其与土壤团聚体稳定性之间关系的影响,探索影响果园土壤团聚体状态的因素,以期为果园科学管理提供理论依据。在渭北旱塬苹果主产区分别选取10 a、20 a的苹果园和农田(冬小麦-夏玉米轮作,对照)各4个,在果树冠层投影范围内距树干2/3处逐层采集0~100 cm土层土壤样品和0~50 cm土层原状土壤样品,研究不同植果年限果园及农田土壤剖面黏粒、有机质、CaCO_3等团聚体胶结物质的分布及其与团聚体稳定性之间的关系。结果发现:在0~100 cm土层范围内,各果园土壤黏粒含量基本随土层深度的增加而递增,且在0~40 cm土层表现为农田10 a果园20 a果园,40 cm以下土层则呈现相反的态势;种植果树相比农田可显著增加0~100 cm土层土壤有机质总储量,但随着种植果树年限的增加,土壤有机质总储量呈递减趋势;在0~100 cm土层土壤CaCO_3总储量表现为10 a果园农田20a果园,但在0~40 cm土层CaCO_3含量及储量表现为10 a果园农田20 a果园,而40~100 cm土层则为20 a果园10 a农田。皮尔森相关分析发现(29)0.25 mm土壤团聚体的数量和平均重量直径(MWD)与土壤黏粒、有机质和CaCO_3含量密切相关,其中机械稳定性团聚体的数量和稳定性主要受土壤中CaCO_3、有机质含量的影响,水稳性团聚体的数量和稳定性主要受土壤中黏粒和CaCO_3的影响。总之,植果显著改变了土壤中黏粒、有机质、CaCO_3的演化过程和趋势,随植果年限增加,果园土壤黏粒和CaCO_3在土壤较深土层淋溶淀积明显;各果园土壤有机质总储量虽然高于农田,但随植果年限增加,有逐渐减少的趋势。可见植果明显加速了渭北黄土塬地土壤的残积黏化和钙化过程,影响着表层土壤团聚作用和底层土壤的紧实化和坚硬化程度。  相似文献   

This study investigated the adsorption behavior of selected heavy metals (Pb, Cu, and Ni) under single and multi-metal conditions by a light textured calcareous soil amended with plant residue biochars (corn straw, wheat straw, rice husk and licorice root pulp each at 3% w/w). The Freundlich isotherm best described the heavy metal adsorption suggesting multilayer adsorption. For all treatments under both adsorption conditions, the heavy metal adsorption capacity followed the order of Pb > Cu > Ni, which was associated with the hydrolysis constant, ionic radius, and electronegativity of these metals. Simultaneous presence of multiple metals decreased the adsorption capacity for each metal and the sequence was in the order of Ni > Pb > Cu. The corn straw biochar (CSB) had the highest adsorption capacity (Freundlich Kf (mg g?1) for Ni = 0.23, Cu = 1.41 and Pb = 2.73) and medium distribution coefficient (Kd medium(L kg?1) for Ni = 59.30, Cu = 1961.00 and Pb = 2602.00), indicating the CSB is the best treatment for stabilization of heavy metals in the soil. This was associated with the chemical characteristics of the CSB (high amounts of CaCO3 and P) and the greatest increase in soil pH value.  相似文献   


Pot studies were conducted to study effect of the boron (B) levels (0, 0.12, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 10?mg?B?kg?1) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) (0, 1.25, 2.5 and 5.0%) on cotton and wheat crops in cropping system. In absence of CaCO3, reduced growth of cotton and wheat were observed when B was applied @ 2.0?mg?kg?1 soil. Necrosis of leaves in cotton and purple coloration of plumule in wheat was observed @ 10.0?mg?B?kg?1. Irrespective of CaCO3, 0.57 and 7.67?mg?kg?1 Hot Water Soluble B (HWS-B), 62 and 940?mg?kg?1 B dry matter (DM) of leaves, 45 and 210?mg?B?kg?1 DM of petioles and 20 and 51?mg?B?kg?1 DM of sticks, produced 90 and 50%of the maximum dry matter yield (DMY) of cotton, respectively. The values for wheat were 0.66 and 6.71?mg HWS-B kg?1, 7.94 and 27.0?mg?B?kg?1 grain and 15.3 and 170?mg?B?kg?1 straw, respectively.  相似文献   

The closed-jar incubation method is widely used to estimate the mineralization of soil organic C. There are two C pools (i.e., organic and inorganic C) in calcareous soil. To evaluate the effect of additional carbonates on CO2 emission from calcareous soil during closed-jar incubation, three incubation experiments were conducted by adding different types (CaCO3 and MgCO3 ) and amounts of carbonate to the soil. The addition of carbonates significantly increased CO2 emission from the soil; the increase ranged from 12.0% in the CaCO3 amended soil to 460% in the MgCO3 amended soil during a 100-d incubation. Cumulative CO2 production at the end of the incubation was three times greater in the MgCO3 amended soil compared to the CaCO3 amended one. The CO2 emission increased with the amount of CaCO3 added to the soil. In contrast, CO2 emission decreased as the amount of MgCO3 added to the soil increased. Our results confirmed that the closed-jar incubation method could lead to an overestimate of organic C mineralization in calcareous soils. Because of its effect on soil pH and the dissolution of carbonates, HgCl2 should not be used to sterilize calcareous soil if the experiment includes the measurement of soil CO2 production.  相似文献   

土壤中汞的化学形态及其影响因素   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
An investigation and on 13-year-old(1984-1996) Chinese fir and Tsoong‘s tree mixed forests in Jianou City,Fujian Province,China was carried out to compare the influences of different interplanting types of individual tree-tree,row-row,row-strip(three rows)and pure Chinese fir stands on soil properties.Compared with the pure stands of Chinese fir ,the mixed stands exerted a posivtive effect on soil fertility,with increases in soil organic matter,total N,available P and available K.Moreover,improvements were also observed in soil enzymatic activities ,aggregate structure,structure,stability,status of soil porosity,soil aeration and penetrability in miexd stands.The row-row interplanted stands had the best effect on tree growth and soil properties among these mixed forests.In the southern subtropical region,the spreading of the row-row mixing model of the two tree species would be helpful to preventin ghe soil from fertility deterioratio caused by successive plantation of Chineses fir.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial variation of temperature sensitivity (i.e. Q10) of soil respiration (Rs) and its controlling factors, is critical to improve the precision of carbon budget estimations at regional scales. In this study, data from 2-3 continuous years of Rs measurements over 15 ecosystems of ChinaFLUX were summarized to analyze the response of Rs to soil temperature. Moreover, we improved our dataset by collecting previously published Q10 values from 34 ecosystems in China. The ecosystems studied were located in the main climatic zones of China, spanning from alpine via temperate to tropical. Spatial variations of Q10 and its controlling factors were analyzed. The results showed that soil temperature at a 5 cm depth satisfactorily explained the seasonal variations in Rs of the 15 ChinaFLUX ecosystems (R2 varying from 0.37 to 0.83). Based on the overall data, the Q10 values of Rs in China ranged from 1.28 to 4.75. The spatial variations in Q10 were primarily determined by soil temperature during measurement periods, soil organic carbon (SOC) content, and ecosystem type. Ecosystems in colder regions and with higher SOC content had relatively higher Q10 values. Moreover, ecosystems of different vegetation types showed different Q10 values. A temperature- and SOC-dependent function for Q10 is suggested, which could be a valuable reference for improving the regional-scale models of Rs and ecosystem carbon cycles.  相似文献   

Forest soils contain the largest carbon stock of all terrestrial biomes and are probably the most important source of carbon dioxide (CO2) to atmosphere. Soil CO2 fluxes from 54 to 72-year-old monospecific stands in Rwanda were quantified from March 2006 to December 2007. The influences of soil temperature, soil water content, soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks, soil pH, and stand characteristics on soil CO2 flux were investigated. The mean annual soil CO2 flux was highest under Eucalyptus saligna (3.92 μmol m−2 s−1) and lowest under Entandrophragma excelsum (3.13 μmol m−2 s−1). The seasonal variation in soil CO2 flux from all stands followed the same trend and was highest in rainy seasons and lowest in dry seasons. Soil CO2 flux was mainly correlated to soil water content (R2 = 0.36-0.77), stand age (R2 = 0.45), soil C stock (R2 = 0.33), basal area (R2 = 0.21), and soil temperature (R2 = 0.06-0.17). The results contribute to the understanding of factors that influence soil CO2 flux in monocultural plantations grown under the same microclimatic and soil conditions. The results can be used to construct models that predict soil CO2 emissions in the tropics.  相似文献   

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