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Proton magnetic resonance spectra (220-megahertz field) of an isolated rabbit sciatic nerve in its native state have been observed and assigned to the extracellular water, intracellular water, and phospholipids of the nerve. This study indicates that the nerve fibers contain fluid-like hydrophobic regions, in agreement with the results of recent electron spin resonance spin-labeled studies of excitable membranes of nerve and muscle.  相似文献   

A comparison of the size of polar coronal holes with the cosmic-ray intensity observed during the most recent sunspot cycle shows close correspondence. This lends support to recent suggestions that the well-known sunspot-cycle modulation of cosmic rays is a three-dimensional effect, probably related to the global character of the interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

The signal strength, bandwidth, and detection range of acoustic pulses generated by cosmic-ray air showers striking a water surface are calculated. These signals are strong enough to be audible to a submerged swimmer. The phenomena may be useful for studying very-high-energy cosmic rays and may help answer the important question of whether the origin of cosmic rays is extragalactic or galactic.  相似文献   

The last lava flow in the Hadley Rille area of Mare Imbrium, as inferred from an argon-40-argon-39 experiment on a plagioclase separate from the lunar basalt 15555, occurred 3.31+/-0.03x10(9) years ago. An argon-40-argon-39 experiment on a whole rock sample shows significant loss of radiogenic argon-40 and yields a well-defined, high-temperature plateau indicating a lower age of 3.22+/-0.03x10(9) years. A cosmic-ray exposure age of 90+/-10x10(6) years is determined from the ratio of spallogenic argon-38 to calcium.  相似文献   

Analytical data for 42 major and trace elements were mostly obtained by a combination of instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analyses using both thermal and 14-million-electronvolt neutrons. Excesses of nitrogen and chlorine in the fines, compared with the rocks, are attributed to the solar wind. A striking similarity for contents of seven elements in lunar metal and metal from the calcium-rich achondrite Juvinas was noted. Fractional dissolution was used to separate five radionuclides produced by cosmic-ray bombardment in the fines and rock 57-40. Results for argon-39 from the reaction potassium-39 (n,p), and for argon-37, from the reaction calcium-40 (n,a), seem to require a neutron spectrum conitaining more neutrons below 2 million electronvolts than the evaporation spectrum or that given by Arnold, Honda, and Lal (1) or a strong time dependence for the neutron flux.  相似文献   

The canonical model of helium isotope geochemistry describes the lower mantle as undegassed, but this view conflicts with evidence of recycled material in the source of ocean island basalts. Because mantle helium is efficiently extracted by magmatic activity, it cannot remain in fertile mantle rocks for long periods of time. Here, I suggest that helium with high 3He/4He ratios, as well as neon rich in the solar component, diffused early in Earth's history from low-melting-point primordial material into residual refractory "reservoir" rocks, such as dunites. The difference in 3He/4He ratios of ocean-island and mid-ocean ridge basalts and the preservation of solar neon are ascribed to the reservoir rocks being stretched and tapped to different extents during melting.  相似文献   

We estimate the cosmic production rate of helium relative to metals (DeltaY/DeltaZ) using K dwarf stars in the Hipparcos catalog with accurate spectroscopic metallicities. The best fitting value is DeltaY/DeltaZ = 2.1 +/- 0.4 at the 68% confidence level. Our derived value agrees with determinations from H II regions and with theoretical predictions from stellar yields with standard assumptions for the initial mass function. The amount of helium in stars determines how long they live and therefore how fast they will enrich the interstellar medium with fresh material.  相似文献   

An irradiation of 3 x 1017 neutrons per square centimeter in a reactor core produced an increase in the coercive force of iron and kamacite of 16 to 21 percent. The alternating-current demagnetization spectrum of saturation isothermal remanence was shifted toward higher coercive forces. Similar neutron fluences produced by cosmic-ray exposure may be capable of converting soft isothermal remanence in meteorites and lunar samples to remanence with a higher coercive force.  相似文献   

Kim E  Chan MH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2004,305(5692):1941-1944
We report on the observation of nonclassical rotational inertia in solid helium-4 confined to an annular channel in a sample cell under torsional motion, demonstrating superfluid behavior. The effect shows up as a drop in the resonant oscillation period as the sample cell is cooled below 230 millikelvin. Measurement of 17 solid samples allows us to map out the boundary of this superfluid-like solid or supersolid phase from the melting line up to 66 bars. This experiment indicates that superfluid behavior is found in all three phases of matter.  相似文献   

At pressures up to 125 atmospheres, helium failed to anesthetize mice; at slightly higher pressures (135 to 145 atmospheres) it proved lethal. With Italian newts (Triturus italicus), whose sensitivity to anesthesia by nitrogen is similar to that of mice, responsiveness was lost at pressures between 165 and 245 atmospheres, whether the pressure was achieved with helium or neon, or hydrostatically. It was concluded that the anesthetic pressures of helium and neon, for mice and newts, are higher than the tolerable mechanical pressures.  相似文献   

Helium has been solidified at room temperature. The melting pressure at 24 degrees C is 115 kilobars, in complete agreement with the Simon equation. An original apparatus was developed for this experiment, which allows loading of the cell at room temperature. Applications to various areas of research are suggested.  相似文献   

Choi H  Takahashi D  Kono K  Kim E 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2010,330(6010):1512-1515
Supersolidity, the appearance of zero-viscosity flow in solids, was first indicated in helium-4 torsional oscillator (TO) experiments. In this apparatus, the irrotationality of the superfluid component causes it to decouple from the underlying normal solid, leading to a reduction in the resonant period of the TO. However, the resonant period may be altered for reasons other than supersolidity, such as the temperature dependence of the elastic modulus of solid helium. Superimposing rotation onto oscillatory measurements may distinguish between supersolidity and classical effects. We performed such simultaneous measurements of the TO and the shear modulus, and observed substantial change in the resonant period with rotational speed where the modulus remained unchanged. This contrasting behavior suggests that the decrease in the TO period is a result of supersolidity.  相似文献   

Hu F  Luo W  Hong M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2010,330(6003):505-508
The M2 protein of influenza viruses forms an acid-activated tetrameric proton channel. We used solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure and functional dynamics of the pH-sensing and proton-selective histidine-37 in M2 bound to a cholesterol-containing virus-envelope-mimetic membrane so as to better understand the proton conduction mechanism. In the high-pH closed state, the four histidines form an edge-face π-stacked structure, preventing the formation of a hydrogen-bonded water chain to conduct protons. In the low-pH conducting state, the imidazoliums hydrogen-bond extensively with water and undergo microsecond ring reorientations with an energy barrier greater than 59 kilojoules per mole. This barrier is consistent with the temperature dependence of proton conductivity, suggesting that histidine-37 dynamically shuttles protons into the virion. We propose a proton conduction mechanism in which ring-flip-assisted imidazole deprotonation is the rate-limiting step.  相似文献   

High-resolution infrared and microwave spectra of He(N)-carbonyl sulfide (He(N)-OCS) clusters with N ranging from 2 to 8 have been detected and unambiguously assigned. The spectra show the formation of a solvation layer beginning with an equatorial "donut" of five helium atoms around the OCS molecule. The cluster moment of inertia increases as a function of N and overshoots the liquid droplet limit for N > 5, implying that even atoms in the first solvation shell are decoupled from the OCS rotation in helium nanodroplets. To the extent that this is due to superfluidity, the results directly explore the microscopic evolution of a phenomenon that is formally macroscopic in nature.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that fullerenes, prepared via the standard method (an arc between graphite electrodes in a partial pressure of helium), on heating to high temperatures release (4)He and (3)He. The amount corresponds to one (4)He for every 880,000 fullerene molecules. The (3)He/(4)He isotopic ratio is that of tank helium rather than that of atmospheric helium. These results convincingly show that the helium is inside and that there is no exchange with the atmosphere. The amount found corresponds with a prediction from a simple model based on the expected volume of the cavity. In addition, the temperature dependence for the release of helium implies a barrier about 80 kilocalories per mole. This is much lower than the barrier expected from theory for helium passing through one of the rings in the intact structure. Amechanism involving reversibly breaking one or more bonds to temporarily open a "window" in the cage is proposed. A predicted consequence of this mechanism is the incorporation of other gases while the "window" is open. This was demonstrated through the incorporation of (3)He and neon by heating fullerene in their presence.  相似文献   

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