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Genetic correlations for body measurements and conformation and functional traits in foals and studbook horses with racing traits were estimated in the Finnhorse and Standardbred. Genetic response and accuracy were estimated using records of animal, half‐sibs and parents in selection scenarios for racing traits, for foal and racing traits, for studbook and racing traits, and using records of animal, half‐sibs and parents for foal traits and racing traits of parents. Racing time and earnings were the breeding objective. Low‐to‐moderate genetic correlations for body measurements and racing traits indicated that selection favours bigger horses at all ages. Being mainly favourable for the breeding objective, genetic correlations for conformation and functional traits with racing traits were highest for the foal traits of type, trot and overall grade and for the studbook traits of character and movements. Genetic correlations for foal and studbook conformation with racing traits were low in the Finnhorse and moderate to high in the Standardbred. In foals, the highest genetic correlations were for trot with racing time (?0.54) and with earnings (0.52) in the Finnhorse, and for overall grade with racing time (?0.54) and with earnings (0.54) in the Standardbred. In studbook horses, genetic correlations were high for character with racing time and earnings in the Finnhorse (?0.68, 0.61) and in the Standardbred (?0.63, 0.70), and for movements with racing time and earnings in the Finnhorse (?0.70, 0.69) and in the Standardbred (?0.90, 0.88). To increase accuracy of conformation and functional traits, foal traits would be more useful in the index with racing traits, as being less preselected than studbook traits. The foal traits (type, trot, overall grade) having moderate heritability and genetic correlations with racing traits would be useful in multi‐trait index before a racing career, where the greatest gain is because of a shorter generation interval. It would be feasible to implement for AI stallions.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Developmental orthopaedic diseases (DOD) such as osteochondrosis (OC)/osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD), palmar/plantar osteochondral fragments (POF), ununited palmar/plantar eminences (UPE) and dorsoproximal first phalanx fragments are well recognised in the horse. Aetiopathogeneses are controversial and molecular genetic screening of DNA has recently been employed for their elucidation. Precise phenotypic definition and knowledge of breed‐specific prevalence and interrelations are essential for the interpretation of following genomic studies in Standardbred trotters. Objectives: To assess the prevalence, trend of development and interrelation of DOD in tarsocrural, metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints in Standardbred trotters. Methods: The tarsocrural and MCP/MTP joints of 464 Norwegian Standardbred yearlings were radiographed and the prevalence and interrelation of osteochondral lesions calculated. Results: Osteochondral lesions were diagnosed in 50.7% of the horses. The prevalence of tarsocrural OC/OCD at the distal intermediate ridge of the tibia (DIT) and the lateral trochlear ridge of the talus (LTT) was 19.3%. The prevalence of OC/OCD in MCP joints was 3.6%, whereas those of POF and UPE in MCP/MTP joints were 23.1 and 3.9%, respectively. Interrelation was evident for 1) most equivalent lesions in joint homologues, 2) OCD DIT and OCD LTT and 3) POF and UPE. Lesions in hock and fetlock joints were generally not significantly associated. Conclusions: The prevalence of tarsocrural OC/OCD in Norwegian Standardbreds is apparently increasing, whereas that of other articular DOD appears stable. Association analyses verify bilateralism for most equivalent lesions and suggest aetiological resemblance also between other lesions. The absence of a significant association between tarsocrural OCD and POF implies that the lesions must be considered statistically different disorders. Potential relevance: The prevalence results emphasise that DOD should be considered in Standardbred breeding regimens (e.g. by sire selection subsequent to progeny testing). Also, improved phenotypic definitions will help elucidate the true causal genes in following genomic studies.  相似文献   

This study examined non-genetic effects and genetic parameters of body measures and subjectively scored traits in the Finnhorse trotter population. The data was based on studbook inspections from 1971 to 2004 covering observations on 6381 horses. There were five body measures – height at withers, height at croup, circumference of girth, length of body and circumference of cannon bone – and six subjectively scored traits – character, body conformation, leg stances, quality of legs, hooves and movements – included in the analyses. Multivariate mixed models were applied with year–sex and age as fixed effects and animal as a random effect. The year–sex effect had a significant influence on body measures and scored traits. Age at judging had a significant influence on all traits but height at withers and body conformation. Heritability estimates were from 0.53 to 0.78 for body measures and 0.10 to 0.19 for scored traits. Genetic correlations between body measures were highly positive, from 0.75 to 0.98, whilst genetic correlations between scored traits varied between − 0.20 and 0.51. Genetic correlations between body measures and scored traits were mainly negative, from − 0.38 to 0.09. Our results indicate that additive genetic effects are relevant determinants for body measures of Finnhorse trotters. The scored traits were of low to moderate heritability and were relevantly influenced by environmental effects.  相似文献   

There is a lack of research on the benefits and risks of shoeing conditions in harness racing. Thus, our objectives were to: (a) investigate whether velocity times (VT; s/km) are affected by racing unshod (N = 76,932 records on 5,247 horses); (b) determine the potential risks of galloping, being penalized, and disqualification when competing unshod (N = 111,755 records on 6,423 horses); and (c) identify additional environmental factors that affect VT and risks. VT was found to be significantly influenced by shoeing condition (e.g., unshod, shod front, shod hind, or fully shod), but also by sex, age, season, track, track condition, start method, start position, distance, and driver‐horse performance level (p < 2e‐16). The risks of galloping and disqualification were significantly influenced by shoeing condition, sex, age, season, track, start method, start position, or driver‐horse performance level (p ≤ .05). Horses racing unshod had 0.7 s/km lower VT than fully shod horses and showed better performance when racing on neutral tracks during the late summer than horses with other shoeing conditions during the same period. However, racing unshod increased the relative risks of galloping and disqualification by 15%–35% in all seasons. Horses shod only on the hind hooves showed better performance than fully shod horses, without higher risks associated with competing unshod.  相似文献   

Foals are dependent on a milk‐based diet for the first 3–4 months of life. If they are orphaned during this period they require appropriate nutritional and behavioural management to allow them to develop into sound, well‐grown horses and ponies with well established normal behavioural patterns. In order to meet these needs it is necessary to understand the metabolic requirements of the foal and the composition of mares' milk. Usually managing these foals requires short‐term, emergency feeding of the foal while a long‐term option is sought. Long‐term options include use of a foster mare, induction of lactation in a parous, barren mare or hand rearing with suitable equine company. It is important to monitor growth and development of these foals to ensure that over the long term their nutritional needs are being met to allow normal growth and development.  相似文献   

A reference horse‐breeding programme with 13 500 foals each year was modelled with ZPLAN+. This new software for the optimization of the structures in breeding programmes is based on ZPLAN. In two scenarios, the implementation of a rigorous selection of mares was implemented. In scenario I, the mare performance test was the point of selection, while in scenario II, further information on 20 competitions in two more years is available. These selected mares were used for embryo transfer (ET), partly in combination with multiple ovulation (MOET). The selection intensity and the number of foals out of (MO)ET were varied in both scenarios. It was expected that 250, 500 and 1000 mares are available for selecting 20, 50, 100 or 200 donor mares each year. The number of foals out of (MO)ET was varied between one and six foals per donor mare and year. Donor mares were used for ET for 4 years. It became clear that with high selection intensities of donor mares and high reproduction rates of them, the yearly genetic gain in a horse‐breeding programme could increase over a large range. In scenario II, the additional information on 20 competitions increased the accuracy of the selection index to 0.85. With 200 selected donor mares of 1000 available mares and six foals per year, the genetic gain could almost be doubled compared to the reference scenario. The implementation of ET and a related higher usage of few selected mares entails rising costs and a reduction in the genetic variance. In the most extreme MOET scenario, the effective population size was reduced by 19% relative to the reference scenario. Only if the increase in genetic gain can be converted into higher return for the breeders, the implementation of (MO)ET schemes is a realistic and sensible option for horse‐breeding programmes.  相似文献   

A 2‐month‐old filly was evaluated for severe colic. Ultrasound, abdominocentesis and physical examination findings prompted an abdominal exploratory surgery. Perforation of the stomach was discovered during the surgery. The filly was humanely subjected to euthanasia under anaesthesia and post mortem examination was performed. In addition to gastric and duodenal ulceration, a thickened, black area of the proximal oesophagus was discovered. Histopathology of the lesion revealed primary malignant melanoma. Although rare, primary melanoma can occur in noncutaneous locations.  相似文献   

A 45‐day‐old foal was presented for abdominal pain. Examination revealed the presence of haemoabdomen. An exploratory celiotomy was performed that revealed a large tear on the visceral surface of the spleen. A splenectomy was performed without rib resection. An abdominal wall hernia and leucocytosis had developed by 6 weeks post surgery. A second celiotomy to repair the hernia and explore the cause of the leucocytosis was performed 10 weeks after the first surgery. A portion of the caecum and colon had become adhered to the body wall at the site of the hernia; these areas were resected and the hernia repaired with a polypropylene mesh. The filly made a good recovery and is currently in training. Splenic rupture should be considered in any horse showing signs of abdominal pain with ultrasonographic findings consistent with haemoabdomen.  相似文献   

This case report describes the treatment and outcome of a 3.5-month-old lame foal, with a history of pneumonia associated with Rhodococcus equi. Clinical examination identified osteomyelitis of the scapulohumeral joint. The unusual location of the Rhodococcus equi osteomyelitis unresponsive to prevention and adequate treatment led to euthanasia of the patient. Post-mortem findings confirmed bronchopneumonia due to Rhodococcus equi as well as the osteomyelitis of the scapulohumeral joint. This case highlights that Rhodococcus equi should be considered as a pathogen in extrapulmonary locations such as septic arthritis and osteomyelitis in foals with history of bronchopneumonia. Early and aggressive treatment should be considered.  相似文献   

A neonatal Thoroughbred filly presented with a 3-h history of abdominal pain and distention that failed to respond to medical treatment. Diagnostic evaluation, including abdominal ultrasound, barium enema and proctoscopy, was suggestive of atresia coli. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a pedunculated mass in the wall of the diaphragmatic flexure of the ascending colon. The mass, subsequently diagnosed as a hamartoma, was attached to a smaller hamartoma by a fibrous pedicle originating from the descending colon. The descending colon had intussuscepted retrograde into the ascending colon along the fibrous band. The filly was euthanised due to poor prognosis.  相似文献   

A 5‐month‐old Warmblood cross colt was presented with focal swelling of the ventral abdomen extending from the umbilicus to the scrotum in the absence of colic signs. Palpation and ultrasound examination revealed the presence of incarcerated large intestine within the subcutaneous space adjacent to the caudal ventral abdomen and prepuce. Surgery was performed and revealed that the umbilical hernia sac had ruptured, and confirmed that the left dorsal and ventral colon were present in the subcutaneous space. The mild degree of vascular compromise of the large colon did not necessitate resection and so it was replaced within the abdomen. The abdominal wall defect was closed and the subcutaneous dead space was reduced by using a walking suture pattern. Herniation of the large colon through the umbilicus with dissection through the subcutaneous tissues of the ventral abdominal wall and prepuce has not been previously reported in foals. Ultrasonography permits differentiation of herniated small intestine from large intestine.  相似文献   

Head trauma is a common injury in young horses. This case report describes a 10‐week‐old Thoroughbred foal with an open wound following trauma to the poll region, showing abnormal head carriage and depression. A computed tomography (CT) study was performed under general anaesthetic (GA). This identified a complete avulsion of the nuchal ligament (NL) and partial avulsions of the left and right semispinalis capitis (SS) tendons. Following diagnosis and conservative treatment the foal made a good recovery and 18 months later the filly had no detectable neurological or physical abnormalities. Computed tomography enabled an accurate and rapid diagnosis of a novel injury.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for conformation measures and scores in the Finnhorse and the Standardbred foals presented in foal shows. Studied traits included height at withers and at croup, six subjectively evaluated conformation traits and overall grade. Data were from 10‐year period (1995–2004) and consisted of 5821 Finnhorse foals (1–3 years old) with 7644 records and 2570 Standardbred foals (1–2 years old) with 2864 records. Variance components were estimated with REML – animal model using VCE4 program. The model included age class, year of judging, sex and region as fixed effects, and additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual as random effects. Estimates of heritability for measured traits were very high in both breeds (0.88–0.90). Estimates of heritability for conformation traits varied from 0.13 to 0.32 in the Finnhorse and from 0.06 to 0.47 in the Standardbred. In both breeds, estimates of heritability were lowest for hooves and movements at walk, and highest for type and body conformation among scored traits. Estimate of heritability for overall grade was in the Finnhorse 0.32 and in the Standardbred 0.34. Genetic correlations between overall grade and different conformation traits were 0.35–0.84 in the Finnhorse and 0.31–0.88 in the Standardbred. Thus, selection based on the overall grade would improve all studied characteristics.  相似文献   

A 2‐day‐old Warmblood filly was presented for examination of an angular limb deformity of the left front limb and an upright conformation of both metacarpophalangeal joints. Radiological examination revealed bilateral absence of the metacarpophalangeal joint space with fusion of the third metacarpal bone and first phalanx (synostosis). No treatment was undertaken. The filly was readmitted to the clinic 10 weeks later for bilateral front limb lameness. On radiological examination, the synostosis of the front metacarpophalangeal joints was still present. Physitis of the distal growth plate of the right third metacarpal bone and proximal growth plate of the right proximal phalanx, and an avulsion fracture of the palmaromedial and proximal aspect of the left middle phalanx, with a cystic like lesion on the medial aspect of distal first phalanx and proximal middle phalanx were diagnosed. Given the poor prognosis, the foal was subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem examination confirmed the absence of the metacarpophalangeal joint space with a trabecular bony union between the third metacarpal bone and the first phalanx. A rudimentary joint capsule was present at the level of the absent joints as well as a small zone of articular cartilage, which invaginated over a short distance into the dorsal trabecular bone on the right front limb. On the medial aspect of the left proximal interphalangeal joint, a focal defect of articular cartilage with exposure of subchondral bone was observed. This is the first case report of a foal born with congenital aplasia of both metacarpophalangeal joints. Congenital malformations should be considered as differential diagnosis in lame foals or foals born with angular or flexural limb deformities.  相似文献   

Isolated fractures of the proximal tubercle of the talus and the medial trochlear ridge of the talus have been reported in the equine literature. A comminuted, intra-articular fracture of the plantar medial trochlear ridge and proximal tubercle of the talus has not been previously reported. The current case report describes this unique comminuted fracture in a 6-week-old Thoroughbred foal with acute onset lameness. The diagnosis was achieved by a combination of radiography, ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT) followed by CT arthrography. Surgical removal of the fracture fragments was recommended; the intra-articular fracture fragments were removed under arthroscopic visualisation of the plantar pouch of the tarsocrural joint; due to ligamentous attachments and partial extra-articular nature, the fracture fragment of the proximal tubercle of the talus was removed via an arthrotomy extension of the medial arthroscopy portal. On follow-up examination 12 months post-operatively, the yearling showed no clinical evidence of lameness or radiographic evidence of secondary degenerative joint disease.  相似文献   

This case report describes the clinical and diagnostic imaging findings, treatment and outcomes of a 15-day-old Thoroughbred foal referred for the evaluation of severe left hindlimb lameness of 8 days' duration. Radiographic examination of the left hindlimb and transcutaneous ultrasonographic examination of the pelvis were unremarkable. A computed tomographic (CT) examination was performed to investigate the proximal aspect of the limb and the pelvis; CT scans of the thorax were also acquired. In this case, CT images allowed detection of a closed, slightly displaced, oblique wedge-like fracture of the left caudal ramus of the pubis and medial ramus of the ischium, allowing an accurate diagnosis to guide appropriate treatment and prognostication. The foal was treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and box-rest. A follow-up by telephone interview with the trainer 3 years later revealed that the horse is in full athletic activity without any residual gait alteration related to the pelvic fracture.  相似文献   

Multiple septic osteomyelitis, septic thrombi and septic arthritis are recognised as possible complications of sepsis; however, there are few reports of localised pyomyositis in association with septic arterial thrombosis in foals. A 1-month Thoroughbred colt was presented for investigation of acute and progressive left hindlimb lameness. Physical and laboratory examinations were performed. Ultrasonographic, radiographic and computed tomographic examinations revealed the presence of multiple abscesses and areas of osteomyelitis localised to the gluteal muscles, coxal bone and lumbar spine respectively. Considering the poor prognosis, the foal was subjected to euthanasia. Necropsy confirmed the diagnostic imaging findings and revealed the presence of an extensive septic thrombus, affecting the internal iliac artery, and a single pulmonary abscess. Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus was isolated from all lesions.  相似文献   

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