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Two-hundred and forty-eight isolates of Rhizoctonia spp, were obtained from 13 locations in Gifu Prefecture in Japan using the plant debris particles isolation, colonization of bait tissue, and soil-clump plating methods. Of the isolates, 143 were binucleate Rhizoctonia spp., 60 were R. solani and 45 were R. zeae. Three isolates of R. solani and 54 of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp, were hypovirulent on radish, whilst all isolates of R. zeae were highly virulent, Hypovirulent strains were isolated most frequently by the plant debris particles isolation method, Hypovirulent isolates of R. solani belonged to anastomosis group 4, whilst the hypovirulent binucleate Rhizoctonia isolates belonged to AG A, AG Ba, AG G, and AG O.
Thirty-two isolates of Rhizoctotria spp, selected for hypovirulence on radish were tested on cucumber in vitro. Only five binucleate Rhizoctonia isolates and one R. solani isolate were hypovirulent on both species, and these isolates were also hypovirulent on seven other crop species. Cucumber showed wide variation in disease susceptibility to different isolates but hypovirulent isolates exhibited a consistent reaction on five different host cultivars, Pathogenicity tests using cucumber grown in soil also showed consistent reactions with isolates selected either for hypovirulence or virulence. The results support the use of cucumber in bioassays for identifying hypovirulent isolates of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp.  相似文献   

A polynucleate Rhizoctonia isolate (R3) was analysed for virulence, growth characteristics, enzyme production and presence of dsRNAs. Taxonomic position was assessed morphologically and by anastomosis group (AG) testing and ITS sequence analysis. Results indicated that R3 is a hypovirulent R. solani AG 4. Mechanisms underlying biocontrol towards virulent R. solani and Botrytis cinerea were investigated and plant-mediated resistance was followed using biochemical markers of defence (PR1, laminarinase, chitinase). Control apparently relies on spatial and nutrient competition in soil, and on systemic induced resistance. This is the first report on induction of systemic resistance and of defence markers by a hypovirulent strain of R. solani.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani and R. cerealis were isolated from diseased sugar-beet seedlings in Ireland. Isolates of R. solani were assigned to anastomosis groups AG-2, AG-4, AG-5 and an unidentified group that did not anastomose with recognized tester isolates. Cultures of AG-2 were similar to those of AG-5 on oatmeal agar (OA) and potato-dextrose-marmite agar (PDMA). Cultures of AG-4, the unidentified group and R. cerealis were morphologically distinct from one another, AG-2 and AG-5. The optimum temperature for growth of AG-2 was 225 C, with optimum growth of AG-4, AG-5 and the unidentified group at 275-C. R. cerealis grew slower than all groups of R. solani, with optimum growth at 225°C. Hyphae of R. cerealis were significantly narrower than those of the groups of R. solani studied. In glasshouse pathogenicity tests, some AG-2 and all AG-4, AG-5 and isolates from the unidentified group caused damping-off of beet seedlings. In controlled environments of 10-25°C, an AG-2 isolate was the most aggressive at 10 C whilst AG-4, AG-5 and the unidentified group caused most disease at or above 15°C. R. cerealis was also pathogenic to beet seedlings, causing damping-off at 10 and 15 C.  相似文献   

拟南芥的抗病信号传导途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 拟南芥是研究植物与病原物相互作用的模式植物。植物感病和抗病取决于病原物无毒基因产物和寄主抗病基因产物的识别,以及随后的相关防卫反应的激活。在拟南芥的抗病过程中,水杨酸、茉莉酸、乙烯等信号分子都不同程度地参与着抗病过程中的不同环节,起着非常重要的作用。由于这些信号分子在对不同病原菌的抗性中的作用存在差异,因而将抗病信号传导分为依赖于水杨酸和依赖于茉莉酸/乙烯的途径。本文将着重讨论这些信号分子在植物系统获得抗性以及诱导系统抗性中的作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trichoderma asperellum SKT-1 is a microbial pesticide of seedborne diseases of rice. To investigate the mechanisms of disease suppression in SKT-1, the ability to induce systemic resistance by SKT-1, or its cell-free culture filtrate (CF), was tested using Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 plants. RESULTS: Both SKT-1 and its CF elicit an induced systemic resistance against the bacterial leaf speck pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in Col-0 plants. Involvement of plant hormones in the induced resistance by SKT-1 and CF was assessed using Arabidopsis genotypes such as the jasmonic acid (JA)-resistant mutant jar1, the ethylene (ET)-resistant mutant etr1, the plant impaired in salicylic acid (SA) signalling transgenic NahG and the mutant npr1 impaired in NPR1 activity. In soil experiments using SKT-1, no significant disease suppression effect was observed in NahG transgenic plants or npr1 mutant plants. Expression levels of SA-inducible genes such as PR-1, PR-2 and PR-5 increased substantially in the leaves of Col-0 plants. Expression levels of JA/ET-induced genes such as PDF1.2a, PR-3, PR-4 and AtVsp1 were also induced, but the levels were not as high as for SA-inducible genes. In a hydroponic experiment using CF from SKT-1, all Arabidopsis genotypes showed an induced systemic resistance by CF and increased expression levels of JA/ET- and SA-inducible genes in leaves of CF-treated plants. CONCLUSION: The SA signalling pathway is important in inducing systemic resistance to colonisation by SKT-1, and both SA and JA/ET signalling pathways combine in the signalling of induced resistance by CF. These results indicate that the response of A. thaliana is different from that found in root treatments with barley grain inoculum and CF from SKT-1. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vermicompost is an organic soil amendment produced by earthworm digestion of organic waste. Studies show that plants grown in soil amended with vermicompost grow faster, are more productive and are less susceptible to a number of arthropod pests. In light of these studies, the present study was designed to determine the type of insect resistance (antixenosis or antibiosis) present in plants grown in vermicompost‐amended potting soil. Additionally, the potential role of microarthropods, entomopathogenic organisms and non‐pathogenic microbial flora found in vermicompost on insect resistance induction was investigated. RESULTS: Findings show that vermicompost from two different sources (Raleigh, North Carolina, and Portland, Oregon) were both effective in causing Arabidopsis plants to be resistant to the generalist herbivore Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). However, while the Raleigh (Ral) vermicompost plant resistance was expressed as both non‐preference (antixenosis) and milder (lower weight and slower development) toxic effect (antibiosis) resistance, Oregon (OSC) vermicompost plant resistance was expressed as acute antibiosis, resulting in lower weights and higher mortality rates. CONCLUSION: Vermicompost causes plants to have non‐preference (antixenosis) and toxic (antibiosis) effects on insects. This resistance affects insect development and survival on plants grown in vermicompost‐amended soil. Microarthropods and entomopathogens do not appear to have a role in the resistance, but it is likely that resistance is due to interactions between the microbial communities in vermicompost with plant roots, as is evident from vermicompost sterilization assays conducted in this study. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Of 82 strains of endophytic actinomycetes isolated from rhododendron plants, 12 were not antagonistic against Pestalotiopsis sydowiana, which is the causal agent of Pestalotia disease. Of these 12, MBR-37 and MBR-38 (identified as Streptomyces spp.) grew on IMA-2 medium. Tissue-cultured seedlings of rhododendron treated with these nonantagonistic strains showed less wilting and/or smaller lesions to P. sydowiana, although the degree of resistance was a little lower than that conferred by antagonistic Streptomyces galbus strain R-5. These seedlings accumulated the anthocyanin(s), suggesting that resistance induced by these strains could depend on activated defense responses associated with the phenylpropanoid pathway rather than with antibiosis.  相似文献   

Isolates of R. solani AG 2–1, AG 8, AG 10 and binucleate Rhizoctonia (Ceratobasidium spp.) were tested for virulence on Brassica crops in growth chamber experiments. Isolate virulence and genotype resistance were determined based on percent of seedling survival, shoot length reduction, and shoot fresh weight. Isolates had significant effects on all tested measurements, compared to the non-inoculated controls. Rhizoctonia solani AG 2–1 appears to be the most aggressive pathogen on all tested genotypes followed by R. solani AG 8, binucleate Rhizoctonia and R. solani AG 10, respectively. Genotype by isolate interaction effects were found to be significant for percent of seedling survival and shoot length reduction. None of the tested genotypes exhibited any level of resistance to R. solani AG 2–1, but three promising genotypes with moderate levels of resistance to R. solani AG 10, R. solani AG 8 and binucleate Rhizoctonia were identified. Moderate heritability (0.57) was observed for the percent of seedling survival in the resistant genotype KS4022.  相似文献   

拟南芥霜霉病抗性分子机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着近年分子生物学技术的发展与应用,植物霜霉病抗性的研究有了长足的进展。本文就拟南芥抗霜霉病基因的克隆与结构分析,抗病信号传导,防卫反应和系统获得抗性,以及寄主-寄生菌共进化冲突方面进行了综述,并就今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着近年分子生物学技术的发展与应用,植物霜霉病抗性的研究有了长足的进展。本文就拟南芥抗霜霉病基因的克隆与结构分析,抗病信号传导,防卫反应和系统获得抗性,以及寄主一寄生菌共进化冲突方面进行了综述,并就今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Isolates of Rhizoctonia were obtained from potato crops with stem canker or black scurf and from cereal crops with sharp eyespot. Those with many nuclei per cell, wide cells, darkening colonies and fast growth were assigned to R. solani ; those with two nuclei per cell, narrow cells, pale colonies and slow growth were assigned to R. cerealis . Only R. solani was obtained from potatoes and only R. cerealis from cereals. On young plants in the glasshouse, the isolates of R. solani infected potato substantially but not wheat; R. cerealis infected wheat substantially and potato slightly. This host preference was shown at temperatures between 10 and 25°C in growth rooms. R. solani on potato caused more disease with increasing temperature; no trend with temperature was observed for R. cerealis on wheat.  相似文献   

Martin FN 《Phytopathology》2000,90(4):345-353
ABSTRACT Rhizoctonia spp. were commonly recovered from the roots of strawberry plants growing in nonfumigated soil in the central coastal region of California. With the exception of one multinucleate isolate of R. solani (frequency of recovery of 0.8%), all other isolates were binucleate and were in anastomosis groups (AG) A, G, or I. AGs-A and -I were recovered from all five collection sites, whereas AG-G was recovered from only two sites. AG-A was the most commonly isolated AG, followed by AGs-I and -G. Similar levels of virulence were observed among the different AGs, but differences in virulence were observed among isolates in the same AG. Evaluating anastomosis grouping by pairing isolates recovered from strawberry with known tester isolates did not always yield a positive anastomosis reaction, even though both isolates anastomosed with other members of the same AG. Subsequent investigations with multiple isolates in the same AG from the same collection location confirmed that there was a lack of anastomosis or weak anastomosis reactions for some combinations of pairings, highlighting the need for to use multiple tester isolates or molecular techniques for AG determination. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of a polymerase chain reaction-amplified region of the rDNA was effective for differentiating AGs. Sixteen RFLP groups were observed after cluster analysis with data for the size of the amplified products and fragment sizes after digestion with four restriction enzymes. Although each AG had isolates in multiple RFLP groups, any one individual RFLP group contained isolates of only a single AG. There was no consistent correlation between RFLP group and location of isolate collection.  相似文献   

A polynucleate Rhizoctonia isolate (R3) was analysed for virulence, growth characteristics, enzyme production and presence of dsRNAs. Taxonomic position was assessed morphologically and by anastomosis group (AG) testing and ITS sequence analysis. Results indicated that R3 is a hypovirulent R. solani AG 4. Mechanisms underlying biocontrol towards virulent R. solani and Botrytis cinerea were investigated and plant-mediated resistance was followed using biochemical markers of defence (PR1, laminarinase, chitinase). Control apparently relies on spatial and nutrient competition in soil, and on systemic induced resistance. This is the first report on induction of systemic resistance and of defence markers by a hypovirulent strain of R. solani.  相似文献   

The culture filtrate (CF) from the plant growth-promoting fungus Phoma sp. GS8-1 was found to induce systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana against the bacterial leaf speck pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst), and the underlying mechanism was studied. Roots of A. thaliana were treated with CF from GS8-1, and plants expressed a clear resistance to subsequent Pst infection; disease severity was reduced, and proliferation of pathogen was suppressed. Various mutants of A. thaliana were used to test whether the CF induced resistance through one of the known signaling pathways: salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene (ET). The CF was fully protective against Pst in Arabidopsis mutants jar1 and ein2 similar to wild-type plants. However, its efficacy was reduced in plants containing transgene NahG. Examination of systemic gene expression revealed that CF modulates the expression of SA-inducible PR-1, PR-2 and PR-5 genes, the JA/ET-inducible ChitB gene, and the ET-inducible Hel gene. Moreover, the expression of these genes was further enhanced upon subsequent stimulation after attack by Pst. Our data suggest that in addition to a partial requirement for SA, the signals JA and ET may also play a role in defense signaling in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Recent reports have shown induction of resistance to Rhizoctonia root rot using nonpathogenic strains of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. (np-BNR). This study evaluates the biocontrol ability of several np-BNR isolates against root and foliar diseases of cotton in greenhouse trials, provides evidence for induced systemic resistance (ISR) as a mechanism in this biocontrol, and compares the disease control provided by np-BNR with that provided by the chemical inducer benzothiadiazole (BTH). Pretreatment of cotton seedlings with np-BNR isolates provided good protection against pre- and post-emergence damping-off caused by a virulent strain of Rhizoctonia solani (AG-4). Seedling stand of protected cotton was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of nonprotected seedlings. Several np-BNR isolates significantly reduced disease severity. The combination of BTH and np-BNR provided significant protection against seedling rot and leaf spot in cotton; however, the degree of disease reduction was comparable to that obtained with np-BNR treatment alone. Significant reduction in leaf spot symptoms caused by Alternaria macrospora occurred on cotyledons pretreated with np-BNR or sprayed with BTH, and the np- BNR-treated seedlings had significantly less leaf spot than BTH-treated seedlings. The results demonstrate that np-BNR isolates can protect cotton from infections caused by both root and leaf pathogens and that disease control was superior to that observed with a chemical inducer.  相似文献   

Black root rot is an important disease of strawberry caused by a complex of fungi that includes species of Rhizoctonia. In this study, a modified MIDI method (Microbial Identification System) was investigated for its utility to differentiate isolates of the three different anastomosis groups (AGs) of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp., associated with strawberry black root rot complex representing AG-A, AG-G, and AG-I. A total of 11 fatty acids were detected, and the FAME profiles for isolates of the three different AGs of Rhizoctonia spp. varied quantitatively and qualitatively. Moreover, the modified MIDI method will be a useful discriminatory tool for fungal identification and classification of the AGs of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. associated with strawberry black root rot complex.  相似文献   

In Cryphonectria parasitica, the causal agent of chestnut blight, hypovirulence is commonly associated with the presence of cytoplasmically transmissible, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Recently, hypovirulent isolates of C. parasitica that do not have detectable levels of dsRNA have been obtained from healing cankers on chestnut trees. In these isolates, most of the respiratory activity is cyanide-resistant and salicylhydroxamate-sensitive, indicating that the mitochondrial alternative oxidase was induced. In contrast, the respiration of virulent isolates from the same trees and most of the dsRNA-containing hypovirulent isolates from a variety of geographical locations was cyanide sensitive. In all of these isolates, the alternative oxidase could be induced by growing them in the presence of chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of mitochondrial protein synthesis. The attenuated virulence and altered respiratory phenotypes could be transferred from the dsRNA-free hypovirulent isolates to virulent strains through hyphal anastomosis. Some of the dsRNA-free hypovirulent isolates grew more slowly than virulent strains. These results indicate that, in Cryphonectria, cytoplasmically transmitted hypovirulence may have more than one cause, and that mitochondrial mutations sometimes may be involved in the generation of this phenotype.  相似文献   

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