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近年来,随着扶贫开发整村推进养殖项目的实施,奶业得到迅速发展,而良种奶牛的引进发挥着至关重要的作用。但由于引进奶牛时工作不细、管理不善等原因,造成重大经济损失的事件时有发生。笔者现就引进购买奶牛时需要注意的问题,结合当地实际探讨如下,供同行参考。  相似文献   

奶牛不孕症属临床常见病之一,严重影响奶牛的繁育,对养牛业造成严重的经济损失.2005年6月至2007年7月,我县在实施整村推进扶贫项目时从民和、乐都等地引进黑白花奶牛4 000余头,引进后群众反应不孕现象较多,为此我们在临床实践中采用中西医结合治疗不孕奶牛226例,治愈188例,治愈率达83.2%,获得了满意的效果.现报告如下.  相似文献   

近年来,随着扶贫开发整村推进养殖项目的实施,各地把发展奶业作为农民增收的重要手段,奶业得到迅速发展,而良种奶牛的引进为奶业的发展发挥着至关重要的作用。但由于引进奶牛时工作不细、管理不善等原因,造成重大经济损失的事件时有发生。笔者现就引进奶牛时需要注意的问题,结合当地实际探讨如下,供同行参考。  相似文献   

对同仁县奶牛进行了随机抽样,共抽检血清样品900份.用试管凝集反应检出阳性牛8头,阳性率0.89%,检测结果表明同仁县的奶牛依然存在布病的感染.  相似文献   

从2005年起,我国实施奶牛良种繁育项目补贴。农业部在黑龙江、河北、内蒙古和山西等4个奶业主产省区,选择了15个县,组织实施了“奶牛良种补贴(试点)项目“。农业部下达财政专项资金1500万元,在试点县的67.5万头荷斯坦奶牛实施良种繁育补贴,每头牛补贴两剂冻精,每剂冻精10元。在试点的河北、黑龙江、山西和内蒙古完成奶牛配种52.31万头,受胎牛  相似文献   

根据农业部办公厅农办财[2008]25号,<农业部办公厅关于做好2008年奶牛良种补贴申报准备工作的紧急通知>精神,全国畜牧总站组织有关专家对申请参加2008年奶牛良种补贴项目的种公牛站及种公牛进行综合评选,评选出36家种公牛站的996头种公牛,其中,荷斯坦牛814头,奶水牛104头,褐牛45头,牦牛15头,乳用西门塔尔牛18头.  相似文献   

日前,奶牛胚胎移植技术示范项目在呼兰区和依兰县启动。据了解,奶牛胚胎移植技术是利用优质胚胎生产优质高产奶牛的一项技术,对加快全市奶牛良种繁育速度、提高奶牛单产、扩大高产奶牛群有重大意义。为深入贯彻落实市委“奶牛良种化工程”要求,市畜牧局引进了上海光明荷斯坦牧业有限公司技术。根据哈尔滨市养牛业的特点,以提高奶牛品质和生产性能为目的,在呼兰区金山奶牛现代园区开展了奶牛胚胎移植示范;以肉牛繁育奶牛为目的在依兰县开展了奶牛胚胎移植示范。目前,共检查受体牛85头,受体牛同期发情处理22头,胚胎移植16头。采用的优质胚胎均…  相似文献   

为了提高广大群众的生活水平、实现尽早脱贫,化隆县谢家滩乡窑隆村2002年在扶贪项目的支持下,从辽宁引进鲁西黄牛176头,对推动群众的经济生活起到了很大的作用。但饲养户对良种牛的饲养管理认识不够,良种引进后出现了不少问题,应该采取“良种良法”的措施加以改进。1基本情况化  相似文献   

2004-2005年,我县依托整村推进扶贫项目建设,先后从山东、陕西引进小尾寒羊6000只,秦川母牛1450头.投放农户半年后,羊成活5790只,牛成活1438头,成活率分别达到96.5%和99.2%,取得了显著成效.现结合实际,就牛羊引进前后的关键技术措施作一总结,供同行参考.  相似文献   

为完成奶牛结核病净化工程,天津市引进了γ-干扰素检测新技术,结合传统的检测、扑杀、消毒、检疫、流调、监管等技术措施,制定了奶牛结核病净化技术规范。根据本市奶牛结核病防治实际情况,制定了全市奶牛结核病净化项目实施方案,确定了科学的可行的以区县为单位分区实施的净化技术路线。通过4年的努力,全市共完成奶牛结核病检测71.3万头次,检出阳性牛170头,且阳性牛呈逐年下降趋势,2013年无阳性牛检出。至2013年底,全市所有农业区县均达到农业部颁布的奶牛结核病净化标准,并通过市畜牧兽医局组织的考核验收。本文对项目实施过程及成功经验进行了分析和探讨,以期为其它地区开展奶牛结核病净化工作提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的]为了检验S19号疫苗的预防效果。[方法]用S19号疫苗对未孕母牛进行接种,然后用琥红平板凝集试验监测。[结果]不同个体免后4~5个月的转阳率55.8%,免后6~8个月的转阳率63.5%,免后11~12个月的转阳率57.5%,同一养殖区内注苗后的转阳率平均57.7%,未注苗的自然感染率达到16.2。[结论]说明疫...  相似文献   

It is a dogma, that RB51 vaccination does not induce antibodies that interfere with Brucellosis diagnosis, therefore any animal positive to serological test is considered as an infected animal. To determine protection against Brucellosis virulent field strain, 35 pregnant cows from a free-Brucellosis herd, previously vaccinated as calves with 1 x 10(10) CFU of RB51, were revaccinated with RB51 reduced dose, and then introduced into a herd with an active outbreak. Seventeen cows resulted positive in card test after revaccination. All 35 pregnant revaccinated cows had normal parturition; nevertheless, RB51 vaccine strain was isolated from milk and vaginal exudates from two cows after delivery at day 120 post-revaccination. At 150 days post-revaccination, two cows were positives to card and rivanol test and the field virulent strain was isolated. Revaccination with a reduced dose of RB51 in endemic zones did not cause abortion and protected 94% of animals against field infection, but caused an atypical response to conventional serological tests.  相似文献   

Smallholder dairy farmers in Tanzania appear to be unaware of the subclinical mastitis situation in their cows. A cross-sectional study was carried out between June and September 2002 on smallholder dairy herds in the Dar es Salaam region. The study objectives were to establish the prevalence of subclinical mastitis and related risk indicators, and to assess their contribution to the occurrence of subclinical mastitis. Three field procedures based on the principles of herd health and production management were followed: clinical, farm and data inspection. The California mastitis test (CMT) was carried out on quarter milk samples to determine the prevalence of subclinical mastitis. A total of 182 lactating cows from 62 herds were investigated. Clinical inspection indicated that 3.8% of the lactating cows had clinical mastitis. Subclinical mastitis was detected in 90.3% of lactating cows screened. Farm inspection revealed that water scarcity, barn size, residual suckling, single udder-towel and dairy labourers as the most substantial (p < 0.05) risk indicators. Although most of the risk indicators studied were not found to be statistically significantly associated with the occurrence of subclinical mastitis, possibly owing to sample size and the presence of confounders, the epidemiological need to address such risk indicators cannot be overemphasized.  相似文献   

1. EC- and National Regulations. Since 1988 the EC-regulations accept in addition to the on Agar Gel Immunodiffusion test (AGIDT) based blood serum testing of cattle herds that are filed as "free from Enzootic Bovine Leucosis" the use of ELISA for this purpose. The regular testings in dairy cattle herds can be done alternatively with single or pooled milk samples, in other herds with pooled blood sera using ELISA. General condition is only a minimal sensitivity of the test to detect the European EBL Antibody Standard ("E4") in a dilution of 1:10 in negative serum or 1:250 in negative milk. Adequate national regulations are in preparation. The present limitation of pool sizes, blood maximum 50 animals without preparation steps 20, and milk after concentration treatment 50 cows is neutralized by proceedings in development of higher sensitive ELISA tests. This limitation should be canceled. Herd bulk milk samples without size limitations are accepted to be tested with "Milk Ring Test" by EC for the regular testings in filed "Brucellosis Free Dairy Cattle Herds". The alternative use of more sensitive (and more specific) ELISA tests for this purpose including the technical conditions is in a final discussion. 2. Scientific-Technical Base for Using the Chances of the Proceeding in the EC-Regulations. The realisation of the EC accepted or final discussed ELISA based bulk milk testing to control filed "EBL- and/or Brucellosis Free Herds" depends on some basic conditions like sensitivity, specificity, and variability of the ELISA systems. Field trials of more than 20,000 bulk milk samples in case of Brucellosis and more than 2,000 in case of EBL show the feasibilities and the limits of the ELISA systems in defining the status of the herds. The Brucellosis respectively the EBL situations of the dairy cattle herds tested in this trail were well known by history and by investigation of single animal blood samples using conventional tests. Special test run variations of pretested assays demonstrated the possibilities to define the EBL status of dairy cattle herds up to 50 lactating cows without preparation of the bulk milk sample and up 100 after concentration of the antibodies by the rennet-ammonium sulfate method. The concentration limit for detection of Brucellosis antibodies is 100 lactating cows. The bulk milk of smaller herds can be tested without concentration. On principle the evaluation of the test values bases on defined relations to a "weak positive" reference.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

奶牛乳房炎类型与病原菌感染之间相关性的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对 2 858份不同类型乳房炎奶样的细菌学检验 ,结果分得细菌共 2 4种 31 38株 ,其中分离鉴定出与乳房炎有密切关系的病原菌 1 2种 1 96 8株 ,病原菌检出率为 6 2 .72 %,各种类型乳房炎常见病原菌的区系分布总的趋势是一致的 ,绝大部分是以无乳链球菌为主 ,其次是停乳链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌和乳房链球菌等。但不同类型之间、同一类型不同等级之间及隐性乳房炎泌乳期和干奶前之间奶样的细菌分布和细菌种类有所不同。乳房炎的轻重与病原菌检出率呈正相关。奶牛乳房即使在健康的状态下也存在着带菌现象  相似文献   

金华市某奶牛场奶牛隐性乳房炎发病情况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对金华市某奶牛场200头健康泌乳牛的770个乳区进行隐性乳房炎检测,连续检测3个月,结果显示:该牛场隐性乳房炎的个体房炎的发生率与挤奶操作程序、月份、泌乳期、胎次、产奶量有很大关系。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to identify the factors that comprise farmer attitudes toward dairy cows and jobs in Japan, and examine the relationship between these attitudes and dairy productivity. At first, we executed a questionnaire survey to determine factors that comprise attitudes of farmers toward their jobs and dairy cows, and three factors were extracted. These were named as ‘Positive beliefs to cows’, ‘Negative beliefs to cows’ and ‘Job satisfaction’, respectively. Second, we examined the relationships between attitude and dairy productivity in 35 dairy farms. The positive beliefs scores correlated positively both with milk yield and milk urea nitrogen concentration. We found there to be three farm groups by cluster analysis using three attitude score. The group B farms showed significantly higher positive beliefs scores and job satisfaction scores; on the other hand, the group C farms showed significantly lower positive beliefs scores and higher negative belief scores. The milk yield in group B was significantly higher than that in group C. This study showed that Japanese farmers' attitudes toward cows considerably resemble those seen in previous studies in Western cultures. Positive attitudes toward cows could enhance stockmanship, and could improving animal welfare and productivity.  相似文献   

刘鸽 《中国乳业》2021,(12):94-99
对新疆石河子地区某规模化奶牛场的712 头澳系荷斯坦泌乳牛进行乳房炎患病率调查。调查结果显示,40 头奶牛患临床型乳房炎,患病率为5.62%。从剩余的未表现出临床乳房炎症状的672 头奶牛中随机选出180 头奶牛,共682 个乳区(720 个乳区中有38 个瞎乳头),分别进行兰州乳房炎检测(LMT)和乳样体细胞数(SCC)检测。经LMT诊断发现,180 头奶牛中有56 头患隐性乳房炎,患病率为31.11%;经SCC检测发现,180 头奶牛中有60 头患隐性乳房炎,患病率为33.33%。数据分析发现:各乳区患乳房炎阳性率差异不显著(P>0.05),说明各乳区阳性率之间没有必然规律;6岁以上奶牛的乳房炎患病率与2~3岁、4~5岁的患病率相比差异显著(P<0.05),说明6岁及以上奶牛乳房炎的患病率要高于2~3岁、4~5岁奶牛;6胎及以上的奶牛乳房炎患病率与其他胎次之间差异极显著(P<0.01),说明6胎及以上奶牛的乳房炎患病率要远高于1胎、2胎、3胎、4胎、5胎奶牛。  相似文献   

A 57 cow dairy herd, believed to be in excellent condition and producing well, was found to contain 30 tuberculous cattle after cervical skin testing employing bovine PPD tuberculin with the single intradermal comparative test. Testing was initiated after two cows from this herd were found at meat inspection to have tuberculosis. The reliability of bovine PPD tuberculin for testing as well as significant epidemiological, laboratory and meat inspection factors are presented.  相似文献   

Two methods for a scheduled post partum examination were compared on a commercial dairy farm. In Group 1, all cows (n = 601) were examined by rectal palpation between day 20 and 26 post partum for signs of endometritis (vaginal discharge, enlarged uterus). In Group 2, all cows (n = 652) were examined by external inspection for vaginal discharge as a sign for endometritis. In both groups all cows with endometritis were treated twice with prostaglandin F2 alpha (25 mg of dinoprost) in a 14-day interval. The proportion of cows with signs of endometritis was 33.3% and 17.2% in Group 1 and Group 2, respectively (p < 0.05). In Group 1, the conception rate (39.0% vs 49.3%) and the proportion of cows pregnant (60.5% vs 72.6%) were lower for cows with endometritis than for cows without endometritis. In Group 2, no significant differences were found in reproductive performance for cows with and without signs of endometritis. No significant differences in reproductive performance were found for cows with endometritis between the two groups. Also, for cows without endometritis no significant differences in reproductive performance were found between the groups. It is concluded that the post partum examination by rectal palpation was more sensitive in finding cows with endometritis. However, with regard to the reproductive performance the more sensitive method was not more effective than the method based on systematic external inspection.  相似文献   

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