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评述了农耕文化的内涵,在认识农业多功能的基础上重新审视农业的教育、文化、休闲等功能,分析了农耕文化作为休闲农业开发理念核心的原因,提出基于农耕景观、农耕器具、传统制作手艺等有形农耕文化和岁时节日、农事诗谚等无形农耕文化开发的休闲农业项目设计思路,并指出在以体验理念勾画休闲农业之圆时应注重在重感官的初级体验、强调参与的高级体验和浑然融合的终极体验等层次上产品设计方面的差异性,最终形成以农耕文化为圆的核心、以休闲农业项目设计为圆的延伸半径、以体验理念勾画休闲农业之圆的模型,成为一种解读休闲农业开发的文化新视角。  相似文献   

生态农业观光园景观评价体系研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
章兵  殷巧  汪天 《中国农学通报》2014,30(1):278-282
为了建立适用于各种类型的生态农业观光园的景观评价系统,了解各景观元素在生态农业观光园景观营造中的作用,笔者应用层次分析法的原理,构建一套完整的生态农业观光园景观评价指标体系,运用专家咨询法和萨蒂(Satty)制定的1~9标度法构造判断矩阵,计算出各评价因子的权重。系统运算结果表明,项目层中自然景观的权重远大于人文景观和生产景观,因素层中农业景观权重最大,其重要性高于同项目层下园林植物景观,在指标层中,农业景观总体意象权重最大,其次是物种的多样性,农事体验、农事活动、民风民俗展示、园林建筑总体风格也占有一定的地位。该研究为生态农业观光园的景观设计与营造、等级评定及分级管理和分级指导提供理论依。  相似文献   

Through interpreting significance of low-carbon landscape, and analyzing common problems in landscape design industry, paths of low-carbon landscape design were explored from the following perspectives: establishing low-carbon index system for the landscape construction of eco-city; constructing scientific and reasonable spatial layout; using landscapes to interpret low-carbon concepts; enhancing the carbon sink function of urban green spaces; choosing reasonable landscape materials; reducing landscape maintenance cost. The study aims at applying low-carbon concepts in all design projects to achieve sustainable development of urban landscapes.  相似文献   

Zimbabwe's 1992 food crisis revealed both spatial and social contradictions associated with post-independence agricultural growth. Zimbabwe's pattern of agricultural restructuring demonstrates the need for agrarian reform programs that are more socially and environmentally sustainable. This paper examines one aspect of agricultural sustainability—the use of energy. Post-independence patterns of agricultural energy consumption are analyzed and traced historically, and the social relations of agricultural energy utilization are investigated. The energetic efficiencies of the primary farming systems are calculated as are the macro-flows of energy to agriculture generally. The data and historical analysis point to the need for a restructuring of agriculture that involves greater reliance on local renewable energy in all farming systems, and the continued resettlement of black smallholders onto former white-settler estates.  相似文献   

As China enters the aging society, the old-age care problems have grown increasingly serious. Influenced by the only-child policy, traditional old-age support system fails to adapt to new social situation, the institutions have become major subjects in the future old-age support system. Researches on the elderly-fi t architectural design have achieved many fruits, but those on the landscape design of the elderly community has been less reported. This paper studied landscape design of the old-age support institutions from the perspective of both theory and practice, and tried to explore the spatial layout of environmental landscapes in the elderly community. On the basis of sorting out specifi c psychological needs of the elderly group in China and their needs for the layout of landscape spaces, this paper proposed some effective solutions in view of successful elderly communities in overseas countries, then analyzed the development of elderly communities in China, so as to fi gure out landscape design approaches capable of promoting physical and mental health of the elderly group in the old-age support institutions.  相似文献   

东平县商老庄乡生态农业观光园规划设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究一个县域尺度内欠发达地区生态农业观光园的规划、开发建设项目,对商老庄乡生态农业观光园规划设计进行实践研究,在区域内现有基础上依据景观生态学和游憩学的相关理论,运用景区规划和园林设计的理念,因地制宜设置传统农业种养殖、休闲观光、现代农业科技示范、农业科普教育、传统文化活动等项目,形成富有地方特色、环境优美集吃住行游购娱为一体的观光农业旅游胜地,为东平县社会主义新农村建设提供一个可以借鉴的发展模式。  相似文献   

Improving the land-use efficiency (LUE) of farming systems could satisfy increasing global food, feed, biomass and bioenergy demand in a sustainable manner. This study presents a new method for calculating LUE, beginning with an overview of different approaches to assessing agricultural LUE. This new method takes into account the quality and function of agricultural products and the relationship between the yield of the assessed farm and the average yield of the reference region with comparable soils, climate and socio-economic conditions.The new approach was tested using data from long-term experiments at the Scheyern Research Farm in southern Germany, which include different farming systems (organic mixed farming, arable farming, and agroforestry; conventional arable farming and agroforestry). In our case studies, the LUE of conventional systems (arable farming: 1.00; improved arable farming: 1.06; agroforestry: 0.98) was higher than those of the organic systems (mixed farming: 0.69; arable farming: 0.33; agroforestry: 0.43) due to different crop rotations, dry matter yields, and biomass usage (harvest ratio). The conversion of high-input arable farming systems (conventional farming) to agroforestry systems is an extensification with negative effects on the dry matter yield and land-use efficiency. Nevertheless, the conversion to agroforestry systems can increase dry matter yield and land-use efficiency in low-input arable farming systems (organic farming). LUE should be used in combination with agri-environmental indicators, in order to ensure both efficient and sustainable land use.  相似文献   

Comprehensive landscape planning of express railway is a signifi cant part of railway planning, and landscape contributes greatly to the integration of railway into neighboring environment. This paper focused on the scientific comprehensive landscape planning of express railway, applied "layer, group and cluster" analysis, concluded the landscape features of different hierarchical systems of "layer—group—cluster" by analyzing landscapes along the Shanghai–Nanjing Section of Beijing–Shanghai Express Railway, proposed the landscape design principles for this section, in order to promote the integration of express railway construction with city and regional development, and provide a new concept and technique for the future railway landscape design.  相似文献   

Challenging targets for future agriculture   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This article points out the kinds of problems agriculture is facing, outlines and structures agricultural quality components and defined aims for them, discusses the shortcomings of organic farming, proposes some important research areas and presents an outlook. The quality components are a type of checklist of those factors that we should be aware of concerning protection of the environment, production of healthy food and the practice of good ethics. These components can be integrated into the general aims of sustainable agriculture. Many European and other countries focus on organic farming as a solution, but this approach is dangerous because it does not necessarily lead to a better environment or better food products. Concerning future agricultural research, the following issues are highly important: precision agriculture, low leaching cropping systems, management of soil biological processes and maximum recirculation. Finally, the article discusses some issues of future agriculture such as intensity, nutrient imbalances caused by regional farm specialisation, and the development of an agricultural quality assessment system.  相似文献   

Mountain landscape is a significant landscape type among all natural landscape resources, design of constructions in mountain landscapes should take multiple factors into consideration. Taking Science Popularization and Education Hall of Jiangxi Wuyi Mountain Nature Reserve for example, this paper explored the architectural design in mountain landscapes from the perspectives of spatial form, facade design, color materials and design experience, in order to achieve the integration of landscape constructions and natural environment.  相似文献   

贵阳市白云区摆茅村乡村旅游规划设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
充分利用贵阳市白云区摆茅村优美的农业自然生态环境,结合村内果蔬种植现状,精心设计,科学规划,积极挖掘民俗风情、农耕文化,以形成农业产业优势,营造乡村气息浓郁的田园风光为目标。将摆茅村规划为6个功能区,分别是自然生态观光区、果树采摘观光区、蔬菜产业观光示范区、高新农业技术示范区、生态珍禽养殖观光区、休闲度假区及民俗农耕文化馆。结合每个园区的主题,构建景观,开发各种旅游形式,最终将摆茅村建设成集观光采摘、休闲娱乐、高新农业技术展示、农事体验参与、科普教育等多功能于一体的都市型现代农业,为贵阳市社会主义新农村建设提供可以借鉴的发展模式。  相似文献   

农作制度对江河源区域生态环境演变的作用机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业生产活动是人类对区域生态环境的演变影响最为深远的人文因素之一,系统研究了农业在不同发展阶段的技术措施,提出了农作制度是农业生产干扰环境演变的主要因素,系统论述撂荒制、休闲制、轮作制、集约制4种农作制度在区域生态环境演变中的作用机理,并对不同阶段农作制度对江河源区生态环境演变作用程度进行比较和分析。  相似文献   

偶春  姚侠妹  陈杰 《中国农学通报》2009,25(21):240-243
高校校园景观是生态城市建设的重要组成部分,而随着生态园林城市建设的兴起,地方高校校园景观的建设更是生态城市建设不可或缺的有机组成部分。通过地方高校校园的生态环境建设,对于生态城市整体协调发展,促进城市建设的其他因素的发展起着至关重要的作用。以皖西北高校校园景观为例,分析生态城市背景下皖西北地方高校校园景观建设中存在的问题,从生态城市发展的角度,提出用多维的观点加强与地方城市的生态建设相衔接、发挥“生态核”景观的作用、创造和谐型与节约型的校园景观空间、紧扣地域历史文化特色的皖西北地方高校校园景观建设的发展思路。  相似文献   

By comparing landscape patterns of suburban and urban rivers in the same flow path, and analyzing patch indexes of urban river landscapes, corresponding sustainable eco-design strategies were proposed, ecodesign theory system and eco-restoration design techniques were coupled, so as to explore new digital eco-design means of urban river landscapes by targeting at regional ecological consistency.  相似文献   

光农业园植物景观营造——以成都“五朵金花”为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以成都“五朵金花”观光农业园区为例,采用典型样地法,选取44个样地对植物景观进行实地调查与研究.分析了样地内植物景观的物种组成、季相特征、群落结构和配置形式.结果表明,成都“五朵金花”观光农业园区的植物种类丰富,常用物种较少,植物景观的物种组成多样;通过合理配置,植物景观四季有景可赏;多数树种处于幼龄阶段,同种物种个体大小不同,植物景观随时间推移会发生显著变化;植物景观的配置形式多为乔灌草的复层结构,景观功能和生态效益良好.最后为观光农业园的植物景观营造提出建议.  相似文献   

山东现代农作制特征及其发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从山东省的农业自然资源状况入手,简要介绍了山东省60多年农作制度的演变特征。针对山东省发展现代农作制面临的资源消耗、区域经济发展、劳动力转移、农村社会化服务体系及农业基本建设等方面的问题与挑战,提出了向现代经营体制转变、全面改善和提高农业生态环境、强化投入和政策支撑及全面实现农作制度现代化技术支撑等发展对策。  相似文献   

Taking landscape design of Suburban Park in Yulin City for example, this paper applied the design thoughts of integrating multiple planning, defining concepts and objectives, specified the design strategies of restoring ecology, improving life and promoting production, and disclosed the landscape design mode based on the integration of ecology, production and life in which ecological landscapes, productive landscapes and living landscapes promote and coexist harmoniously with each other.  相似文献   

Sustainable landscape is the only trend of future landscape development,it is of realistic significance to guide landscape architects to engage in sustainable landscape design.In this study,landscape design experience in recent years was summarized and analyzed by studying relevant design cases,then innovative design of sustainable landscapes integrating people-oriented,history and ecology was proposed to help landscape architects or beginners confused about the complex design techniques to figure out the design orientation.  相似文献   

Design of central landscapes in Longxijiayuan Residential District, Zhucheng City, Shandong Province was introduced. By implementing the design concept of classical Chinese garden in the whole process, this landscape design presented well-organized central green spaces, took fl owing water as the framework, arranged different activity spaces according to actual terrains, designed the bridge to connect both sides of the brook, placed garden settings and benches properly, combined plants properly, and make the whole residential district green and energetic. From the overall planning to the architectural unit design and central landscape design, the residential district shows the ancient rhythm of Chinese elements, and an ecological and harmonious overall environment. The unit design has practical plane, beautiful form, graceful and elegant style, it integrates well into the overall environment.  相似文献   

Plant landscape design in the renovation of Longwanggang River was taken for example to elaborate that plant landscape designs based on site characteristics are mainly demonstrated as "respecting original landforms, considering original plant species, communities and landscapes, exploring proper indigenous plant species". Plant landscapes of Longwanggang River were oriented as riverfront landscape belt with multiple textures, urban portal and ecological corridor, aiming at returning to the nature, integrating environmental resources, achieving large scales and multiple forms. Considering properties of the neighboring plots, functional areas are divided according to different community types and eco-community structure of the plant landscapes, so as to form landscape nodes, highlight overall plant landscape effects, regional characteristics and low maintenance cost.  相似文献   

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