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以小麦-玉米轮作体系下的沙质潮土为研究对象,选用经无害化处理后的城市污泥产物,通过2013~2015年田间定位试验,研究了不同城市污泥施用量对土壤肥力的影响,以期为城市污泥资源化利用提供理论基础和技术依据。设置单施化肥(CK)、CK+污泥15 t·hm~(-2)(CS1)、CK+污泥30 t·hm~(-2)(CS2)和CK+污泥45 t·hm~(-2)(CS3)共4个处理。主要研究结果如下:(1)连续定位试验结果表明,同一施用量污泥处理的土壤p H值随施用时间的增加呈下降趋势;土壤有机质(SOM)和养分含量如全氮(TN)、有效磷(AP)和速效钾(AK)随施用时间的增长呈上升趋势;(2)与CK比较,在2015年玉米季施用污泥各处理的土壤p H值显著降低了0.34~0.83个单位(P0.05),且与污泥施用量呈反比,以高施量污泥45 t·hm~(-2)下降最多;土壤SOM、TN、AP和AK分别显著提高了52.1%~166.9%、77.3%~177.8%、215.7%~486.3%和167.2%~379.0%(P0.05),且与污泥施用量呈正比,以高施量污泥45 t·hm~(-2)效果最显著;(3)试验所用污泥施用量范围内不会造成土壤和植物籽粒重金属污染,能够保持土壤环境健康;(4)与CK比较,施用污泥各处理土壤微生物量碳(MBC)、氮(MBN)含量均显著提高(P0.05),且与污泥施用量呈正比,并且季节不同也显著影响土壤MBC、MBN含量(P0.05);施用污泥能够显著提高土壤MBC/MBN(P0.05),说明施用污泥能够改变土壤微生物群落组成;(5)施用污泥,尤其是高施量污泥45 t·hm~(-2),在保证土壤和植物籽粒质量安全下,其土壤培肥效果最优。  相似文献   


The fast pace of cropland loss in China is causing alarm over food security and China’s ability to remain self-reliant in crop production. Mudflats after organic amendment can be an important alternative cropland in China. Land application of sewage sludge has become a popular organic amendment to croplands in many countries. Nevertheless, the land application of sludge to mudflats has received little attention. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to investigate the impact of sewage sludge amendment (SSA) at 0, 30, 75, 150 and 300 t ha?1 rates on soil physicochemical properties, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) growth and heavy metal accumulation in mudflat soil. The results showed that the application of sewage sludge increased organic matter (OM) content by 3.5-fold while reducing salinity by 76.3% at the 300 t ha?1 rate as compared to unamended soil. The SSA reduced pH, electric conductivity (EC) and bulk density in mudflat soil, increased porosity, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and contents of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), exchangeable potassium ions (K+), sodium ions (Na+), calcium ions (Ca2+) and magnesium ions (Mg2+) in comparison to unamended soil. There were 98.0, 146.6, 291.4 and 429.2% increases in fresh weight and 92.5, 132.4, 258.6 and 418.9% increases in dry weight of perennial ryegrass at 30, 75, 150, and 300 t ha?1, respectively, relative to unamended soil. The SSA increased metal concentrations of aboveground and root parts of perennial ryegrass (p < 0.05). The metal concentrations in perennial ryegrass were Zn > Cr > Mn > Cu > Cd > Ni, and the metal concentrations in roots were significantly higher than aboveground parts. The metal accumulation in perennial ryegrass correlated positively with sludge application rates and available metal concentrations in mudflat soil. Land application of sewage sludge was proved to be an effective soil amendment that improved soil fertility and promoted perennial ryegrass growth in mudflat soil. However, heavy metal accumulation in plants may cause food safety concern.  相似文献   

通过田间实验,研究污泥生物炭(SSBC)施用对杨树人工林土壤理化性质、重金属含量、土壤微生物生物量碳氮以及土壤酶活性的影响。试验设置4个处理:对照 (CK: 0 t·hm-2)、低量(LS: 15 t·hm-2)、中量(MS: 30 t·hm-2)及高量(HS: 60 t·hm-2)。结果表明:SSBC的施用可降低土壤pH,增加土壤EC值;随着SSBC用量的增加,土壤营养成分和重金属含量均呈现增加趋势,其中SOC增加18.4~47.9%、全N含量增加20.4~46.5%、全P含量增加27.9~74.9%、有效氮增加4.2~23.1%及有效磷增加16.3~ 28.3%,且重金属污染可控。SSBC提高微生物生物量碳氮含量,并使土壤 β-葡糖苷酶(BG)、N-乙酰-葡糖苷酶(NAG)和蛋白酶(LAP)活性显著增加,即BG、NAG和LAP分别增加17.1%~35.3%、18.1~36.8%及29.3~70.3%,其中MS处理的增幅最大。总体而言,SSBC的应用不仅显著增加土壤营养成分,而且改善部分微生物环境,致使土壤环境质量一定程度上有所改善。  相似文献   

施用生活污泥改良滩涂土壤理化性状的探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用符合土地改良用标准的生活污泥为材料,通过田间小区随机区组试验,研究了生活污泥的不同施用量(0、75、150、300、600 t/hm2)对滩涂土壤部分理化性质的影响。结果表明,施用生活污泥可显著改善滩涂土壤的理化性状。随着污泥施用量的提高,滩涂土壤的容重、密度、pH值逐渐下降,有机质、全氮、全磷、速效氮、速效磷、CEC均呈上升趋势,全钾、速效钾无显著变化。滩涂土壤的细菌、放线菌数量随污泥施用量的提高呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

Biochar is used as a soil amendment for improving soil quality and enhancing carbon sequestration. In this study, a loamy sand soil was amended at different rates (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% v/v) of biochar, and its physical and hydraulic properties were analyzed, including particle density, bulk density, porosity, infiltration, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and volumetric water content. The wilting rate of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) grown in soil amended with various levels of biochar was evaluated on a scale of 0–10. Statistical analyses were conducted using linear regression. The results showed that bulk density decreased linearly (R2 = 0.997) from 1.325 to 0.363 g cm?3 while the particle density decreased (R2 = 0.915) from 2.65 to 1.60 g cm?3 with increased biochar amendment, with porosity increasing (R2 = 0.994) from 0.500 to 0.773 cm3 cm?3. The mean volumetric water content ranged from 3.90 to 14.00 cm3 cm?3, while the wilting rate of tomato ranged from 4.67 to 9.50, respectively, for the non-amended soil and 100% biochar-amended soil. These results strongly suggest positive improvement of soil physical and hydraulic properties following addition of biochar amendment.  相似文献   


Poor soil structure is the main cause of soil degradation; however, biochar the solid carbon-rich production of pyrolysis biomass could improve the soil structure. Biochar from the feed stock sawdust (SD) and corn cobs (CC) was pyrolyzed at 450?°C. Wheat was grown as a test crop and treatments were control, NPK, SDB1% (sawdust biochar), CCB1% (corn cobs biochar), SDB0.5%+CCB0.5%, SDB1%?+?½ NPK, CCB1%?+?½ NPK. The higher growth, higher grain and dry matter yield were displayed by biochar?+?NPK. The lowest pH, the higher organic matter, available P and available K were observed in SDB0.5%+CCB0.5%. However, the highest total N (1.43?g kg?1) was by NPK treatment. The biochar increased plant available water contents, water contents at field capacity and permanent wilting point, soil porosity and decreased bulk density. The highest stable aggregates were in SDB0.5%+CCB0.5%. Biochar application was found as a useful practice for soil sustainability  相似文献   

【目的】探索玉米秸秆炭对东北黑土土壤肥力特性和氮素农学效应的影响,可为东北玉米集约化生产区秸秆资源利用和培肥土壤提供理论和实际应用基础。【方法】本研究以东北典型黑土区春玉米种植体系为研究对象,通过连续两年的田间原位试验,研究了添加500℃厌氧条件热解的玉米秸秆炭对土壤养分含量、 微生物和酶活性的影响及玉米秸秆炭对作物产量和氮素农学效应的影响。试验设三个处理: 1)PK+4 t/hm2秸秆还田(CK); 2)NPK+4 t/hm2秸秆还田; 3)NPK+4 t/hm2秸秆还田+2 t/hm2秸秆生产秸秆碳,在玉米成熟期取020 cm土壤样品和植株样品,采用常规方法进行相关项目的测定。【结果】 1)土壤养分分析结果。与秸秆还田相比,秸秆炭处理在2013和2014年土壤碱解氮含量(AN)分别提高了10.1%和9.7%,均达到显著水平(P0.05); 土壤速效磷含量(AP)分别提高了13.7%和27.3%,在2014年达到显著水平(P0.05); 土壤微生物量碳含量(SMBC)分别提高了13.5%和26.9%,土壤脲酶活性(URE)分别提高了22.3%和31.8%,2014年SMBC和URE升高均达显著(P0.05)。秸秆炭对土壤有机质(OM)、 全氮(TN)、 速效钾(AK)、 土壤微生物量氮(SMBN)和蔗糖酶活性(SUC)的提升效果在两年试验中均没有达到显著水平, 2)氮素农学效应影响结果。与处理2相比,处理3肥料氮偏因子生产力(PFPN)分别提高了3.3%和9.6%,肥料氮经济效益(EBN)分别提高了12.9%和27.5%,均在2014年表现出显著提高(P0.05); 而两年间处理3的玉米产量分别提高3.3%和9.5%、 肥料氮利用率(UEN)分别提高了3.9%和14.0%、 肥料氮农学效率(AEN)分别提高了11.6%和23.9%,但均未达显著水平。【结论】2年试验初步表明施用玉米秸秆炭可以提高土壤微生物活性和土壤酶活性,调节土壤与作物之间的养分供需,改善土壤养分状况,对提升氮素农学效应有作用。因此,玉米秸秆炭可作为秸秆资源高效利用的有效形式,其长期效果还需进一步试验。  相似文献   

Alfalfa cropping has been considered an efficient method of increasing soil fertility.Usually nitrogen increase in root nodules is considered to be the major beneficial effect.A 21-year time series (five sampling periods) of alfalfa cultivation plots on a loess soil,initially containing illite and chlorite,in Lanzhou of northwestern China was selected to investigate the relationships among alfalfa cropping,soil potassium (K) content and soil clay minerals.The results indicated that soil K significantly accumulated after cropping,with a peak value at about 15 years,and decreased afterwards.The accumulated K was associated with the K increase in the well-crystallized illite,which was not extracted by the traditional laboratory K extraction methods in assessing bioavailability.The steep decline in soil K content after 15-year cropping was in accord with the observed fertility loss in the alfalfa soil.Plant biomass productivity peaked at near 9 years of culture,whereas soil K and clay minerals continued to increase until cropping for 15 years.This suggested that K increased in the topsoil came from the deep root zone.Thus alfalfa continued to store K in clays even after peak production occurred.Nitrogen did not follow these trends,showing a general decline compared with the native prairie soils that had not been cropped.Therefore,the traditional alfalfa cropping can increase K content in the topsoil.  相似文献   

Soil remediation is an important part of the restoration process of degraded terrestrial ecosystems. Due to its unique properties, biochar is being used widely as an effective soil modifier in agricultural systems, but research is still rare on biochar application in grassland ecosystems, especially in degraded alpine grasslands. In this study, we conducted a plot experiment to investigate the effect of biochar application on soil physicochemical properties and microorganisms at the 0–20 cm soil depth of a degraded alpine grassland in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. The experiment consisted of four corn straw biochar application levels (0%, 0.5%, 1% and 2%, with the percentage representing the ratio of biochar weight to the dry weight of soil in the surface 20 cm soil layer). When the biochar addition increased from 0% to 2%, total nitrogen, total organic carbon and available phosphorus in the 0–10 cm soil layer increased by 41%, 55% and 45%, respectively, in the second year after biochar addition. Meanwhile, soil electrical conductivity decreased, and soil water content increased. Total microbial, fungal and bacterial biomasses in the 0–10 cm soil layer increased from 9.15 to 12.68, 0.91 to 1.34, and 3.85 to 4.55 μg g-1, respectively. The relative biomasses of saprophytic fungi and methanotrophic bacteria decreased, while the relative biomasses of ectomycorrhizal fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increased. These results indicate that biochar has a great potential in improving microbial activity and soil fertility in soil remediation of the degraded alpine grassland.  相似文献   

生物炭对滴灌春小麦产量及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了解生物炭对滴灌春小麦产量及土壤肥力的影响,通过2年田间试验对灰漠土土壤和春小麦养分及产量等进行了研究。结果表明:与CK相比,施用生物炭显著(P0.05)增加了土壤肥力,并显著(P0.05)增加春小麦对N、P和K的吸收,还对春小麦产量及构成具有积极的促进作用。与NP处理相比,NP+B6处理显著(P0.05)增加了土壤有机质、全氮和速效钾含量以及植株吸磷量。与NP+M6处理相比,NP+B6处理显著(P0.05)增加了土壤全氮、速效钾和植株养分吸收量。  相似文献   

Biochar application has the potential to improve soil fertility and increase soil carbon stock, especially in tropical regions. Information on the temperature sensitivity of carbon dioxide(CO_2) evolution from biochar-amended soils at very high temperatures, as observed for tropical surface soils, is limited but urgently needed for the development of region-specific biochar management targeted to optimize biochar effects on soil functions. Here, we investigated the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration to the addition of different rates of Miscanthus biochar(0, 6.25, 12.5, and 25 Mg ha~(-1)) in two types of soils with contrasting textures. Biochar-amended soil treatments and their controls were incubated at constant temperatures of 20, 30, and 40℃. Overall, our results show that: i) considering data from all treatments and temperatures, the addition of biochar decreased soil CO_2 emissions when compared to untreated soils;ii) CO_2 emissions from biochar-amended soils had a higher temperature sensitivity than those from biochar-free soils; iii) the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in sandy soils was higher than that in clay soils; and iv) for clay soils, relative increases in soil CO_2 emissions from biochar-amended soils were higher when the temperature increased from 30 to 40℃, while for sandy soils, the highest temperature responses of soil respiration were observed when increasing the temperature from 20 to 30℃. Together, these findings suggest a significantly reduced potential to increase soil organic carbon stocks when Miscanthus biochar is applied to tropical soils at high surface temperatures, which could be counteracted by the soil-and weather-specific timing of biochar application.  相似文献   

Recently, biochar has shown to be an alternative to waste disposal and a source of nutrients, acting as a soil amendment. The effects of two types of biochar on soil properties and sugar beet production as well as potential for carbon (C) sequestration were evaluated:biochar produced from sewage sludge (SB) and biochar produced from a 1:1 mixture of sewage sludge and sugarcane bagasse (MB). A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted using a sandy loam soil from the Brazilian savanna under treatments of MB applications at 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5%, and 10.0%, SB application at 5.0%, and a conventional fertilization (CF) using lime and mineral fertilizers, with no fertilization as a control. After incubation for 45 d, seedlings were transplanted into each pot and cultivated for 55 d. Biochar characterization showed that pyrolysis reduced the biomass volume drastically, but concentrated the trace elements per unit of biochar weight. The MB treatments increased soil total C (by 27.8%) and pH (by 0.6), reduced the concentrations of nutrients, except for potassium (K), and chromium (Cr), and did not significantly alter lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) concentrations. Results of stable isotopes showed that all biochar treatments increased the total soil C stock and stability, suggesting a potential for application in C sequestration, and improved overall soil fertility. However, the biochar treatments also increased the concentrations of trace elements in the soil and plants. The sugar beet yields at 10.0% MB and 5.0% SB corresponded to 55% and 29% of the yield obtained in the CF treatment, respectively. These results may be due to biochar nutrients not being bioavailable when required by plants or to biochar nutrient adsorption.  相似文献   

[目的]探究生物炭配施化肥对不同粒级团聚体中微生物量碳、氮(MBC、MBN)含量和胞外酶活性的影响,分析影响团聚体胞外酶活性变化的主控因素,为提升土壤质量提供科学依据.[方法]田间微区试验在河南现代农业研究基地进行,供试土壤为石灰性潮土.设置4个处理:不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(NPK)、单施生物炭(BC)和生物炭配施化...  相似文献   

Biochar combined with fertilizer as a soil amendment benefits to improving soil fertility, especially soil organic carbon and crop yield. However, the effect of biochar on the improvement of soil properties and crop yield was varied from soil properties and limited for medium–low-yield farmland in the North China. During the completely randomized field experiment, SIX treatments (biochar applied as 0, 15 and 30 t·ha-1, under 240 and 300 kg N ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer) were applied in wheat season and examined to reveal changes in the SOC and other properties of 0- to 10-cm and 10- to 20-cm soil layers. The results showed that two years after the application of biochar, a significant increase in the SOC was observed, ranging from 19.52% to 97.50% (p < 0.05) in the 0- to 20-cm soil layer. Wheat yield and SOC content increased with increasing amount of biochar applied under the same amount of nitrogen fertilizer. The content of soil available potassium increased significantly under 30 t·ha-1 biochar application (p < 0.05). Both biochar and nitrogen fertilizer application could increase wheat yield, and the effect of biochar application for increasing wheat yield was better than that of nitrogen fertilizer. Wheat yield and SOC content increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer at the same amount of biochar application. The principal component analysis results showed that biochar input, SOC, available potassium and total nitrogen were the key factors affecting wheat yield. Biochar application is a fast and effective measure to improve SOC and wheat yield in medium- and low-yield farmlands.  相似文献   

生物炭对土壤特性及烟草产量和品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
通过田间试验,研究了不同用量生物炭对土壤化学特性、烤烟产量和品质的影响。结果表明,增施生物炭能显著提高土壤有机碳的含量,当施用量为6 000和9 000 kg/hm2时,可分别使土壤有机碳含量提高19.8%和26.1%;增施生物炭还能提高土壤中养分的含量,增施6 000 kg/hm2时,可使土壤中全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾分别提高20.2%、26.5%、20.0%和22.4%。同时,生物炭的施用促进了土壤中微生物数量的增加,尤其是固氮菌、解磷菌、解钾菌数量的增加,分别增加了43.9%、35.7%和16.1%;且增施生物炭后增加了烤后烟叶的总产量以及上、中等烟叶的产出率。综上,以生物炭用量为6 000 kg/hm2时,对土壤改良效果以及烟草产量和品质的影响最佳,经济效益最好。  相似文献   

The use of sewage sludge biochar (SSB) for agro-environmental purposes has been increasing. However, due to the strong influence of pyrolysis temperatures on its production, there is great variation in its final properties. In this regard, efforts to generate relationships among many correlated SSB properties may help to understand this influence. This study sought to evaluate the effect of pyrolysis temperature on agro-environmental physicochemical properties of SSB. Biochars from sewage sludge (SS) were produced at 300, 400 and 500°C and their physicochemical properties were evaluated in comparison to SS samples. The increase in pyrolysis temperature decreased C, N, and H contents and the H/C atomic ratio, while increasing the C/N ratio. The pyrolysis process increased pH values, the surface area and pore volume and enriched the SSB with macro and micronutrients. Considering all variables together, the biochar produced at 300°C was that which showed the greatest nutrients availability, such as N total, S, NO3?, NH4+, Ca2+ and Mg2+. Conversely, SSB produced at 500°C showed higher recalcitrant organic matter and alkalinity, important properties for C sequestration and the correction of acidic soils. The combined application of SSB produced at lower and higher pyrolysis temperatures should be furthered studied.  相似文献   

Salt-affected soil induces detrimental influences on paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth and ameliorating the influences could be done with organic amendments, such as animal manure and biochar. The aims of the current study are: (1) to examine the interactive effects of biochar and cow manure on rice growth and on selected properties of salt-affected soil, and (2) to identify potential mechanisms related to the amendments. Saline-sodic soil was used for a net house experiment with two experimental factors: biochar (no-biochar, rice-husk, and -straw biochar) and cow manure (with and without cow manure). Without the manure, addition of both rice-hush and – straw biochar significantly increased rice growth, whereas a combination of individual biochar with manure did not show a positive synergistic effect. The interactive effect of two factors was not significant on available P and exchangeable K concentrations, but the main effects of the two factors were significant. Biochar addition resulted in higher soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) (28.8 to 29.0 cmolc kg?1) than the control (25.6 cmolc kg?1), but manure addition did not. Improved nutrient availabilities such as P and K, as well as CEC are among the potential mechanisms accounting for the enhanced rice growth with biochar.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate rates for applications of water treatment sludge (WTS) as a nutrient source for grasses and leguminous plants cropped in a soil degraded by tin mining in the Amazon Region (Natural Forest of Jamari, Rondonia State, Brazil). The treatments consisted of three rates of nitrogen supplied by WTS (100, 150 and 200 mg kg−1 soil), five combinations of plants, two controls (absolute control, without fertilization; and chemical control, soil+lime+chemical fertilizers). WTS modified the contents of macro and micronutrients in the degraded soil, but it was not, as used in the present study, sufficient for the rehabilitation of the degraded area.  相似文献   

The recycling of suitable organic wastes can enhance soil fertility via effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties. To compare the effects of digested (DS), thermally dried (TDS) and composted dewatered (CDS) sewage sludge on soil microbiological properties, an experiment was conducted at field sites for more than one year (401 d) when applied to two Mediterranean degraded soils (loam and loamy sand soils). All three types of sewage sludge had a significant effect on measured parameters. I...  相似文献   

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