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参与式灌溉管理是一种水户参与灌区各类管理的新型模式,他改变了以往政府主导一切的局面,让用户自身更多全面的参与管理的各个环节,包括灌区田间工程的规划、施工建设监理、运行维护、监测评价等,不仅参与决定工程建设,而且还要决定体制设计等管理,并且整个过程中尊重群众意见,合法权益受法律保护,不是灌区专管机构的下级或附属组织与接受灌区专管机构的指导和服务,是灌区管理体制改革的一个关键步骤,其组建和运作将直接影响灌区管理和灌溉管理体制改革的成败。  相似文献   

曹雪梅 《甘肃农业》2016,(14):31-32
进行参与式灌溉管理建设,有助于提升灌溉管理透明度、提升人民群众参与用水管理的积极性,对灌溉管理的健康持续发展有着明显的推动作用。针对这样的情况,本文将具体结合北方某县的具体参与式灌溉管理制度,并对其参与式灌溉管理的具体内容、职能进行探索研究工作,并从参与式灌溉管理的管理机制层面进行探究,探索如何通过完善现有的农户用水行为机制,控制农户用水行为,降低灌溉水资源消耗,进而为后续的灌溉管理改革完善工作提供相应的参考建议。  相似文献   

以井灌地区大田农作物和蔬菜作为研究对象,从喷灌设计参数确定、管网布局及泵站选型等方面提出了提出半固定喷灌和固定式喷灌工程设计方案,可为节水灌溉系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

利用甘肃省张掖市农户调查资料,从用水环境、技术认知、技术采用倾向和采用效果等方面分析农户节水灌溉技术采用行为特征。农户节水意识不强,技术适用性差,政策不到位,管理机制落后是目前节水灌溉技术采用中存在的主要问题。应通过拓宽农户技术信息交流路径,营造节水灌溉技术采用的良好环境,健全农民技术培训机制,制定合理的激励与扶持政策等措施,促进农户节水灌溉技术推广与应用。  相似文献   

农户施肥状况调查及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肥料是重要的生产要素,只有科学施肥,才能促进生产。通过对农户施肥情况进行调查,找出最佳施肥方法。  相似文献   

肥料是重要的生产要素,只有科学施肥,才能促进生产.通过对农户施肥情况进行调查,找出最佳施肥方法.  相似文献   

彭阳县井灌区效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细分析了宁夏彭阳县井灌区目前正常运行的灌溉机井的基本情况、效益运行管理情况、存在问题,提出加强井灌区水利设施管理的建议,旨在推广井灌区现代设施农业,促进现代农业更好、更快地向前发展。  相似文献   

为了解不同地区农户情况,掌握不同生产区劳动力对教育的需求,探寻农民教育的共性问题和个性差异,有针对性地实施农民科技培训。2006年,对全省10个市(州)的26个县(区)、62个乡(镇)、81个村的6662个农户的劳动力现状、家庭承包耕地、养殖业规模、收支状况、拟受教育情况等方面进行了综合调查,旨在用事实来说明在我省开展农民教育的重要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

姜天龙 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(2):1150-1152
基于全国农村固定观察点的调查数据,研究了我国工业化进程中的农户行为。具体分析了工业化进程对农户非农化行为的影响和动因。结果表明:随着工业化的发展,理性的农户根据收入最大化目标进行资源配置,农户行为逐渐分化。工业化对农户行为的影响主要体现在农户劳动的分配、农户土地的投入和农村劳动力的就业等方面;工业化对农户行为非农化影响的因素主要体现在拉力和推力两个方面。  相似文献   

华北平原主要农作物灌溉需水量的估算   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文根据华北平原农田水分循环特点,建立了一个农田土壤水分平衡模型.利用研究区内30个气象台站20~40年的气象资料,模拟计算了华北平原主要农作物(冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花)的历年灌溉需水量.在模拟过程中,考虑到华北平原土壤质地层次排列复杂,土壤持水特性不一,将土壤的最大有效含水量划分了5个等级.根据统计排频分析,确定了在干旱年、中等年及湿润年型下冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花的灌溉需水量.并分析了华北平原的1m 土层土壤最大有效含水量为180~240mm 范围时,3种作物多年平均的及不同年型的灌溉需水量在华北平原的区域分布特征.  相似文献   

华北平原作物生产碳足迹分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
【目的】分析华北平原作物生产碳足迹的动态、分布以及构成,为发展低碳农业提供理论支撑与科学依据。【方法】基于中国华北平原河北、北京、天津、山东、河南5个代表省(市)的47个市的耕地面积、农作物播种面积、产量、产值及作物生产投入等统计数据,利用农业领域碳足迹理论及生命周期评价法,估算作物生产的单位播种面积碳足迹(CFs)、单位耕地面积碳足迹(CFc)、单位产量碳足迹(CFy)及单位产值碳足迹(CFv)。以2002年为节点,把1993-2012年分为两个时间段,分析作物生产碳足迹的变化趋势以及华北平原47个市的作物生产碳足迹的分布、构成情况。根据1993-2012年不同市的平均单产,取5个单产最高与5个单产最低的市,分析华北平原高产市与低产市的碳足迹、单位面积投入以及作物构成。【结果】华北平原作物CFsCFc在过去20年里呈增加趋势,CFs平均值从时段Ⅰ的4.08 tCO2eq·hm-2升高到时段Ⅱ的4.72 tCO2eq·hm-2,平均变化率为0.66 tCO2eq·hm-2·10a-1;CFc平均值从时段Ⅰ的6.81 tCO2eq·hm-2升高到时段Ⅱ的8.12 tCO2eq·hm-2,平均变化率为1.16 tCO2eq·hm-2·10a-1。华北平原作物CFyCFv在过去20年里呈降低趋势,CFy平均值从时段Ⅰ的0.54 tCO2eq·t-1下降到时段Ⅱ的0.42 tCO2eq·t-1,平均变化率为-0.12 tCO2eq·t-1·10a-1;CFv平均值从时段Ⅰ的3.91 tCO2eq·¥10-4下降到时段Ⅱ的2.51 tCO2eq·¥10-4,平均变化率为-1.60 tCO2eq·¥10-4·10a-1。华北平原不同区域作物生产碳足迹差异较大,沿海地区(唐山、天津、秦皇岛、东营、烟台等)CFsCFc较大,CFyCFv较小,河南南部地区(驻马店、信阳、平顶山、洛阳)CFsCFc较小,CFyCFv较大。高产市CFsCFc显著高于低产市,CFyCFv显著低于低产市(P<0.05);高产市单位面积投入显著高于低产市,且蔬菜种植面积比例高于低产市(P<0.05)。在华北平原作物生产的碳足迹构成中,灌溉用电(30.25%)、氮肥投入(23.07%)以及农田N2O直接排放(19.83%)所占比例较大,其他投入所占比例较小。【结论】在过去20年里,华北平原作物单位播种面积碳足迹、单位耕地面积碳足迹呈增加趋势,而单位产量碳足迹、单位产值碳足迹呈降低趋势。在华北不同区域中,沿海各市前两者较大,后两者较小,而河南南部各市前两者较小,后两者较大。碳足迹构成中,灌溉用电与氮肥投入所占比例较高,高产市单位面积投入及蔬菜种植比例较大。  相似文献   

With increasing water shortage resources and extravagant nitrogen application, there is an urgent need to optimize irrigation regimes and nitrogen management for winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) in the North China Plain(NCP). A 4-year field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of three irrigation levels(W1, irrigation once at jointing stage; W2, irrigation once at jointing and once at heading stage; W3, irrigation once at jointing, once at heading, and once at filling stage; 60 mm each irrigation) and four N fertilizer rates(N0, 0; N1, 100 kg N ha~(-1); N2, 200 kg N ha~(-1); N3, 300 kg N ha~(-1)) on wheat yield, water use efficiency, fertilizer agronomic efficiency, and economic benefits. The results showed that wheat yield under W2 condition was similar to that under W3, and greater than that under W1 at the same nitrogen level. Yield with the N1 treatment was higher than that with the N0 treatment, but not significantly different from that obtained with the N2 and N3 treatments. The W2 N1 treatment resulted in the highest water use and fertilizer agronomic efficiencies. Compared with local traditional practice(W3 N3), the net income and output-input ratio of W2 N1 were greater by 12.3 and 19.5%, respectively. These findings suggest that two irrigation events of 60 mm each coupled with application of 100 kg N ha~(–1) is sufficient to provide a high wheat yield during drought growing seasons in the NCP.  相似文献   

目的明确云南玉溪烟区烤烟大田生育期适宜滴灌定额。方法2017年通过田间控水试验,以作物蒸散量(ET0)为基础,设置4个参考需水量水平(50% ET0、60% ET0、80% ET0和100% ET0)和3个设计湿润比(P,0.4、0.5和0.6),共12个滴灌定额处理,考察不同滴灌定额对烤烟生长发育和水肥利用效率的影响。结果参考需水量水平对烤烟株高、茎干物质量以及氮肥和钾肥利用率有显著影响(P<0.05),对除株高以外的农艺性状、叶和全株干物质量以及灌溉水利用率有极显著影响(P<0.01);设计湿润比对烤烟叶干物质量、根冠比和灌溉水利用率有显著影响(P<0.05),对烤烟主要农艺性状、茎和全株干物质量有极显著影响(P<0.01);两者对烤烟叶片和全株干物质量以及灌溉水利用率的影响存在显著交互效应(P<0.05),对烤烟叶片数和株高的影响存在极显著交互效应(P<0.01)。不同灌溉定额处理中,以80% ET0-0.5P处理烤烟成熟期生物量和农艺性状表现较优,氮、磷和钾肥及灌溉水利用率相对较高;与其他处理相比,其成熟期烤烟叶片和全株干物质量分别增加了14.6%~97.5%和4.3%~72.8%,氮肥和磷肥利用率分别提高了9.4%~84.2%和11.3%~178.1%。结论本试验条件下,该区域较为适宜的烤烟大田生育期滴灌灌溉定额为200 mm。  相似文献   

This study has investigated the suitable drip irrigation scheduling for tomato grown in solar greenhouse based on 20-cm pan evaporation (Epan ) in North China Plain. Irrigation treatments included three irrigation frequencies (I1 10, I2 20 and I3 30 mm, and irrigation interval of 2-6 d for I1 , 4-9 d for I2 and 8-12d for I3 ) based on accumulated pan evaporation (Epan ), and four plant-pan coefficients (Kcp1 0.5, Kcp2 0.7, Kcp3 0.9 and Kcp4 1.1). Results indicate that total irrigation amount, seasonal crop evapotranspiration (ET) and tomato yield (Y) were 185.1-365.8 mm, 249.1-388.0 mm and 99.6-151.8 t ha-1, respectively. Irrigation frequency and amount increased the yield, and second-degree polynomial relationship was found between Y and ET (R2=0.8671). Irrigation frequency did not increase mean fruit weight, diameter and length significantly but increased fruit number, total soluble solids content (TSS), TSS yield, fruit firmness and water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation WUE (IWUE) significantly. Irrigation amount increased external quality of tomato but reduced TSS content, TSS yield, fruit firmness, WUE and IWUE significantly. Kcp3 and Kcp4 treatments had the highest fruit yield, but Kcp2 and Kcp3 treatments had the highest WUE. I1 Kcp3 treatment (irrigation interval of 2-6 d, and Kcp =0.9) had higher IWUE, WUE, external quality, yield, and TSS yield, so it is recommended as the suitable irrigation scheduling for tomato grown in solar greenhouse in North China Plain.  相似文献   

The shortage of groundwater resources is a considerable challenge for winter wheat production on the North China Plain. Water-saving technologies and procedures are thus urgently required. To determine the water-saving potential of using micro-sprinkling irrigation(MSI) for winter wheat production, field experiments were conducted from 2012 to 2015. Compared to traditional flooding irrigation(TFI), micro-sprinkling thrice with 90 mm water(MSI1) and micro-sprinkling four times with 120 mm water(MSI2) increased the water use efficiency by 22.5 and 16.2%, respectively, while reducing evapotranspiration by 17.6 and 10.8%. Regardless of the rainfall pattern, MSI(i.e., MSI1 or MSI2) either stabilized or significantly increased the grain yield, while reducing irrigation water volumes by 20–40%, compared to TFI. Applying the same volumes of irrigation water, MSI(i.e., MSI3, micro-sprinkling five times with 150 mm water) increased the grain yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat by 4.6 and 11.7%, respectively, compared to TFI. Because MSI could supply irrigation water more frequently in smaller amounts each time, it reduced soil layer compaction, and may have also resulted in a soil water deficit that promoted the spread of roots into the deep soil layer, which is beneficial to photosynthetic production in the critical period. In conclusion, MSI1 or MSI2 either stabilized or significantly increased grain yield while reducing irrigation water volumes by 20–40% compared to TFI, and should provide water-saving technological support in winter wheat production for smallholders on the North China Plain.  相似文献   

Proper application of nitrogen(N) fertilizers and irrigation management are important production practices that can reduce nitrate leaching into groundwater and improve the N use efficiency(NUE). A lysimeter/rain shelter facility was used to study effects of the rate of N fertilization, type of N fertilizer, and irrigation level on key aspects of winter wheat production over three growing seasons(response variables were nitrate transport, N leaching, and NUE). Results indicated that nitrate concentration in the soil profile and N leaching increased with the rate of N fertilization. At the end of the third season, nitrate concentration in the top 0–75 cm layer of soil was higher with manure treatment while urea treatments resulted in higher concentrations in the 100–200 cm layer. With normal irrigation, 3.4 to 15.3% of N from applied fertilizer was leached from the soil, yet no leaching occurred under a stress irrigation treatment. The manure treatment experienced less N leaching than the urea treatment in all cases except for the 180 kg N ha-1 rate in 2011–2012(season 3). In terms of grain yield(GY), dry matter(DM) or NUE parameters, values for the manure treatment were lower than for the urea treatment in 2009–2010(season 1), yet were otherwise higher for urea treatment in season 3. GY and crop nitrogen uptake(NU) were elevated when the rate of N fertilizer increased, while the NUE decreased; GY, DM, and NU increased with the amount of irrigation. Data indicated that reduced rates of N fertilization combined with increased manure application and proper irrigation management can lower nitrate levels in the subsoil and reduce potential N leaching into groundwater.  相似文献   

To improve efficiency in the use of water resources in water-limited environments such as the North China Plain(NCP), where winter wheat is a major and groundwater-consuming crop, the application of water-saving irrigation strategies must be considered as a method for the sustainable development of water resources. The initial objective of this study was to evaluate and validate the ability of the CERES-Wheat model simulation to predict the winter wheat grain yield, biomass yield and water use efficiency(WUE) responses to different irrigation management methods in the NCP. The results from evaluation and validation analyses were compared to observed data from 8 field experiments, and the results indicated that the model can accurately predict these parameters. The modified CERES-Wheat model was then used to simulate the development and growth of winter wheat under different irrigation treatments ranging from rainfed to four irrigation applications(full irrigation) using historical weather data from crop seasons over 33 years(1981–2014). The data were classified into three types according to seasonal precipitation: 100 mm, 100–140 mm, and 140 mm. Our results showed that the grain and biomass yield, harvest index(HI) and WUE responses to irrigation management were influenced by precipitation among years, whereby yield increased with higher precipitation. Scenario simulation analysis also showed that two irrigation applications of 75 mm each at the jointing stage and anthesis stage(T3) resulted in the highest grain yield and WUE among the irrigation treatments. Meanwhile, productivity in this treatment remained stable through different precipitation levels among years. One irrigation at the jointing stage(T1) improved grain yield compared to the rainfed treatment and resulted in yield values near those of T3, especially when precipitation was higher. These results indicate that T3 is the most suitable irrigation strategy under variable precipitation regimes for stable yield of winter wheat with maximum water savings in the NCP. The application of one irrigation at the jointing stage may also serve as an alternative irrigation strategy for further reducing irrigation for sustainable water resources management in this area.  相似文献   

洛惠渠灌区地下水动态变化规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了准确了解洛惠渠灌区地下水资源的动态变化特征,以灌区1955~1990年的实测水文资料为基础,对洛惠渠灌区地下水资源多年开发利用状况下的水位动态和水质变化进行了综合评价。结果表明,该灌区地下水多年补给量整体呈上升趋势,在人类活动的影响下水位变动很大;灌区水质多年平均矿化度为2.48 g/L,属微咸水,而矿化度随水位上升呈淡化趋势,又由于地形地貌的差异,全灌区的矿化度分布并不均匀。因此,应合理建立灌区水资源优化调度系统,确保将地下水位控制在一定的变化范围之内,并进一步加强水情、水质的动态监测预报与调控,强化灌区地下水资源的开发利用与保护。  相似文献   

不同降雨和灌溉模式对作物产量及农田氮素淋失的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
【目的】定量化不同降雨和灌溉条件下农田氮素的淋失和作物产量,为不同降雨量年份的灌溉决策提供科学依据。【方法】在中国农业大学河北曲周实验站,依据该地40年(1966—2005)的气象资料,结合当地农民的习惯,设定了5种灌溉方式,即冬小麦季灌水3次,分别在越冬期、起身到拔节期和灌浆期,灌水量分别为:(A)无灌溉,(B)50 mm +50 mm +50 mm,(C)70 mm +70 mm +70 mm,(D)90 mm +90 mm +90 mm,(E)120 mm+ 120 mm +90 mm;夏玉米季灌水2次,分别在苗期和乳熟期,灌水量分别为:(A′)无灌溉,(B′)80 mm +0 mm,(C′)80 mm +70 mm,(D′)90 mm +80 mm,(E′)100 mm +100 mm。利用校验后的水氮管理模型,分析了不同降雨量和灌溉对氮素淋失和作物产量的影响。【结果】冬小麦产量随降雨和灌溉量的增加而增加。在综合考虑氮素淋失风险和作物产量的条件下,当降雨量<200 mm(发生概率87.2%)时,可采用D灌溉方式,相应氮淋失量为0—30.9 kg N•hm-2;当降雨量>200 mm(发生概率12.8%),可采用C灌溉方式,相应氮素淋失量为0.06—41.2 kg N•hm-2。夏玉米产量也随灌水量的增加而增加,但降雨和灌溉总量超过600 mm时,产量下降;按降雨量可分为<250 mm(发生概率17.9%)、250—450 mm(发生概率64.2%)、>450 mm(发生概率17.9%),分别采用D′、C′和B′的灌溉模式,相应的氮素淋失为0—7.3 kg N•hm-2,0—82.2 kg N•hm-2(其中84.2%的淋失水平为I级,淋失水平III级只有5.3%)和0—61.6 kg N•hm-2(其中I级概率为86.8%,III级只有2.6%)。【结论】不同降雨量采用不同的灌溉模式,既可以保证产量,又可以减少氮淋失。普通年份冬小麦季建议采用越冬期、起身到拔节期和灌浆期3次灌溉,每次灌水90 mm的模式。夏玉米季采用苗期和乳熟期灌溉,分别灌水80 mm和70 mm的模式。  相似文献   

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