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Significant heterosis has been documented in Brassica juncea L. that are grown as agriculturally important oilseeds, vegetables and condiments crops. Male sterility induced by chemical hybridizing agents is an important pollination control system in hybrid crop breeding. Herein, we show that tribenuron-methyl (TBM), a sulfonylurea herbicide, is an effective male gametocide in B. juncea when used at a very low dosage. In the present study, foliar application of various rates of TBM induced a significant increase in pollen sterility in B. juncea (90.57–100%). TBM-treated plants exhibited reductions in size of floral organ and yield components; however, lower dose of TBM (0.075 g a.i. ha–1) did not cause a significant reduction in seed yield per plant. Tapetum cells of TBM-treated plants were hypertrophied and degenerated earlier, and abnormal meiosis was observed at the meiotic stage. A significant decrease of acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) activities was detected in buds of plants treated with 0.10 g a.i. ha–1 TBM, and RT-qPCR analysis showed that TBM exposure perturbed AHAS expression in small buds, which support that TBM induces male sterility in B. juncea by targeting AHAS expression. Our results suggest that TBM could be used as an efficient chemical hybridization agent in B. juncea, which has practical implications for the application of hybrid breeding in B. juncea.  相似文献   

A single-step method for the induction and development of somatic embryoids from hypocotyls explains of Brassica juncea is reported. On modified MS medium containing 2 % sucrose, 0.25 mgl 1 2,4-D, 0.5 mgl 1 each of NAA and BaP-R, each explant calluses at both of and at its best, 31% of explants produce embryoids. In the variety RLM-198, the number of embryoids ranges from 8–21 per culture. Each embryoid, upon proliferation, developed up to the 25 shoots. The method is rapid; the time La ken from inoculation to the development of intact plantlets is 8–10 weeks. Regenerated plants have flowered normally and have set seed. The system can profitably be used for in vitro mutant selection and early bulking in mustard.  相似文献   

A Brassica juncea line carrying an introgression from Moricandia arvensis restored male fertility to two cytoplasmic male‐sterile (CMS) B. juncea lines carrying either M. arvensis or Diplotaxis catholica cytoplasm. Genetics of fertility restoration was studied in the F1, F2, F3 and backcross generations of the cross between CMS and fertility‐restorer lines. No male‐sterile plants were found in F1‐F3 generations of the cross between CMS [M. arvensis] B. juncea and the restorer. However, a 1: 1 segregation for male sterility and fertility was observed when the F1 was pollinated with non‐restorer pollen from a euplasmic line. These results clearly show that restoration is mono‐genic and gametophytic. In CMS lines carrying D. catholica cytoplasm, the restorer conferred male fertility to the F1 and showed 3: 1 and 1: 1 segregations for male fertility and sterility in F2 and BC1 generations, respectively, indicating a monogenic, sporophytic mode of fertility restoration. The results were also supported by pollen stainability in the F1 which was about 65% in M. arvensis‐based CMS and >90% in D. catholica‐based CMS. The above results are discussed in the light of previous molecular studies which showed association between CMS and atpA in both systems.  相似文献   

Brassica juncea plants were screened for aphid tolerance using three methods. Seven and 14 days old seedlings grown in wooden trays in a glasshouse were kept between infector trays with heavy aphid infestation. There were no surviving plants in the susceptible genotypes 50 days after sowing but survival rates ranging between 80 and 90 % were observed for selection 44. The progenies of the surviving plants were tested under natural infestation in the field. Plants were scored for leaves without aphids 40 days after sowing, healthy plants at harvest and seed yield in g/m2 For most of these lines, the aphids’ survival, life span and fecundity (nymphs produced per adult) were recorded after introducing five newly-born nymphs on excised fifth leaves cultured in petri dishes. Selections showing greater tolerance to aphids than the check cultivars were identified in the progenies of a cross RLM-514 × T-6342. It was concluded that the excised leaf method can provide a reliable measure of the lines’ reaction to aphids.  相似文献   

A mutant with yellow seedcoat colour was isolated by Nayar (1968) in the mustard variety‘Rai-5′. This mutant was crossed to the national check cultivar ‘Varuna’ in order to develop improved strains with yellow seedcoat. Four such strains with yellow seeds were evaluated for their seed yield, yield components and percent oil. Two strains TM-9 and TM-17 were more productive than ‘Varuna’ in seed yield. All the yellow seeded strains showed higher oil percentage as compared to ‘Varuna’. The seedcoat in the yellow seeded strains accounts for 14-15% of the seed weight as compared to 18% in the black seeded ‘Varuna’. The higher proportion of the cotyledons and embryo accounts for the increased oil percentage in the yellow seeded types.  相似文献   

S. Prakash    I. Ahuja    H. C. Upreti    V. Dinesh  Kumar  S. R. Bhat    P. B. Kirti  V. L. Chopra   《Plant Breeding》2001,120(6):479-482
An alloplasmic mustard, Brassica juncea, has been synthesized by placing its nucleus into the cytoplasm of the related wild species Erucastrum canariense to express cytoplasmic male sterility. To achieve this, the sexual hybrid E. canariense (2n=18, EcEc) ×Brassica campestris (2n= 20, AA) was repeatedly backcrossed to B. juncea (2n= 36, AABB). Cytoplasmic male‐sterile (CMS) plants were recovered in the BC4 generation. These plants are a normal green and the flowers have slender, non‐dehiscing anthers that contain sterile pollen. Nectaries are well developed and female fertility is > 90%. The fertility restoration gene was introgressed to CMS B. juncea from the cytoplasmic donor E. canariense through pairing between chromosomes belonging to B. juncea with those of the E. canariense genome. The restorer plants have normal flowers, with well‐developed anthers containing fertile pollen. Meiosis proceeds normally. Pollen and seed fertility averaged 90% and 82%, respectively. F1 hybrids between CMS and the restorer are fully pollen fertile and show normal seed set. Preliminary results indicate that restoration is achieved by a single dominant gene. The constitution of the organelle genomes of the CMS, restorer and fertility restored plants is identical, as revealed by Southern analysis using mitochondrial and chloroplast probes atp A and psb D, respectively.  相似文献   

Effect of cyto‐sterility sources on morphology and yield attributes in F1 has well been studied in different crops, but not on the seed quality of hybrid. Six cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines, viz. Ogura, Siifolia, Erucoides, Moricandia, Tournefortii and Oxyrrhina, which represent six different sources of CMS, were pollinated by a single maintainer line (‘Pusa Bold’) to check whether CMS sources have any marked effect on seed quality. Seeds were collected in 2007–2008 (rabi season: October–April) from CMS maintenance plot and kept in ambient storage for next 3 years. The results indicated that CMS/cyto‐sterility sources influenced the seed quality parameters in fresh seed as well as after storage. Per cent germination (as means over the storage period) was recorded up to 89.00, 88.25 and 87.88 in Moricandia, Ogura and Oxyrrhina systems, respectively, and it was significantly different from Tournefortii and ‘Pusa Bold’ (70.13 and 74.38, respectively). The CMS sources also had pronounced effect on other seed quality traits, viz. root and shoot length and seedling dry matter, and Ogura and Moricandia (green) performed better.  相似文献   

Summary Divergence of 25 accessions of Brassica juncea of Indian, CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States, former USSR) and synthetic origin was studied by D2 analysis. On the basis of divergence, ten accessions were selected and crossed in a diallel fashion without reciprocals to study the combining ability and heterosis. None of the accessions was found to be a good general combiner for all the nine quantitative characters that were studied. Significant heterosis over better parent for single plant yield was recorded in CIS x Indian and synthetic x CIS crosses (5 each) followed by Indian x synthetic types (3). The analysis of component characters showed that the mean performance of the majority of hybrids was intermediate for five out of six yield attributing traits, thus exhibiting dominance or partial dominance effect. To estimate the contribution of such yield attributing traits towards heterosis for yield, a comparison was made among three parameters viz. heterosis over mid parent (MP), better parent (BP) and better yielding parent (BYP) of the concerned hybrid. It was observed that estimation of heterosis from BYP was a more accurate method to determine the contribution of component characters towards yield heterosis than the analysis based on MP and BP. From the component character analysis, it was concluded that characters like number of primary and secondary branches, number of siliqua per plant and siliqua density contributed significantly towards heterosis in yield. Plot level yield trials of two selected hybrids (Skorospieka II x RH30 and Donskaja IV x Varuna) over two growing seasons revealed 29.4 to 91.8% heterosis over BYP.  相似文献   

An isolated microspore culture procedure was used to produce doubled haploid lines of Brassica juncea from F1 plants of reciprocal crosses between the cultivar‘RLM514’and a canola quality breeding line. The inheritance of two qualitative markers, seed color and leaf hairiness, was compared using traditional and microspore-derived populations from these crosses. Chi-square tests indicated that each trait is controlled by different sets of duplicate pairs of genes. Brown seeds or hairy leaves can result from the presence of either of two dominant alleles, whereas yellow seed or glabrous leaves are produced when alleles at both loci are recessive. The segregation of genes controlling seed color and leaf hairs in doubled haploid progeny did not differ significantly from that expected under random assortment, indicating that doubled haploids can be used in this species for genetic studies, and probably cultivar development as well.  相似文献   

Z. X. Fan    W. X. Lei    D. F. Hong    J. P. He    L. L. Wan    Z. H. Xu    P. W. Liu    G. S. Yang 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(3):297-301
Over the past decade, the polima cytoplasmic male sterility ( pol CMS) three-line and two-line systems have been developed for the production of hybrid seed in Brassica napus oilseed rape in China. The discovery of the novel pol CMS restorer line FL-204 is described here. It restores male fertility of hybrid plants in the pol CMS system, but hybrid seed production can only be carried out under autumn sowing in Wuhan in south China under moderate temperatures at flowering. The restorer cannot be used as a male for hybrid seed production in northwestern China (Gansu) under spring sowing conditions, because there it is more or less male sterile due to high temperatures at flowering. Because of this behaviour, it is referred to as a fertility temperature-sensitive restorer (FTSR) in this paper. F2, BC1 as well as double haploid populations were constructed to determine the inheritance of fertility restoration of FL-204 in the autumn at Wuhan and under spring sowing conditions at Gansu, respectively. Deviations from Mendelian genetics were observed. It was hypothesized that the change of fertility was the result of the interaction between nuclear genes [restoring gene ( Rf ) and temperature-sensitive genes ( ts )] and the cytoplasm. The Rf gene in FL-204 was incapable of restoring male fertility of pol CMS lines under spring sowing conditions at Gansu where it is inactivated by the recessive ts gene present in FL-204. However, the ts gene(s) could be non-functional under moderate temperature conditions at flowering at Wuhan which allows full expression of male fertility in FL-204. The recessive ts gene(s) can only be expressed in plants containing the pol sterile cytoplasm. A method for the utilization of the FTSR pol CMS restorer FL-204 for the production of hybrid seed in B. napus oilseed rape is proposed.  相似文献   

A new cytoplasmic male-sterility system was developed in an oilseed Brassica, viz. B. juncea var. ‘Pusa Bold’ with the cytoplasmic background of a wild species, Diplotaxis siifolia, obtained through wide hybridization. The synthetic alloploid (D. siifolia×B. juncea: 2n = 56, D3D3AABB) was repeatedly backcrossed to B. juncea to achieve cytoplasmic substitution. The CMS plants resembled the cultivar in growth and morphology. The flowers had narrow sepals and petals and short, shrivelled anthers which failed to dehisce. The meiotic process appeared to be normal. The microspores degenerated at an early stage after tetrad formation. Female fertility in the CMS plants was as good as in the cultivar. Female transmission of sterility confirmed it to be cytoplasmically encoded.  相似文献   

A germplasm collection of 152 diverse rapeseed accessions from Canada, China, France, India, Poland and South Korea was assayed for identifying new fertility restorers and sterility maintainers for a Tournefortii (tour) cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system in rape‐seed. Only 16 (10.5%) genotypes showed complete fertility restoration following hybridization with tour CMS line NE 409A. Notable among these were GSL 8851, GSL 8953, Mokpo # 9, Mali, Buk‐wuk‐13, Kuju‐27 and Mokpo # 84. As many as 78 (51.3%) genotypes were perfect maintainers of sterility, the remaining 58 (38.2%) genotypes were classified as partial maintainers. To study the inheritance of fertility restoration, 20 CMS (tour) rapeseed lines were crossed with the four best fertility restorers, namely GSL 8851, GSL 8953, Kuju‐27 and Mokpo # 9, to obtain F2 and test cross populations. Segregation data indicated that fertility restoration for tour CMS was governed by two genes, of which, one is stronger than the other (χ212:3:1). Differences in gene interactions were also observed (χ29:3:4) which could be explained on the basis of influence of female parent genotypes/or modified expression of the restorer gene(s) in different genetic backgrounds. Tests of allelism indicated that the restorer genes present in the four restorers evaluated were allelic.  相似文献   

Peroxidase levels were assayed in 12 genotypes and in 36 F1cross progenies of Indian mustard ( Brassica juncea L. Coss) at twelve stages of development, starting from seed germination till seed formation. The levels of peroxidase activity and the coefficient of variation emphasized the role of differential enzyme activity at different stages of development. Genotypes were also evaluated for plant height and seed yield. The correlations of peroxidase activity in 24 h soaked seeds with plant height and seed yield were significantly positive while those of enzyme activity in 45 days old plants with these traits were significantly negative. The study suggests the changing role of enzyme at two critical stages of plant development.  相似文献   

J. S. Chauhan    M. K. Tyagi    A. Kumar    N. I. Nashaat    M. Singh    N. B. Singh    M. L. Jakhar    S. J. Welham 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(4):399-402
Effects of drought on yield and yield components were investigated during the spring season 2000–2001 by growing 14 Indian mustard genotypes under irrigated and rain-fed conditions at Bharatpur and Jobner. A disease and pest management schedule was followed when required. The drought susceptibility index (DSI) for seed yield and component characteristics was calculated to characterize the relative tolerance of genotypes. Plant height, primary branches, secondary branches per plant, 1000-seed weight and seed yield were reduced under rain-fed conditions. The top five genotypes at Bharatpur that showed tolerance to moisture stress for seed yield, as indicated by their lowest DSI, were, in descending order PSR-20, PRO-97024, JMMWR-941, IS-1787 and PCR-7, whereas at Jobner these were JMMWR-941, RC-1446, PSR-20, RH-819 and 'Varuna'. Of these, PSR-20 and JMMWR-941 were among the top six at both locations. These genotypes also showed relatively low DSI for one or more characteristics, such as primary branches per plant, secondary branches per plant, harvest index and seed : husk ratio. Genotypes with the lowest DSI, particularly for seed yield at both locations, would serve as useful donors in the breeding programme for improving the drought tolerance of existing Indian mustard cultivars.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of alien cytoplasm and fertility restorer genes on agronomic and physiological traits in Brassica juncea, cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) and fertility restorer lines involving five alloplasms in three nuclear backgrounds were constituted through repeated backcrossing. These lines were evaluated along with euplasmic lines for agronomic traits in field experiments. Respiration efficiency of in vitro cultured hypocotyls, and chlorophyll content in leaves were also estimated. Significant adverse effects of trachystoma and catholica cytoplasms on yield‐contributing traits and yield were noticed. The restorer gene corrected the floral defects in CMS trachystoma and restored yield to the level of euplasmic line, while it did so only partly in CMS catholica. Restorer genes had no adverse effect on traits in any of the systems. On the contrary, the Rf gene of moricandia CMS system exerted a positive effect on leaf chlorophyll content. Likewise, in vitro assay indicated the moricandia CMS system as vigorous. The moricandia CMS plants gave higher seed yield perhaps due to overall better vigour and higher leaf chlorophyll content.  相似文献   

A simple randomized field experiment was conducted to assess the growth and yield of rape-seed-mustard in relation to sulphur and nitrogen interaction. Three levels of sulphur (0, 40 and 60 kg ha−1) in combination with three levels of nitrogen (60, 100 and 150 kg ha−1) were tested as treatments, T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5. Results indicated significant favourable effects of sulphur and nitrogen, when applied together, on yield components, seed and oil yield. Maximum response was observed with treatment T3 (having S and N of 40 and 100 kg ha1, respectively). Percentage oil content of seed was maximal at T4 (having S and N of 60 and 100 kg ha1) in both cultivars. The increase in N dose from 100 to 150 kg ha−1 without any change in applied S, i.e. 60 kg ha1 (T5), decreased the percentage oil content. The seed and oil yield, however, were similar to T3. Favourable responses of S and N interaction on leaf area index, rate of photosynthesis and biomass production were also observed.  相似文献   

Chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA restriction profiles of a cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line of Brassica juncea and its maintainer line were compared and found to be markedly different. Comparison of cpDNA restriction profiles of fifty different species of genus Brassica and some allied genera showed that the cpDNA profiles of CMS lines were similar to that of B. tournefortii for twenty different restriction endonucleases. This CMS system is thus not of spontaneous origin as reported earlier, but is alloplasmic in nature. Comparison of restriction profiles of mtDNA of B. tournefortii and CMS lines revealed some differences which might either be due to changes in DNA pattern during the transfer, or, due to the cytoplasm coming from a B. tournefortii line different from the one used in this study.  相似文献   

W. L. Wei    H. Z. Wang    G. H. Liu 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(4):426-428
It is very important for rapeseed hybrid production to develop and utilize a novel cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system concerning the possible risk because of a narrow cytoplasm background. Here the anatomy of anther development in the CMS system, named NCa , was observed using light microscope and transmission electron microscope, and the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses of mitochondrial DNA of NCa sterile line were also performed in comparison with the other rapeseed sterile lines, such as pol , nap , ogura , and tour . The anther abortion of this CMS line occurred at the later uninucleate microspore stage, and the anatomic aborting characteristics were obviously different from all the other rapeseed CMS lines reported before. The RFLP analyses revealed that five probe/enzyme combinations could distinguish the five CMS lines. The results of anatomic observations and mitochondrial DNA polymorphism indicated that the NCa CMS system is a novel one which differs from the pol , nap , ogura , and tour systems.  相似文献   

Yield and Qualitative Characteristics of Indian Mustard ( Brassica juncea L. Czern.)
Indian mustard is required as raw material for the production of mustard. In field trials, farm trials and processing tests during several years evidence could be furnished, that the cultivation of the up to now foreign crop is possible on suitable sites in central Germany. On loess soils (soil value number more than 50) in regions with milder climatic conditions the grain yields attained in using of intensive specific cultivation methods on an average of about 30 dt/hectare. The results of the field trials confirmed by average yields of 14 16 dt/hectare in agricultural practice. The best farms attained grain yields up to 25 dt/hectare. With regard to raw material with a content of allyl mustard oil of more than 1.00 % also the demands of the food processing industry could be fulfilled by all lots produced on farms (the attained content of allyl mustard oil amounted to 1.00 1.40 %).
Climatic factors but also the observance of correct cultivation methods influence first of all the processing quality.  相似文献   

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