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Leukocytes were harvested from the peripheral blood, mesenteric lymph node and small intestinal lamina propria from groups of three piglets before, and 1,2 and 3 weeks after infection with virulent transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) at 2 weeks of age. The donor piglets developed clinical signs of transmissible gastroenteritis which persisted for up to 3 days, and they developed peak serum titres of TGEV-neutralizing antibodies 2 weeks post-infection. The leukocytes were cultured in the presence of pokeweed mitogen (PWM), various dilutions of purified TGEV, or control media for 3 or 5 days, and the culture supernatants were tested for antiviral activity in MDBK cells challenged with vesicular stomatitis virus. The antiviral activity was characterized as porcine interferon (IFN)- or porcine IFN-τ on the basis of its stability at pH 2.0 and neutralization by anti-human IFN- antibodies. Viability of the leukocytes in culture, determined by trypan blue exclusion, was highest for the peripheral blood leukocytes and lowest for the mesenteric lymph node leukocytes. There were no consistent differences in antiviral activity between cultures incubated for 3 or 5 days. Porcine IFN- was found in the supernatants of the leukocyte cultures stimulated with TGEV antigen, harvested before or after infection of the donor piglets with TGEV. Porcine IFN-τ was demonstrated in the supernatants of the leukocyte cultures stimulated with PWM, more frequently when the leukocytes were harvested post-infection. This was the first demonstration of IFN induction in vitro in leukocytes from porcine gut-associated lymphoid tissue.  相似文献   

The intestinal permeability of specific pathogen free piglets has been studied by measuring the concentration of 14C in the blood after oral administration of 14C polyethylene glycol (14C PEG, MW=4000) and the concentration of 131I in the faeces after intraperitoneal administration of 131I porcine albumin (131I PA, MW=68 000). The tests were performed one day before and up to two days after the piglets were infected with transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) virus.Jejunal biopsies were taken from two piglets before the experimental infection, from two piglets 12 h after the experimental infection and from five piglets at the end of the experiment, 46 h after infection. Blood samples were taken six-hourly and faecal samples several times.Some piglets vomited before diarrhoea and loss of appetite started at 14 h after infection; the packed cell volume decreased before but increased after infection. Morphological examination showed hyperregenerative villous atrophy at 46 h after infection.There was no increase in the permeation of 14C PEG but there was a significant increase in the flux of 131I PA from the blood to the gut lumen.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether porcine peripheral blood leukocytes and intestinal intraepithelial leukocytes can mediate antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity against target cells infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. Peripheral blood leukocytes collected from six young adult pigs and intraepithelial leukocytes from a further five pigs were used as effector cells in chromium release assays against PK-15 cells persistently infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. Both peripheral blood leukocytes and intraepithelial leukocytes were capable of mediating antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity against PK-15 transmissible gastroenteritis cells. While the peripheral blood leukocytes mediated lower levels of specific 51Cr release in spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity than in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, the intraepithelial leukocytes were more effective in spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity than antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The permeability of the intestine of specific pathogen free piglets was investigated by measuring the concentration of 125-I in the blood after oral administration of 125-I polyvinylpyrrolidone (125-I PVP, MW=40 000 Da) and the concentration of 131-I in the faeces after intravenous administration of 131-I porcine albumin (131-I PA, MW=68 000 Da). The tests were performed one day before and up to two days after the piglets were infected with the Miller strain of transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) virus. Biopsies of the jejunum were taken at the end of the experiment and blood samples were taken six-hourly. The piglets became anorexic and had diarrhoea 12 hours after infection; the packed cell volume decreased and the concentrations of urea and total serum proteins increased slightly after infection. However, the marked villous atrophy was not accompanied by an increased permeability of the intestine to PVP or PA.  相似文献   

Pregnant sows were inoculated with inactivated transmissible gastroenteritis virus and with preparations of virus surface projections and subviral particles derived by detergent treatment of the virus. Neutralising antibody was demonstrated in serum and colostrum from animals that received whole virus or preparations of surface projections whereas subviral particles failed to stimulate neutralising antibody formation. Similar results were obtained with serum from rabbits inoculated with whole virus and structural components. All three preparations stimulated the formation of agglutinating antibodies, as demonstrated by sedimentation analysis and filtration studies with radiolabelled virus.The immunoglobulin classes responsible for neutralising antibody activity in sows inoculated by the intramammary route were examined. In each case where the immunoglobulin class was determined, IgG was found. One sow that received surface projections also had IgA with neutralising activity in her colostrum. In contrast, infection of sows with live whole virus resulted in neutralising antibody of the IgG, IgM and IgA classes.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an oral fluid therapy alone or combined with parenteral administration of a 5% dextrose solution to attenuate the clinical signs and the pathophysiological consequences of transmissible gastroenteritis in neonatal piglets. Eighteen two day old conventional piglets were infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus while six others were used as controls (Group 1). At the onset of diarrhea, infected piglets were divided into three groups of six (Groups 2, 3 and 4). Piglets in group 2 were not treated and were fed a milk replacer ad libitum. Piglets in group 3 were removed from the milk replacer and placed on an oral glucose-glycine-electrolyte solution ad libitum. Those in group 4 were placed on oral fluid therapy and received a 5% dextrose solution intraperitoneally at the rate of 25 mL/kg of body weight once a day. Blood samples were collected in heparin within minutes after the infected piglets became comatose and from the controls at four or five days of age. The following variables were measured: packed red cell volume, blood pH, total plasma protein and bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen, and plasma glucose, creatinine, chloride, inorganic phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Vomiting and diarrhea appeared 12 to 24 hours postinoculation in the infected piglets. There was a sudden and rapid progression into a comatose and moribund state one or two days later whether the infected piglets were treated or not.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

猪传染性胃肠炎疫苗的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪传染性胃肠炎是由猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)引起的一种以严重腹泻、呕吐和脱水为临床特征的高度接触性传染病。可侵害各年龄的猪,已成为猪的一种世界性疾病,给养猪业造成巨大经济损失,有效的疫苗接种是目前大多数国家控制本病流行的重要措施。在过去的十年中,人们重点构建基因工程疫苗,但效果不一。灭活苗或弱毒活苗虽然仍显示着良好的优势,但一种安全、有效新型疫苗的研制已成为必然趋势。  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAB) to each of the 3 major structural proteins of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) of swine were compared, using their virus-neutralizing (VN) activity in the presence or absence of guinea pig, rabbit, or swine complement. The MAB against the peplomer protein had similar VN titers for TGEV in the presence or absence of complement from any source. The MAB against the matrix protein had VN activity for TGEV only in the presence of complement, whereas MAB specific for the nucleocapsid protein did not possess VN activity in the presence or absence of complement. Serum from sows containing antibodies against TGEV peplomer and matrix proteins had slightly higher VN titers in the presence of complement than in the absence of complement. High concentrations of complement from swine serum (128 U) had little effect on the infectivity of TGEV for swine testes cells, whereas 32 U of complement from rabbit serum and 64 U of complement from guinea pig serum were able to neutralize virulent and attenuated TGEV in the absence of known antibodies for TGEV. Complement (less than or equal to 8 U) from any source did not decrease the infectivity of TGEV by greater than 0.5 log10 units.  相似文献   

猪传染性胃肠炎病毒NASBA检测方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为建立猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)NASBA的检测方法,本研究利用BioEdit和BlastN,根据GenBank中猪TGEV的S基因保守序列设计引物,建立了扩增TGEV的NASBA检测技术。利用该方法建立的反应体系在41℃反应2h即可得到有效扩增。实验结果表明:该方法对TGEV进行扩增获得约200bp特异性目的条带,而对CSFV、PRRSV、PCV-2、PPV、PEDV和ST细胞扩增结果均为阴性。NASBA的灵敏度高于普通RT-PCR,与病毒分离方法相当,可检测到5pg的核酸。该方法为TGEV的早期诊断提供了新途径。  相似文献   

Mouse myeloma cells (SP2/O) were fused with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with detergent-solubilized antigen of purified virus, and 21 monoclonal (MC) antibodies reactive in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with the TO-163 strain of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) virus were obtained. Of these MC antibodies, 14, 6 and 1 were IgG1, IgG2a and IgM, respectively. All of the MC antibodies contained light chains of the kappa type. Of these MC antibodies, 8 were found to have neutralization (NT) activity against the TO-163 strain. Comparison of 7 strains of TGE virus by NT tests using our panel of MC antibodies confirmed their close antigenic relationships, but also revealed the occurrence of distinct antigenic differences. These results suggest that there may be at least 6 different epitopes involved in NT reaction on the virion of the TO-163 strain. This notion was confirmed by the competitive binding assay.  相似文献   

Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) virus was reisolated from pulmonary and intestinal tissues from 6 of 9 chronically infected experimental pigs (principals) necropsied 30 to 104 days after inoculation. Tissue homogenates (lung and small intestine) from the principals were prepared and inoculated into 3- to 5-day-old gnotobiotic pigs. The virus reisolated from the tissue homogenates produced a milder disease on 1st passage and a more severe disease on 2nd passage. The chronically infected experimental pigs (principals) developed serum-neutralization titers to TGE of 1:30 to 1:525. There appeared to be no relationship between serum titers and reisolation of TGE virus from the 9 principals. The persistence of virus in lung or intestine to 104 days indicates the recovered (or carrier) pig may be considered the primary source of TGE virus infection.  相似文献   

以纯化的猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)作为抗原免疫BALB/c小鼠,经3次免疫后,通过聚乙二醇方法进行融合,利用有限稀释法在HAT培养基上筛选杂交瘤细胞,共获得12株既能稳定生长并可以分泌特异性抗TGEV的单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞系,分别命名为8D2、4H4、5D6、7H10、4C3、9G1、3A2、8G1、5G6、2D7、4D6、6B10。间接ELISA、Western blot、间接免疫荧光结果表明,获得的12株单抗能特异性识别TGEV,通过间接ELISA做病原检测,显示12株单抗与猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)和猪轮状病毒(PrV)不发生交叉反应。经抗体亚类鉴定,该12株单克隆抗体均为IgG2b。12株抗TGEV的单抗制备成功,为猪传染性胃肠炎病原特性研究和病原快速检测提供了物质基础。  相似文献   

经生物信息学预测发现猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)3′UTR可能是ssc-miR-182的潜在作用位点,本研究以猪传染性胃肠炎病毒为研究对象,构建TGEV 3′UTR双荧光素酶报告基因载体,并将其与合成的ssc-miR-182模拟体瞬时共转染至猪小肠上皮细胞,通过荧光监测仪测定荧光素酶活性;同时通过荧光定量PCR方法检测TGEV感染猪小肠上皮细胞后在不同时间段ssc-miR-182的表达变化情况。研究结果显示,ssc-miR-182对TGEV 3′UTR有一定的抑制作用,并且TGEV在感染小肠上皮细胞以后ssc-miR-182的表达明显上调。结果表明,宿主ssc-miR-182与TGEV的感染和复制增殖相关。  相似文献   

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