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The persistence of vinclozolin in three tropical rice soils, widely varying in their physicochemical characteristics, was compared under both non-flooded and flooded conditions. Degradation of the fungicide was more rapid in all the soils under flooded conditions than under non-flooded conditions. Kinetic analysis indicated that the degradation of the fungicide followed a first-order reaction irrespective of soil or water regime. Soil acidity and salinity significantly affected the persistence of the fungicide under non-flooded conditions. The degradation of the dicarboxymide fungicide was enhanced following repeated applications to an alluvial soil under both water regimes, with the enhancement being more marked under flooded conditions. Faster degradation of vinclozolin in mineral salts medium inoculated with non-sterile suspension from retreated alluvial soil indicates the involvement of micro-organisms. 3,5-Dichloroaniline was detected as a metabolite in the degradation of the fungicide in both soil and mineral salts medium. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The herbicide benzoylprop-ethyl (SUFFIX,a ethyl (±)-2-(N-benzoyl-3,4-dichloro-anilino) propionate) is applied post-emergence for the control of wild oats (Avena spp.) in wheat. During application some falls onto the soil and in the present work the possible uptake of residues from the soil, particularly by rotation crops has been studied using radioisotope techniques under indoor and outdoor conditions. Soil application at 1 kg/ha gave lower residues in wheat in the year of application than were found in previous studies using overall foliar-soil application. In the radiochemical experiments soil residues did persist into the following year, but residues in potatoes and wheat grown in these soils, although generally below the limit of determination (0.005 mg/kg), were occasionally just above this level (0.006 mg/kg). On the results of the present work, residues in rotational crops from soils treated in the previous year are unlikely to reach the limits of normal analytical determination.  相似文献   

Soil samples from five metropolitan areas including Baltimore, Maryland; Gadsden, Alabama; Hartford, Connecticut; Macon, Georgia; and Newport News, Virginia were analyzed for elemental arsenic, organochlorine pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). A representative number of samples were analyzed for organophosphorus pesticides, but none was detected. All areas exhibited heavy soil concentrations of organochlorine pesticides including sigma DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, photodieldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, endrin, endrin ketone, and endosulfan sulfate. PCBs were detected in three of the five metropolitan areas. Within the metropolitan areas, samples from the urban, or core city, locations generally had higher pesticide concentrations than did samples from suburban locations. Finally, pesticide residue concentrations were generally higher in soils of metropolitan areas than in nearby agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Chlortoluron hadàhalf-tire in soil of 4–6 weeks. The only metabolite identified was monomethyl chlortoluron, half-life 8 weeks. 3-Chloro-4-methylphenylurea hadàsimilar half-life but was not detected in soils treated with chlortoluron or monomethyl chlortoluron suggesting that 3-chloro-4-methylaniline was formed directly from monomethyl chlortoluron. This aniline hadàhalf-life of 1–2 days in soil, initial concentrations above 5 ppm yielding dimers and trimers predominantly C — N linked. Neither the aniline nor polymeric products were detected in chlortoluron treated soils, presumably because slow formation of the aniline was followed by rapid degradation which kept concentration low.  相似文献   

Summary This research studied the influence of soil type, soil moisture and incubation time before rain on the mobility of imazaquin in two highly weathered tropical soils, named clay and sandy clay. The soils were packed in glass columns and treated at three different moisture contents. Then, the applied imazaquin (150 g a.i. ha−1) was incubated for 0, 1 and 30 d before rainfall simulation began. Leaching was significantly higher in the sandy clay soil, when imazaquin was applied to moist samples and rainfall occurred soon after application (in this case, 73.4% of applied imazaquin was leached). Leaching was always low in the clay soil (in all cases, <1.8% of applied imazaquin was leached). In addition, imazaquin leaching potential was overestimated by the low K d value (1.24 L kg−1) measured for the clay soil using batch equilibration data. For this soil, the vacuum displacement method also failed to predict leaching (in this case, 28.9% of applied imazaquin was leached). Consequently, batch equilibration and vacuum displacement methods cannot be used to predict leaching of anionic organic molecules, such as imazaquin, in fine-textured tropical soils. Moreover, soil type and weather patterns or irrigation timing must be considered before imazaquin application to avoid environmental or carry-over problems and to achieve maximum effectiveness of the herbicide.  相似文献   

This report summarizes pesticide application and cropping data collected in 1972 from 1,402 agricultural sampling sites in 37 states as part of the National Soils Monitoring Program. Pesticide application data are summarized by all sites, states, and crop. Tables generally give the number of sites reporting, number of times a compound was applied, percent occurrence, and arithmetic mean application rate. Pesticides applied most frequently were atrazine, 2.4-D, captan, and trifluralin. Among selected major crops, pesticides were most frequently applied to sites growing field corn and cotton, least frequently to sites growing alfalfa/bur clover and mixed hay.  相似文献   

Residue data from the 1972 (FY--73) National Soils Monitoring Program are summarized. Composite samples of agricultural soil and mature crops were collected from 1,483 of the 1,533 selected 4-hectare sites in 37 states. Analyses were performed for organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, trifluralin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); analysis for atrazine was performed only when pesticide application data indicated current-year use. Organochlorine pesticides were detected in 45 percent of the soil samples. The most frequently detected compound was dieldrin, found in 27 percent of all soil samples. Other compounds detected, in order of frequency, included DDT, aldrin, chlordane, and heptachlor epoxide, found, respectively, in 21, 9, 8, and 7 percent of all soil samples. Crop samples were collected from 727 sites. All were analyzed for organochlorines; analyses were performed for organophosphates and atrazine only when pesticide application data indicated current-year use. For all crops, 40 percent of the samples contained detectable levels of organochlorines and 10 percent contained detectable levels of organophosphates. Atrazine was not detected.  相似文献   

德国农药管理工作开展早 ,已形成法规严格、管理职责清楚、对农药登记要求明确的管理方法。根据中 -德合作农药项目计划的安排 ,农业部农药检定所于2000年9月派出考察团 ,对德国农药管理工作进行了实际考察。考察团在德国期间 ,拜访了联邦农林生物研究院(BBA)、联邦消费者保护卫生与兽医研究所(Bgvv)、德国技术合作公司(GTZ) ;访问了美茵兹州植物种植与植物保护局、巴伐利亚州植物种子保护局 ;与布伦瑞克、霍恩海姆、慕尼黑技术大学、拜耳、赫斯特农药公司、杀虫剂行动网络注册协会(PAN)、RCC细胞研究有限公司…  相似文献   

农业部农药检定所于2001年6月和7月 ,在安徽省和黑龙江省分别召开了全国农药管理系统南方会议和北方会议 ,来自全国29个省、自治区、直辖市农药检定所所长参加了会议。会议总结交流了上半年药检工作的情况、经验以及下半年的工作计划 ,讨论了我国农药产业结构调整实施方案以及全国农药检定系统先进集体和先进个人评选办法 ,并对今后如何进一步做好农药管理工作 ,认真听取了大家的意见和建议。会上 ,农业部农药检定所查显才所长充分肯定了上半年全国药检工作取得的成绩 ,对下半年的农药管理工作进行了部署。现将下半年工作要点摘要如…  相似文献   

Over the period 1968/70 147 samples of raspberries and 124 samples of strawberries were analysed for organochlorine insecticide residues. DDT was found in 30% of the samples but only one sample contained as much as 1.4 parts/million. No residues were detected in the raspberries during the last year of the survey which coincided with the discontinued use of DDT on this crop. 184 of the above samples were also analysed for residues of organophosphorus insecticides and the fungicide dichlofluanid. Malathion was found in one sample of raspberries. Approximately 40% of the strawberries contained detectable amounts of dichlofluanid and its metabolite with combined residues ranging from 0.1 to 7.5 parts/million. Only two samples of raspberries contained residues of either dichlofluanid or its metabolite. It is considered that the residues of these various pesticides should not present a hazard to consumers.  相似文献   


中文通用名称:长川霉素 英文通用名称:Streptomvces melanosporofaciens农药登记名称:1%长川霉素乳油 理化性质:长川霉素是由七海市农药研究所创制开发的大环内酯类农用抗生素杀菌剂.,产生长川霉素的微生物是一种属于链霉菌属的菌种.是从我国广西梧州地区的土壤中分离而得的.经过菌种鉴定.菌株定名为生黑孢链霉菌广西变种(Streptomyces melanosporofaciens varguanxicus spri 520)。  相似文献   

中文通用名称:呋苯硫脲 英文通用名称:暂缺 农药登记名称和商品名:10%呋苯硫脲乳油 (享丰) 理化性质:呋苯硫脲是我国具有自主知识产 权的一种新型植物生长调节剂,属含有取代 呋喃环的酰胺基硫脲化合物。呋苯硫脲原药 (含量≥90%)外观为浅黄色粉末。熔点207-  相似文献   

中文通用名称:球孢白僵菌英文通用名称:beauveria bassiana农药登记名称:300亿孢子/克球孢白僵菌油悬浮剂理化性质:球孢白僵菌属半知菌亚门、丝孢纲、丝孢目、白僵菌属,是一种昆虫病原真菌。产品的有效成分为分生孢子,属微生物杀虫剂。在SDAY培养基上,球孢白僵菌菌落绒毛状、丛  相似文献   

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