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根据2014年7月台湾海峡中部、北部及邻近水域渔业资源底拖网调查资料,分析了该水域的鱼类群落结构,包括种类组成、区系特点、优势种、多样性及空间分布等,探讨了鱼类群落结构与环境因子的关系,并阐述了鱼类群落的群聚结构。结果表明,调查海域共捕获鱼类84种,隶属于16目、48科、69属。从种类数上看,适温类型以暖水种为主,区系类型以大陆架浅水底层鱼类以及大陆架岩礁性鱼类为主;从生物量组成上看,区系类型则以大陆架浅水中低层鱼类为主。优势种为带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)和七星底灯鱼(Benthosema pterotum),合计渔获质量占总渔获质量的46.92%,对总渔获质量的回归贡献值分别为0.30和0.62;高生物量区集中分布在台湾海峡北口海域,在空间上表现为明显的生态位重叠。层次聚类分析将群落优势物种划分为2个主要的生态类型:沿海类型和广布类型,沿海类型的代表性物种包括龙头鱼、黄鲫、鳓;广布类型物种有带鱼、窄颅带鱼、七星底灯鱼、竹荚鱼、刺鲳、麦氏犀鳕。Shannon-Wiener多样性、Pielou均匀度和Margalef丰富度的变化范围分别为0.22~2.31、0.11~0.72、0.36~4.04,平均值分别为1.44、0.51、1.59,丰富度与总渔获质量表现为显著负相关(r=?0.65),与深度显著正相关(r=0.48)。物种?环境典范对应分析表明,与物种空间结构关系密切的影响因子为底盐、底层无机氮、底温、表底温差和水深;而影响群落优势群体分布的因子为底温、底盐和底层无机氮。  相似文献   

  • 1. Fish assemblages of shallow‐lagoonal biotopes (seagrass beds, coral patches, reef flat and sand) were examined within the Nabq Managed Resource Protected Area (MRPA), South Sinai, Egypt. This protected area supports a small‐scale artisanal Bedouin fishery, managed by gear restrictions and a network of no‐take zones (NTZs).
  • 2. Coral patches showed highest species richness and diversity of fish, followed in order by the reef flat, shallow seagrass beds and sandy bottoms.
  • 3. There were clear differences in fish assemblages between the biotopes surveyed, little differences between sampling areas and no significant differences in fish assemblages between no‐take and take zones, suggesting species characteristic of these shallow‐water biotopes are dispersed along the coast irrespective of fishing pressure.
  • 4. Nine species (Acanthurus nigrofuscus, Asterropteryx semipunctatus, Cryptocentrus caeruleopunctatus, Cheilio inermis, Thalassoma rueppellii, Lethrinus mahsena, Lethrinus nebulosus, Parupeneus forsskali and Pomacentrus trilineatus) had a 95% correlation to the pattern of assemblage distribution, indicating these species are the most important determinants of the fish community.
  • 5. Approximately one‐third of fishes recorded appeared to be juveniles, with seagrass beds having a particularly high proportion of juvenile fish, including several commercial species.
  • 6. The structure of the fish assemblage and fish size suggests that shallow‐water biotopes in Nabq MRPA may be acting as nursery areas of commercial fish for the Bedouin fishery.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了解雷州湾及其附近海域渔业生物的群落结构及其物理影响因素,于2016—2017年开展了4个季度的底拖网渔业资源与生态环境调查。运用聚类分析、相似性百分比分析以及冗余分析研究了该海域鱼类群落结构及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,雷州湾附近海域共捕获鱼类256种,以底层鱼类和暖水性鱼类为主;各季节均可划分为两个亚群落(Anosim test:R=0.28~0.77, P<0.01),群落Ⅰ的平均相似性为38.48%~47.44%,相似性的主要贡献种为斑头舌鳎(Cynoglossus puncticeps)、中华海鲇(Tachysurus sinensis)和线纹鳗鲇(Plotosus lineatus)等;群落Ⅱ的平均相似性为41.38%~52.59%,主要贡献种为多齿蛇鲻(Saurida tumbil)、斑头舌鳎和花斑蛇鲻(Saurida undosquamis)等。两个亚群落的平均相异性为57.74%~76.25%;水深是4个季度显著影响鱼类分布的重要生态因子,溶解氧是3个季度显著影响鱼类分布的重要环境因子。综上所述,雷州湾及其附近海域鱼类种类数丰富,高于海州湾、大亚湾等海域;本研究揭示了该海域鱼类群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系,为该海域鱼类资源的养护及利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Abstract  After typological pre-classification of 398 calibration sites, fish-based metric models were used to predict the impact of human activities on river quality in European Western Highlands and Western Plains ecoregions. Calibration sites were grouped into six assemblage types and according to their geomorphology; test sites were assigned to their corresponding assemblage type. Five anthropogenic variables were used to describe the impact level of each site and stepwise discriminant analysis was performed to: (i) avoid redundancy between metrics; (ii) examine how selected metrics discriminated impact classes and (iii) predict ecological status for each site of the given fish type. Globally, this approach predicted the impact class correctly for 64% of sites. The difference between observed and predicted impact was more than one class for only 2.5% of the sites. When validating this approach with an independent data set, differences between observed and predicted impact values never exceeded 2 impact classes, but these differences varied in size among countries.  相似文献   

The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) is of high ecological and economic importance to the western Caribbean region, and contains spawning sites for a number of reef fish species. Despite this, little is known of the distribution and transport of pelagic fish larvae in the area, and basic in situ information on larval fish assemblages is lacking. Here we describe the results of two biological oceanography research cruises conducted in winter‐spring of 2006 and 2007, focusing on larval fish assemblages. We use multivariate assemblage analyses to examine vertical and horizontal distribution characteristics of larval fish assemblages, to highlight key distinguishing taxa, and to relate these to the observed oceanographic structure. Our results showed a general separation between the Gulf of Honduras region, which was characterized by weaker currents and high abundances of inshore and estuarine taxa (Eleotridae, Priacanthidae), and the northern MBRS, which was subject to strong northward flow and contained a mixture of mesopelagic and reef‐associated taxa (Myctophidae, Sparidae). Although distinct patterns of vertical distribution were observed among taxa, both shallow and deep living larvae were broadly distributed throughout the study area. Analysis of historical drifter tracks highlighted the strong northward flow and low retention conditions typically present along the northern MBRS, as well as potential connectivity between the western Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

We present findings of the first mesoscale study linking larval fish assemblages and water masses along shelf waters off south-eastern Australia (southern Queensland-New South Wales), based on vertical, non-depth discriminate data from surveys in October 2002 and 2003 (spring) and July 2004 (winter). Clustering and ordination were employed to discriminate between larval assemblages and, for the first time, to define water masses from water column temperature frequencies. Surveys yielded 18 128 larval fishes comprising 143 taxa from 96 identifiable families, with small pelagics accounting for 53% of the total. Three major recurrent larval assemblages were identified during the study, each of which matched one of three water masses, namely East Australian Current to the north (EAC; 20.5–23.4°C), Tasman Sea to the south (TAS; 14.8–17.5°C), and mixed EAC–TAS water in between (MIX; 18.3–19.9°C). All three assemblages were present in spring, whereas only EAC and MIX occurred in the more northerly constrained winter survey. Furthermore, boundaries between the EAC, MIX and TAS assemblages were found to be dynamic, with locations shifting temporally and spatially depending on EAC extent. Assemblage composition differed significantly between water masses across surveys, with EAC–TAS being most dissimilar. Such contrast was due to the presence of tropical/temperate taxa in EAC, primarily temperate-associated taxa in TAS, and a combination of EAC–TAS taxa within MIX consistent with the convergence of both waters. Results highlight the strength of employing larval assemblages as indicators of water masses, particularly in view of the potential effect of climate change on spawning habitats of shelf fishes.  相似文献   

北江鱼类群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为详细了解北江鱼类群落结构,于2014年3月-2016年2月对北江鱼类资源进行了每月一次的野外调查。结果显示:共采集鱼类77种,隶属于8目16科56属。其中鲤形目44种,占总数的57.1%;鲈形目10种,占总数的13.0%;鲇形目8种,占总数的10.3%;其余的鳉形目、合鳃鱼目、鲱形目、鲑形目和鲻形目种数均少于5种。在全部77种鱼类中,只有(Hemiculter leucisculus)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)和鲮(Cirrhina molitorella)三种鱼类属于年度优势种。典型对应分析(CCA)显示,水温(Tem)、溶氧量(DO)和盐度(Sal)是影响北江鱼类群落结构季节变化的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

Characterisation of food webs, by summarising energy transfer and trophic relationships, allows more functional measurement of ecosystems and may reveal threats (e.g., land‐cover change) in sensitive environments that are not obvious from conventional biomonitoring. However, typical methods used to achieve this are time‐consuming and expensive. Therefore, we tested the usefulness of fish‐focused food‐web proxies as functional measures, specifically mass–abundance relationships of fish assemblages and stable isotope (SI)‐derived metrics in headwater stream reaches. These metrics have been trialled before for similar use in other settings, but have yielded varying results, and have not been employed in tandem in temperate freshwaters. Sampling reaches (= 46) were spread across a variety of streams, and the effects of habitat predictors at multiple scales on metrics were assessed using model selection. We found that habitat size positively correlated with food‐chain lengths in streams, possibly because of increased abundance of fish at multiple trophic levels in habitats with more space. Additionally, flood disturbance was negatively associated with fish mass–abundance and carbon range, likely due to the harshness of flood‐prone streams. Riparian land‐cover variables were correlated with multiple metrics, indicating the importance of terrestrial–aquatic linkages. Additionally, variations in all metrics were influenced by the presence of native, predatory longfin eels. Overall, we conclude that mass–abundance relationships and SI‐derived metrics are sensitive to drivers of trophic organisation and likely reflect processes occurring at multiple spatial scales in freshwaters. Thus, these metrics could be an insightful monitoring tool for managers because they reflect functional measures of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

根据2014年11月(秋季)和2015年5月(春季)在三门湾进行渔业资源调查以及同步调查的6个主要环境因子数据(水温、盐度、悬浮物、p H、溶解氧及化学需氧量等),对三门湾鱼类群落结构及其与6个主要环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果显示,共捕获鱼类33种,其中以季节性洄游种类和暖水性种类为主。春、秋季优势种各有5种,其中棘头梅童鱼、龙头鱼和孔虾虎鱼为共同优势种。应用非度量多维测度分析(NMDS)和单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)可得,春、秋鱼类群落均可划分为2组,其中1组主要分布在湾内,而另1组主要分布在湾口,在不同站位组间均存在极显著差异。长度谱分析结果显示,鱼类群落长度谱的斜率和截距有明显的季节性差异。RDA分析结果表明,鱼类群落主要受温度、溶解氧、悬浮物和p H等环境因子影响。  相似文献   

Environmental flow assessment (EFA) involving microhabitat preference models is a common approach to set ecologically friendly flow regimes in territories with ongoing or planned projects to develop river basins, such as many rivers of Eastern Africa. However, habitat requirements of many African fish species are poorly studied, which may impair EFAs. This study investigated habitat preferences of fish assemblages, based on species presence–absence data from 300 microhabitats collected in two tributaries of the Kilombero River (Tanzania), aiming to disentangle differences in habitat preferences of African species at two levels: assemblage (i.e. between tributaries) and species (i.e. species‐specific habitat preferences). Overall, flow velocity, which implies coarser substrates and shallower microhabitats, emerged as the most important driver responsible of the changes in stream‐dwelling assemblages at the microhabitat scale. At the assemblage level, we identified two important groups of species according to habitat preferences: (a) cover‐orientated and limnophilic species, including Barbus spp., Mormyridae and Chiloglanis deckenii, and (b) rheophilic species, including Labeo cylindricus, Amphilius uranoscopus and Parakneria spekii. Rheophilic species preferred boulders, fast flow velocity and deeper microhabitats. At the species level, we identified species‐specific habitat preferences. For instance, Barbus spp. preferred low flow velocity shallow depth and fine‐to‐medium substratum, whereas L. cylindricus and P. spekii mainly selected shallow microhabitats with coarse substrata. Knowledge of habitat preferences of these assemblages and species should enhance the implementation of ongoing and future EFA studies of the region.  相似文献   

In the Oueme River, a lowland river in Benin, Africa, artificial ponds constructed in the floodplain (whedos) are colonised during the high‐water period by a presumably random sample of fishes from the river channel. As water slowly recedes from the floodplain, fishes are isolated in whedos until they are harvested near the end of the dry season. We surveyed fishes in whedos and adjacent main‐channel and floodplain habitats during two low‐water periods (2008 and 2009) and one falling‐water period (2010–2011) to evaluate the relevance of four alternative metacommunity models to these systems. In 2010–2011, we also measured a suite of physicochemical variables including dissolved oxygen, temperature, specific conductivity and per cent cover of aquatic vegetation. Whedos were covered with dense growth of aquatic vegetation, and dissolved oxygen concentrations were lower in whedos and a natural floodplain depression compared with the main channel. Multivariate analyses revealed that habitat types were distinct with regard to assemblage structure and abiotic conditions. Assemblages in whedos and natural floodplain depressions were differentiated from those of the river channel, with the floodplain habitats being dominated by piscivorous fishes that tolerate aquatic hypoxia. Dispersal, aquatic hypoxia and predation act in concert to shape local community structure. Patch dynamics, species sorting and mass effect models all were consistent with patterns in fish assemblage structure in this system. We conclude that the underlying mechanisms of drift, speciation, selection and dispersal ultimately may be more useful for explaining patterns in ecological communities than alternative metacommunity models.  相似文献   

Larval fish assemblages were sampled using replicated oblique bongo net tows along a five‐station transect extending from inshore (18 m depth) to offshore waters (1000 m depth) off temperate south‐western Australia. A total of 148 taxa from 93 teleost families were identified. Larvae of Gobiidae and Blenniidae were abundant inshore, while larvae of pelagic and reef‐dwelling families, such as Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Carangidae and Labridae were common in continental shelf waters. Larvae of oceanic families, particularly Myctophidae, Phosichthyidae and Gonostomatidae, dominated offshore assemblages. Multivariate statistical analyses revealed larval fish assemblages to have a strong temporal and spatial structure. Assemblages were distinct among seasons, and among inshore, continental shelf and offshore sampling stations. Inshore larval fish assemblages were the most seasonal, in terms of species composition and abundance, with offshore assemblages the least seasonal. However, larval fish assemblages were most closely correlated to water mass, with species distributions reflecting both cross‐shelf and along‐shore oceanographic processes and events. Similarity profile (SIMPROF) analysis suggested the presence of twelve distinct larval fish assemblages, largely delineated by water depth and season. The strength and position of the warm, southward flowing Leeuwin Current, and of the cool, seasonal, northward flowing Capes Current, were shown to drive much of the variability in the marine environment, and thus larval fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Fish species richness in lakes of the northeastern lowlands in Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fish species richness was assessed by electrofishing and gillnetting in 16 lakes of the northeastern lowland in Germany (the Schorfheide biosphere reserve). The lakes range from 0.03 to 10.55 km2 and support between 5 and 14 fish species. Species richness is significantly correlated with lake area in an exponential and a power model. Richness is also correlated with shoreline development and total dissolved solids. This supports the hypothesis that larger areas contain more species within a taxonomic group due to increased habitat diversity. The slope of the species-area curve is low compared with most other studies of fish species richness in lakes, and the intercept value is high. This is interpreted as the result of high habitat and food diversity, lack of stress from abiotic factors, and the small regional species pool from which these lakes can be colonized. Two species inventories, one from the beginning of this century and one from the 1950s, are available for comparison. Average species richness did not change during the last decades. Species turnover rates were not related to the degree of anthropogenic eutrophication or to the intensity of fishery exploitation in these lakes. On the species level, however, one effect of accelerated eutrophication is apparent, the disappearance of 4 bottom-living species from one to 6 of the study lakes.  相似文献   

温州南部沿岸海域鱼类群落特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据2015年春季(5月)和秋季(9月)温州南部沿岸海域渔业资源调查数据,利用物种多样性指数、多元分析及其典范对应分析等方法,对该海域鱼类种类组成、多样性和群落与环境因子间的关系进行了分析。结果表明:温州南部沿岸海域共鉴定鱼类47种,隶属于9目27科41属,主要以暖水性和暖温性为主,鲈形目(Perciformes)种类最多,共26种;其次为鲱形目(Clupeiformes),共6种;再次为形目(Tetraodontiformes),共4种。春季,优势种依次为日本鳀(Engraulis japonicas)、镰鲳(Pampus echinogaster)、六丝矛尾虾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)和棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus),其渔获量占总渔获量的49.3%;秋季,优势种为龙头鱼(Harpodon nehereus)、棘头梅童鱼和六指马鲅(Polynemus sextarius),占总渔获量的50.8%。日本鳀、蓝圆鲹(Decapterus maruadsi)、刺鲳(Psenopsis anomala)、龙头鱼、鳓(Ilisha elongata)和六指马鲅等是各季节各站位组的典型种及造成不同站位组间群落差异的主要分歧种。此外,组内的典型种一定程度上是组间的分歧种和群落的优势种。经Pearson分析,Margalef种类丰富度指数(D)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')与溶解氧呈极显著正相关,而与盐度和温度均呈显著正相关。通过典范对应分析(CCA)得出,影响鱼类群落的主要环境因子为酸碱度p H、水深和盐度。  相似文献   

To date, little is known about the larval‐fish assemblages (LFAs) in the eastern Mediterranean. The purpose of this study is to investigate the intra‐annual variations of LFAs with an emphasis on the effects of physical, chemical, biological and meteorological conditions in the gulf of Iskenderun, which is a shallow (100 m maximum depth), semi‐enclosed bay located in the northeastern corner of the Mediterranean. The gulf is under the influence of offshore waters throughout the year. The study was based on an ichthyoplankton survey program performed at 28 stations over 12 months, between November 2009 and October 2010. During the study, a total of 11,411 larval individuals belonging to 177 taxa were sampled. The jackknife estimate of maximum species richness was 225 ± 19 for the study area. The maximum larval richness (84 species) and abundance (827 larvae/10 m2) values coincided with spring bloom in April. Gobiids dominated the ichthyoplankton of Iskenderun Bay by constituting 9% of species richness and 42% of total individuals. Four LFAs were identified which were in early winter (November to January), late winter (February and March), spring (April to June) and summer (July to October). The intra‐annual variations of richness, abundance and composition of ichthyoplankton were significantly correlated with the temperature and mesozooplankton biomass. The wind conditions and thermal stratification were also significantly correlated with the composition of LFAs. In conclusion, phenology of LFAs were formed under the influence of physical and tropho‐dynamic conditions in Iskenderun Bay, Northeastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

渤海鱼类群落功能群及其主要种类   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
根据2009年8月和10月对渤海渔业资源的底拖网调查,采用胃含物分析、聚类分析和功能群划分的方法研究了渤海鱼类群落的功能群组成及其主要种类。结果表明,渤海夏、秋季鱼类群落包括7个功能群,分别为浮游动物食性功能群、杂食性功能群、底栖动物食性功能群、虾食性功能群、虾/鱼食性功能群、鱼食性功能群和广食性功能群;其中主要功能群为浮游动物食性功能群、杂食性功能群和虾/鱼食性功能群;主要种类有小黄鱼、蓝点马鲛、斑、赤鼻棱鳀、银鲳和黄鲫。圆筛藻、中华哲水蚤、太平洋磷虾、长额刺糠虾、中国毛虾、甲壳类幼体、日本鼓虾、六丝矛尾虎鱼、小黄鱼、双壳类和腹足类是当前渤海夏、秋季鱼类群落的主要饵料种类。  相似文献   

黄海南部近岸海域鱼类群落结构与区系划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牟秀霞  徐宾铎  薛莹  任一平  张崇良 《水产学报》2017,41(11):1734-1743
黄海南部海域具有复杂的水团结构和海流环境,使该海域鱼类群落产生较为复杂的空间结构。为研究黄海南部近岸海域鱼类群落结构特征,实验根据2014—2015年对该海域进行4个季度的底拖网调查数据,利用多元统计方法分析了该海域鱼类群落的分布格局并比较了各群落的相对生物量、生物多样性、优势种等结构特征。应用聚类分析(cluster)和多维标度排序(MDS)分析将黄海南部近岸海域划分为海州湾群落与江苏近岸群落;海州湾群落的平均相对资源量和生物多样性均高于江苏近岸群落,而暖温性与暖水性鱼类所占比重相对较低;海州湾群落的优势种主要为方氏云鳚、大泷六线鱼和日本鳀等,季节变化显著;江苏近岸群落的优势种为短吻红舌鳎、途、棘头梅童鱼和黑鳃梅童鱼等,季节变化不明显。研究表明,黄海南部近岸海域可划分为海州湾区系与江苏近岸区系,其鱼类群落结构特征具有显著差异。海流、水团、底质类型及水深等环境因子是形成鱼类群落结构差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

Abstract Non‐wadeable river systems are some of the most diverse aquatic ecosystems, but little work has been conducted to quantify the relationships between fish assemblages and habitat characteristics in them. In 2007 and 2008, 21 reaches were sampled on 16 non‐wadeable rivers across Iowa, USA. Fish were sampled in each reach with three different gears, and habitat characteristics (channel morphology, current velocity, instream cover) were measured using standard procedures. Fish assemblages were structured based on drainage basin and reaches and could be categorised as belonging to one of three groups. Reaches in the Missouri River basin group were narrow and had a high proportion of fine substrate. Reaches in the Mississippi River A group were also narrow but had a high proportion of large rocky substrate. Reaches in the Mississippi River B group tended to be wider, deeper and have higher proportions of fine substrate than the other groups. Fish assemblages were closely related to habitat characteristics and reflected differences among the three groups. Results of this study suggest that stream geomorphology may have a substantial influence on fish assemblage structure in large rivers.  相似文献   

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