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平原地区采煤塌陷对土地的影响及复垦治理   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
阐述了平原煤矿区采煤塌陷土地自然形态,土壤结构,地下水位等方面的影响,论述了重建矿区土地生态系统的意义,并提出了重建矿区土地生态系统的几项措施。  相似文献   

采煤沉陷地一种复垦基质植物生长试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将粉煤灰分别与污泥、酒糟按4∶1的质量比混合组成新型复垦基质,利用盆栽试验研究了该基质上苜蓿、棉花、高羊茅、早熟禾的生长情况以及基质主要化学性质变化。结果表明:4种植物均可在基质中生长,而且基质中生长的植物叶绿素含量均超过对照;种植前后基质中的有机质含量变化不大,而速效养分含量由于灌溉和雨水的淋洗有所降低,但仍维持较高水平,盐分含量明显降低;从测定的As、Cr、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn的含量来看,除Cd外均低于土壤环境质量二级标准值。总之,该基质能够基本满足植物生长的需要,但最好种植非食用植物。这不仅开辟了粉煤灰、酒糟、污泥农业利用的新途径,而且为采煤沉陷地的修复提供了以废治废、节土造田的新理论与模式。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区煤矿沉陷耕地复垦   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
探索开发适宜黄土地貌和气候特点以及黄土丘陵采煤沉陷损伤规律的土地复垦模式,对于实现该区数量质量并重管理的耕地保护目标具有重要的现实意义。该文基于开采设计、沉降观测参数和MSAS软件,预测山西兴县斜沟煤矿一采区沉陷损毁土地面积为16.54 km2,损毁土地类型以耕地和草地为主,其中轻度破坏耕地面积3.70 km2,中度破坏耕地面积2.41 km2,重度破坏耕地面积0.17 km2。结合黄土丘陵沟壑低潜水位区土地损毁特征和区域生态保育和国土整治目标,拟对轻度破坏的1.65 km2耕地采用裂缝充填和土地平整复垦措施,按照集中连片的原则对轻度、中度和重度破坏的4.63 km2耕地采用坡改梯的土地复垦工程措施进行复垦,实现增加耕地面积0.40 km2,每年减少水土流失4.94万t,提高了耕地质量等级。研究认为,结合企业复垦资金和社会资金投入,按照集中连片的原则对采煤沉陷破坏的耕地采取坡改梯复垦是该区域损毁耕地复垦的有效模式。  相似文献   

Abstract. A spoil and vegetation survey was conducted of five fields reclaimed from coal mine spoils seeded in different years at the Whitewood mines of south-central Alberta, Canada. It aimed to understand the causes of visibly wide variations in ground cover of the seeded species which was mainly alfalfa. Sites were initially stratified into productivity classes: A (high), B (medium), and C (low) based on the seeded species, and then sampled. Cover and dry weight declined linearly with age of reclaimed field. The spoil at class-A sites contained more clay than that of class-C sites. It also contained more moisture and a better cover. Electrical conductivity (EC) and the concentrations of soluble B, Mg, Na, and K in the spoil were significantly greater at class-C sites. Cover and dry weight of the seeded species were negatively correlated with EC, B, Mg, and Na in the spoil, thus implicating these factors in poor vegetative productivity, particularly in the dry conditions that typify this part of Alberta.  相似文献   

采煤塌陷区土地动态沉降预测模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了把握采煤塌陷区土地复垦的时机、促进农业生产的持续高效,对塌陷区土地随时间不断变化的动态沉降过程进行了研究。通过分析Knothe函数中时间影响参数c,得出c值对地表沉降的动态计算及稳定时间有较大影响,且参数c是动态变化的,给出了c值的计算方法。依据塌陷区极限下沉量和阶段下沉量的思想,建立了基于时间影响参数的塌陷区动态沉降预测模型,并以某矿2407工作面的地表沉陷实测数据为例,对参数c的求取和预测模型进行了实例应用,结果表明该动态沉降预测模型较为符合现场实际。  相似文献   

针对干旱半干旱地区煤炭开采造成的生态破坏问题,利用微生物-植物-土壤的综合作用效应,可加快矿区受损生态的修复进程.为评价不同接种微生物在矿区生态修复过程中的动态作用效果,以神东矿区大柳塔采煤塌陷区的紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa L.)为研究对象,通过原位监测,研究接种不同菌根真菌、解磷细菌或同时接种不同微...  相似文献   

为了解不同沉陷程度农田土壤生态系统中大型土壤动物群落结构,于2007年夏季对我国中部潞安集团井工开采区沉陷农田生态系统中不同等高线处大型土壤动物群落组成进行了调查,采用野外手捡法共采集大型土壤动物477只,隶属于3门7纲15目22科。其中,蜘蛛目、鞘翅目、直翅目和膜翅目为优势类群,占总捕量的83.64%;常见类群4类,占总捕量的13.22%。研究结果表明:不同沉陷程度对农田大型土壤动物个体数、类群数均有不同程度影响,农田大型土壤动物个体密度随着沉陷深度的增加呈现增加趋势,沉陷区土壤生态环境的变化引起大型土壤动物的局部迁移。Jaccard相似性系数表明沉陷区中部(2 m、4 m和6 m等高线处)三者间相似程度较高,正常农田(CK)与沉陷区底部(7 m等高线处)之间相似程度最低,达到极不相似程度。研究认为不同沉陷程度对大型土壤动物的群落结构有明显影响,将大型土壤动物作为沉陷区农田土壤质量评价中生物性状指标具有重要意义。  相似文献   


Underground mining has caused drastic disturbances to regional ecosystems and soil nutrients. Understanding the three-dimensional (3D) spatial distribution of soil nutrients in mining area farmland is crucial for agricultural production and environmental management. However, few studies have reported the 3D spatial distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) in coal mining subsidence area. In our study, a sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) algorithm was used to analyse the spatial distribution of SOM based on observations of 180 soil samples in the Zhaogu mine in China. The results showed that the SOM content had considerable variation in spatial distribution at different soil depths (0–20, 20–40, 40–60?cm) and decreased with the increase in soil depth. The spatial variability of surface organic matter was the largest, and the coefficient of variation was 29.38%, which was moderately mutated. The spatial distribution of SOM also varied among slope locations. The SOM content was higher upslope and downslope than on the middle slope. In addition, given a threshold, SGS can be used to calculate the probability that the organic matter content at any position is lower or higher than the given value. The research results provide a reference for land reclamation and precision agriculture.  相似文献   

淮南采煤沉陷区积水过程地下水作用机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高潜水位采煤沉陷区容易积水,地下水在其中所起的作用相关研究不足。该文借助相关水文推理和数值模拟分析,对淮南典型孤立采煤沉陷区的地下水作用机制进行了辨析,取得的主要研究结论为:当地降水、蒸发水文条件是孤立沉陷区积水的控制性因素,一般年份下没有地下水的补给作用其积水面积比也能达到71%左右;由于淮北平原地势平缓,地下水径流微弱,水平衡定量分析表明典型沉陷区的地下水补给量仅占其积水来源百分之几的数量级;在一个水文年内,地下水与采煤沉陷区积水间的作用过程具有明显的阶段性特征,在汛期基本上表现为沉陷区积水向地下水的净渗漏,在非汛期基本上表现为地下水净补给。该文可为淮南矿区及中国华东类似采煤沉陷区的水资源利用研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Summary N mineralization was compared in fresh topsoil, stockpiled topsoil, coal-mine spoil, and in various mixtures of soil and mine spoil, with and without sludge amendment. N mineralization was slightly lower in stockpiled topsoil than in fresh topsoil or mine spoil. Differences between stockpiled and fresh topsoil were small and were attributed to changes in the relative proportions of readily degradable versus slowly degradable organic fractions. Sludge amendment increased N mineralization, but straw amendment immobilized N through 12 weeks of incubation. More N was leached from mixtures of mine spoil and soil than from soil or mine spoil alone, but net N mineralization decreased with increasing mine-spoil-to-soil ratios, probably as a result of greater denitrification losses. Mixing mine spoil with soil can increase plant available N more than soil or spoil alone, because spoil contributes mineralizable organic N while soil improves the physical and chemical environment of the mine spoil.  相似文献   

A detailed study was undertaken to measure mineral nitrogen status, mineralization rate of carbon and nitrogen, nitrification rate and fixation of added ammonium on 90 samples of coal mine spoils collected throughout Central Scotland. The inorganic nitrogen status of the spoils was very low (mean 3.4 mg N kg−1). The rate of carbon dioxide evolution was high compared to the low rate of nitrogen mineralized, resulting in a mean mineralized C:N ratio of 178. Nitrification of added ammonium was measurable on only half of the samples studied. Spoil with pH < 4.8 showed no nitrification of added ammonium. However, on some sites above this pH no net nitrification was measured, which suggested the absence of nitrifying bacteria. A considerable amount of applied ammonium nitrogen was lost either as a result of ammonium fixation by clay minerals, or assimilation by the heterotrophic population due to the wide mineralizable C:N ratio.  相似文献   

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