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OBJECTIVE : To report outcomes after cellophane banding of single congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs and cats. STUDY DESIGN : Retrospective study of sequential cases. ANIMALS : One hundred and six dogs and five cats. METHODS : Medical records were reviewed for breed, sex, age at surgery, shunt anatomy, results of pre- and postoperative biochemical analysis, development of postligation neurologic dysfunction, portal hypertension or other serious complications, and the owners' perception of their animal's response to surgery. RESULTS : Ninety-five dogs and all 5 cats had extrahepatic shunts. Eleven dogs had intrahepatic shunts. Six dogs (5.5%) died as a result of surgery from portal hypertension (2 dogs), postligation neurologic dysfunction (2), splenic hemorrhage (1) and suspected narcotic overdose (1). Serious complications were more common in dogs with intrahepatic shunts than those with extrahepatic shunts (P=.002). Postligation neurologic dysfunction necessitated treatment in 10 dogs and 1 cat; 8 dogs and the cat survived. Clinical signs attributed to portosystemic shunting resolved or were substantially attenuated in all survivors. Postoperative serum bile acid concentrations or results of ammonia tolerance testing were available for 88 animals; 74 (84%) were normal and 14 (16%) were abnormal. Multiple acquired shunts were documented in two animals. CONCLUSIONS : Cellophane banding is a safe and effective alternative to other methods of attenuation. CLINICAL RELEVANCE : Slow occlusion of portosystemic shunts using a variety of methods is being evaluated world wide. Cellophane banding is a relatively simple procedure with comparable safety and efficacy to previously reported techniques.  相似文献   

Eleven of 89 dogs (12 per cent) developed neurological signs within six days of surgical attenuation of a congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt. Neurological signs were not associated with hepatic encephalopathy or hypoglycaemia. Signs varied in severity from non-progressive ataxia (three dogs) to generalised motor seizures (four dogs), progressing to status epilepticus (three dogs). In a further four cases, ataxia and disorientation were treated vigorously with anticonvulsant medication, presumably preventing the development of seizures. Two dogs that developed status epilepticus died or were eventually euthanased. All other animals survived, although some had persistent neurological deficits. Postligation neurological complications were not prevented by gradual shunt attenuation. Prophylactic treatment with phenobarbitone (5 to 10 mg/kg preoperatively, followed by 3 to 5 mg/kg every 12 hours for three weeks) did not significantly reduce the incidence of neurological sequelae (2/31 [6 per cent] dogs with phenobarbitone vs 9/58 [16 per cent] without phenobarbitone; P = 0.2). However, no animal receiving phenobarbitone experienced generalised motor seizures or status epilepticus. In conclusion, these observations suggest that postligation neurological syndrome comprises a spectrum of neurological signs of variable severity. Perioperative treatment with phenobarbitone may not reduce the risk of neurological sequelae, but may reduce their severity.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the efficacy and short term effects of a cellophane banding technique for progressive attenuation of canine single extrahepatic portosystemic shunts.
Design A prospective trial of 11 dogs with single congenital extrahepatic shunts.
Procedure Rectal ammonia tolerance testing and routine biochemical tests were performed preoperatively on all dogs. In seven dogs, preoperative abdominal Doppler ultrasonography was also performed. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a single extrahepatic portocaval shunt in each animal, which was attenuated using a cellophane band with an internal diameter of 2 to 3 mm. The abdomen was closed routinely. Follow-up biochemical analysis and abdominal Doppler ultrasonography or splenoportography were performed postoperatively.
Results The shunt was not amenable to total ligation in 11 dogs, based upon reported criteria. All dogs recovered uneventfully from surgery without evidence of portal hypertension, and showed clinical improvement thereafter. Shunt occlusion was deemed to have occurred in 10 dogs based on resolution of biochemical and/or sonographic abnormalities. One dog continued to have sonographic evidence of portosystemic shunting when evaluated 3 weeks after surgery, despite normal ammonia tolerance, but was lost to subsequent follow-up. Two dogs, in which 3 mm cellophane bands were placed, experienced delayed shunt occlusion.
Conclusion Cellophane banding is simple to perform, and causes progressive attenuation of single extrahepatic shunts in dogs. Further work is needed to determine the maximum diameter of a cellophane band which will produce total attenuation, and the long-term safety and reliability of the treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of cellophane banding of single congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs using transcolonic portal scintigraphy. To investigate the portal circulation of those dogs with elevated postoperative shunt fractions to determine the cause of the persistent shunting. Further, to evaluate whether presenting signs, clinical pathology findings and liver histopathology are predictive of outcome. DESIGN: Prospective study of 16 dogs presenting with single congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts. PROCEDURE: Dogs with single extrahepatic portosystemic shunts attenuated by cellophane banding underwent portal scintigraphy and bile acids tolerance testing pre- and post-operatively. Dogs identified with elevated shunt fractions at 10 weeks post-operatively underwent mesenteric portovenography. Qualitative hepatic histopathology from all dogs was reviewed by a veterinary pathologist and assigned a semi-quantitative score to identify any abnormalities that may predict surgical outcome. RESULTS: At 10 weeks post cellophane banding, 10 of 16 cases (63%) had normal shunt fractions, whilst six dogs (37%) had increased shunt fractions and seven dogs (44%) had increased serum bile acids. Of these dogs, mesenteric portovenography revealed incomplete closure of the shunt in three dogs (18.6%) and multiple acquired shunts in three dogs (18.6%). Liver histopathology findings were similar for all dogs, regardless of outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Cellophane banding is an efficacious method for complete gradual occlusion of single extrahepatic shunts when the shunt vessel is attenuated to < or = 3 mm. Transcolonic portal scintigraphy is a reliable method for assessment of shunt attenuation and, unlike serum bile acids, is not influenced by other causes of liver dysfunction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Serious postoperative hemorrhage has been reported in dogs after closure of congenital portosystemic shunts (CPS). HYPOTHESIS: In dogs with portosystemic shunting, low coagulation factor activity is responsible for coagulopathy, which can cause complications after surgery. ANIMALS: Thirty-four dogs with CPS and 39 healthy dogs. METHODS: In a prospective study, coagulation times, platelet count, and the activity of 8 coagulation factors were measured in dogs before and after surgical shunt attenuation and in 31 healthy dogs. The effect of abdominal surgery on hemostasis was determined at ovariectomy in 8 healthy dogs. RESULTS: Dogs with CPS had lower platelet counts, lower activity of factors II, V, VII, and X, and increased factor VIII and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) compared to healthy dogs. After surgical attenuation, dogs with CPS had decreased platelet counts and activity of factors I, II, V, VII, IX, X, and XI and a prolonged prothrombin time (PT). Ovariectomy resulted in decreased activity of factors VII and X. Six weeks after surgery, portosystemic shunting persisted in 9 of 30 dogs, with no improvement of hemostatic values. CPS dogs without shunting had improved coagulation times and increased activity of factors II, V, VII, and X. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Dogs with CPS have lower activity of clotting factors compared to healthy dogs, resulting in a prolonged APTT. Surgical attenuation of the shunt results in increased abnormalities in coagulation times and factors immediately after surgery. Hemostasis is normalized after complete recovery of shunting after attenuation, in contrast to dogs with persistent shunting.  相似文献   

Doppler ultrasonography was used to evaluate the portal vein in 14 dogs before, immediately after and four weeks after a partial ligation of a congenital extrahepatic portocaval shunt. By four weeks after the operation, the hepatofugal or zero flow in the portal vein segment cranial to the shunt origin had become a hepatopetal flow in 13 of the dogs, which became clinically healthy. The other dog continued to have a hepatofugal flow in the portal vein cranial to the origin of the shunt and continued to show clinical signs of hepatic encephalopathy. The shunt remained functional in six of the dogs, and three of them developed portosystemic collaterals in addition. In the other eight dogs the patent shunt was non-functional, because a hepatopetal flow was detected in the shunt adjacent to the portal vein. This flow was the result of the splenic vein entering the shunt, and the splenic blood dividing; some flowed via the shunt towards the portal vein, preventing the portal blood from shunting, and the rest flowed via the attenuated shunt segment to the caudal vena cava. Shunting of the splenic venous blood was clinically insignificant.  相似文献   

Kidney specimens from 12 dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts were examined histologically. Glomerulopathy of variable severity was present in the kidney sections of all 12. Marked irregular thickening of the glomerular capillary wall was the most prominent pathological change, the renal interstitium being largely unaffected. The severity of lesions was not correlated with the age of dogs at the time of necropsy. An immunoperoxidase technique failed to demonstrate significant IgA or IgG deposition in affected glomeruli. Proteinuria was generally mild or absent despite significant glomerular lesions, except in dogs with concurrent urinary tract infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine portal hemodynamic changes associated with surgical shunt ligation and establish ultrasonographic criteria for determining the optimal degree of shunt narrowing and predicting outcome. DESIGN: Case series. ANIMALS: 17 dogs, each with a single congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt. PROCEDURE: Pre- and postligation flow velocities and flow directions were determined by Doppler ultrasonography intraoperatively in the shunt and in the portal vein cranial and caudal to the shunt origin. Outcome was evaluated 1 month after surgery by measuring blood ammonia concentration and performing abdominal ultrasonography. RESULTS: Hepatofugal flow was detected in 9 of 17 dogs before shunt attenuation in the portal segment that was between the shunt origin and the entering point of the gastroduodenal vein. If hepatofugal flow became hepatopetal after shunt ligation, hyperammonemia resolved. Hepatofugal portal flow was caused by blood that flowed from the gastroduodenal vein toward the shunt. Shunt attenuation converted hepatofugal flow to hepatopetal in the shunt in 12 of 17 dogs. Chronic portal hypertension developed or perioperative death occurred when the portal congestion index caudal to the shunt origin increased by > 3.6 times. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: After hepatopetal flow in the cranial portal vein and the shunt is established, further shunt narrowing is contraindicated. Increase of the portal congestion index caudal to the shunt > 3.5 times should be avoided. Poor outcome because of severe hypoplasia of the portal branches can be expected if the flow direction remains hepatofugal after shunt occlusion cranial to the shunt origin.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of congenital portosystemic shunt (CPSS) in dogs still is incompletely understood. In Irish Wolfhounds and Yorkshire Terriers, CPSS is reported to be hereditary. The aim of this study was to investigate a possible genetic basis and the mode of inheritance of CPSS in Cairn Terriers. Between July 1990 and July 2001, 6-week-old pups of the Dutch Cairn Terrier population were screened by measuring venous ammonia concentrations and in the presence of hyperammonemia by ultrasonography, autopsy, portal vein angiography, or exploratory celiotomy. The same successfully operated female was used 3 times in test matings with an unrelated affected male, her unaffected sire, and an affected offspring. The prevalence of CPSS in the general Cairn Terrier population, the direct progeny of frequently used males, and the offspring of the test matings were tested for significant differences. In total, 6,367 Cairn Terriers were screened; 32 males and 26 females had CPSS. In 3 large family groups, significantly higher prevalences were found compared with the general population (P < .0001, P < .0001, and P < .044). The prevalence of CPSS in the offspring of the test matings was significantly higher (P < .002) than in the general population. No sex predisposition occurred among the affected dogs. The higher prevalence of CPSS in the test matings and the 3 family groups compared with the general population indicates that CPSS in Cairn Terriers is a genetic disease. The inheritance is autosomal and most likely polygenic or monogenic with variable expression.  相似文献   

Portosystemic shunts were ligated over a gauged stainless steel rod in 160 dogs and 15 cats, using a midline celiotomy. The diameter of the rod varied with the size of the shunt and the diameter of the portal vein cranial to the shunt. Shunts were narrowed to the smallest diameter that did not cause signs of portal hypertension such as cyanosis of the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. A slight discoloration was accepted only if the heart rate, end-expiratory CO2%, or arterial blood pressure (if available) did not deviate more than 15% from the values that were recorded at the beginning of the surgical procedure. The perioperative mortality (0-30 days) was 29%. The most common cause of death was euthanasia because of hypoplasia of the portal vein cranial to the shunt. Animals with intrahepatic shunts had a significantly lower probability of survival than animals with extrahepatic portocaval or portoazygos shunts. In dogs, large breed and a high body weight were also significant risk factors for non-survival. Age had a significant effect on risk of non-survival, with an increased risk for older dogs, irrespective of the breed of the dog (large breed vs. small breed). The probability of survival without recurrence of hepatoencephalopathy (HE) after 1 and 4 years was 61.3% and 55.7%, respectively. The only variable that was significantly associated with non-recurrence of HE was the breed of the dog, there being a lower probability for large breeds. Among the animals that survived surgery for more than 30 days, there was a significant higher probability of recurrence of HE in cats than in dogs.  相似文献   

Objectives : To compare the serum level of hyaluronic acid in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunt with that in healthy dogs and to investigate the perioperative change in serum hyaluronic acid following shunt attenuation. Methods : Blood samples were obtained from 29 congenital portosystemic shunt dogs before the operation, and 2 and 4 weeks after the operation from 17 and 7 dogs, respectively. The serum hyaluronic acid level of these dogs was measured and compared with that of 10 healthy beagles. Results : The median preoperative hyaluronic acid level in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunt was significantly elevated compared with that in healthy dogs. Furthermore, the median postoperative hyaluronic acid level significantly decreased compared with the median preoperative levels in congenital portosystemic shunt dogs. Clinical Significance : In the case of dogs with congenital portosystemic shunt, the reduction of intrahepatic portal blood flow might lower the clearance rate of hyaluronic acid in hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells, so hyaluronic acid clearance could be improved by attenuation of a shunt vessel. Hence, serum hyaluronic acid levels might be useful to evaluate liver function and also have the potential to evaluate successful attenuation of a shunt vessel in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunt. Further investigations are required to clarify whether serum hyaluronic acid offers significant benefits over existing markers such as serum bile acid or ammonia concentrations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine if there were significant changes in prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), and fibrinogen levels in dogs with naturally occurring congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSS) and to determine if there was any association between these values, serum albumin concentration, and the ability to attenuate the shunt vessel. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Thirty-nine client-owned dogs. METHODS: Medical records of 60 dogs with confirmed CPSS were retrospectively evaluated. Hemostatic profiles had been performed before surgery in 39 cases. RESULTS: Dogs with CPSS had significantly higher values for PTT (P < .001) when compared with normal dogs. Of the total number of dogs, 64.1% had a PTT greater than 16 seconds (25/39). PTT was prolonged by 25% or more in 51.3% of dogs (20/39). PT tended to be higher in dogs with CPSS (P = .036), although only 7.7% (3/39) of dogs had a PT greater than 12 seconds (the maximum reference value). Dogs with CPSS had significantly lower values for albumin and fibrinogen (P < .001). Platelet numbers were within the normal range in 87.2% of cases (34/39). Of the 5 dogs with platelet numbers outside the normal range, 3 were mildly thrombocytopenic. Fibrin degradation product concentrations were not elevated in any dogs tested (N = 22). There was no significant difference in any of the measured variables between dogs with extrahepatic shunts and those with intrahepatic shunts (P > .1). For PT, PTT, albumin, and fibrinogen, there was no significant difference between dogs that underwent total, partial, or no attenuation (P > .3). CONCLUSIONS: Dogs with CPSS have a tendency to have a prolonged PTT. There was no significant difference in hemostatic profile results between dogs with intrahepatic shunts versus extrahepatic shunts. Preoperative hemostatic profile abnormalities were not useful as predictors of ability to attenuate CPSS. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Prolonged PTT was not associated with bleeding tendencies in any of the dogs. Assays of individual clotting factors may help to further characterize the abnormalities present in animals with CPSS and may identify specific factor deficiencies. This might enable identification of a noninvasive diagnostic or prognostic indicator.  相似文献   

The development of postattenuation neurologic signs (PANS) is a poorly understood and potentially devastating complication after surgical attenuation of congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs. Postattenuation neurologic signs include seizures but also more subtle neurologic signs such as depression, behavioral changes, tremors, and twitching. They most commonly occur within 7 days postoperatively and are typically unrelated to hyperammonemia, hypoglycemia, or electrolyte disturbances. This narrative review summarizes the findings of 50 publications from 1988-2020 that report occurrence of PANS. While most published reports included only dogs affected by postattenuation seizures (PAS), others included dogs with any form of PANS. Overall, PANS (including PAS) affected 1.6%-27.3% of dogs, whereas incidence of PAS ranged from 0%-18.2%. The etiology of PANS remains unknown; however, several theories have been proposed. Risk factors include preoperative hepatic encephalopathy, increasing age, and possibly certain breeds and extrahepatic shunt morphology. There is increasing evidence that prophylactic antiepileptic drugs do not prevent PANS. Treatment is centered around controlling neurologic signs with antiepileptic drugs and providing supportive intensive care. The 30-day survival rate in studies that included a minimum of four dogs affected by PANS was 0%-100% (median, 50.0%) and 0%-75.0% (median, 37.5%) for those with PAS. Mortality associated with PANS was typically related to occurrence of generalized seizure activity. Prognostic factors positively associated with short-term survival included having a history of preoperative seizures and development of focal seizures only. If affected dogs survived to discharge, survival for several years was possible, and the majority of neurologic signs manifested as part of the phenomenon of PANS appeared to resolve.  相似文献   

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