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引起鸡腿病的原因很多,除某些传染性疾病外,其他如营养、饲养管理、环境及遗传等诸因素也均可引发鸡腿病,其致病因素比较复杂.  相似文献   

鸡腿病的诊断概述许海峰(广西梧州动植物检疫局543002)梁真(广西梧州市兽医站543002)鸡的腿病是由于多种因素造成腿部损害,从而引起鸡的运动障碍的一类疾病,包括腿麻痹、腿软弱、腿变形、关节炎、滑膜炎、腱鞘炎、痛风和股骨头坏死等,病鸡临诊表现站立...  相似文献   

<正>近几年,鸡腿病已经成为鸡群中的常见病,常给生产带来严重的经济损失。鸡腿病的病因十分复杂,临床上的表现也是多种多样。在诊断鸡腿病时,要综合考虑,正确用药才能遏制住疾病的蔓延。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的日益提高,对畜产品的需求量也逐渐增加,在这样的市场环境中,养鸡业是必不可少的致富项目。但是在饲养过程中有很多难以鉴别的疾病,鸡腿病就是其中的一种。鸡腿病主要是由遗传、营养、传染和环境等因素所致。轻者生长受阻,影响增重,重者则终身残疾,造成较大的经济损失。为快速准确查清病因,现将常见的鸡腿病鉴别诊断浅述如下。  相似文献   

鸡发生腿病的原因及其防治办法任成林(河北省张家口农业高等专科学校075131)引起鸡腿病的原因极为复杂,除传染性疾病、环境、中毒、遗传等因素外,主要是营养性因素引起的。病鸡出现的症状主要表现为双腿无力,行走困难,蹲下不愿走动,倒地侧卧等,腿病多发生于...  相似文献   

维生素营养与家禽腿病(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着家禽生产水平的迅速提高,禽腿的畸形率也增加,肉用仔鸡尤为严重。腿病被认为是限制肉鸡生产的四种主要因素之一,给肉鸡业带来了较大的经济损失。Morris(1993)的调查表明,美国每年因肉鸡腿病造成的损失为0.8~1.2亿美元。 鸡腿病泛指一系列运动障碍,包括不愿或不能站立以及不能行走。分为软骨营养障碍,软骨发育不良,佝偻病、关节痛风症、腿扭转、病毒性关节炎、滑膜炎和骨髓炎等。  相似文献   

本文报道了广东部分地区鸽沙门氏菌病的病原学特性。作者对广东地区4个不同类型鸽场和2个销售鸽的商业点发生的腹泻、慢性关节炎和运动神经障碍的病鸽进行了病原分离,对分离到的病原菌——沙门氏菌的形态、染色、生化特性、抗原结构和药物敏感性等进行了研究,并用分离菌在幼鸽中人工复制了沙门氏菌病。此外,尚对感染途径、发病原因和病的防治等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

黄立 《水禽世界》2011,(8):37-38
目前,鸡腿脚病的发生率有所增加,一些养鸡场(户)对鸡腿脚病缺乏足够的认识和了解,往往重视不够,极易引起误诊、错治,造成不必要的经济损失。根据多年临诊经验,现将鸡常见腿脚病的发生原因及类似症状总结如下。  相似文献   

鸡腿病主要是由遗传、营养、传染和环境等因素所致。轻者生长受阻,影响增重;重者则终身残疾,造成较大的经济损失。为快速准确查清病因,现将常见的鸡腿病鉴别诊断浅述如下。  相似文献   

黄立 《山东家禽》2011,(8):37-38
目前,鸡腿脚病的发生率有所增加,一些养鸡场(户)对鸡腿脚病缺乏足够的认识和了解,往往重视不够,极易引起误诊、错治,造成不必要的经济损失。根据多年临诊经验,现将鸡常见腿脚病的发生原因及类似症状总结如下。  相似文献   

鸡群感染传染性贫血病后通常表现翼部发炎或变蓝,鸡体苍白,软弱无力,全身出血,死亡率增加等症状,剖检典型病变为骨髓退色、贫血、淋巴器官萎缩等。该病可通过鸡与鸡直接接触传播,最可能的感染途径是呼吸道。该文主要从鸡传染性贫血病的病原、流行病学特点、临床症状、病理学变化、诊断等方面对鸡传染性贫血病进行论述。  相似文献   

Infectious bronchitis (IB) is an acute and susceptible infectious disease,which has been classified as B loemia and causes a grave threat to the poultry industry.Now,the primary prevention measures of IB are vaccine inoculation.With the diversity of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) serotype and easy variation,and the weakness of cross protection,the prevention and control of IB were a major problem in poultry industry.In this ariticle,it summarized the molecular biological characteristics, and the development and immunization strategy of the attenuated vaccine of IB to provide scientific references for the research and application of IB attenuated vaccine.  相似文献   

传染性支气管炎是一种急性、高度接触性传染病,被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为B类疫病,对世界养禽业的发展造成了严重威胁.目前,传染性支气管炎的主要预防措施仍然是接种疫苗,但由于传染性支气管炎病毒具有血清型众多、变异速度快且交叉保护性弱等特点,使得传染性支气管炎的防制一直是养禽业面临的重大难题.文章主要对传染性支气管炎病毒的分子生物学特征及其弱毒疫苗的发展历程和免疫策略等方面进行了阐述,以期为新型传染性支气管炎弱毒疫苗的开发及应用提供科学参考.  相似文献   

A syndrome characterized by runting, bad feathering and moderate to serious leg weakness occurring in broiler flocks could be reproduced experimentally in birds kept in isolators. The disease could be transmitted to one day old broiler chicks by inoculation of homogenized intestines from birds suffering from this syndrome. Moreover, the disease could be reproduced in a second bird passage with homogenized intestines collected 4 weeks after the primary inoculation. After inoculation of day old broilers with a bacterium and mycoplasma free filtrate of the original inoculum the disease occurred as well, but to a lesser extent. It is concluded that an infectious agent plays an important role in the etiology of this disease.  相似文献   

A 6.5-year-old, spayed female Siberian husky presented with signs of cardiac tamponade and weakness. Pleural, pericardial, and abdominal effusion were identified with radiographs and ultrasound. Pericardiocentesis relieved signs of tamponade, and the dog was clinically improved. Pericardial effusion recurred, and pericardiectomy was performed. Histopathological examination of excised tissues failed to reveal evidence of infectious or neoplastic disease. After pericardiectomy, clinically apparent thoracic effusion persisted. The dog was euthanized, and postmortem histopathological examination revealed emboli of metastatic carcinoma cells in the epicardium. The location of intrathoracic disease in this dog made antemortem diagnosis difficult, if not impossible.  相似文献   

中兽药(Tradition Chinese Veterinary Medicine)是指以天然植物、动物和矿物为原料,炮制加工而成的饮片及其制剂,并在中兽医药学理论指导下用于动物疾病防治与提高生产性能的药物。当前,我国动物疾病面临的防治形势十分严峻:旧病复发、新病又不断发生;混合感染和继发感染疾病增多,且多出现隐性临诊表现;免疫抑制性病原感染普遍。因此在西药的薄弱领域可充分发挥中兽药的优势,特别是针对畜禽疾病中占重要部分的病毒性传染病,中兽药具有多方位调节和治疗作用,可提高动物机体的免疫力和抗应激能力。同时,国家对食品安全、公共卫生安全和健康养殖理念也日趋重视。由于中兽药具有独特的天然属性、用药原则、较高的安全性和有效性,使其拥有前所未有的发展机遇。本文就中兽药在畜禽病毒性传染病中的特点和应用现状以及发展前景作一综述。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to take stock of the knowledge gained over the last few years on Feline Infectious Peritonitis in a synthetic way.Apart from the bibliographical study regarding the works of numerous authors, we state our results concerning the study of the experimental reproduction of the disease.From all the cat infectious diseases, Feline Infectious Peritonitis is the clinical entity the most recently evidenced. In this paper we shall state the elements now clearly established on this disease but numerous points are still to be made clear. Contagious disease of viral origin, it affects domestic and wild Felidae. Clinically, in its most typical form, it is characterised by the progressive development of an exudative sero-fibrinous peritonitis and a febrile and gradual weakness of the general condition. It slowly and regularly develops into death.  相似文献   

本文从太湖流域某养鸭场分离到一株呼肠孤病毒(Duck reovirus,DRV)TH11株,该病毒感染的病鸭主要表现软脚和拉稀等主要症状,剖检病变以肝脏出血和脾脏坏死为主要特征。电镜鉴定结果显示,该病原具有呼肠孤病毒的典型形态学特征。动物回归试验和RT-PCR扩增结果证明,该株病毒无论是在致病性方面,还是在基因序列方面都不同于以往的番鸭呼肠孤病毒,而是一株对多品种鸭具有较高致病性和病死率的新型鸭呼肠孤病毒。  相似文献   

Five commercial broiler flocks, not vaccinated for infectious bursal disease virus, derived from infectious bursal disease virus-vaccinated breeder flocks were surveyed for evidence of bursal damage and infectious bursal disease virus infection. They were compared with two groups of birds raised in isolation. Serum samples from one day old chicks contained maternal anti-infectious bursal disease virus antibodies which declined to undetectable levels by four weeks of age. Serum antibody levels remained undetectable in both control groups and one commercial flock, whereas four of the five commercial flocks had actively produced anti-infectious bursal disease virus antibodies by slaughter age. The weight of bursae from infectious bursal disease virus-positive flocks declined as compared to controls after four weeks of age. The decline in weight correlated with the appearance of histopathological lesions. Infectious bursal disease virus antigen was demonstrated in selected infected bursae and infectious bursal disease bursae and infectious bursal disease virus was isolated from some of these damaged bursae. Clinical infectious bursal disease was not observed in any of the commercial flocks. The importance of subclinical bursal damage and immunosuppression is discussed.  相似文献   

Canine bronchomalacia (BM) is characterized by weakness leading to collapse of the bronchial wall. A prospective study of 18 affected dogs (age range: 1-15 years) was undertaken to characterize the clinicopathological and histological features of BM. Poodles and Yorkshire terriers were commonly affected. Half of the dogs were overweight or obese. The clinical presentation was a mild, wheezing, chronic cough and pulmonary crackles were heard in 28% of the dogs. Compatible radiographic changes were present in 61% of the dogs. Using bronchoscopy, both lungs were affected in half of the animals, whereas in the others the disease appeared to affect predominantly the left lung. Analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and biopsies of bronchial mucosa revealed pure or mixed neutrophilic inflammation. Underlying infectious bronchitis was considered possible in 56% of the dogs. It was concluded that canine BM may present as an isolated clinical entity associated with infection and/or inflammation.  相似文献   

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