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分析结果认为,烧荒、烧田边草是引发森林火灾的最主要因素.同时也分析了各种野外火源的发生规律及在不同月份中的分布状况.  相似文献   

【目的】根据森林火灾历史资料,研究黑龙江省由雷击火、农事用火、野外吸烟火源引起森林火灾的时空格局,为该地区火源管理和森林火灾预防提供科学依据。【方法】以黑龙江省1997—2017年森林火灾资料为基础,分别分析3种火源的时间变化特征;通过双因素方差分析方法,分析3种火源在不同月份和日内时刻造成火场总面积的差异性;使用多距离空间聚类分析方法(Ripley’s K函数)分析3种火源的空间分布格局。【结果】黑龙江省1997—2017年由雷击火引起的森林火灾最频繁,危害也最大,且近年来发生次数有所增加;雷击火主要聚集发生在大兴安岭地区,以6月和7月发生最频繁;每年9月16:00—16:59由雷击火引发的森林火灾每次造成的火场总面积均值最大。农事用火和野外吸烟引起的森林火灾次数和火场总面积在1997—2017年呈波动式下降,且主要发生在4月和5月;农事用火引起的森林火灾在6月12:00—12:59和9月16:00—16:59每次造成的火场总面积均值最大;而野外吸烟火源造成的火场总面积在月和日上均不存在差异,说明针对该种火源在发生频率高、危害程度大的时间都应重点防范。从空间上看,农事用火主要聚集分布在黑河市市辖区、嫩江县、逊克县、七台河市等地;野外吸烟则主要聚集分布在松岭林业局、加格达奇林业局、逊克县、嘉荫县、七台河市和鸡东县等地。【结论】随着黑龙江省火源管控、林火监测和扑救能力的逐渐加强致使雷击火、野外吸烟、农事用火在近年造成的火场总面积相比之前都有大幅下降;森林火灾多发生于春季和夏季; 3种火源引发的森林火灾在空间上都呈聚集分布,主要聚集在西北部的大兴安岭地区,北部黑河、伊春地区及东南部七台河地区。  相似文献   

通过对黔东南州七个县杉木内可燃物的调查分析,提出杉木林内的死可的量是引发森林火灾的一大隐患。  相似文献   

单延龙  张姣 《林业科技》2009,34(6):32-35
根据吉林省1969—2004年的森林火灾统计数据,计算出了吉林省主要林型森林火灾碳释放量的月变化。为了充分减少由于森林火灾排放的碳量,应重点防范白桦林9、10和2月,阔叶林9、5、10、4、3和11月,针阔混交林9、11、4和10月,落叶松林4、3、10和5月,柞树林5、4、9、10和3月,杨树林和红松林9月的森林火灾。  相似文献   

本研究利用2010-2019年辽宁省森林火源数据,分析辽宁省近期主要森林火源种类和时空分布规律,为辽宁省森林火源管理和防火设施建设提供理论依据.结果表明:辽宁省主要火源为农事用火、祭祀用火和野外吸烟.纵火、施工作业、外省(市、县)烧入、野外生活用火和电线短路5种火源在部分地区较为突出;农事用火在整个春季占比均大,祭祀用...  相似文献   

在“被动扑救森林火灾”向“以预防为主”的森林火灾预防机制转变过程中,通过对寅街镇20年来森林火灾发生规律、起火原因、地域和时间分布进行分析,指出93%属人为野外用火引起,森林火灾造成的经济损失主要为非生产性用火中故意纵火、外区烧入、上坟等造成的,野外火源是导致寅街镇森林火灾的主要原因。提出落实责任,加强宣传,完善巡查力度,实施计划烧除,抓好森林火灾保险,严格火源管理等寅街镇森林火灾预防对策及加强野外火源管理的_几点建议。  相似文献   

Forest fires are natural disasters that can occur suddenly and can be very damaging, burning thousands of square kilometers. Prevention is better than suppression and prediction models of forest fire occurrence have developed from the logistic regression model, the geographical weighted logistic regression model, the Lasso regression model, the random forest model, and the support vector machine model based on historical forest fire data from 2000to 2019 in Jilin Province. The models, along with...  相似文献   

吉林省森林防火体系发展模式的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文立足于吉林省的实际,以有效控制重大森林火灾发生和大力提高应变能力为体系建设战略目标,采用关键要素评价矩阵法评析森林防火体系现状、筛选主导子系统,研究提出了吉林省森林防火体系建设战略发展模式总体构架和分区系统模式,并以原始林区为例,对不同区域系统配置要点进行探讨,为森林防火建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Forest fires caused by natural forces or human activities are one of the major natural risks in Northeast China. The incidence and spatial distribution of these fires vary over time and across the forested areas in Jilin Province, Northeast China. In this study, the incidence and distribution of 6519 forest fires from 1969 to 2013 in the province were investigated. The results indicated that the spatiotemporal distribution of the burnt forest area and the fire frequency varied significantly by month, year, and region. Fire occurrence displayed notable temporal patterns in the years after forest fire prevention measures were strictly implemented by the provincial government. Generally, forest fires in Jilin occurred in months when stubble and straw were burned and human activities were intense during traditional Chinese festivals. Baishan city, Jilin city, and Yanbian were defined as fire-prone regions for their high fire frequency. Yanbian had the highest frequency, and the fires tended to be large with the highest burned area per fire. Yanbian should thus be listed as the key target area by the fire management agency in Jilin Province for better fire prevention.  相似文献   

We evaluated the spatial and temporal patterns of forest fires in two fire seasons (March to June and September to November) from 1996 to 2010 in Jilin Province, China, using the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Fire data were obtained from the Provincial Fire Agency, and historical climate records of daily weather observations were collected from 36 weather stations in Jilin and its neighboring provinces. A linear regression model was used to analyze linear trends between climate and fire weather indices with time treated as an independent variable. Correlation analysis was used to detect correlations between fire frequency, areas burned, and fire weather indices. A thin-plate smooth spline model was used to interpolate the point data of 36 weather stations to generate a surface covering the whole province. Our analyses indicated fire frequency and areas burned were significantly correlated with fire weather indices. Overall, the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System appeared to be work well for determining the fire danger rating in Jilin Province. Also, our analyses indicated that in the forthcoming decades, the overall fire danger in March and April should decrease across the province, but the chance of a large fire in these months would increase. The fire danger in the fall fire season would increase in the future, and the chance of large fire would also increase. Historically, because most fires have occurred in the spring in Jilin Province, such a shift in the future fire danger between the two fire seasons would be beneficial for the province’s fire management.  相似文献   

本文通过对吉林市连续20年森林火灾损失的价值评估测算,从中可以看出,由于20年来的有效保护,未发生重、特大森林火灾,给吉林市旅游、环保业及农牧业等方面都带来了具大的、潜在的社会效益、生态效益。  相似文献   

Forest fires are influenced by several factors,including forest location, species type, age and density,date of fire occurrence, temperatures, and wind speeds,among others. This study investigates the quantitative effects of these factors on the degree of forest fire disaster using nonparametric statistical methods to provide a theoretical basis and data support for forest fire management.Data on forest fire damage from 1969 to 2013 was analyzed. The results indicate that different forest locations and types, fire occurrence dates, temperatures, and wind speeds were statistically significant. The eastern regions of the study area experienced the highest fire occurrence,accounting for 85.0% of the total number of fires as well as the largest average forested area burned. April, May, and October had more frequent fires than other months,accounting for 78.9%, while September had the most extensive forested area burned(63.08 ha) and burnt area(106.34 ha). Hardwood mixed forest and oak forest had more frequent fires, accounting for 31.9% and 26.0%,respectively. Hardwood-conifer mixed forest had the most forested area burned(50.18 ha) and burnt area(65.09 ha).Temperatures, wind speeds, and their interaction had significant impacts on forested area burned and area burnt.  相似文献   

对吉林省天保工程实施情况进行了专题调研,考察了森林保护、公益林建设、沟系综合开发和木材加工以及多种经营项目.在此基础上对天保工程中有关林区发展与产业结构调整、森林管护和林下资源开发、资源培育、富余人员分流安置、国有森林资源管理体制等问题进行了思考.  相似文献   

依据森林燃烧环理论,在充分考虑指标代表性、不可替代性以及数据可得性的基础上,根据江西省林火发生特点,选取气候、植被、地形等11个因子作为江西省森林火险精细化综合区划指标,并按照各区划因子对林火发生或蔓延的影响赋予不同的权重,将全省划分为Ⅰ级(低火险)、Ⅱ级(中火险)、Ⅲ级(高火险)3个不同等级的森林火险区.分区结果与该区气候、植被、地形分布等相符,说明区划结果具有较好的科学性和实用性,可为江西省森林火灾的预防、扑救和重点防护与管理等提供科学依据.  相似文献   

本文介绍了吉林省针阔叶树种遗传改良研究进展及资源保存现状,阐述了吉林区域性林木种质资源整理、整合、数字化表达状况,提出了资源共享利用的框架,指出了吉林区域性林木种质资源整理整合的对策。  相似文献   

以吉林省西部地区2010年森林资源面积、蓄积量及生长量、消耗量为基础数据,按IPCC清单法测算了该区域森林植被生物量、碳储量和年固碳量。结果表明:吉林西部森林植被生物量为3 015.91万t,单位面积生物量为55.65 t·hm^-2;森林植被碳储量为1 494.67万t,森林植被碳密度为27.58 t·hm^-2,森林植被年固碳量为26.89万t·a^-1。  相似文献   

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