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在对山东省畜禽养殖管理情况和用药现状的调研中,一方面看到了近几年在饲养管理和兽药等投入品监管中的进步,另一方面也发现,在畜禽养殖场中不规范用药是影响畜产品质量的重要风险之一.同时,深刻分析了兽药残留和耐药性的产生原因并提出了规范用药、保障畜产品安全的对策,以提升畜产品质量安全监管水平,促进畜牧业科学发展.  相似文献   

在畜禽饲养管理过程中使用违禁药物或滥用药物,使用饲料添加剂或超量用药,不遵守休药期规定等均可引起畜产品兽药残留。同时饲养环境遭到污染也能致使药物残留,并且我国关于食品安全的法律法规不健全、监管力度不够等,致使畜产品中药物残留问题更加严重。人体摄入存在药物残留的食品后,不仅会引起急性、慢性或蓄积性中毒,还会致使机体细菌产生耐药性,甚至污染整个生活环境等。  相似文献   

兽药在畜禽养殖中发挥重要作用,但由于养殖户盲目用药,药物选择和使用不规范,随意搭配药物,造成兽药使用量超出安全剂量规定,不仅严重威胁畜禽和人类健康,还污染土壤、水源和大气环境,因此必须对畜禽养殖中的兽药使用进行科学引导和严格规范。该文对我国目前畜禽养殖业兽药使用的现状进行分析,从兽药生产企业准入门槛和销售流通环节入手,结合兽药法律法规、兽药使用规范、兽药监管体系、兽药检测制度提出改善对策。  相似文献   

The ability of smallholder farmers and animal health workers to estimate live bodyweight can critically affect the likelihood of under- or over-dosing of veterinary compounds in decentralised systems where farmers administer a significant proportion of the veterinary treatments. A survey of 324 cattle owned by 170 farmers was conducted in Busia District, Kenya. Cattle were weighed on a standard calibrated scale and owners were asked to estimate the live weight of their animals. Weights were also estimated by a weigh-band and by local animal health workers.Cattle owners consistently underestimated the weights of their cattle; 85.7% of the cattle had their bodyweights underestimated by an average of 46.9% of their true weight. Furthermore, very few cattle (19.0%) had their weights estimated accurately to within ±20% of their true weight by these farmers, an accuracy range important for drug dosing. This finding raises concerns of widespread under-dosing of cattle with trypanocidal and other veterinary drugs. Animal health workers were better at estimating live bodyweight of cattle; 76.6% of cattle were estimated accurately to within ±20% of their true weight.It is possible to improve farmers’ and animal health workers’ ability to estimate accurately live bodyweight of cattle with appropriate training. Evidence of this was provided by animal health workers whose estimates improved over time as they received feedback of the true weights of different sizes of cattle from the standard scale.  相似文献   

畜禽养殖产业的快速发展也导致养殖中的疾病问题开始逐渐凸显,防治畜禽养殖中疾病兽药的使用量也不断提高,兽药的不规范使用易导致残留的情况,对于畜产品中兽药的残留问题受到广泛的关注。畜产品中兽药的残留会影响畜产品的质量,对消费者的机体健康带来负面影响,同时部分兽药的残留会导致生态环境的污染,进而影响人类健康。该文对畜禽养殖中畜产品兽药残留出现的原因,造成的危害及改进和防控措施进行论述。  相似文献   

近年来,中兽药在现代畜禽养殖、对抗动物疫病、调节改善动物免疫力方面都发挥了重要的作用,但是其在畜禽给药途径和生物利用度方面还存在一定不足。畜禽消化系统的不同导致给药方式必然存在不同,兽用中药配方颗粒使用方便,而且生物利用度高于中药散剂。目前尚无兽用中药配方颗粒的相关研究,本文对兽用中药配方颗粒的研究进展进行归纳总结,以期为兽用中药配方颗粒的开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

Compliance with a 10-day course of oral antibacterial drugs in dogs being treated as outpatients at a veterinary clinic was assessed by use of pill count data obtained by telephone interview. The association between compliance and several possible determinants of compliance was investigated. Ninety-five animal owners were included in the study, with 44 per cent reporting 100 per cent compliance with the treatment regimen and as many as 88 per cent reporting a compliance level of 80 per cent or more. The compliance level was significantly higher (P < 0.002) when the animal owners felt that the veterinarians spent enough time on the consultation. Moreover, compliance was significantly higher (P < 0.05) for dogs being treated for gastrointestinal infections compared with those being treated for other diseases.  相似文献   

Drug and chemical residues in livestock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of drug and chemical residues in foods of animal origin has become increasingly important to the entire livestock industry as growing consumer health concerns continue to erode the demand for these products. Although nearly 90 per cent of all drugs approved for use in livestock are available for over-the-counter sales, in the public's view, it is only the veterinarian who administers drugs to animals and who, therefore, is responsible for all drug residues in food. Congress has responded to these consumer concerns by applying increased pressure on the FDA to restrict the extra-label use of drugs by veterinarians. The veterinary profession now finds itself in a position in which it must reexamine its current drug-use policies and strive to develop policies that are more responsible to the consumer, both in appearance and substance.  相似文献   

Every application of antibacterial drugs in veterinary medicine may encourage selection for resistant bacteria. In Germany no valid data are available which would be suitable for a species specific estimation of drug consumption especially regarding food producing animals. Therefore, a representative monitoring of consumption of antibacterial drugs in food producing animals should be implemented. As a first step, a feasibility project was conducted to identify the technical preconditions and develop a concept for a regular monitoring system within Germany as a country with a non-central federal state system. The data were collected via the forms obligatory by German law concerning the treatment of animals and the delivery of animal drugs to the animal owners by the veterinarian. 24 veterinary practices and 65 farmers were visited, and all applications of antibiotics to farm animals during the course of one year (September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007) were entered into a central database. A total of 95,584 records were collected and analysed statistically. Consumption of antibiotics was calculated in kg, but also the number of applications was analysed. The consumption of tetracyclines in kg reached 54.3% of all antimicrobial substances applied to pigs, but only 25.7% of all doses applied to pigs were tetracyclines. For the farms' data, the number of daily doses per animal year (DD(ay)) was estimated based on the number of daily doses recorded and on the number of animals kept in the farm. Correct and detailed data regarding the structures of the farms as well as of veterinary practices are necessary to estimate the consumption of antibiotics reliably. The proposed system is able to function as a monitoring system for antibiotic use in Germany, when the monitoring data are linked to the agricultural data (farm sizes) accounting for differences between German regional agricultural and animal husbandry structures. Furthermore, the results of the antibiotic use analyses may serve as basis to assess the results of the sales data of the pharmaceutical industry. Results are comparable to the outcome of respective systems in other European countries, e.g. the Netherlands and Denmark, and therefore it will contribute to a better understanding and development of strategies for the control of antimicrobial resistances on the European level.  相似文献   

畜产品质量安全关系人民群众身体健康和生命安全,是重要的民生问题,也是备受关注的社会热点。我国历来高度重视畜产品质量安全监管工作,进行了一系列的探索和改革,明确提出实施食品安全战略,通过建立最严的标准、实施最严格的管理、实行最严厉的处罚,坚持最严肃的问责,保障畜产品质量安全,让人民吃得放心。畜牧兽医工作者肩负着养殖、调运、屠宰环节食用畜产品质量安全监管的重任,通过投入品监管、产地检疫、屠宰检疫以及兽药残留抽检,确保畜产品的质量安全。做为一名基层畜牧兽医工作者,通过多年的实际工作,笔者就目前市、县两级畜产品安全监管工作中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了相应的对策建议,望与各位同行共同探讨。  相似文献   

与带针头兽医注射器相比,兽医无针注射器具有药液吸收效果好、防止交叉感染、防止针头断裂、提高肉品质量、减少动物保定、提高注射效率等优点。为了给兽医无针注射器的优化设计提供参考,以某兽医无针注射器作为样品,对其注射剂量、喷孔孔径和喷射冲击力进行测量,对测量方法和测量结果进行分析讨论。结果显示,在喷孔直径为0.3037 mm时,兽医无针注射器刺穿动物皮肤所需的喷射压力最小值为28 MPa,可作为兽医无针注射器成功注射刺穿动物皮肤所需喷射压力的门槛值。  相似文献   

In human medicine, the defined daily dose is used as a technical measure of drug usage, which is independent of the variations in the potency of the active compound and the formulation of the pharmaceutical product—therefore providing a measure of the relative importance of different drugs. A national system of animal defined daily doses (ADD) for each age-group and species has been defined in VetStat (the Danish national system monitoring veterinary therapeutic drug use). The usage is further standardized according to the number of animals in the target population, acquired from production data on the national level or on herd size by species and age in the Danish central husbandry register (CHR). Statistics based on standardized measures of VetStat data can be used for comparison of drug usage between different herds, veterinary practices, or geographic regions (allowing subdivision by animal species and animal production class, route of administration, disease categories, season and geographic location). Individual statistics are available as interactive reports to the control authorities, farmers and veterinary practitioners by a secure access to the database. The ADD also is used in pharmaco-epidemiogical research and to assist in the interpretation of resistance-surveillance data.  相似文献   

鸡蛋中氟苯尼考残留问题较为突出,用药习惯及偏好、非法添加处方外其他药物、使用中交叉污染、贩卖产蛋前期鸡蛋及违法违规滥用药物是造成其残留的主要原因。为规范氟苯尼考的使用,降低兽药残留风险,养殖主体要合理合规使用药物,定期对饲料加工车间进行清洁处理,严格实行凭兽医处方购买使用的规定,在执业兽医指导下正确使用氟苯尼考;在监管执法方面,有关部门要进一步完善氟苯尼考相关的兽药残留标准,明确监管权责,在不同环节、不同主体的生产、流通、经营、使用过程中实行有效监管。  相似文献   

O bjectives : The expectations of small animal pet owners in Great Britain were evaluated on a number of issues regarding aseptic practice and clinical management and compared with final year veterinary students' assessment of actual veterinary practice.
M aterials and M ethods : A survey was completed by 328 small animal pet owners and 56 veterinary practices in Great Britain. Questions from the pet owner survey related to expectations and opinions on a number of surgical issues and questions from the veterinary surgeon survey examined veterinary practice in relation to the same issues. Comparisons were made to determine whether there were any differences between pet owner expectations and veterinary student assessment of actual practice of small animal first opinion clinics.
R esults : In the majority of issues examined there was a significant mismatch between client expectation and provisions made. Of particular importance was the discrepancy regarding the use of surgical gloves and administration of analgesia.
C linical S ignificance : These results suggest that attempts should be made to understand and improve the disparity that exists between small animal pet owners and veterinary surgeons in Great Britain.  相似文献   

随着农业机械化不断地推广,二牛抬杠式的原始农业耕作方式逐渐退出了农业生产。取而代之的农业机械化耕作,以前用来耕地的黄牛用途逐渐变成了产犊为主,农田里不见了黄牛耕作的身影,山坡不见了放牛人。取而代之的是舍饲圈养,肉牛以集约化育肥为主的养殖方式。通过对兽医临床遇到的病例统计发现,母牛的异常发情病例逐渐增多,高达30%~40%。作者根据实际兽医临床工作发现一个规律,一到冬季产犊季,母牛难产增多;母牛产犊后农户就会天天用玉米糊糊饲喂,瘤胃积食也会增多,冬季青贮饲草料价格高,资源匮乏,担心母牛产犊后掉膘,乳汁分泌不足,在这个过程中,很多母牛就会出现虚胖,犊牛腹泻,母牛伤食泻瘤胃酸中毒,最主要的是产犊后的母牛长期大量精料饲喂导致母牛体质偏胖,在中兽医诊断上就属于一种寒湿瘀滞的体质,卵泡不发育或者是发育不良。再加上畜主长期不正确的使用各种兽药,造成滥用药,致使动物机体损伤养殖业是一个需要倾注大量心血的行业,天道酬勤,养殖场户的辛勤付出才能换来牛羊的牧草丰富,茁壮生长,动物防疫工作者的辛勤付出才能换来动物群体的健康稳定,畜牧兽医工作者与农户一起服务于动物从配种到出栏。  相似文献   

从现实需求的角度出发,建议国家根据《兽药管理条例》和《兽药经营质量管理规范》,在全国范围内尽快组织开展兽药GSP认证工作,从而提高经营环节的兽药质量,保证动物疫病防治和动物性产品安全,保护广大养殖农民及养殖户的根本利益,维护人民群众的合法权益和身体健康。  相似文献   

基于对山东省兽药生产企业和养殖企业中兽药生产和使用情况的调研,本文深入分析了我省中兽药发展现状和存在的问题,针对性地提出了中兽药产业发展的对策建议。需着力构建全产业链发展格局;不断释放市场创新创业活力;快速实现我省中兽药产业现代化;充分发挥好政策对产业引领作用;着力打造专业化人才队伍。并不断推进兽用抗菌药减量化示范行动等综合措施,从根本上遏制兽用抗菌药滥用,提倡使用中兽药等绿色高效产品的减抗行动,以期降低细菌耐药性的发生和发展,保障畜禽产品质量安全。  相似文献   

Passerines (songbirds) and softbills (toucans and mynahs) are increasingly presented for veterinary care as pet owners and aviculturists recognize that successful medical and surgical treatment can be performed in these often tiny patients. Even with an increasing amount of pharmacokinetic data in birds, the use of extrapolated drug regimens continues to be a common practice for these species. The extrapolation, using allometric scaling from human, mammalian, and avian drugs to passeriformes and softbills, is complicated and limited. In this article, the choice of the therapeutic approach is discussed. Once the choice for a specific drug is made, tables help calculate the dose in milligrams per kilocalorie without using complicated formulas.  相似文献   

长期以来,兽药用长效抗菌药剂(抗生素)在有效防治各类传染性动物疫病、提高农民生产畜禽养殖生产经营的效益、保障各类城市公共产品安全卫生的质量以及安全标准化生产活动中一直发挥并起着的积极重要作用。然而抗生素滥用易导致多种细菌产生耐药性,同时会带来较强毒副作用,危害公共卫生安全。2021年全国开展兽用抗菌药减量化行动,各省落实“同一健康”理念,高度重视减量化行动。江西省牛羊产业体系疫病防控岗专家团队深入江西省30多个牛羊养殖大县(区),针对各养殖企业及养殖户设计发放相关调查问卷,为科学指导推动畜禽养殖场户规范使用、减量使用抗生素,提出推动牛羊养殖发展的措施与建议,供各位读者、养殖户进行参考。  相似文献   

随着畜禽养殖业的快速发展,兽用抗菌药污染带来的影响已逐渐成为人们关注的焦点,尤其是畜禽粪污中的兽用抗菌药残留问题已不容忽视。本文综述了畜禽粪污中兽用抗菌药残留的相关研究方向和成果,对兽用抗菌药在畜禽粪污中的残留现状,对土壤环境和植物生长的影响,无害化处理等方向进行了分析、评述,并指出开发中药、微生物菌剂等绿色兽药、堆肥菌剂、建立残留排放标准等研究方向。旨在为建立兽用抗菌药的安全性使用提供思路,为减少粪污抗菌药污染提供可行方案。  相似文献   

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