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The activity of GR7 and Striga germination stimulant(s) from Euphorbia aegyptiaca Boiss. showed adequate persistence (6–8 days) in acidic soils (pH 5·0–6·3), but residual activity was short (1–3 days) in alkaline soils. The compounds tended to lose activity at a faster rate in the alkaline clay Gezira soil (pH 7·8), than in its sandy equivalent (pH 8·1). In solution, pH had no influence on initial activity, but residual action was reduced more rapidly by alkalinity and high temperature. However, the rate of loss of activity in solution was slower than in soils.  相似文献   

Thidiazuron at 0.1 to 10 mg 1?1 induced concurrent germination and haustorium initiation in Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze and S. hermonthica (Del.) Benth, but it had no effects on S. gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke. Both millet and sorghum strains of S. hermonthica were equally responsive. The response of Striga seeds to thidiazuron increased with conditioning. Early applications of the compound induced some germination, but had adverse effects on the conditioning process. Induction de la germination des graines de Striga par le thidiazuron Le thidiazuron de 0,1 à 10 mg 1?1 a induit de façon conjointe le germination et l'initiation d'haustoria chez Striga asiatica et S. hermonthica, mais n'a pas eu d'effet sur S. gesnerioïdes. Les souches de S. hermonthica liées au millet et au sorgho ont un comportement équivalent. La réponse des graines de Striga au thidiazuron a augmenté par conditionnement préalable. Des applications précoces de produit ont induit quelques germinations, mais ont eu des effets contraires sur Ie processus de conditionnement. Einleitung der Samenkeimung bei Striga-Arten durch Thidiazuron Mittels Thidiazuron-Lösungen von 0,1 bis 10 mg 1?1 konnten eine gleichzeitige Keimung und Ausbildung der Haustorien bei Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze und S. hermonthica (Del.) Benth. herbeigeführt werden, nicht jedoch bei S. gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke. Der Rispenhirsen-und der Sorghum-Typ von S. hermonthica reagierten in gleichem Maße. Konditionierung der Striga-Samen förderte die Wirkung von Thidiazuron. Frühe Anwendung des Wirkstoffs führte zu einer geringen Keimung, beeinträchtigte jedoch die Konditionierung.  相似文献   

Effect of fungal toxins on germination of Striga hermonthica seeds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ZONNO  & VURRO 《Weed Research》1999,39(1):15-20
Fourteen fungal toxins were assayed in vitro to evaluate their effect on seed germination of the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica . Among them, T-2 toxin proved to be the most active, being able to inhibit 100% seed germination at 10−5 M, and being still active when tested at a concentration of 10−7 M (19% inhibition). Deoxinivalenol was also very active, causing 100% and 69% reduction in germination when assayed at 10−4 and 10−5 M respectively. Cytochalasin E, tenuazonic acid, fumonisin B1, enniatin and nivalenol were shown to have an inhibitory effect of around 50% at 10−4 M, whereas other toxins had lower or no activity. The high activity shown by some fungal toxins suggests that they may have potential for use as more natural and safe herbicides to suppress parasite seed germination.  相似文献   

Decimation of cereal growth and yields by hemiparasitic Striga species cannot be accounted for entirely by the removal of host‐plant resources. The production of toxic compounds by the parasite has been suggested. An investigation of three species of the economically important Striga and the related Alectra vogelii has now resulted in the isolation of eight iridoid glucosides (mussaenosidic acid, mussaenoside, gardoside methyl ester, bartsioside, isoaucubin, melittoside, aucubin and eurostoside), two caffeoyl phenylethyl glycosides (calceolarioside  A and verbascoside) as well as shikimic acid and trigonelline, all identified by NMR spectroscopy. The iridoids are potent cytotoxins and probably represent an anti‐herbivore defence system common to Scrophulariaceae (sensu lato). This has the potential to explain differences in tolerance apparent for contrasting host taxa and cultivars. The nature of the iridoids present also provides additional validation of the recent transferral of parasitic Scrophulariaceae (s.l.) to Orobanchaceae.  相似文献   

筛选和评价植物资源的抑菌活性是植物源农药研发的重要基础性工作?本研究以46科87种药用植物为试验材料, 以葡萄座腔菌Botryosphaeria dothidea和禾谷镰孢Fusarium graminearum为靶标菌, 采用生长速率法测定了不同植物乙醇提取物的抑菌活性, 初步筛选出具有抑菌活性的植物提取物; 在此基础上, 进一步测定了活性较高的植物提取物的抑菌毒力和抑菌谱, 以期为植物源杀菌剂的开发提供依据?结果显示, 在2 mg/mL浓度下, 厚朴Houpoea officinalis和麻叶蟛蜞菊Indocypraea montana提取物对葡萄座腔菌具有较好的抑菌活性, 抑制率分别为95.80%和78.31%; 厚朴?麦冬Ophiopogon japonicus和乌药Lindera aggregata提取物对禾谷镰孢具有较好的抑菌效果, 抑菌率分别为78.75%?66.52%和60.42%?进一步的毒力测定显示, 处理96 h后, 厚朴和麻叶蟛蜞菊提取物对葡萄座腔菌的EC50分别为0.10 mg/mL和1.57 mg/mL; 厚朴?乌药和麦冬提取物对禾谷镰孢的EC50分别为0.45?1.54 mg/mL和4.07 mg/mL?抑菌谱测定结果表明, 厚朴?麻叶蟛蜞菊?乌药及麦冬提取物对异旋孢腔菌Cochliobolus heterostrophus (野生型)的抑菌率以及厚朴提取物对异旋孢腔菌的抑菌效果较好, 抑菌率均达到90%以上; 厚朴?乌药和麻叶蟛蜞菊对拟轮枝镰孢Fusarium verticillioides的抑菌率在60%以上?由此可见, 厚朴和麻叶蟛蜞菊提取物对葡萄座腔菌突变体的抑菌活性较好; 厚朴?乌药和麦冬提取物对禾谷镰孢的抑菌活性较好, 且上述植物均具有较广的抑菌谱, 具有进一步研究价值?  相似文献   

Seeds of Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze required 7 and 14 days at 30°C to become conditioned when they were immersed in water and 10?8m dl-strigol, respectively. At least 80% of seeds so conditioned germinated with 10?8m dl-strigol as a terminal stimulation treatment. Seeds that were first immersed in water for 2 days, then subjected to one to three drying periods of 2 days each, either separately or continuously, required only 2 days of water immersion to become conditioned. Seeds first immersed in 10?8m dl-strigol, then subjected to one or two drying periods, required only 3–4 days of water immersion as compared to a 14 days’requirement without drying treatments. The seeds first immersed in water or 10?8m dl-strigol and then dried, plus one or two 10?8m dl-strigol immersions, required 4 days of water immersion to become conditioned. However, the seeds immersed in various combinations of water or 10?8m dl-strigol solutions plus one, two or three drying periods of 2 days each required 6 days of water immersion to become conditioned. The results indicate that the interaction of prolonged drying treatments and dl-strigol immersions delay conditioning processes in the seeds. Both water immersion and short drying treatments, however, seem to enhance certain required processes that occur during conditioning, thereby reducing the time required for the seeds to become conditioned when re-immersed in water.  相似文献   

Experiments with the alkaline heavy clays of the Sudan Gezira showed that when the strigol analogue GR7 was applied to moist soil prior to subjecting Striga hermonthica seeds to moist conditions (‘conditioning’) for 7–14 days, there was no significant increase in germination. Conditioning of seeds in soils treated with GR7 had an adverse effect on the responsiveness of seeds when GR7 was added again after conditioning. Under ideal conditions, when GR7 was applied to conditioned seeds in moist soil, up to 75% germination could be induced by 2.0 kg/ha incorporated to 2–3 cm depth. Residual activity of GR7 persisted in air-dry soil, but at 50% moisture there was complete loss within 1 day. However, when conditioned seeds were put into the soil immediately after GR7 application its activity increased with increasing soil moisture.  相似文献   

以三裂叶蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)、水葫芦(Eichhornia crassipes)和薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)3种常见外来入侵物种为试验材料,研究了其水提取液对黄瓜枯萎病病菌(Fusarium wilt)、黄瓜灰霉病病菌(Botrytis cinerea)和番茄早疫病病菌(Alternaria solani)3种病原真菌孢子萌发的抑制作用。结果表明,3种外来入侵植物提取液均对3种病原菌孢子萌发都有抑制作用。其中,番茄早疫病病菌孢子萌发的抑制作用随3种入侵植物提取液浓度的升高逐渐升高;黄瓜灰霉病病菌孢子萌发的抑制作用随三裂叶蟛蜞菊和薇甘菊提取液浓度的升高也逐渐升高,但却随水葫芦提取液浓度的升高逐渐降低;而黄瓜枯萎病病菌孢子萌发的抑制作用并未随3种入侵植物提取液浓度的升高而呈规律性变化。水葫芦提取液对3种供试病原菌的孢子萌发抑制作用较三裂叶蟛蜞菊和薇甘菊要强,其提取液浓度为0.10 g/m L时对黄瓜枯萎病病菌和番茄早疫病病菌孢子萌发的抑制作用最高,其抑制率分别为83.80%和88.51%。  相似文献   

Ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid), which generates ethylene, stimulated the germination of pre-conditioned seeds of Striga hermonthica when it was added to the alkaline Gezira clay soil at concentrations of 2.5 to 30 mg kg?1. As little as 5 min contact with treated soil was enough to stimulate germination. Ethephon in soil did not cause germination of unconditioned seeds for periods of up to 12 days and also had an adverse effect on seed germination when such seeds were given a second ethephon exposure after a storage period which was adequate, in untreated soil, to give the necessary pre-conditioning. Ethephon activity persisted in air-dry soil but declined over a 14 day period in moist soil. In the field ethephon at 0.6 to 4.8 kg ha?1 decreased the number of Striga shoots and increased sorghum height and flowering.  相似文献   

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) plants were grown in pots with 12.5 and 50 mg applied N kg?1 soil. With an increase of soil N, the Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze infestation, as well as the sorghum shoot dry matter losses due to infestation, decreased. The relative differences in stimulant capacity to induce Striga seed germination among the four sorghum genotypes were not consistent over the 0 to 150 mg N 1?1 range. The sorghum root exudate was considerably more active at 0 mg N 1?1, than at 30 mg N 1?1, and the stimulant produced at 150 mg N 1?1 failed to induce Striga seed germination. Presence of N in the growth medium considerably reduced the effectiveness of the stimulating substance produced by sorghum roots, whereas K promoted stimulant activity only in the absence of N. The presence or absence of P in the growth medium did not affect Striga seed germinability, probably due to the inability of this element to interfere with the production or activity of the stimulating substance from the host plants. It can be concluded, therefore, that sorghum plants seem to produce active root exudate only in conditions of N deficiency.  相似文献   

研究了抗褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stl)水稻品种IR36甲醇提取物各种不同极性组分对褐飞虱生物型Ⅱ成虫单向选择性、产卵拒避率、取食量和若虫生长发育等影响。结果表明,各种组分对褐飞虱的定向拒避率为51.59%~97.64%,产卵拒避率为48.91%~86.90%;与对照相比,取食量减少2.5~5倍,虫体重量增加率降低约6~12倍,若虫的死亡率增高2~6倍,羽化率降低1.5~5倍,以上各项指标与对照相比均达到差异显著水平。说明各种组分对褐飞虱生物型Ⅱ成虫定向反应和产卵选择有拒避作用,极性越低的组分作用越大;对褐飞虱取食行为有抑制作用,对若虫生长发育表现为负作用,导致其死亡率增加和羽化率降低,极性越强的组分作用越大。  相似文献   

In Mediterranean environments, thermal requirements for seed germination of Amaranthus species are met in spring. Nonetheless, seedlings of these species start emerging in the field from late winter, although the theoretical heat sum thresholds required for germination are not likely to be reached under field conditions. We hypothesised that soil thermal fluctuations can reduce the heat requirements of these species. Cardinal temperatures and thermal times of six Amaranthus species (A. albus, A. cruentus, A. deflexus, A. graecizans, A. retroflexus and A. viridis) were determined on non‐dormant seeds at constant temperatures ranging from 10 to 40°C. Subsequently, germination response to heat pulses was studied by imposing a thermal fluctuation regime of 32/8°C with two different thermoperiods of 3/21 and 6/18 h. In the two thermoperiods, exposure to 32°C was imposed for a different number of days: from 1 to 12 and from 1 to 6 heat pulses cycles in the 3/21 and 6/18 h thermoperiods respectively. Cumulative germination, germination rate and mean germination time were evaluated. Heat sum requirements and final germination percentage were affected by thermoperiod and number of thermal cycles. Amaranthus spp. germination was higher and faster when seeds were submitted to 6 h compared with 3 + 3 h of heat pulses. Our data showed that heat sum requirements for germination may change depending on the way in which varying temperatures are imposed on germinating seeds.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the allelopathic effects of various black mustard ( Brassica nigra L.) plant parts on alfalfa germination and seedling growth. Aqueous extracts of black mustard ( Brassica nigra L.) leaf, stem, flower and root plant parts were made to determine their effects on germination and dry weights of hypocotyl, and radicle length of 5-day-old alfalfa seedlings over a range of extract concentrations. All aqueous extracts significantly inhibited alfalfa seed germination and seedling growth when compared with the distilled water control. Increasing the aqueous extract concentrations of separated Brassica nigra plant parts significantly inhibited alfalfa germination, seedling length and weight. Based on significant radicle length reactions to aqueous extracts, the toxicity may be classified in the following order of decreasing inhibition: flower, leaf, mixture of all plant parts, root, and stem. Increasing the concentration of aqueous flower extracts significantly inhibited the water uptake by germinated alfalfa seeds. The greatest inhibition in water uptake occurred at a 12 g kg−1 extract concentration for seeds soaked for 8 h.  相似文献   

Water extracts that were obtained from the flowers and phyllodes of Acacia melanoxylon were used to determine their allelopathic potential in relation to the germination and seedling growth of the native species, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), and common sorrel (Rumex acetosa), as well as a general biotest specie, lettuce (Lactuca sativa), in laboratory bioassays. The flowers and phyllodes of A. melanoxylon were soaked separately in distilled water in a ratio of 1:1 (w/v) for 24 h in order to prepare the aqueous extracts. Distilled water was used as the control. The seeds of the target species were germinated in Petri dishes and counted daily for up to 7 days. The A. melanoxylon flower extract (100%, 75%, and 50%) decreased the seed germination of D. glomerata, R. acetosa, L. perenne, and L. sativa. The flower extract caused the most reduction in the germination index and germination speed in D. glomerata, L. perenne, and L. sativa. The mean LC50 value of the A. melanoxylon flower and phyllode extracts in relation to the germination inhibition of L. perenne was 43% and 41%, respectively, 40% and 38%, respectively, in R. acetosa, and 53% and 41%, respectively, in L. sativa. All four concentrations of the flower extract proved to be more phytotoxic than the phyllode extract, reducing the root length of all four species, while the phyllode extract decreased the root length of L. perenne and R. acetosa at the 100% concentration. The L. perenne and D. glomerata grass seeds were more sensitive regarding germination, as compared to L. sativa and R. acetosa. The flower aqueous extract of A. melanoxylon was more phytotoxic, as compared to the phyllode aqueous extract, even at the lowest concentration (25%).  相似文献   

Summary The genus Striga contains some of the most noxious parasitic plants, which have a devastating impact on cereal production in Africa; of most importance are Striga hermonthica and Striga asiatica . Complete resistance to infection by Striga species does not exist in cultivated cereals. Of great interest is the possibility that wild relatives of cereals may provide a genetic basis for resistance or tolerance to infection and may be of enormous value for the development of resistant crops. A wild relative of cultivated sorghum, Sorghum arundinaceum , demonstrated tolerance to infection by S. asiatica , with little impact of S. asiatica on host growth or grain production compared with the detrimental impact of the parasite on cultivated sorghum. Infection by S.hermonthica , however, had a significant influence on host performance for both wild and cultivated sorghum. Differences in host:parasite responses may be explained by the timing of parasite attachment and differences in host specificity for these two Striga species.  相似文献   

测定了16种植物乙醇提取物对桔全爪螨成螨的产卵忌避、驱避及毒杀生物活性。试验结果表明,海芋、山苍子及盐肤木茎叶的乙醇提取物有明显的产卵忌避作用,忌避率在96.43%以上;山苍子、枫香植物乙醇提取物对桔全爪螨成螨的驱避作用明显,驱避率在80%以上;山苍子、盐肤木茎叶、牡荆和幌伞枫提取物对桔全爪螨成螨的毒杀效果明显,在处理72h后,死亡率在92%以上。  相似文献   

测试了芸香科及樟科8种植物的乙醇提取物对荔枝蒂蛀虫的产卵驱避作用,发现四季橘和沙田柚提取物对该虫产卵具有较高的驱避作用,选择性驱避率分别为84.26%、53.90%,非选择驱避率分别为90.14%、60.83%;而九里香提取物则对荔枝蒂蛀虫的产卵具有一定的引诱作用。对四季橘提取物用不同的溶剂初步分离后发现,氯仿层和乙酸乙酯层萃取物对该虫的驱避作用最高,分别为84.67%、86.63%,即其活性成分主要分布在氯仿层和乙酸乙酯层萃取物中。  相似文献   

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