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采用硫酸铵盐析和Agarose-Protein G亲和层析相结合的方法,从兰狐和银黑狐血清中提取和纯化了免疫球蛋白(IgG),应用SDS-PAGE分析表明:提纯的免疫球蛋白纯度高,重链和轻链的分子量分别为45ku和21ku左右;以犬瘟热病毒(CDV)为包被抗原的间接ELISA试验结果表明:提纯的蛋白免疫小鼠分别制备的抗兰狐和银黑狐免疫球蛋白抗体作为二抗检测CDV阳性血清具有良好的生物活性。本研究制备的高纯度的兰狐和银黑狐免疫球蛋白,对今后狐源CDV等疫病血清流行病学的调查、诊断试剂盒的开发及疫苗免疫效果的评价奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Dirofilaria immitis was found in the right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and lungs of 2 red foxes (Vulpes fulva) in Connecticut. The most significant lesions occurred in the pulmonary artery and consisted of focal atheromatous-like intimal plaques, diffuse subintimal accumulations of inflammatory cells, and marked villose endarteritis in the elastic portion of the pulmonary artery. Medial hyperplasia of the muscular branches, along with periarteritis, was found in 1 fox. These 2 cases may be a further indication of the increased incidence of this disease in Carnivora in the State of Connecticut.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study of helminths in 1040 red foxes collected from various localities in Denmark during 1997-2002, revealed 21 helminth species at autopsy, including nine nematode species: Capillaria plica (prevalence 80.5%), Capillaria aerophila (74.1%), Crenosoma vulpis (17.4%), Angiostrongylus vasorum (48.6% from Northern Zealand (endemic area)), Toxocara canis (59.4%), Toxascaris leonina (0.6%), Uncinaria stenocephala (68.6%), Ancylostoma caninum (0.6%), and Trichuris vulpis (0.5%); seven cestodes: Mesocestoides sp. (35.6%), a number of Taeniid species (Taenia pisiformis, T. hydatigena, T. taeniaeformis, T. crassiceps, and unidentified Taenia spp.) (22.8%), and Echinococcus multilocularis (0.3%); four trematodes: Alaria alata (15.4%), Cryptocotyle lingua (23.8%), Pseudamphystomum truncatum (3.6% from Northern Zealand), and Echinochasmus perfoliatus (2.4% from Northern Zealand); one acanthocephalan: Polymorphus sp. (1.2%). Significant difference in prevalence was found for T. canis and A. vasorum according to host sex, and for T. canis, U. stenocephala, Mesocestoides sp., Taenia spp., A. alata, A. vasorum, and Capillaria spp. according to age groups (adult, young or cub). Prevalence and average worm intensity for each helminth species varied considerably according to geographical locality, season, and year. Aggregated distribution was found for several helminth species. The two species E. multilocularis and E. perfoliatus are first records for Denmark.  相似文献   

Coat colour variation is determined by many genes, one of which is the melanocortin receptor type 1 (MC1R) gene. In this study, we examined the whole coding sequence of this gene in four species belonging to the Canidae family (dog, red fox, arctic fox and Chinese raccoon dog). Although the comparative analysis of the obtained nucleotide sequences revealed a high conservation, which varied between 97.9 and 99.1%, we altogether identified 22 SNPs (10 in dogs, six in farmed red foxes, two in wild red foxes, three in arctic foxes and one in Chinese raccoon dog). Among them, seven appeared to be novel: one silent in the dog, three missense and one silent in the red fox, one in the 3′‐flanking region in the arctic fox and one silent in the Chinese raccoon dog. In dogs and red foxes, the SNPs segregated as 10 and four haplotypes, respectively. Taking into consideration the published reports and results of this study, the highest number of missense polymorphisms was until now found in the dog (9) and red fox (7).  相似文献   

Between June 1998 and February 2002, 709 red foxes killed in Wallonia (south of Belgium) were available for parasitological examination of the gut. The identification of Echinococcus multilocularis was based on morphological data. E. multilocularis adults were observed in 20.2% of the animals. The analysis of data revealed marked differences between the geological areas of Wallonia; the highest prevalence (33%) was found in the Ardenne and the lowest (0%) on the Plateau de Herve. Host gender and the collection season had no effect on the prevalence. However, the latter was significantly higher in juveniles (<8 months of age). The geographical distribution of E. multilocularis in Belgium is much wider than originally thought.  相似文献   

为了研究赤狐内皮素受体B基因(EDNRB)编码蛋白的结构、功能及预测其5′端上游2 000 bp的候选启动子区的核心启动子区与转录因子的结合位点,从NCBI数据库中获得赤狐EDNRB基因的数据,利用生物信息学方法分析其编码区及候选启动子区。结果表明:赤狐EDNRB基因编码氨基酸的总数为443个,编码产物为不稳定的疏水蛋白。二级结构以α-螺旋和无规则卷曲为主,存在信号肽和二硫键。该编码蛋白存在于内质网、细胞质膜和线粒体中。该编码蛋白含有7次跨膜G蛋白偶联受体超家族结构域。赤狐与乌苏里貉的亲缘关系最近,与犬关系较近。该基因的5′端上游存在潜在的启动子区域,同时发现存在转录调控元件和转录因子结合位点,不存在CpG岛。通过对赤狐EDNRB基因进行生物信息学分析,能够初步预测其编码区的结构、功能以及该基因的核心启动子区与转录因子结合位点,为其遗传特性及调控机制的研究提供基本信息。  相似文献   

A national necropsy survey of red foxes was carried out across Great Britain to record Echinococcus, Trichinella and Toxoplasma. The survey did not record directly, or indirectly using coproantigen/PCR tests, evidence for the presence of Echinococcus multilocularis in 588 animals, although E. granulosus was suspected in six animals. Parasitological evidence for Trichinella spp. could not be found in 587 fox muscle digests, and a specific PCR test also failed to detect Toxoplasma in a sub-set of 61 random fox tongue biopsies. The upper 95% confidence interval for the above parasites was 0.60% (E. multilocularis), 0.60% (Trichinella spp.) and 5.6% (Toxoplasma). The commonest gut parasites were the hookworm Uncinaria stenocephala (41.3%) and the ascarid Toxocara canis (61.6%). This study also reports the second occurrence of Trichuris vulpis in Great Britain.  相似文献   

A total of 6141 foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were examined for infection with Trichinella. The foxes were killed in Denmark during the hunting season 1995-1996 and 1997-1998; 3133 and 3008, respectively. Foxes included in the investigation came from throughout the country with the exception of the island of Bornholm. The right foreleg from each fox was submitted for investigation. The legs were stored at -20 degrees C for 3-10 months prior to examination. Following thawing, muscle tissue (10 g) from each leg was examined by trichinoscopy and by a pepsin-HCl digestion technique. In 1995-1996, three foxes were found positive corresponding to a prevalence of 0.001. Each of the infected foxes harboured an extremely low infection, i.e. about one larva per 10 g muscle tissue. It was not possible to obtain sufficient larval material for species identification. All three foxes were shot in the vicinity of a small village in the north-western part of Denmark. In 1997-1998 no Trichinella cases were found. The results, compared with previous studies, indicate that the prevalence of infection of Trichinella sp. among wild living foxes in Denmark is very low. This is further supported by the fact, that no infection of Trichinella sp. has been found in slaughtered pigs in Denmark for more than 65 years, which suggests that the infection pressure is very low. Considering the facts above we conclude that the risk of Trichinella infections is negligible in intensive indoor pig production units in Denmark whereas high local prevalence of Trichinella infections in the wildlife might constitute a serious risk for the expanding outdoor pig production.  相似文献   

No systematic studies of the occurrence of Trichinella in wildlife have been carried out in Northern Ireland (NI) in recent years, and the last reports of trichinellosis in livestock and human outbreaks in NI date back to 1979 and 1945, respectively. In this study, covering the period 2003/2004 and 2007/2008, a total of 443 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were collected throughout the country and screened for trichinellosis using a modified muscle digest method. One examined animal was found to be infected with larvae from Trichinella spiralis, indicating a national prevalence in NI of Trichinella in foxes of 0.2%. This prevalence compares well to the findings reported from the bordering Republic of Ireland [Rafter, P., Marucci, G., Brangan, P., Pozio, E., 2005. Rediscovery of Trichinella spiralis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Ireland after 30 years of oblivion. J. Infect. 50, 61–65] and could be a further indication for a sylvatic Trichinella life cycle existing independently from the domestic cycle.  相似文献   

Helminths of goats in Mongolia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Post-mortem examinations of 236 goats from all provinces in Mongolia were performed for the study of helminths in goats. Thirty-nine helminth species belonging to three classes, 14 families and 23 genera were found. Trichocephalus spiralis and Avitellina centripunctata are reported for the first time in goats in Mongolia. The prevalence and intensity of helminth infections are reported for three age groups of goats in four seasons and three geographic zones in Mongolia. Common helminth infections of goats in all zones of Mongolia were infections of Ostertagia, Marshallagia and Nematodirus. In addition, fecal samples of 15 kids, 15 yearlings and 15 adult goats were examined monthly for eggs. The highest number of eggs per gram (EPG) of feces was counted in March (average 1335.3+/-405.3) and the lowest count was in November (54+/-18.6).  相似文献   

As a result of oral vaccination of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) against rabies, this virus disease has almost been completely eradicated from West- and Central Europe. In most countries, vaccine baits were distributed twice a year: during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to October). This strategy has shown to be able to control and eventually eradicate rabies. However, it remains to be clarified if this is the most cost-effective strategy. Astonishingly, the behavioural ecology of the target species, the red fox, did receive only limited attention selecting the periods when baits should be distributed. Considering the behavioural ecology and rabies epidemiology of foxes, territory owners seem to play a key role in the spread and maintenance of rabies. Thus, oral vaccination campaigns should be targeted primarily at these animals. It is suggested that the optimal timing for bait distribution in Europe is late autumn (November) or early winter (December), depending on the prevailing climatic conditions. Additional campaigns, when financially feasible, can be implemented in order to maintain a high vaccination coverage during the remaining year. Furthermore, different baiting strategies can be selected in case of re-infection or persistent residual foci.  相似文献   

An amyloid-producing medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in a red fox (Vulpes vulpes schrenchki) bred in a zoo was examined using histopathologic and immunohistochemical techniques. The neoplastic cells had an ill-defined cytoplasmic membrane and abundant, finely granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, containing numerous argyrophilic granules. The neoplastic tissues were divided into various sizes by a vascular connective stroma, which was partly fibrovascular with broad areas of hyalinization containing varied amounts of amyloid. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic cells showed reactivity to anti-calcitonin, neuron-specific enolase, somatostatin, and keratin antibodies. However, amyloid in the stroma did not show immunoreactivity to the antibodies used. Histologic and immunohistochemical features of MTC in the present animal were analogous to those of the C-cell carcinoma derived from thyroid C cells (parafollicular cells) reported in humans and dogs.  相似文献   

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