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The study demonstrates the common antigens to salivary gland, fat body, mesenteron, thorax muscle, native whole body, and dried whole body homogenates of tsetse flies, G. palpalis palpalis. The possibilities of their origin and the role in hypersensitivity induction and its propagation are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In order to investigate the extent of resistance of oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), which is a widespread pest throughout tropical, subtropical and temperate fruit crops, 25 populations of this insect were collected from 13 sites in mainland China in 2007 and 2008. In addition, resistant strains were established that showed increasing development of resistance. RESULTS: Compared with the susceptible strain, one population of B. dorsalis expressed high resistance (RR = 70.4‐fold), 16 populations expressed medium resistance (11.5‐fold < RR < 25.8‐fold) and eight populations had low resistance or remained susceptible (1.4‐fold < RR < 8.9‐fold) to trichlorphon. As regards β‐cypermethrin, one population showed high resistance (RR = 44.0‐fold), nine populations expressed medium resistance (12.2‐fold < RR < 28.4‐fold), 14 populations expressed low or minor resistance (3.0‐fold < RR < 9.7‐fold) and one population remained susceptible (RR = 1.1‐fold). As regards avermectin, five populations had developed high resistance (44.3‐fold < RR < 104‐fold), seven populations expressed medium resistance (11.4‐fold < RR < 38.6‐fold) and three populations expressed low or minor resistance (3.5‐fold < RR < 5.6‐fold). A continuous resistance selection in the laboratory strain showed that the resistance ratios to trichlorphon, β‐cypermethrin and avermectin were 71.6‐fold, 333‐fold and 70.4‐fold respectively. CONCLUSION: The data provided a comprehensive survey of insecticide resistance in Bactrocera dorsalis in mainland China. All results suggested that early resistance management programmes should be established for restoring the efficacy of pesticide‐based control measures. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Low doses of deltamethrin cause prolonged knockdown of the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans morsitans. Fifty per cent of female flies, treated with the LD15-(48 h) of deltamethrin, failed to regain their capacity for normal flight for 30 h, compared with 6 h for bioresmethrin and 4 h for permethtin at the equivalent dose. Recovery after exposure to tetramethrin occurred within 1 h. The knockdown effect of deltamethrin on males was even more pronounced although, with both sexes, the onset of the effect was delayed for about 3 h. It is suggested that this prolonged knockdown effect of deltamethrin, at extremely low application rates, may make a significant contribution to the effectiveness of the compound against the tsetse fly.  相似文献   


The density of M. sojae and percentage parasitism was studied in unsprayed soybean at 18 farmers’ field sites in Aceh, North Sumatra and West Sumatra provinces, Indonesia, during 1992 and 1993. M. sojae generally infested soybean throughout the season; infestation was initially low, reached its peak from the fifth till the eighth week after planting and declined towards the end of the season. A complex of seven hymenopterous parasiloids had a high impact on the pest. Parasitism levels built up alongside with host density and remained high until just before harvest. The eucoilid Gronotoma sp. was the most prevalent species during the early and mid‐season; a complex of pteromalids became dominant towards the end of the season. In soybean planted successively at 2‐week intervals, the parasitism level in the first‐planted crop built up slowly, whereas the parasitism level in the third‐planted crop was high from the early crop stage onwards, which suggests that the third‐planted crop benefited from parasitism build‐up in the earlier‐planted crops. The role of parasitoids in controlling beanflies in unsprayed soybean is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The control of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) Ceratitis capitata (Wied) is usually performed with protein bait sprays incorporating chemical insecticides that may have adverse effects on humans, non‐target organisms and the environment. In recent years, scientists have sought more environmentally friendly insecticides for medfly control, such as plant‐ and microorganism‐derived compounds. Among these compounds, entomopathogenic fungi are an unexplored source of natural insecticides. RESULTS: The crude soluble protein extract (CSPE) of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Mestch.) (strain EAMa 01/58‐Su) shows chronic insecticidal activity when administered per os. Mortality in flies exhibits a dose response. The CSPE produces an antifeedant effect in adult flies, a result probably due to a progressive deterioration of the fly midgut after ingestion of the extract. Protease and temperature treatments show that insecticidal activity against C. capitata is due to proteinaceous compounds that are highly thermostable. Four monomeric proteins from this crude extract have been purified by liquid chromatography and gel electroelution. Although all four monomers seem to be involved in the insecticidal activity of the CSPE, the 15 kDa and the 11 kDa proteins appear to be mainly responsible for the observed insecticidal effect. CONCLUSIONS: Four new fungal proteins with insecticidal activity have been purified and identified. These proteins might be combined with insect baits for C. capitata biocontrol. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Among target pests of the insecticide spinosad is the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae). In Cyprus, spinosad has been sporadically used since its registration in 2002, whereas in Greece its use has been very limited since its registration in 2004, particularly in biological olive cultivars in Crete. By contrast, in California it has been the only insecticide used against the olive fruit fly since its registration in 2004. This study aimed at examining the resistance status of the olive fruit fly to spinosad. RESULTS: Populations from California, Greece and Cyprus, plus a laboratory population, were tested. Bioassays were performed by oral or topical application of different concentrations of the insecticide. Cypriot populations demonstrated no resistance as compared with that of the laboratory population. Among the Greek populations, only one from Crete demonstrated a fourfold increase in resistance, whereas five populations from California demonstrated a 9–13‐fold increase. CONCLUSION: The observed resistance increase was associated with spinosad applications in the respective areas. These values are relatively low and do not yet pose a serious control problem in the field. However, the observed variation documents that spinosad tolerance has increased in areas where the insecticide has been more extensively used. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A housefly strain, originally collected in 1998 from a dump in Beijing, was selected with beta-cypermethrin to generate a resistant strain (CRR) in order to characterize the resistance and identify the possible mechanisms involved in the pyrethroid resistance. The resistance was increased from 2.56- to 4419.07-fold in the CRR strain after 25 consecutive generations of selection compared to a laboratory susceptible strain (CSS). The CRR strain also developed different levels of cross-resistance to various insecticides within and outside the pyrethroid group such as abamectin. Synergists, piperonyl butoxide (PBO) and S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF), increased beta-cypermethrin toxicity 21.88- and 364.29-fold in the CRR strain as compared to 15.33- and 2.35-fold in the CSS strain, respectively. Results of biochemical assays revealed that carboxylesterase activities and maximal velocities to five naphthyl-substituted substrates in the CRR strain were significantly higher than that in the CSS strain, however, there was no significant difference in glutathione S-transferase activity and the level of total cytochrome P450 between the CRR and CSS strains. Therefore, our studies suggested that carboxylesterase play an important role in beta-cypermethrin resistance in the CRR strain.  相似文献   

A residual fumigant effect is demonstrated for fruit held 1 to 3 days within its cardboard carton after fumigation with 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB). This residual fumigant effect reduces significantly the dosage required for a specified level of control when compared with that required for fruit removed from the carton immediately after airing when fumigation is completed. The effect is due to the slow release of gas sorbed during fumigation and to the slow dispersion of this gas from the carton.  相似文献   

A new population of the warble fly, Oestromyia leporina from Western Bohemia is described. The parasite was recorded on Microtus arvalis and M. agrestis. The infection of offspring in the den did not occur.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The most serious insect pest problems affecting the cultivation of mushroom [Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach] in Turkey are mushroom flies (sciarids, cecids and phorids). Mushroom phorid fly, Megaselia halterata (Wood), is the most common insect pest species during April‐October. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential for eight botanical materials (two commercial neem‐based products and six hot‐water plant extracts) to control M. halterata populations in three successive growing periods. RESULTS: Treatment efficacy was evaluated by assessing adult emergence and sporophore damage rates compared with that of a standard insecticide, chlorpyrifos‐ethyl (positive control). All plant extracts caused significant reductions in the mean number of emerging adults and sporophore damage rates compared with the water‐treated control (negative control). Reduction in adult emergence in both neem treatments, Neemazal and Greeneem oil, was greater than that in the positive control. While Neemazal and Origanum onites L. extract had significantly lower sporophore damage rates than the positive control, there were no significant differences between the chlorpyrifos‐ethyl, Greeneem oil and Pimpinella anisum L. extract treatments. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that both neem products and hot‐water extracts of O. onites and P. anisum may be potential alternatives to conventional pesticides for the control of mushroom phorid fly. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Indoxacarb (DPX-MP062) is a recently introduced oxadiazine insecticide with activity against a wide range of pests, including house flies. It is metabolically decarbomethoxylated to DCJW. Selection of field collected house flies with indoxacarb produced a New York indoxacarb-resistant (NYINDR) strain with >118-fold resistance after three generations. Resistance in NYINDR could be partially overcome with the P450 inhibitor piperonyl butoxide (PBO), but the synergists diethyl maleate and S,S,S-tributyl phosphorothioate did not alter expression of the resistance, suggesting P450 monooxygenases, but not esterases or glutathione S-transferases are involved in the indoxacarb resistance. Conversely, the NYINDR strain showed only 3.2-fold resistance to DCJW, and this resistance could be suppressed with PBO. Only limited levels of cross-resistance were detected to pyrethroid, organophosphate, carbamate or chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides in NYINDR. Indoxacarb resistance in the NYINDR strain was inherited primarily as a completely recessive trait. Analysis of the phenotypes vs. mortality data revealed that the major factor for indoxacarb resistance is located on autosome 4 with a minor factor on autosome 3. It appears these genes have not previously been associated with insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

Microsomes prepared from the abdomens of the flesh fly (Sarcophaga bullata, Parker) and the blow fly (Phormia regina (Meigen)) contain approximately one-fifth and one-eighth as much cytochrome P-450, respectively, as those prepared from house fly (Musca domestica, L.) abdomens. These values correlate well with the microsomal aldrin epoxidase activity of the three species and with their respective susceptibilities to the insecticide, propoxur. When the microsomes of the flesh fly and the blow fly are solubilized by treatment with deoxycholate and resolved by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and hydroxylapatite, four chromatographically distinct fractions containing cytochrome P-450 are obtained. Spectrophotometric assays of the cytochrome P-450 in these fractions indicate purifications of two-to sixfold for the flesh fly hemoprotein and two-to eightfold for that of the blow fly. SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the four column fractions from the flesh fly microsomes indicates that six hemoproteins in the 40,000–60,000 molecular weight range are present. In similar experiments with blow fly fractions containing approximately the same amount of cytochrome P-450 no high molecular weight hemoproteins could be detected. This result is interpreted, with other evidence, as an indication of the greater instability of the blow fly hemoprotein. The results indicate that multiple forms of cytochrome P-450 are present in both species but there is insufficient data on which to estimate the number of such forms.  相似文献   

Host plant resistance is an important component for management of the melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett), owing to difficulties associated with its chemical and biological control. Various biochemical traits including total sugar, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar, tannins, phenols, alkaloids, flavinoid and pH contents of fruit were studied on 11varieties/ genotypes of muskmelon, Cucumis melo L., in relation to resistance against B. cucurbitae under field conditions. Significant differences were found in tested varieties/ genotypes for fruit infestation and larval density per fruit. AHMM/BR-1, RM-50 and AHMM/BR-8 were the most resistant; MHY-5, Durgapura Madhu and Pusa Sarabati were moderately resistant; AHMM/BR-13, Pusa Madhuras and Arka Jeet were susceptible; whereas Arka Rajhans and GMM-3 were the highly susceptible varieties/ genotypes to fruit fly in both seasons, 2011 and 2012. The larval density per fruit increased with an increase in percent fruit infestation and there was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.97) between percent fruit infestation and larval density per fruit. Total sugar, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar and pH were lowest in resistant and highest in susceptible varieties/ genotypes, whereas tannins, phenols, alkaloids and flavinoid contents were highest in resistant and lowest in susceptible varieties/ genotypes. Total alkaloid and pH contents explained 97.96% of the total variation in fruit fly infestation and 92.83% of the total variation in larval density per fruit due to alkaloids and total sugar contents.  相似文献   

The citrus blossom midge,Contarinia citri Barnes, was sampled in two lemon groves. Infestation lasted from December through April. Midge-infested blossoms were seldom concomitantly attacked by the citrus flower moth,Prays citri Mill. Some midge larvae completed their development in the laboratory, their numbers declining and the period required for pupation becoming shorter toward the end of the season. Very few parasitoids were obtained. It is suggested thatC. citri andP. citri may be partially mutually-exclusive in lemon flowers, that the number of annual midge generations depends on the availability of blossoms, and that the midge may undergo a prolonged diapause in the soil.  相似文献   

Forty-two insect metabolites of [1RS,trans]-and [1RS,cis]-permethrin are tentatively identified in studies with Periplaneta americana adults, Musca domestica adults, and Trichoplusia ni larvae involving administration of 14C preparations labeled in either the alcohol or acid moieties. The less-insecticidal trans isomer is generally metabolized more rapidly than the more-insecticidal cis isomer, particularly in cabbage looper larvae, and metabolites retaining the ester linkage appear in larger amount with cis-permethrin. Although the dichlorovinyl group effectively blocks oxidation in the acid side chain, the permethrin isomers are metabolized by hydrolysis and hydroxylation at the geminal-dimethyl group (either trans- or cis-methyl substituent) and the phenoxybenzyl group (predominantly at the 4′-position in all species but also at the 6-position in house flies). The alcoholic and phenolic metabolites are excreted as glucosides, and the carboxylic acids are excreted as glucosides and amino conjugates (glycine, glutamic acid, glutamine, and serine) with considerable species variation in the preferred conjugating moiety.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of resistance to the chitin synthesis inhibitor diflubenzuron were investigated in a diflubenzuron-selected strain of the house fly (Musca domestica L.) with > 1000 × resistance, and in an OMS-12-selected strain [O-ethyl O-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)phosphoramidothioate] with 380 × resistance to diflubenzuron. In agreement with the accepted mode of action of diflubenzuron, chitin synthesis was reduced less in larvae of the resistant (R) than of a susceptible (S) strain. Cuticular penetration of diflubenzuron into larvae of the R strains was about half that of the S. Both piperonyl butoxide and sesamex synergized diflubenzuron markedly in the R strains, indicating that mixed-function oxidase enzymes play a major role in resistance. Limited synergism by DEF (S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate) and diethylmaleate indicated that esterases and glutathione-dependent transferases play a relatively small role in resistance. Larvae of the S and R strains exhibited a similar pattern of in vivo cleavage of 3H- and 14C-labeled diflubenzuron at N1C2 and N1C1 bonds. However, there were marked differences in the amounts of major metabolites produced: R larvae metabolized diflubenzuron at considerably higher rates, resulting in 18-fold lower accumulation of unmetabolized diflubenzuron by comparison with S larvae. Polar metabolites were excreted at a 2-fold higher rate by R larvae. The high levels of resistance to diflubenzuron in R-Diflubenzuron and R-OMS-12 larvae are due to the combined effect of reduced cuticular penetration, increased metabolism, and rapid excretion of the chemical.  相似文献   

本土寄生蜂对移殖天敌昆虫泽兰实蝇的寄生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泽兰实蝇(Procecidochares utilis Stone)是我国入侵杂草紫茎泽兰的专食性天敌昆虫。为摸清本土寄生蜂对泽兰实蝇的寄生情况,在云南昆明市选取林下和开阔地等两种生境,分别采用对角线五点取样法与邻接格子取样法,调查了紫茎泽兰的生长及感染虫瘿情况;通过饲养与解剖虫瘿,观察了寄生泽兰实蝇的本土寄生蜂种类及其寄生率。结果表明,共有6种寄生蜂从虫瘿中羽化,对虫瘿的寄生率达70%以上;其中大部分虫瘿被3种寄生蜂寄生。虽然在开阔地生境中紫茎泽兰株高和每株枝条数显著大于林下生境,植株和枝条感虫(瘿)率也显著高于林下,但寄生蜂对虫瘿的总寄生率、各种寄生蜂的寄生率在两种生境之间差异不显著。解剖表明,每虫瘿羽化出的寄生蜂数随虫瘿横径的增大而显著增多。  相似文献   

家蝇生境中充满病原菌,其有效的防防机制成为研究的热点。通过三氟乙酸缓冲液浸提、热处理、固相萃取以及两次RP-HPLC等方法,从混合细菌液诱导的家蝇蛹中分离纯化出4种具有抗菌活性的物质。结果表明,提取的家蝇蛹粗提液抗菌谱较广,对多种微生物具有不同程度的抗菌作用,且抗菌效果好于天然肽类防腐剂和一些化学防腐保鲜剂。4种抗菌物质中包括3个抗菌肽和1个抗菌化合物。Tricine-SDS-PAGE结果显示3个抗菌肽的分子量分别约为12kDa、8kDa和4kDa。本研究表明细菌诱导家蝇蛹中具有丰富的抗菌物质。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Beta-cypermethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, was applied frequently in the control of health pests including houseflies, Musca domestica L., in China. However, different levels of resistance to beta-cypermethrin were monitored in field strains of houseflies. A strain of M. domestica, 4420-fold resistant to beta-cypermethrin after continuous 25 generations of selection, was used in this paper to determine the mode of inheritance of pyrethroid resistance. RESULTS: The estimated realized heritability (h(2)) of beta-cypermethrin resistance was 0.30 in this resistant strain. Results of bioassays showed no significant difference in values of LD(50) and slope of log dose-probit lines between reciprocal progenies F(1) and F'(1), and yielded values of - 0.10 (F(1)) and - 0.11 (F'(1)) for the degree of dominance (D). Chi-square analysis from responses of self-bred and backcross progenies (F(2), BC(1) and BC(2) respectively) indicated that the null hypothesis, a single gene responsible for resistance, was accepted. The minimum number of independent segregation genes was 0.93 for F(1) by Lande's method. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that beta-cypermethrin resistance in the housefly was inherited as a single, major, autosomal and incompletely recessive factor. These results would provide the basic information for pest management programmes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spinosad, a relatively new, effective and safe pesticide, has been widely used in pest control over the last 10 years. However, different levels of resistance to this insecticide have developed in some insects worldwide. RESULTS: After continuous selection for 27 generations, a strain (SpRR) of the housefly developed 247‐fold resistance to spinosad compared with the laboratory susceptible strain (CSS). The estimated realised heritability (h2) of spinosad resistance was 0.14. There was no significant difference in the LD50 values and slopes between reciprocal progenies F1 and F1′, and values of 0.33 (F1) and 0.30 (F1′) were obtained for the degree of dominance. Chi‐square analysis from responses of self‐bred (F2) and backcrosses (BC1 and BC2) were highly significant, suggesting that the resistance was probably controlled by more than one gene. Synergists piperonyl butoxide (PBO), diethyl maleate (DEM) and S,S,S‐tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF) affected the toxicity of spinosad at a low level, and demonstrated that metabolic‐mediated detoxification was not an important factor in conferring resistance to spinosad in the SpRR strain. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that spinosad resistance in the housefly was autosomal and incompletely dominant, and the resistance was probably controlled by more than one gene. These results provide the basic information for designing successful management programmes for the control of houseflies. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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