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A Boston Terrier puppy presented with a full-thickness peripheral corneal defect, iris prolapse and anterior lens capsule tear in the left eye (OS). Phacofragmentation and primary repair of the corneal laceration was performed. At surgery, subluxation of the lens was also apparent. One day postoperative, there was severe corneal edema, diffuse hyphema, an intraocular pressure (IOP) of 65 mmHg and a small amount of vitreous that protruded from the corneal incision OS. Malignant glaucoma or pupillary block glaucoma were suspected. Intravenous mannitol was administered preoperatively and had no effect. An anterior vitrectomy was performed on the vitreous within the anterior chamber and pupil. One day postoperative the IOP was 16 mmHg in the right eye (OD) and 20 mmHg OS. Postoperative iridocyclitis was managed medically, and additional elevations in IOP were not recorded. Resolution of the elevated IOP following anterior vitrectomy was supportive of pupillary block or malignant glaucoma. Vision returned 3 weeks after the initial surgery. Two years after the initial injury, the eye is visual and comfortable with infrequent topical anti-inflammatory therapy.  相似文献   

Secondary lens luxation is an infrequent consequence of equine recurrent uveitis (ERU). This Case Report describes a pony with posterior lens luxation with associated glaucoma, thought to be secondary to ERU.  相似文献   

This case series describes the ocular, clinical and histologic manifestations of disseminated Aspergillosis in two dogs. Two dogs presented for severe unilateral panophthalmitis and secondary glaucoma with positive Aspergillus spp. titers. Case 1 showed no clinicopathologic systemic symptoms of fungal dissemination, however, case 2 was affected with acute renal failure. The affected eye of case 1 did not respond to medical therapy and was enucleated for comfort. The affected eye of case 2 responded to aggressive topical and systemic medical therapies, however, the patient was euthanized for acute renal failure. Globes were collected for histologic evaluation at the time of death. Histology of both revealed panophthalmitis with presence of significant intraocular hemorrhage, multifocal fungal granulomas, retinal and optic nerve changes consistent with secondary glaucoma, rupture of the anterior lens capsule, and fungal invasion and colonization of the intralenticular space. These cases represent a unique and devastating ocular manifestation of disseminated Aspergillosis. Cases presenting with uveitis and secondary glaucoma of unknown origin, especially with confirmed or suspected lens capsular rupture, should have serologic testing for this infectious agent.  相似文献   

Between 1989 and 1995 nine Great Danes were presented to the small animal clinic of the University of Zurich Teaching Hospital with glaucoma and multiple cysts in the anterior and posterior chamber. In four of the nine dogs cysts were present in both eyes; however, bilateral glaucoma was seen in one case only. Mean intraocular pressure (IOP) at initial presentation was 42 mmHg measured by applanation tonometry. With the exception of one dog, all animals were treated medically for a minimum of 13 days. Two animals were subsequently lost to follow up. Two dogs underwent evisceration with implantation of a silicone prosthesis. The glaucomatous globe was enucleated in three dogs. One owner declined surgery and the dog remained buphthalmic with a poorly controlled IOP. One animal remained visual after trans-scleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation. Histopathology of the three enucleated globes showed multiple cysts originating from the ciliary body epithelium. The mechanism of IOP elevation is probably by anterior displacement of the iris with narrowing of the angle and collapse of the ciliary cleft. A delicate pre-iridal fibrovascular membrane was also seen in each case, which could have also contributed to the elevation of IOP. The high odds ratio of 2.23 (CI 95% 1.14, 3.99) for glaucoma and 37.01 (CI 95% 16.42, 77.81) for ciliary body cysts suggests they are both inherited in this breed. Pedigree analysis of the affected dogs failed to definitely reveal the mode of inheritance.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of a novel, professionally manufactured, frontal sinus valved glaucoma shunt in maintaining normal intraocular pressure (IOP) and vision in dogs with primary glaucoma. METHODS: Three eyes of three dogs diagnosed with primary glaucoma were included in this prospective clinical study. A Cullen frontal sinus valved glaucoma shunt was implanted into each glaucomatous globe. Dogs were treated postoperatively with topical neomycin/polymyxin B/0.1% dexamethasone and 0.03% flurbiprofen every 6 h tapered over 8-12 weeks, and meloxicam at 0.1 mg/kg orally every 24 h for 7-10 days. IOP, intracameral shunt position and apparent patency, and vision were assessed twice daily for up to 4 (n= 3 eyes) and 10 (n= 2 eyes) days postoperatively, and then at re-examination periods of up to 36 weeks (n= 1 eye). Postoperative complications were recorded and documented photographically. RESULTS: Normal IOP was maintained in all shunted globes (range 10-29 mmHg; mean = 16.7 mmHg at 24 h; IOP = 23 mmHg at 36 weeks) postoperatively for 2 days (3/3 eyes), 8 weeks (2/2 eyes), and 36 weeks (1/1 eye) without additional antiglaucoma therapies. Photopic vision and shunt position and patency were maintained in all shunted globes for all follow-up periods. Postoperative complications included mild aqueous flare and fibrin (n= 3 eyes for 3-10 days postoperatively); intracameral shunt occlusion with fibrin (n= 1 eye at days 2 and 4); partial anterior chamber tube extrusion (n= 1 eye at day 4), and focal corneal edema (n= 1 eye at 18 weeks). Tissue plasminogen activator injected intracamerally through the silicone tube near the frontal sinus effectively resolved the fibrinous shunt occlusion. CONCLUSIONS: The Cullen frontal sinus valved glaucoma shunt shows promise for the management of canine primary glaucoma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the combined diode laser cycloablation procedure and adjunctive Ahmed gonioimplant use in dogs with primary glaucoma. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 48 dogs, 51 eyes with primary glaucoma. PROCEDURE: Medical records from two large private clinical ophthalmology services were reviewed. Signalment, duration of glaucoma, gonioscopic evaluation, laser power and duration settings, immediate postoperative and final intraocular pressure and visual results, short and long-term visual outcome, and surgical complications were recorded. RESULTS: The age range of affected dogs was 3.0-14.0 years, with a mean age of 7.5 +/- 2.6 years. Eleven pure breeds were represented, with the most common being the American Cocker Spaniel. The sex distribution was 22 neutered males, 1 intact male, 23 spayed females, and 2 intact female dogs. The right eye was affected in 33 cases, and the left eye in 18 cases. The average total joules, which was administered with the diode laser, was 109.6 +/- 23.6 J. Immediate surgical complications included fibrin formation in the anterior chamber (15), corneal ulcers (4), hyphema (7), and focal retinal detachment (1). Long-term complications included cataract formation (8 total, 2 of which were significant, vision-threatening), elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) (6), unstable gonioimplant (1), and glaucoma recurrence (14). Additional surgeries performed on the eyes over the course of study included: intrascleral prosthesis (4), enucleation (1), resection of fibrotic scar tissue (5), and repeat laser cycloablation (8). The dogs were examined for a mean follow-up time of 17.6 months (range: 2-83 months postoperatively). Twenty-nine cases were followed greater than one year. Vision was maintained in 42/51 eyes (82%) in the immediate short-term of this study. In all cases included in the study, good control of IOP was achieved in 39/51 (76%) of eyes, and IOP was poor or uncontrolled in 12/51 (24%) of eyes. Twenty out of 41 eyes (49%) maintained fair to excellent vision six months after surgery. Twelve months postoperative observations demonstrated that 12/29 (41%) of the eyes were still visual. CONCLUSIONS: In primary glaucoma, the combined procedure of laser diode cyclophotocoagulation and Ahmed valve implant was associated with return or maintenance of vision in 42/51 eyes (82%) in the immediate short-term of this study, and a long-term IOP control in 39/51 (76%) of the cases, with 12/29 eyes (41%) visual after 12 months.  相似文献   

Objective To measure changes in the ocular and orbital blood flow velocities by color Doppler imaging (CDI) in beagles with primary open angle glaucoma as the disease progressed from early to advanced stages. Methods CDI measurements were performed periodically on 13 glaucomatous Beagles during the nontreated mild, moderate and advanced stages of POAG over the course of 4 years. CDI was performed with the dogs lightly anesthetized (butorphanol 0.1 mg/kg IV, acepromazine maleate 0.02 mg/kg IV, and atropine sulfate 0.05 mg/kg) while the CD transducer was placed directly on the cornea anesthetized with 0.5% tetracaine hydrochloride. Intraocular pressure (IOP) by pneumatonography or TonoPen XL, heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were measured at the beginning, middle and end of each study. The ophthalmic vessels examined included: external ophthalmic arteries and veins, long and short posterior ciliary arteries, anterior ciliary arteries and veins, primary retinal arteries, and vortex veins. Recordings of each vessel included peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV) and time averaged velocity (TAV), and when possible the resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) were computed. Results CDI abnormalities were present before intraocular pressure exceeded the normal range. As the animals aged, and the glaucoma progressed with higher levels of IOP, significant changes occurred in nearly all vessels, and generally included a major increase in RI (P < 0.001) and an increase in the PI (P < 0.001). Mean arterial blood pressure (105 ± 18 mmHg) and heart rate (118 ± 33/min) remained reasonably constant. The IOP gradually increased as the disease progressed (early and normotensive: 19.4 ± 3.9 mmHg; moderate: 29.7 ± 2 mmHg; and advanced: 44.5 ± 6 mmHg). The ocular veins seemed most influenced early on in the disease. Late in the disease, ocular venous blood flow could not be consistently demonstrated. An increase in the PI of ocular veins occurred in the moderately and severely affected glaucomatous Beagles. As the IOP increased, there were trends of increasing resistive index and pulsatility index in most arteries, and periods of marked decreased velocities of the vortex and external ophthalmic veins in severe cases. Conclusion CDI measurements in Beagles with primary open angle glaucoma during the course of 4 years indicate easily measurable and repeatable progressive blood flow abnormalities before the elevation of IOP and, thereafter, with gradually increased levels of IOP.  相似文献   

The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (TSCP) using a diode laser for treating aphakic glaucoma that developed after intracapsular lens extraction (ICLE) had been performed for displaced lenses. Records of 15 dogs (21 eyes) were reviewed. The intraocular pressure (IOP) and the presence of vision were recorded at the time of ICLE and TSCP and at 1, 3, 6-9, 12 and 24 months post TSCP. The glaucoma was considered controlled if the IOP was less than 25 mmHg. The results indicated that the effectiveness of TSCP using a diode laser for treating aphakic glaucoma was of a short-term duration (1-3 months), with three patients needing repeat TSPC. In addition, adjunctive antiglaucoma medications were often required to maintain an adequately controlled IOP. Over the 24-month period the number of dogs requiring intrascleral prosthesis, intraocular gentamicin or enucleation, or that were lost to follow-up, increased.  相似文献   

Objective Examine prognostic factors that may indicate when surgical lens removal is indicated to prevent vision‐threatening complications in patients presented following traumatic perforating corneal laceration with associated lens capsule disruption. Procedures Seventy‐seven patients (10 cats and 67 dogs) were evaluated with this injury; of these, 47 were presented acutely and treated surgically and/or medically. Successful outcome was defined as functional vision in the treated eye. Results The 47 patients with acute injuries were divided into 3 treatment groups A‐C for comparison; A ‐ corneal repair/lens removal (n = 15), B ‐ corneal repair/no lens removal (n = 9), C – medical management (n = 23). Groups A and B showed a significantly greater rate of vision loss compared to Group C that was most obvious greater than 18 months post‐injury (P = 0.029 and 0.0097, respectively). Cox proportional hazards regression analysis found a significantly higher increased rate of vision loss in Group A (HR = 4.5; P = 0.023) and a higher but nonsignificant increased rate of vision loss in Group B (HR = 3.0; P = 0.23) compared to Group C after controlling for age and cause of injury. The length of the corneal laceration and time interval from injury to referral were also relevant prognostic factors. Conclusions Medical management is an appropriate therapy for patients of all ages suffering perforating corneal injuries with associated lens capsule disruption. Patients with corneal injuries requiring surgical repair or managed by lens removal following corneal repair suffered vision‐threatening complications approximately 3 to 4.5 times the rate of patients treated by medical management, respectively. Favorable prognostic signs for treatment by medical management include good corneal wound apposition and a formed anterior chamber without uveal prolapse or continued aqueous leakage.  相似文献   

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