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Camera-sensors offer a non-contacting and non-destructive measurement of the canopy. The equipment is easy to fix on tractors or field sprayers. Field experiments were conducted to quantify the relationship of the sensor signal and the four plant parameters LAI, fresh mass, stems/m2 and plant height. Using image analysis tools the coverage level of the green biomass as sensor signal was calculated. In the case of a fungicide application the green plant mass has to be protected against fungi attacks. By the help of regression analysis a strong linear correlation was found between the coverage level and the four plant parameters. This relationship enables for a linear adaptation of the application amount on the local differences of the plant parameters while spraying.  相似文献   

For a compact growth of many potted plants you often have to use chemical growth inhibitors. Various species of herbs tend to an undesirable extension growth too. In general, the use of chemical inhibitors is prohibited in the production of potted herbs. For several years at the State Horticultural College and Research Institute Heidelberg there is employed an alternative method of mechanical stimulation treatment for a compact growth of potted plants. The greatest reduction of elongation was obtained, when the plants were treated with breaks in the early morning. In 2009 and 2010, the employees of the trial station proofed the effect of mechanical stimulation (Thigmomorfogenesis) to a large assortment of organically produced potted herbs. Green and red varieties of basil, parsley, coriander, chervil, lemon balm (2009) and four different varieties of mint (2010) were stimulated with a machine one week after beginning culture continuously 108 times per day. Compared to the untreated plants all mechanically stimulated herb species and varieties showed a tendency or significantly reduced elongation growth and therefore more stability. Depending on species and varieties the quality of these plants was visibly improved.  相似文献   

From 2006 to 2008, tests for regulating pyrethroid-resistant pollen beetle populations using new insecticidal agents were conducted in the states of Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. Reason for this test series were high yield losses in winter rape in some states in 2006. These losses were the result of unilateral licensing procedures focussing on class??II pyrethroids. Organophosphates, like chlorpyrifos-ethyl and chlorpyrifos-methyl, as well as class??I pyrethroids like etofenprox and bifenthrin were examined during the tests concerning their efficiency towards Meligethes aeneus. As a comparative agent, neonicotinoid based on thiacloprid was used. Mixtures of class??II pyrethroids with piperonylbutoxid were not admitted by the producers in 2008 despite good insecticidal effects due to economic reasons. Therefore, in 2008, insecticides with different mode of action agents were tested for pollen beetle control. Investigations at five different locations showed that pymetrozin (Plenum 50 WG) and indoxacarb (STEWARD) were identical in their efficiency as thiacloprid (Biscaya) against pyrethroid-resistant pollen beetle. Metaflumizone (Alverde), a semicarbazone, is not eligible for controlling M.??aeneus populations in both investigated formulations. In order to avoid further selection of neonicotinoid-resistent pollen beetle populations, the admittance of other insecticidal agents in the coming years is necessary. For that purpose, organophosphates and insecticides based indoxacarb and pymetrozin would be good alternatives.  相似文献   

In frame of an cooperative research project the model SYNOPS to assess environmental risk of plant protection measurements has been successfully applied for evaluation of three chemical plant protection strategies in sugar beet growing tested in field experiments at 9 respectively 10 sites in 2008 and 2009. The assessment has shown relative advantages of the ??Minimal dosage strategy?? with a high number of pesticides against a ??Common practice strategy?? with a smaller number of pesticides and common dose rates and a ??Registered strategy?? with very few pesticides applied with the registered application dose. But all calculated risk indices for earthworms are below the neglect-limit where negative effect can be excluded with high confidence. The same has been found out for water organisms if the pesticide specific application requirements regarding buffer zones are complied with. The results of the field investigations regarding effects on earthworms have confirmed the results of model SYNOPS. Simulation of the tested strategies on all sugar beet fields in 5 large regions in Germany and the comparison with strategies in practice of these regions by means GIS-technology has shown their environmental soundness in general. Only very few calculated risk indices for algae were above the neglect-limit caused by extremely unfavourable application conditions. Whether there is a real risk should be investigated in further hot-spot analysis.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In den Jahren 1980–1990 wurden auf insgesamt 100 Probefl?chen Wühlmausf?nge für die Schadensprognose in Forstkulturen durchgeführt. Die gefangenen Tiere wurden im Labor eingehender untersucht und verschiedene Parameter mit der Dichteentwicklung der Schadnager verglichen. Für einen beschr?nkten Zeitraum von etwa 3 Monaten war die ?u?erlich me?bare L?nge der m?nnlichen Gonaden mit der Populationsentwicklung korreliert. Bei einer mittleren L?nge der Testes über 3,5 mm wurde eine Zunahme der Populationsdichte beobachtet (Gradation). Bei einer geringeren Gonadenl?nge war die Populations-entwicklung rückl?ufig (Retrogradation). Dieser Zusammenhang kann für eine Schadensprognose bedeutsam sein.
Predicting damages of voles in forest cultivations
Voles like the Field VoleMicrotus agrestis, the Common VoleM. arvalis, the Bank VoleClethrionomys glareolus and the Water VoleArvicola terrestris can cause severe damages in forest cultivations by gnawing the trunks and the roots of the young trees. Damages occur during winter time when the population density of these species is high and food resources are limited. The forecast of the development of vole populations is needed to prepare countermeasures against vole damages. The increase or decrease of a vole population can be predicted, if the fertility of the caught specimens is observed. The gonadal size of the males was a suitable predictor for the trend of the development of a vole population. The change of population density of the Bank Vole in a time interval of 3 month (September–December) was highly correlated (r=0.86) with the gonadal index of males. The percentage of pregnant or lactating femals was also a good indicator, but less suitable for practical use. It is assumed, that the hormones of the hypophysis like FSH, LH and Prolactin rule the growth of the gonads, the fertility and the reproduction in a vole population. Testis size is an indicator for the activity of these fertility hormones and for the reproductive process. It can be used to predict the development of vole populations for a limited time interval.

Freely available information on the actual use of chemical plant protection products (PPPs) in agriculture is highly necessary for a number of scientific questions and political discussions. Therefore, since 2000, regular surveys on the use of PPPs have been carried out for the most important agricultural and horticultural crops in Germany (NEPTUN projects). In 2011, they were adjusted to legal framework changes. Since then they are known as PAPA surveys with “PAPA” being an abbreviation for Panel Pesticide Applications. For each crop a network of farms was built up. In each network, the PPP application data are collected annually, anonymized and forwarded to the Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI).All surveys and analyses based on the panel refer to the Federal Republic of Germany. The participating farms are distributed throughout Germany proportionally to the production area per crop.In sugar beet cultivation the results of PAPA surveys show that the plant protection intensity has increased slightly in recent years comparing the PAPA results with the years 2005 to 2010. There are diverse reasons for this development. Difficult-to-control weeds occurred on an increasing acreage in recent years. At the same time, an early appearance of foliar diseases (approximately beginning of July) combined with warm and humid weather during the following weeks leads to the development of the main pathogen causing leaf spot diseases in sugar beet (Cercospora beticola) in many regions. A continuing development of leaf spots increases the need for repeated fungicide applications. A high infestation with aphids was the dominating reason for increased insecticide applications in some years. Additional influences on the treatment index are due to changes in the authorization of PPPs.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In den Jahren 1996 und 1997 wurde in ausgew?hlten Gebieten des Rheinlands die Populationsdichte von Schmetterlingsraupen erfa?t, die an Eichen (Quercas robur undQ. petraea) und an Hainbuchen (Carpinus betulus) Kahlfra?, an Rotbuchen (Fagus sylvatica) erheblichen Fra?schaden verursachten. An dem Blattfra? waren insgesamt 63 Schmetterlingsraupen beteiligt. An Eichen erfolgte Kahlfra? gleichzeitig durch mehrere Arten (Operophtera brumala, O. fagata, Erannis defoliaria undTortrix viridana), w?hrend an Hainbuche und RotbucheOperophtera fagata für den hohen Fra?schaden verantwortlich war. Standorte, an denen Massenvermehrungen nachgewiesen wurden, waren gut mit N?hrstoffen versorgt und best?tigen so die Hypothese zur Ressourcenverfügbarkeit. Die Populationsdichten der Schmetterlingsraupen waren an Eichen so gro?, da? es zu inter- und intraspezifischer Konkurrenz (scramble competition) kam. In Eichenbest?nden, die mit Rotbuchen unterbaut waren, wurde die Konkurrenzsituation unter den Schmetterlingsraupen vermindert. Somit k?nnen waldbauliche Ma?nahmen, besonders bei einer Massenvermehrung vonOperophtera fagata, zu einer Verl?ngerung der Gradation beitragen.
Mass occurrence of phyllophagous caterpillars in the deciduous forests of the Rhineland
We investigated species assemblages of Lepidoptera which fed onQuercus petraea, Carpinus betulus andFagus sylvatica trees growing in commercial forests in the Rhineland (Germany). In total we found 63 different species of caterpillars. Several species (Operophtera fagata, O. brumata, Tortrix viridana, Agriopis leucophaearia, A. aurantiaria andErannis defoliaria) appeared in high abundances on oak trees, which they together defoliated. Defoliation ofCarpinus betulus as well as high feeding damages onFagus sylvatica were caused mainly by a single species,Operophtera fagata. From our observations of individual caterpillars and their extraordinarily high feeding damages (=45%) onFagus sylvatica trees which were growing in the shade of oak trees, in comparison to individualF. sylvatica trees not growing beneath oak trees (feeding damage= 7%), we made the following conclusions: Firstly, in the case of mass occurrence a severe influence of scramble competition occurs between caterpillars. Secondly, a prolongation of gradation of polyphagous caterpillars is caused when stratification byFagus sylvatica living as undergrowth of oak trees occurs. Defoliated trees occurred in sites with enhanced nutrient availability. This supports the resource availability hypothesis. Although there was a surplus of nutrients in the soil and within the roots we found a deficiency of P in the leaves.

The increasing cultivation of energy crops in the last few years may have an impact on changes in the environment, biodiversity and the landscape. Due to a longer rest of soil and reduced application of pesticides, perennial crops such as short rotation coppice (SRC) offer benefits that can have a positive effect on the biodiversity. However, to assess the overall impact of SRC on biodiversity, information on the quality of SRC as a habitat for animals and plants, depending on the woody species over several years and the management is required. In the years 2010 and 2011, the diversity of ground beetles of willow and poplar in SRC were examined using pitfall traps at three sites in southwestern Germany. It was distinguished between species, variety and age of the SRC. At all sites ground beetle diversity was significantly higher in the studied poplar stands than in those of the willows. In addition, significant differences between the varieties could be observed depending on the location and the year of examination. The older stands of the SRC showed in general a higher level of diversity. Due to the different variety preference of ground beetles it is recommended to plant a mixture of varieties. Furthermore, SRC of different ages should be established side by side, as with increasing tree age species of the open area decrease and forest species settle. Overall, SRC offer the potential to increase biodiversity in natural landscapes.  相似文献   

In rural areas, representing about 97% of the agricultural and horticultural area, the content of heavy metals in harvested products does not create a significant risk to consumers. In urban areas with about 3% of the horticultural area and on agricultural production fields with corresponding history, local contaminations may exceed the precautionary values for soils. For these areas, an estimation of possible risks is advisable and necessary. On the base of investigations of transfer of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb as well as Zn) via the path soil to plant “bio concentration factors” (BCF) have been determined for various horticultural crops (leaf-vegetable, shoot-vegetable, fruit-vegetable, root-vegetable, kitchen herbs and fruit). By use of these BCFs in combination with human toxicological values of the heavy metals (TDI), guiding values can be derived for tolerable soil contamination with the respective metals. These guiding values allow a simple risk assessment of the respective contaminated soils for cultivation and consumption of crops or crop products.  相似文献   

Data from silage maize variety trials of the years 1999?C2010 in the Central German dry region were subjected to a secondary analysis using methods of mathematical statistics: With the phenological ripeness indicators (grain dry matter content/TM of the residual plant) the differences in the ripeness dynamics of grain to residual plant and their effects on the economy and ecology compared to the current ripeness system with use-specific ripeness numbers are documented. This dependence on all directions of use in the maize of the environments and varietal types taking into account of the different plasticity of maize varieties is been quantified. The achievement of physiological ripening of the grain is the interface of all usage directions and at the same time basis for the comparable, agro-eco-efficient level of maturity (63% TM) in conjunction with the silage ripeness index (SRI of 2.8) by eco-silage maize crops. The specific characteristics of the usage directions are low and with regard to efficiency, environmental and consumer protection discussed. With the phenological stage indicator (SRI) can both replaced the DM content of the whole plant as a parameter to the harvest date of silage and energy maize as the usage-specific ripeness numbers to the variety choice for silage and grain maize. A classification of the varieties according to ripeness groups would fully correspond to the environmental maize production. In the preparation of production (breeding, approval, testing and type of election), the SRI serves as selection and during inventory management through differential ripening control in compliance with the environmental and field production conditions as ripeness index. The wide ripeness ratio between grain and residual plant is the phenotypic expression of maize varieties as indicator for the agro-eco-efficiency and multifunctional guarantee better plant health, the resource efficiency, as well as basic product safety and sustainability of the process of maize silage. A precise fixing of harvest time point (HTP) is possible only with the SRI. The correct HTP is in principle maximum possible SRI. This HTP differently from the silage optimum can be according to the environments and the type of election. Ideally a maximum high SRI of 2.9 and over to a high basic intake of ground feed when reaching for exclusive maize silage feeding ruminant more friendly, better structural efficiency and grain hardness for the bypass of starch in the small intestine. The variety and the harvest strategy are to focus their reasons of economy and ecology on a high proportion of stocks ripeness in the field of silage optimum (SRI >?2.6) reach. Standard for maximum efficiency of production process maize and its environmental and consumer protection in the field of view of social line is the reaching of the agro eco-efficient ripeness point (SRI of 2.8 at physiological ripeness of grain by 63%).  相似文献   

Whiteflies are one of the major pests in greenhouse cultivation. Traditional methods of pest control involve the use of pesticides, which may lead to the emergence of resistive vermin. Therefore and in the context of growing health- and environmental awareness alternative ways of pest control should be considered. One alternative approach is the deployment of natural antagonists to the vermin. An effective use of those organisms within pest control requires studies on their biology, their behaviour and their climatic tolerance. Biology and behaviour of the studied insects are presented in a synopsis of the scientific literature. For this paper laboratory experiments on the predation rate of the beneficial organism M. pygmaeus were conducted on different whitefly species under various conditions of both, temperature and light. The treatment was carried out on eggs and larval stages of the whitefly species T. vaporariorum and B. tabaci with a photoperiod of 9 and 16 h light and under temperatures of 11?C22°C. On infestation by T. vaporariorum a high effectiveness (68,4?C79,7%) of M. pygmaeus is shown under all tested light- and temperature conditions. On infestation of B. tabaci the effectiveness of M. pygmaeus was lower (8,5?C46,1%). For unknown reasons those two species did not reproduce in the rearing. The high predation rate of M. pygmaeus on eggs and larval stages of T. vaporariorum proved that M. pygmaeus can be effectively deployed at low (11?C13°C) and intermediate (18?C22°C) temperatures under both, short day- and long day conditions. Especially at low temperatures and short day conditions M. pygmaeus so far turns out to be a useful supplement or alternative.  相似文献   

In order to assess the potential of infection of hop powdery mildew it is important to know the spore dissemination coming from different sources. Overwintering via cleitothecia is not provable in experiments. So wild hops, not correctly cleared cultural hops and non-cultivation hops are potential carriers of powdery mildew which is overwintering via mycel. In 2007 we found a source which has infected an area of about 30?ha cultural hops. By the observation of infections in these hop gardens we found that half of the amount of conidia is in a distance of 9,55?m away from the source. In a smaller dimension we counted the amount of conidia around one single plant in a commercial hop garden by a special spore trap. In the single plant the amount of spores is lower than outside, while it is decreasing in a higher distance from the single plant. Analysing the micro spore dissemination in a single plant there was a big diversity of the amount of spores because of the complex architecture of the hop plants. Further studies showed that the susceptibility of hop is much higher in May than later in the year. Thus, statistically a lower amount of conidia is needed for one complete infection. However, a lower amount of conidia can easily be transported for long distances by wind. As a result a source of powdery mildew in a long distance from the cultural hops is a serious danger for the commercial hop gardens early in the year. Later each source of conidia looses its influence nearly completely.  相似文献   

Modern methods in plant production and crop protection are closely related to modern technologies. Near-range and remote sensing, like hyper- and multispectral sensors or thermography, in precision pest management possess multiple opportunities to increase the productivity of agricultural production systems and do them more environmentally acceptable. Experiments are carried out on sugar beet plants and their pathogens to investigate the use of imaging and non-imaging hyperspectral sensors referring to the following questions: Is early detection of infection by pathogens possible? What is the potential to differentiate damage causing organisms?  相似文献   

Natural occurring amorphous silica is ubiquitous on the earth in soils and sediments. Both, natural derived silica and synthetically produced amorphous silica are used against stored product pests and parasites in animal houses. New formulations, active even under higher relative humidity's can be possible used against horticultural arthropod pests. Since many horticultural pests hide on the undersides of leaves and silica is a physical contact insecticide, an appropriate application method is needed. This paper reviews electrostatic application of natural derived amorphous silica to Brassica chinensis leaves. Due to the inherent high volume resistivity of silica powder, induction charging was ineffective for electrostatic powder coating. Corona charging involves a reliable current source, but typically is inefficient in charging the powder particles and creates a high density of free ions between the gun and grounded substrate as well as within the coating layer. These factors resulted in poor coating quality and inefficient particle deposition. The best leave coating was archived using tribo charging. Here we have been able to apply coatings with different thickness. While a silica coating of 25–50?μm in petri dish experiments resulted in a reduced mortality of the granary weevil, Sitophilus granarius (L.), there was no difference between mortality with coatings of 50–100?μm and 100–125?μm. Silica applications on B. chinensis leaves resulted within two hours in a 45% reduction of the CO2-absorption. Absorption level stayed reduced over a period of seven days and was between 45 and 73% compared to the control. Even after removing silica dust using pressurized air CO2-absorption was between 19 and 28% reduced. This might be the case because silica particles where so small that they could possible clog the stomata opening resulting in a reduced transpiration and photosynthesis rate.  相似文献   

In the last fifteen years many grapevine have been destroyed in vineyards in Germany by Eutypa dieback, esca (“black measles”) and Petri disease (“black goo disease”). These diseases caused by one ore more phytopathogens. So far a directly combat is not possible. Well-known data of the literature about biology, epidemiology and disease symptoms on grapevine are summarized and indirectly recommendations of combat are proposed. A stocktaking of a field attempt on biological control of fungi diseases with antagonistic microorganisms of Trichoderma ssp. in grapevine from 2003 in the framework of project “Preventive plant protection methods for biological control of three important fungal disease pathogens in organic viticulture” is given. The content of nutrition elements in grapevine leaves of healthy and diseased grapevines is determined. The analyzed contents of mineral elements in the leaves of the infected plants differentiate to the recommended values of sufficiently nutrition of grapevine leaves. Microorganisms of Trichoderma ssp. are able to antagonise the inhibition of the reception of manganese.  相似文献   

Wheat insect pests and the beneficial arthropod populations were assessed using sweep net across a large scale winter wheat field in Bad Lausick (Free State of Saxony, Germany) before and after insecticide applications. The insecticides used were Karate (pyrethroid), Biscaya (neonicotinoid) and NeemAzal T/S (botanical insecticide). The tested compounds were sprayed twice during the early season growth stage (Elongation- GS 32) and at the heading stage (GS 55), and their effects were evaluated on wheat insect pests. The side effects of these insecticides on associated natural enemies were also studied. Monitoring was conducted for 4 weeks after each treatment. Cereal aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, cereal leaf beetles, cereal bugs and also many natural enemies such as predators (lady beetles, lacewings, syrphids, dance flies and spiders) and parasitoids (parasitic wasps) were surveyed. The dose of these insecticides resulted in reductions of wheat insect and natural enemy populations and this reduction was corrected based on Abbott equation. The results showed that Karate is correlated with the highest percentage reduction (79.5 %) to wheat insect pests. Karate use also resulted in a percentage reduction to natural enemies (30–60 %). Biscaya and NeemAzal T/S is correlated with an equivalent mortality percents (50–65 %) to wheat insect pests and resulted in a smaller percentage reduction of natural enemies (10–40 %) compared to Karate. Thrips and cereal bugs were more affected than leafhoppers. Lacewings and dance flies were more susceptible; while spider, syrphids and parasitoid wasps were more tolerant. Compatibility between natural insecticides and natural enemies is highly required to keep the environment clean.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the insecticidal efficacy of different modified natural silica products against the field pests Epilachna vigintioctopunctata (F.) and Spodoptera litura (F.). The substances “Fossil Shield® 90.0s”, “Advasan®” as well as different formulations of a silica-derived substance named “AL06” (developed in the section Urban Horticulture, Humboldt-University Berlin) were dusted into gauze-covered cages. In each cage, test insects were placed and mortality measured over time. A 100% mortality rate was archieved two days after treatment of adult E. vigintioctopunctata and S. litura larvae with some silica “AL06”-formulations. In contrast, mortality rate for E. vigintioctopunctata larva was only 30 to 70% after two days of treatment. Mortality rate was dose dependend, even though a linear correlation could not be found. Furthermore, the commercial substance “Advasan®” was able to control the horticultural pest E. vigintioctopunctata within 48 hours successfully. For future horticultural applications, possible phytotoxic side effects of silica dusts and an application technology resulting in adequate leaf coverage have to be considered.  相似文献   

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