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柳树杂种及无性系耐水性遗传变异的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用插条水培的方法研究了柳树种间杂种及柳属与钻天柳属间杂种55个无性系淹水死亡时间的遗传变异情况,及其与插条状况、插条生根性状和插条新梢生长性状间的相关关系。柳树杂种无性系间,在淹水死亡时间等12个性状上均存在显著差异;被研究群体的12个性状的广义遗传力达到0.302 ̄0.995;遗传变异系数为7.13-78.14%;淹水死亡时间的平均值为33 ̄64.6d,遗传变异系数为7.13%,广义遗传力为0  相似文献   

The amount and pattern of litterfall and its nutrient returnwere studied in seven natural forests of Schima superba Gardn.and Champ. (SCS), Castanopsis fabri Hance (CAF), Tsoongiodendronodorum Chun (TSO), Cinnamomum chekiangense Nakai (CIC), Altingiagracilipes Hemsl. (ALG), Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata(CAC) and Pinus massoniana D. Don (PIM), and compared with thatof an adjacent 29-year-old plantation of Chinese fir (Cunninghamialanceolata Lamb.) (CUL) in Jianou, Fujian, China. Mean annualtotal litterfall over 3 years of observations varied from 4.63Mg ha–1 in the CUL to 8.85 Mg ha–1 in the PIM; ofthis litterfall, the leaf contribution ranged from 62 to 73per cent. Litterfall in the CAF, ALG and CAC showed an unimodaldistribution pattern, while for the five other forests, thelitterfall pattern was multi-peak. The rank order of the eightforests, according to nutrient return mass with the exceptionof P, was different from the order when rank was according tototal mass of litterfall. The highest annual N, K and Ca returnsfrom total litterfall were noticed in the TSO, the CAF and theCUL, respectively. The amounts of P and Mg potentially returnedto the soil were the highest in the PIM. The leaf fraction providedgreater potential returns of N, P, K, Ca and Mg to the soilthan other litter fractions. The results of this study demonstratethat natural forests have a greater capability for maintainingsite productivity than the monoculture coniferous plantation,due to higher amount of above-ground litter coupled with greaternutrient returns; therefore conservation of natural forestsis recommended as a practical measure in forest management torealize sustainable development of forestry in mountainous areasof southern China.  相似文献   

An experiment in open-top chambers was carried out in summer 2008 at Curno (Northern Italy) in order to study the effects of ozone and mild water stress on poplar cuttings (Oxford clone). In this experiment direct fluorescence parameters (JIP-test) were measured in leaves from different sections of the crown (L: lower; M: medium; U: upper parts of the crown). The parameters considered were calculated at the different steps of the fluorescence transient, and include maximum quantum yield efficiency in the dark-adapted state (F(v)/F(M)); the L-band, at 100?∝?s, that expresses the stability of the tripartite system reaction centre-harvesting light complex-core antenna; the K-band, at 300?∝?s, that expresses the efficiency of the oxygen-evolving complex; the J-phase, at 2 ms, that expresses the efficiency with which a trapped exciton can move an electron into the electron transport chain from Q(A)(-) to the intersystem electron acceptors; the IP-phase, which expresses the efficiency of electron transport around the photosystem 1 (PSI) to reduce the final acceptors of the electron transport chain, i.e., ferredoxin and NADP; and finally the performance index total (PItot) for energy conservation from photons absorbed by PSII to the reduction flux of PSI end acceptors. The main results are: (i) different dynamics were observed between leaves in the lower section, whose PItot decreased over time, and those in the upper sections in which it increased, with a dynamic connected to the leaf age; (ii) ozone depressed all the considered fluorescence parameters in basal leaves of well-watered plants, while it had little or no damaging effect on medium-level or upper-section leaves; (iii) PItot and IP-phase increased in upper leaves of plants subjected to ozone stress, as well as the net photosynthesis; (iv) water stress increased PItot of leaves in all levels of the crown. The results suggest that ozone-damaged poplar plants compensate, at least partially, for the loss of photosynthesis with higher photosynthetic rates in young leaves (in the upper section of the crown), more efficient to fix carbon.  相似文献   

Hardwood cuttings of Populus clones Tristis #1 and Eugenei were grown in pots in a controlled environment chamber to observe early patterns of growth and water relations in response to changing conditions of water stress. Height and dry weight growth, dry matter partitioning, leaf area production, stomatal conductance and leaf water potential were measured periodically during the 73-day experiment. The two clones reacted in a similar way to an initial period of stress, showing reduced growth, stomatal conductance and leaf water potential. However, when stress was interrupted by ample watering and then reimposed, substantial differences between the clones were evident. Growth of Eugenei fully recovered after stress was relieved, especially leaf growth, but when water deficiency was reimposed, the plants wilted and some leaves died. Tristis #1, in contrast, showed a greater adaptation to changing stress conditions; it grew less than Eugenei after drought was interrupted, but showed little adverse effect of renewed water deficits. These responses were partially explained by the higher root/leaf weight ratios of Tristis #1 which enabled it to maintain a more favorable plant water status than Eugenei.  相似文献   

The effects on nutrient exports of a range of thinning regimes for maritime pine and radiata pine plantations in northern Spain were simulated in this study. Growth models, tree biomass equations and nutrient concentration in tree fractions were used simultaneously to calculate the amounts of N, P, K, Ca and Mg removed and left in the logging residues for five thinning intensities, five site indexes and four harvesting scenarios for each species, considering the whole rotation. A more intense thinning regime decreases the total amount of nutrients exported and increases the proportion of nutrients returned to the soil before the clearfell, being a more progressive system of extracting nutrients from the ecosystem. A substantial amount of nutrients are located in the crown fractions and the bark, making desirable the harvesting of debarked logs. The results allow the calculation of fertilization needs to avoid the depletion of soil nutrient capital in a variety of silvicultural situations.  相似文献   

Management of natural forests might be one option to reduce the high deforestation rate in Ecuador. We therefore evaluated the response of water and nutrient cycles in a natural tropical montane forest to improvement fellings with the aim of favoring economically valuable target trees which will later be harvested with additional ecosystem impacts not considered here.  相似文献   

Funk JL  Jones CG  Lerdau MT 《Tree physiology》2007,27(12):1731-1739
Phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental variation occurs at all levels of organization and across temporal scales within plants. However, the magnitude and functional significance of plasticity is largely unexplored in perennial species. We measured the plasticity of leaf- and shoot-level physiological, morphological and developmental traits in nursery-grown Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. individuals subjected to different nutrient and water availabilities. We also examined the extent to which nutrient and water availability influenced the relationships between these traits and productivity. Populus deltoides responded to changes in resource availability with high plasticity in shoot-level traits and moderate plasticity in leaf-level traits. Although shoot-level traits generally correlated strongly with productivity across fertilization and irrigation treatments, few leaf-level traits correlated with productivity, and the relationships depended on the resource examined. In fertilized plants, leaf nitrogen concentration was negatively correlated with productivity, suggesting that growth, rather than enhanced leaf quality, is an important response to fertilization in this species. With the exception of photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency, traits associated with resource conservation (leaf senescence rate, water-use efficiency and leaf mass per area) were uncorrelated with short-term productivity in nutrient- and water-stressed plants. Our results suggest that plasticity in shoot-level growth traits has a greater impact on plant productivity than does plasticity in leaf-level traits and that the relationships between traits and productivity are highly resource dependent.  相似文献   

Models of the effects of elevated concentrations of aluminum (Al) on growth and nutrient uptake of forest trees frequently ignore the effects of mycorrhizal fungi. In this study, we present novel data indicating that ectomycorrhizal mycelia may prevent leaching of base cations and Al. Mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings were grown in sand obtained from the B-horizon of a local forest. In Experiment 1, non-mycorrhizal seedlings and seedlings inoculated with Hebeloma cf. longicaudum (Pers.: Fr.) Kumm. ss. Lange or Laccaria bicolor (Maire) Orton were provided with nutrient solution containing 2.5 mM Al. Aluminum did not affect growth of non-mycorrhizal seedlings or seedlings inoculated with L. bicolor. Seedlings colonized by H. cf. longicaudum had the highest biomass production of all seedlings grown without added Al, but the fungus did not tolerate Al. Shoots of seedlings colonized by L. bicolor had the lowest nitrogen (N) concentrations but the highest phosphorus (P) concentrations of all seedlings. The treatments had small but significant effects on shoot and root Al concentrations. In Experiment 2, inoculation with L. bicolor was factorially combined with the addition of a complete nutrient solution, or a solution lacking the base cations K, Ca and Mg, and solutions containing 0 or 0.74 mM Al. Seedling growth decreased in response to 0.74 mM Al, but the effect was significant only for non-mycorrhizal seedlings. Mycorrhizal seedlings generally had higher P concentrations than non-mycorrhizal seedlings. Aluminum reduced P uptake in non-mycorrhizal plants but had no effect on P uptake in mycorrhizal plants. Mycorrhizal colonization increased the pH of the soil solution by about 0.5 units and addition of Al decreased the pH by the same amount. We conclude that the presence of ectomycorrhizal mycelia decreased leaching of base cations and Al from the soil.  相似文献   

Wikberg J  Ogren E 《Tree physiology》2007,27(9):1339-1346
Growth and water-use parameters of four willow (Salix spp.) clones grown in a moderate drought regime or with ample water supply were determined to characterize their water-use efficiency, drought resistance and capacity for drought acclimation. At the end of the 10-week, outdoor pot experiment, clonal differences were observed in: (1) water-use efficiency of aboveground biomass production (WUE); (2) resistance to xylem cavitation; and (3) stomatal conductance to leaf-specific, whole-plant hydraulic conductance ratio (g(st)/K(P); an indicator of water balance). Across clones and regimes, WUE was positively correlated with the assimilation rate to stomatal conductance ratio (A/g(st)), a measure of instantaneous water-use efficiency. Both of these water-use efficiency indicators were generally higher in drought-treated trees compared with well-watered trees. However, the between-treatment differences in (shoot-based) WUE were smaller than expected, considering the differences in A/g(st) for two of the clones, possibly because plants reallocated dry mass from shoots to roots when subject to drought. Higher root hydraulic conductance to shoot hydraulic conductance ratios (K(R)/K(S)) during drought supports this hypothesis. The same clones were also the most sensitive to xylem cavitation and, accordingly, showed the strongest reduction in g(st)/K(P) in response to drought. Drought acclimation was manifested in decreased g(st), g(st)/K(P), osmotic potential and leaf area to vessel internal cross-sectional area ratio, and increased K(R), K(P) and WUE. Increased resistance to stem xylem cavitation in response to drought was observed in only one clone. It is concluded that WUE and drought resistance traits are inter-linked and that both may be enhanced by selection and breeding.  相似文献   

We compared the metabolic responses of leaves and roots of two Eucalyptus globulus Labill. clones differing in drought sensitivity to a slowly imposed water deficit. Responses measured included changes in concentrations of soluble and insoluble sugars, proline, total protein and several antioxidant enzymes. In addition to the general decrease in growth caused by water deficit, we observed a decrease in osmotic potential when drought stress became severe. In both clones, the decrease was greater in roots than in leaves, consistent with the observed increases in concentrations of soluble sugars and proline in these organs. In roots of both clones, glutathione reductase activity increased significantly in response to water deficit, suggesting that this enzyme plays a protective role in roots during drought stress by catalyzing the catabolism of reactive oxygen species. Clone CN5 has stress avoidance mechanisms that account for its lower sensitivity to drought compared with Clone ST51.  相似文献   

We compared co-occurring mature Quercus laevis Walt. (turkey oak), Q. margaretta Ashe (sand post oak) and Q. incana Bartr. (bluejack oak) trees growing in resource-limited sandhill habitats of the southeastern United States for water and nutrient characteristics. The Quercus spp. differed in their distribution along soil water and nutrient gradients, and in their access to and use of water, even though the study year was wetter than average with no mid-season drought. Quercus laevis had the greatest access to soil water (least negative pre-dawn water potential, psi(pd)) and the most conservative water-use strategy based on its relatively low stomatal conductance (g(s)), high instantaneous water-use efficiency (WUE), least negative midday water potential (psy(md)) and high leaf specific hydraulic conductance (K(L)). Quercus margaretta had the least conservative water-use characteristics, exhibiting relatively high g(s), low instantaneous WUE, most negative psi(md), and low K(L). Quercus margaretta also had a low photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE), but a high leaf phosphorus concentration. Quercus incana had the poorest access to soil water, but intermediate water-use characteristics and leaf nutrient characteristics more similar to those of Q. laevis. There were no species differences for photosynthesis (A), leaf nitrogen on an area basis, or seasonally integrated WUE (delta13C). Both A and g(s) were positively correlated for each species, but A and g(s) were generally not correlated with psi(pd), psi(md) or delta psi(pd-md). Although we found differences in resource use and resource status among these sandhill Quercus spp., the results are consistent with the interpretation that they are generally drought avoiders. Quercus laevis may have an advantage on xeric ridges because of its greater ability to access soil water and use it more conservatively compared with the other Quercus spp.  相似文献   

湖南天然林生物因子与土壤养分、物理特性的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
天然林林地土壤资源及特性的调查,采样,化验分析,获得了64个森林类型306个天然林标准地林地土壤资料,分析测试土壤样品1465个,测定理化指标26780项次,对天然林土壤剖面进行了较全面的调查和分析,研究出天然林生物因子与其土壤理化因子相关紧密,总结出天然林林地土壤粗腐殖质,有机质,氮,磷的全量及速效量的含量,总孔隙度,非毛管孔隙度与水文特性均是落叶阔叶林>常绿阔叶林>针叶林的规律。  相似文献   

G. Singh  Bilas Singh 《林业研究》2009,20(4):307-313
1998年7月,利用非称重式蒸渗池种植单一种源的一年生黄檀种苗,研究在印度沙漠地区培养黄檀种苗的合理灌水技术参数。当各处理(W1、W2、W3、W4)的土壤水分含量分别降低到7.56%、5.79%、4.44%和3.23%时,通过灌溉使苗木生长保持在一定的土壤的水分状况,如36.2mm(W1)、26.5mm(W2)、20.2mm(W3)和18.1mm(W4)。结果表明,在36.2mm(W1)水平时,种苗的株高、冠径、叶数和叶面积达到最大值(p〈0.01)。在W1和W2处理中,虽然上述参数没有明显差异,但在W2处理中,种苗的每升水分利用率的生物量最大。在W3、W4和W5灌溉水平下,不利于提高种苗的株高、生物量和营养积累。在W2水平以下(5.79%),土壤水分有效率能提高根系生物量占总生物量的百分比。但在W3和W4处理中,叶干生物量百分比下降,同时在W5处理中,茎干生物量百分比下降。在W5处理中,土壤水势达到-196Mpa,种苗才可以成活。在W3和W4处理中,土壤水分有效率的限额影响黄檀种苗的生长和生物量。在W2处理中,土壤水分有效利用率最高,种苗的生长和生物量达到最高值。因此,在壤砂土条件下,通过灌溉维持幼苗土壤水分含量在5.79%以上时,可获得较好的黄檀种苗的生长和生物量产量。  相似文献   

Gas exchange and water relations were investigated in Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Poole (mountain beech) and Nothofagus menziesii (Hook. f.) Oerst (silver beech) seedlings in response to water stress and waterlogging. At soil matric potentials (Psi(soil)) above -0.005 MPa, N. solandri had significantly higher photosynthetic rates (A), and stomatal and residual conductances (g(sw) and g(rc)), and lower predawn xylem water potentials (Psi(predawn)) than N. menziesii. The relative tolerance of plants to water stress was defined in terms of critical soil matric potential (Psi(cri)) and lethal xylem water potential (Psi(lethal)). The estimated values of Psi(cri) and Psi(lethal) were -1.2 and -7 MPa, respectively, for N. solandri, and -0.7 and -4 MPa, respectively, for N. menziesii. Photosynthesis was sustained to a xylem water potential (Psi(xylem)) of -7 MPa in N. solandri compared with -4 MPa in N. menziesii. Following rewatering, both A and Psi(xylem) recovered quickly in N. solandri, whereas the two variables recovered more slowly in N. menziesii. During the development of water stress, nonstomatal inhibition significantly affected A in both N. solandri and N. menziesii. Nothofagus menziesii was more susceptible to inhibition of A by waterlogging than N. solandri. However, the tolerance of N. solandri to severe waterlogging was also limited as a result of a failure to form adventitious roots, suggesting a lack of adaptation to these conditions. The differences in tolerance to water stress and waterlogging between the two species are consistent with the distribution patterns of N. solandri and N. menziesii in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Salle A  Ye H  Yart A  Lieutier F 《Tree physiology》2008,28(5):679-687
We examined the influence of seasonal water stress on the resistance of Pinus yunnanensis (Franch.) to inoculation with Leptographium yunnanense, a pathogenic fungus associated with the aggressive bark beetle, Tomicus n. sp. Experiments took place between October 1997 and November 1999 in two plots located at the top and at the foot of a hill in Shaogiu, China, a region characterized by dry winters and wet summers. Following isolated and mass fungal inoculations, we observed the reaction zone length, fungal growth in the phloem, and the occlusion, blue-staining and specific hydraulic conductivity of the sapwood. Measurements of soil and needle water contents and predawn needle water potentials confirmed that trees were subject to mild water stress during winter, especially at the drier hilltop site. Measures of tree resistance to fungal infection of phloem and sapwood were congruent and indicated that trees were most susceptible to inoculation during the wet summer, especially at the lower-elevation plot. Specific hydraulic conductivity decreased after inoculation in summer. The results indicate that mild seasonal water stress is not likely responsible for the recent extensive damage to young P. yunnanensis stands by Tomicus n. sp. in the vicinity of our study plots. Rather, the results suggest that mild water stress enhances tree resistance to fungal pathogens associated with Tomicus n. sp.  相似文献   

Models of tree-soil-crop interactions in agroforestry should maintain a balance between dynamic processes and spatial patterns of interactions for common resources. We give an outline and discuss major assumptions underlying the WaNuLCAS model of water, nitrogen and light interactions in agroforestry systems. The model was developed to deal with a wide range of agroforestry systems: hedgerow intercropping on flat or sloping land, fallow-crop mosaics or isolated trees in parklands, with minimum parameter adjustments. Examples are presented for simulation runs of hedgerow intercropping systems at different hedgerow spacings and pruning regimes, a test of the safety-net function of deep tree roots, lateral interactions in crop-fallow mosaics and a first exploration for parkland systems with a circular geometry. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that osmotic effects on plant tissue are mediated by abscisic acid (ABA). Hybrid larch (Larix kaempferi (Lambert) Carr. x L. decidua Mill.) plantlets, transformed with the ABA-inducible wheat Em promoter associated with the Gus reporter gene, were axenically inoculated with two ectomycorrhizal fungi: Cenococcum geophilum Fr., considered tolerant to water stress, and Laccaria bicolor (Marie) Orton, considered less tolerant to drought. The mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal transgenic plantlets were subjected to osmotic stress by adding polyethylene glycol (PEG) to the culture medium. In the presence of PEG, L. bicolor and C. geophilum reduced shoot water potential and turgor potential, but increased host osmotic potential. Treatment of plantlets with PEG induced a significant increase in endogenous ABA concentrations. Laccaria bicolor and C. geophilum behaved similarly and significantly decreased the ABA response of plantlets to PEG treatment. Moreover, inoculation with either fungus regulated the ABA response of the plantlets even when the fungus was separated from the host by a cellophane sheet that prevented mycorrhiza formation. Although the wheat Em promoter was inducible in larch plantlets, it was not regulated by endogenous ABA. Induction of the wheat Em promoter in larch plantlets depended on organ type, with maximum induction in the root apex. Induction of the Em promoter was significantly decreased by mycorrhizal inoculation.  相似文献   

Majdi H 《Tree physiology》2001,21(14):1057-1061
Effects of irrigation and liquid fertilization on fine root (< 1 mm) production and longevity, and fine root (< 0.5-2 mm) biomass were studied in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand in northern Sweden. Fine root length production and longevity were measured by the minirhizotron technique at 0-10 cm depth in the following treatments: irrigation (I), liquid fertilization (IL) and control (C). Standing root biomass and root length density (RLD) were studied in the litter-fermented humus (LFH) layer and at depths of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm using soil cores in solid fertilized (F) and C plots. Minirhizotrons were installed in October 1994 and measurements recorded monthly from July to September 1995 and during the growing season in 1996. Soil cores were sampled in 1996. Fine root production increased significantly in IL plots compared with C plots, but the I treatment did not increase root production. Root mortality increased significantly in IL plots compared with C plots. Fine root longevity in IL plots was significantly lower compared with C and I plots. No significant difference was found between longevity of fine roots in I and C plots. Compared with C, F treatment increased fine root biomass in the LFH and mineral soil layers, and increased the amount of fine roots in mineral soil layers relative to the LFH layer. Furthermore, F increased RLD and the number of mycorrhizal root tips significantly.  相似文献   

Eighty 6-years-old Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota seedlings planted on a former agricultural land were subjected during two growing seasons to one of four treatments: fertilization and irrigation, irrigation, fertilization, and control. Seasonal and between-treatment variations on water relations, gas exchange parameters, growth and nutrient status were analyzed. Water potential () was related to climatic conditions. Thus, the frequent rain storms during the summer allow seedlings to maintain relatively high values, joined to moderate photosynthetic activity. Differences on , photosynthesis and stomatal conductance due to irrigation were shown at the onset and end of growth, related with lower water availability. Fertilization had a greater effect on growth than irrigation. Both fertilization and irrigation positively affected the relative increment on leaf nutrient concentration at the end of the second year. The results indicate that water availability was not a limited factor, thus irrigation is not justified; while fertilization improve growth.  相似文献   

Rufat J  DeJong TM 《Tree physiology》2001,21(15):1133-1140
The PEACH computer simulation model of reproductive and vegetative growth of peach trees (Grossman and DeJong 1994) was adapted to estimate seasonal nitrogen (N) dynamics in organs of mature peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. O'Henry) trees grown with high and low soil N availability. Seasonal N accumulation patterns of fruits, leaves, stems, branches, trunk and roots of mature, cropping peach trees were modeled by combining model predictions of organ dry mass accumulation from the PEACH model with measured seasonal organ N concentrations of trees that had been fertilized with either zero or 200 kg N ha(-1) in April. The results provided a comparison of the N use of perennial and annual organs during the growing season for trees growing under both low and high N availability. Nitrogen fertilization increased tree N content by increasing organ dry masses and N concentrations during the fruit growing season. Dry mass of current-year vegetative growth was most affected by N fertilization. Whole-tree N content of fertilized trees was almost twice that of non-fertilized trees. Although N use was higher in fertilized trees, calculated seasonal N accumulation patterns were similar for trees in both treatments. Annual organs exhibited greater responses to N fertilization than perennial organs. Estimated mean daily N use per tree remained nearly constant from 40 days after anthesis to harvest. The calculations indicated that fertilized trees accumulated about 1 g N tree(-1) day(-1), twice that accumulated by non-fertilized trees. Daily N use by the fertilized orchard was calculated to be approximately 1 kg N ha(-1), whereas it was approximately 0.5 kg N ha(-1) for the non-fertilized trees. During the first 25-30 days of the growing season, all N use by growing tissues was apparently supplied by storage organs. Nitrogen release from storage organs for current growth continued until about 75 days after anthesis in both N treatments.  相似文献   

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