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选用我国的22份普通小麦,7份西藏半野生小麦及来自国外的17份斯卑尔脱小麦等共46从材料,利用RAPD标记进行小麦品种,亚种及种间分子标记遗传差异研究,分析扩大杂交小麦育种亲本遗传基础和构建小麦杂种优势群的途径。26个引物在46份材料间共扩增出279条带,其中182条带具有多态性,每个引物可扩增2-18条多态性带,平均为7条带。种间RAPD多态性表现为斯卑尔脱小麦〉西藏半野生小麦〉普通小麦。利用8  相似文献   

来自斯卑尔脱小麦新的抗条锈病基因YrSp的分子标记定位   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
摘要: 利用SSR分子标记技术,鉴定抗源来自斯卑尔脱小麦(Triticum spelta L.)的杂交组合分离群体温6/cp90. //宝丰7228)所携带抗条锈病(Puccinia striiformis Westend f. sp. tritric )基因是否为新基因,并对其进行染色体定位研究。经过对150对微卫星引物的筛选,发现位于3A染色体长臂上的Xgwm155引物所扩主带Xgwm155-147bp 与该基因表现连锁,连锁距离为40.5 cM,说明其位于3A染色体上。由于来自斯卑尔脱小麦的已知抗条锈病基因Yr5位于2B染色体长臂上,研究定位的位于3A染色体上的抗条锈病基因不同于Yr5,暂定名为YrSp。  相似文献   

选用我国的38个冬小麦品种(系)和2个加拿大春小麦品种(系),利用RAPD标记进行小麦基因型之间分子标记遗传差异研究,探讨分子标记在建立小麦杂种优势种中的应用。利用59个随机引物对40个小麦基因型PCR扩增结果表明,其中29个引物(占49%)扩增产物经琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离表现多态性,这29个引物共扩增出168条带,其中78条带(占46.6%)具有多态性,每个引物可扩增1 ̄6条多态性带,平均2.7条带  相似文献   

斯卑尔脱小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基组成分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
采用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)方法,鉴定分析了80份斯卑尔脱小麦(Triticum spelta L.)高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)组成特点,3个位点上一共检测到13种不同的亚基类型,其中在Glu-Al和Glu-Bl位点上,以1和6+8亚基出现频率最高,分别高达93.75%和78.75%,与普通小麦(T.aestivum L.)相比,斯卑尔脱小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基具有其明显的组成特点。在Glu-Dl位点上,斯卑尔脱小麦以2+12亚基出现频率最高(87.5%),5+10亚基次之(11.25%)。表明2+12亚基和5+10亚基为其主要变异类型,这与普通小麦的研究结果相似,但远低于粗山羊草(Aegilops squarrosa L.)1D染色体上的高分子量谷蛋白亚基变异形式。另外,研究还筛选出9份具有5+10优质亚基的材料,为提高斯卑尔脱小麦与普通小麦是杂交种的品质杂种优势提供了基础材料。  相似文献   

微卫星标记对杂种优势研究杂交猪群的遗传评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从猪的4、6、7、8和13号染色体上选取了39个微卫星位点,在大白(Y,n=34)、长白(L,n=46)、梅山(M,n=55)、大白×长白(YL,n=32)、长白×大白(LY,n=36)、大白×梅山(YM,n=82)和梅山×大白(MY,n=47)7个实验猪群中,评定了猪群的分子遗传特征,分析了标记位点对3个性状(初生重,BWT;平均日增重,ADG;料肉比,FMR)杂种优势的遗传效应。结果表明,观察到的等位基因数范围是2 ̄6个,平均是4.13个;观察杂合度在0.39(Y)和0.58(YM MY)之间;平均有效信息含量(PIC)在0.33(Y)到0.5(YM)之间。在大白和长白中,有两个位点(sw2155andsw1037)的等位基因呈固定状态,而在梅山中,有3个位点(sw2409,sw2454andsw1691)的等位基因呈固定状态。杂合度和亲缘关系分析结果,揭示了7个群的内在遗传关系。标记位点对杂种优势的遗传效应分析结果表明,在F1代两种不同杂交组合中,存在若干个对3种性状杂种优势有显著意义的标记位点(P≤0.01),如对BWT有s0161,swr1130和sw1856;对ADG有sw1856和swr2036;对FMR有sw1302和swr2036。这些有意义标记位点,蕴含与杂种优势有深刻的遗传关系。  相似文献   

微卫星标记分析我国南方常规水稻品种的遗传差异   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用12个DNA微卫星标记对2005-2007年参加南方稻区国家水稻品种区域试验的23个长江中下游早籼、晚粳和华南早籼常规品种进行标记检测,结果共检测到等位基因47个,平均每个标记3.9个,变幅2~7个,多态性频率(FP)平均值0.632,变幅0.403~0.842。遗传差异分析表明:长江中下游早籼与长江中下游晚粳(平均遗传相似系数AGSC=0.036)、华南早籼与长江中下游晚粳(AGSC=0.125)品种间的遗传差异明显,长江中下游早籼与华南早籼(AGSC=0.449)品种间的遗传差异中等,华南早籼(AGSC=0.606)、长江中下游早籼(AGSC=0.682)、长江中下游晚粳(AGSC=0.761)品种间的遗传差异较小。  相似文献   

研究以斯卑尔脱小麦(Triticum spelta)Hubel及其早熟诱变系2463为材料,采用主-多基因混合模型多世代联合分析发现,抽穗期性状由两个主基因控制,其遗传力为44%~81%.温室春化和光周期处理实验结果表明,经过春化处理后,与Hubel相比,其早熟诱变系在长日照条件下的抽穗期提前10d左右,表现为显著差异.利用F2分离群体进行的分子标记定位结果表明,在2D染色体的短臂上存在一个主效QTL,与标记Xwmc112紧密连锁,能解释表型变异的16%,与前人定位的光周期相关QTL/基因(Ppd1)位于同一区域.  相似文献   

由白粉病菌(Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritci)引起的小麦白粉病是严重影响小麦安全生产的主要病害之一.本研究将来自以色列的野生二粒小麦(Triticum dicoccoides)WE27的坏白粉病基因通过杂交和连续回交,导入普通小麦遗传背景中,育成高抗白粉病小麦新品系3D256(其系谱为燕大1817/WE27//农大015/3/941,F6).将3D256和高感小麦白粉病的普通小麦品系薛早配制杂交组合,对其F_1、F_2分离群体和F_3 家系进行白粉病抗性鉴定和遗传分析.结果表明,3D256携带抗白粉病显性单基因,暂命名为MlWE27.利用集群分离分析法(RSA)和分子标记分析,发现3个SSR标记(Xwmc243、Xwmc 154和Xbarc318)、1个EST-SSR标记(Xdp357)、1个AFLP转化的SCAR标记(XCAUG1)和1个RFLP探针转化的STS标记(XWG516-1)与抗白粉病基因MlWE27连锁,在连锁图上的顺序为Xdp357-Mlwe27-XCAUG1-XWG516-1-Xwmc243-Xwmc154-Xbarc318.利用中国春缺体-四体系、双端体系和缺失系将抗白粉病基因MlWE27定位于染色体2B短臂的末端Bin0.84-1.00上.这一普通小麦抗白粉病种质资源的创制及其连锁分子标记的建立为小麦抗病基因分子标记辅助选择、基因积聚和分子育种提供了新的物质基础.  相似文献   

蔡健  兰伟  李飞天  罗瑞丽  闻峰 《核农学报》2007,21(2):116-119
利用AFLP标记和2年田间试验对皖北地区小麦主栽品种的遗传多样性进行了研究。以AFLP标记在20个品种之间扩增的172条多态性位点数据,采用Nei和Li的方法,计算品种间的遗传距离;同时,以2年田间试验得到的品种株高、穗长、小穗数、小穗密度、千粒重、护颖长短、粒长和粒宽等表现型性状平均数经正态标准化后,采用欧氏距离计算品种间遗传距离。基于分子标记的聚类分析结果与系谱分析基本一致,把系谱来源不清的品种划分到相应的类群。若以整个遗传距离的总平均数作尺度对聚类图的结果进行分类,大致可分为6类。Mantel检测表明,AFLP标记数据计算的遗传距离矩阵和表现型计算的遗传距离矩阵存在极显著的相关性(r=0.8260,t=11.325),证明AFLP标记是检测品种间遗传差异的有效方法,可为小麦育种亲本选配提供理论依据。研究还证实,一个骨干亲本与由其衍生出来的品种(系)之间的遗传差异一般较小。  相似文献   

应用ITS序列和RAMS技术对福建省不同地域,不同寄主作物的青枯雷尔氏菌进行遗传多样性研究。结果表明,供试的21株青枯雷尔氏菌的ITS区序列有3种类型,这3种类型菌株的ITS序列只有1-2个碱基的差异,与参比菌株GMI1000的ITS区序列或者相同或者有1-2个碱基的差异。在此基础上,利用RAMS技术进一步分析表明,供试的青枯雷尔氏菌及参比菌株GMI1000的基因组DNA间存在丰富的多态性。聚类结果显示,供试菌株可聚为3个类群,同一寄主作物的菌株聚在同一类群中,同一地理来源的菌株聚在同一亚类群中,说明青枯雷尔氏菌的遗传分化与寄主作物和地理来源都存在相关性,与寄主作物的关系更密切。  相似文献   

The kernel characteristics and composition, milling performance, protein quality, and alveograph parameters of five spelt cultivars grown in European countries were determined in relation of their utilization in pasta products. Long pasta was manufactured and chemically characterized, and its quality was assessed by sensory and chemical tests. Protein and fat contents were high in the grains (15.7 and 4.4% db, mean value, respectively). Total fiber varied from 10.5 to 14.9% db. The average β-glucan content was 1.2% db. The milling performance as determined by yield, damaged starch, ash, and particle-size distribution in the flour was uniform among the five cultivars. The results of the SDS sedimentation and gluten index tests indicated that spelt gluten strength was low, and this was confirmed by the alveograph test. Sensory and chemical evaluations of the pastas, however, indicated that spelt is suitable for obtaining good-quality pasta. The combination of the high protein content and the high-temperature drying cycle adopted in pasta production could be responsible for these good results.  相似文献   

From a nutritional point of view, cereal lipids include valuable molecules, such as essential fatty acids, phytosterols, and fat-soluble vitamins. Spelt (Triticum spelta L.) is an alternative hulled bread cereal mostly grown in Belgium, where it is mainly intended for animal feed but should increasingly be used for human consumption. The present research focused on phytosterol quantification by LC/APCI-MS2 in saponified wholemeal extracts of 16 dehulled spelt and 5 winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties grown in Belgium during 2001-2002 at the same location. Glycosylated sterols and free and formerly esterified sterols could be determined in saponified extracts. Results show that the mean phytosterol content is comparable in both cereals (whereas other lipids, such as oleic and linoleic acids, are increased in spelt wholemeal): spelt extract has, on average, 527.7 microg of free and esterified sterols g(-1) of wholemeal and 123.8 microg of glycosylated sterols g(-1) of wholemeal versus 528.5 and 112.6 microg x g(-1) in winter wheat (values not corrected for recoveries). This is the first report on the application and validation of an LC/MS2 method for the quantification of phytosterols in spelt and winter wheat.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(6):1037-1044
Spelt grain has high nutritional value, but the rheological properties of dough made from spelt flour remain insufficiently investigated. Most studies have focused on comparing various breeding lines and accessions of spelt with selected conventional varieties. The aim of this study was to analyze the rheological properties of dough made from the flour of 14 winter and one spring spelt varieties cultivated today compared with two reference varieties of common wheat. The analyses were performed by the Mixolab test. In comparison with common wheat, spelt varieties were characterized by significantly lower values of the gluten index (16–42 versus 87%), Zeleny index (23–28 versus 46 cm3), and kernel vitreousness (5–35 versus 51%). Doughs produced from spelt and common wheat flour differed significantly it their rheological properties. Mixolab profiles demonstrated significant variations in the values of the retrogradation index (2–8), amylase index (1–8), water absorption index (0–6), and gluten+ index (1–7) across the tested spelt varieties. Principal component analysis revealed that all six Mixolab indicators strongly discriminated wheat and spelt varieties. The results clearly indicate that some modern varieties of spelt have high breadmaking potential. They are also characterized by relatively high variation in the analyzed technological properties of grain and flour.  相似文献   

With the aid of genealogical analysis the genetic diversity of Russian winter Triticum aestivum L. wheat cultivars was studied. The change of diversity in time from 1929 to 2002 shows an increase in diversity of Russian cultivars due to the use of foreign material in the breeding programs. At the same time, the genetic erosion of the released diversity occurred. In the 1950s and the 1960s about 50% of the Russian local and old varieties had dropped out of the pool of landrace ancestors. The set of the modern cultivars included in the Russian Official List 2002 has a cluster structure. The overwhelming majority (96%) are the descendants of cultivars Bezostaya 1 and/or Mironovskaya 808. The low diversity of cultivars recommended for cultivation in the Central and Volga-Vyatka regions is apparent. This situation can result in losses of a yield due to a uniform susceptibility to pathogens.  相似文献   

Three spelt genotypes (Rouquin, Redoute, and HGQ Rouquin= Rouquin improved for gluten quality), each characterized by either high or low protein content, were processed to manufacture spaghetti, which was dried at both low (60°C) and high temperature (90°C) to assess the effects of flour properties and drying conditions on spelt pasta quality. Protein content in the spelt flour was considered low at ≈11.4% db and high at ≈13.5% db. Gluten properties, assessed by SDS sedimentation and gluten index values and by alveograph and farinograph parameters varied widely, ranging from poor for Redoute to very good for HGQ Rouquin. Pasta quality was assessed by determining color (L*, a*, and b* values), furosine, and cooking quality (stickiness, bulkiness, firmness, and total organic matter [TOM]). Furosine and color (a* and b* values) were significantly influenced by the intensity of the drying process. TOM and organoleptic judgement (OJ) showed that spelt pastas dried at low temperature, independent of their protein levels, were very poor (TOM ≥ 2.7 g/100 g of dry pasta, OJ ≤ 40), except for HGQ Rouquin which was characterized by good gluten strength. On the other hand, the cooking quality of spelt pastas dried at high temperature showed good values (TOM ≤ 1.8 g/100 g of dry pasta, OJ ≥ 53). The combination of high protein content (≥13.5% db) and high‐temperature drying resulted in the production of satisfactory cooking quality pastas from spelt wheats (TOM ≤ 1.2 g/100 g of dry pasta, OJ ≥ 67).  相似文献   

The cultivation of Triticum spelta (spelt) has no tradition in Hungary. In recent years the interest towards this old species renewed in many countries. This high‐nutritional cereal, which has a high ash and fibre content, can be used in many health‐oriented grain‐based food products. Therefore, field experiments have been conducted for some years to test the performance of this species under home growing conditions. Here we report the results of analyses for some important quality parameters of grain samples from the 1996/97 season in comparison with those of older and new home‐grown bread wheat cultivars. Three common wheat cultivars and one advanced spelt line were grown on small plots fertilised with an NPK dose necessary to reach the highest yield and quality. Spikes were sampled weekly from the time of 70–77% grain moisture to full ripening. The grains were analysed for ash, N, P and K content and amino acid composition. Concentrations of 16 other macro + micro elements and in the ripe grains, baking quality parameters were also assessed. The grain development of spelt showed a remarkable time‐lag compared to that of the common wheat cultivars. However, the highest thousand‐grain‐masses, ash, N, and P concentrations were measured in this cultivar after milk ripening. The grains of spelt contained the macro‐nutrient Mg and four micro‐nutrients (Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu) in higher concentrations compared to those of the common wheat varieties. The total and essential amino acid concentrations measured in the ripe grains of spelt were also remarkably higher.

Although its wet gluten content (47.5%) was considerably higher than that of the bread wheat cultivars, its breadmaking quality was poor.  相似文献   

Although spelt has promising aptitudes for beer and beverage production, almost no investigation about its protein modifications during malting has been conducted. Spelt proteins during the malting process were separated and analyzed, first, according to the isoelectric point and molecular weight (MW) and, second, according to solubility and MW. Moreover, the composition of the free amino acid was determined. Spelt proteins could be divided into a total of 13 zones according to their isoelectric point and MW. Most of the present proteins (90%) had a MW between 35,000 and 60,000 and an isoelectric point between 5.84 and 9.52. The most prominent protein fraction was defined by an isoelectric point between 5.84 and 6.89 and a MW between 35,000 and 55,000. Generally, a protein degradation process during malting was found. The Osborne fractionation revealed an albumin band pattern between 14,000 and 131,700, globulin ranging from 13,400 to 130,500, gliadin from 14,500 to 220,800, and glutenin from 19,800 to 215,300. The free amino acid composition increased in concentration except for asparagine, which decreased during malting. This paper contributes to the understanding of the protein modifications and metabolic changes during the malting process of spelt and facilitates the determination of the potential of this cereal for the production of cereal‐based products.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were used to study the genetic diversity within old and modern Bulgarian winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties released in 20th century. A set of 91 varieties were screened by 19 wheat microsatellite markers (WMS), covering 17 wheat chromosomes, and one secalin-specific marker for rye chromosome arm 1RS. A total of 136 allelic variants were detected at 22 loci, ranging from 2 to 11, with an average of 6.8 alleles per marker. For 7 markers, null alleles were detected. The occurrence of rare alleles (frequency <2%) was observed for 13 markers. The polymorphism information content (PIC) values of the markers ranged from 0.10 (WMS0165 on 4AS) to 0.81 (WMS0437 on 7DL) with an average of 0.51. Approximately 74% of the varieties, mostly non-commercial, showed heterogeneity, with an average level of 10.1%. For the majority of markers, the relative frequencies of alleles varied considerably among different groups of varieties, revealing the effects of different selection between breeding centres. Some alleles, present in old genotypes, were lost, and new alleles have been introduced into modern varieties. Genetic diversity values over different periods of release were high, starting at 0.64 for varieties developed before 1960 to reach 0.71 in 1990s, revealing no declining trends in the diversity due to breeding activity. The cluster analysis discriminated all varieties (except for two) and revealed distinct groups of old and modern varieties, released from the main breeding centres in Northern, Southern and Western Bulgaria.  相似文献   

The effects of B and Ca treatments on root growth, nutrient localization and cell wall properties in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) plants with and without Al stress were investigated. Seedlings were grown hydroponically in a complete nutrient solution for 7 d and then treated with B (0, 40 μM), Ca (0, 2,500 μM), and Al (0, 100 μM) in a 500 μM CaCl2 solution for 8 d. The cell wall materials (CWM) were extracted with a phenol: acetic acid: water (2:1:1 w/v/v) solution and used for subsequent pectin extraction with trans -1,2-diami-nocyclohexane- N,N,N,N -tetraacetic acid (CDTA) and Na2CO3 solutions. Boron, Ca, and B + Ca treatments enhanced root growth by 19.5, 15.2, and 27.2%, respectively, compared to the control (pH 4.5). Calcium and B+Ca treatments enhanced root growth with Al stress by 43 and 54%, respectively, while B did not exert any effect. The amounts of CWM and pectin per unit of root fresh weight increased by Al treatment, whereas the Ca and B+Ca treatments slightly reduced the contents of these components. Seventy-four percent of total B, 69% of total Ca, and 85% of total Al were located in the cell wall in the B, Ca, and Al treatments, respectively and 32% of total B, 33% of total Ca, and 33% of total Al were located in the CDTA-soluble and Na2CO3-soluble pectin fractions. A more conspicuous localization of B was observed in the presence of Al. Aluminum treatment markedly decreased the Ca content in the cell wall as well as pectin fractions, mainly in the case of the CDTA-soluble pectin fraction. Boron + Ca treatment decreased the Al content in the cell wall and pectin fractions compared to the Ca treatment alone in the presence of Al. It is concluded that the B+Ca treatment enhanced root growth and, B and Ca uptake, and helped to maintain a normal B and Ca metabolism in the cell walls even in the presence of Al.  相似文献   

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