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日本水稻免耕直播技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

近年来,随着水稻直播方式在辽宁滨海稻区的推广,为解决新的农田杂草防治问题.本研究通过选用4种除草剂进行田间主要杂草株防除试验.试验结果表明,460 g/L二甲·灭草松SL对除稗草外杂草防治效果最好,50%二氯喹啉酸WP对稗草防效最好,25 g/L五氟磺草胺OD和19%氟酮磺草胺SC杀草范围最广,25 g/L五氟磺草胺O...  相似文献   

水稻免耕直播栽培技术探析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
水稻直播栽培技术 ,因具有省工省力省本省秧田和高产稳产高效之优点 ,而深受广大农民特别是种粮大户的欢迎。但是 ,现时的直播稻技术 ,普遍采用翻耕整地 ,分畦直播 ,仍需要耕耙和人工开板 ,还得开支为数不少的成本。改进和优化现有直播稻栽培技术 ,改翻耕直播为免耕直播 ,省略翻耕环节 ,再度降低生产成本 ,对完善直播稻栽培配套技术体系 ,具有积极的意义。一、免耕直播稻的主要特点我市免耕直播稻栽培 ,始于1997年 ,在富阳镇牌楼村金明华农户的承包田里 ,至今已进行了连续4年的试种 ,成效明显。1999年 ,该户试种的1467m2 免…  相似文献   

湖南水稻免耕直播、免耕抛秧技术的发展前景   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
任泽明 《作物研究》2003,17(4):174-175
介绍了国内外水稻免耕直播和免耕抛秧技术的发展概况及示范推广效益,提出了我省研究示范推广水稻免耕直播和免耕抛秧技术的几点建议。  相似文献   

水稻的直播与免耕直播栽培研究进展   总被引:49,自引:11,他引:49  
综述了国内外水稻直播、免耕和免耕直播栽培技术的发展概况.免耕稻田土壤的物理化学特性及生物特征.免耕直播稻栽培的技术特点和对水稻生长发育及产量的影响.以及适合于我国水稻免耕直播栽培的模式:即冬水田水稻免耕直播、油菜等冬作物田水稻免耕直播、双季稻快速清茬免耕直播的技术特点。免耕直播稻与翻耕移栽稻具有同样的产量潜力.省工节本增效的效益显著。是我国水稻低成本高效益栽培的主要途径之一。  相似文献   

防除直播稻田禾本科杂草试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直播龙等药剂对稗草、千金子、马唐等混生杂草均具有较好的防除效果,对水稻生长非常安全。直播龙用药量以180 g/hm2为宜,对水量225~300 kg/hm2,掌握在杂草2~3叶期施药,施药前排干田间水层用药,用药后24~48 h灌水层,并保持水层5~7 d。  相似文献   

水稻直播是一种省工省力高产高效的栽培技术,近年在我国发展很快。由于直播稻田杂草生长与稻苗生长基本同步,草、苗争肥、争光,若不及时除草,便会引起草荒,造成减产,甚至绝收,因而需要予以重视。对于草害,应用化学除草剂仍不失为一种有效的方法。1996年我们对金秋等3种新型除草剂对直播稻田杂草的防除效果和安全性进行了考查,取得了较为理想的效果。(-)材料与方法1.参试药剂与处理浓度参试的3种药剂6个处理分别为:10%金秋可湿性粉剂(美国氰胺公司生产)每公顷150、225、300g;28.8%超级扫菲特颗粒剂(瑞土汽巴-嘉基公司生…  相似文献   

 报道了触杀型除草剂敌稗结合长效型除草剂噁草丙、杀草丹或胺硝草复合式处理防除旱直播稻田杂草(稗草、丛生千金子、碎米莎草、圆叶牵牛、沼泽生异蕊花的效果。  相似文献   

水稻免耕直播的适宜用种量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了水稻免耕直播不同用种量、不同稻田处理、不同种子处理等20个处理的产量性状。结果表明,不同用种量对免耕直播稻有效穗、每穗总粒数、实粒数、结实率及产量有较大的影响;用催芽露白种子进行水稻免耕直播的最佳用种量为26.25kg/hm2,用旱育保姆包衣种子进行水稻免耕直播的最佳用种量为22.5 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

水稻免耕直播是水稻轻型栽培技术之一,它省工省力效果明显,深受农民欢迎。但免耕直播稻田杂草残存量、发生量大,危害相对较重,杂草防除是免耕直播栽培成败的关键技术措施之一。自1994年以来,作者通过田间调查和试验研究,基本摸清了免耕直播稻田杂草的发生特点及化学除草技术。(-)免耕直任田荣革发生特点1.多年生杂草危害严重免耕直播田中,双穗雀稗、游草、水三棱、空心莲子草等多年生恶性杂草数量较大,这些杂草根茎和地下部分发达,生长势强,生长量大,当前的农业防治和化学防治效果均不十分理想,危害较重。2.前茬作物残留条…  相似文献   

The demand for rice to meet the dietary need in low-income countries is expected to witness an exponential rise as the population increases. Meeting the rice demand domestically has remained challenging due to significant yield loss caused by several biotic and abiotic factors. Among these factors, one of the most important is the high weed pressure that ravages the upland rice ecology. In Nigeria, several independent weed control techniques, such as physical, chemical and cultural methods, have been recommended and adopted for weed control across varying rice upland ecologies. However, outcomes of these approaches when used independently have not consistently led to an increase in yield. There remains an outstanding deficit between the actual yield and the potential rice yield. This review aimed to identify potential research gaps, and quest effective and sustainable weed management strategies in smallholder upland rice farming systems in Nigeria. A critical analysis of studies suggests the potential of sustainable weed management practices if adopted and adapted smartly in different upland ecologies in Nigeria. Competitiveness of upland rice against weeds can be enhanced through strategic integration of weed competitive cultivars, optimum nitrogen application timings (within weed-free periods), uniform plant spacing, and high seeding rates, with conventional herbicide/manual weed control practices. However, such management practices can only be engaged where inputs are supplied on time and the technical know-how is extended to farmers. The review equally highlights potential research gaps for further studies.  相似文献   

目前农村,特别是经济发达地区,农业生产迫切需要轻简高效的生产技术,以实现"增产、增效、增收"。水稻免耕撬窝移栽高产栽培技术是采用塑盘旱育秧培育健壮秧苗,在前茬作物收获后进行化学除草,灌溉浸泡,待田水落干成花花水时均匀撒施底肥,水基本落干时用轮式免耕撬窝器打孔,在孔中移栽秧苗,本田配套进行化学除草、肥水管理和病虫害综合防治的高产高效栽培技术。该技术具有省工、省能、省时、提高劳动生产率和简便易行等优点,可以提早本田移栽期1~3d,节约用水10%~15%,增产3%~8%,增收节支75~110元/667m2。  相似文献   


Studies of soil weed seed banks are of relatively recent origin considering their importance as sources of diversity and continued occupation of many types of habitats, including agroecosystems. The management of weed seed banks is based on knowledge and modification of the behavior of seeds within the soil seed bank matrix. The behavior of seeds defines the phenotypic composition of the floral community of a field. Selection and adaptation over time have led to the highly successful weed populations that exploit resources unused by crops. The weed species infesting agricultural seed banks are those populations that have found successful trait compromises within and between the five roles of seeds: dispersal and colonization, persistence, embryonic food supply, display of genetic diversity, and as a means of species multiplication. Diverse weed seed populations provide seed banks the opportunity to exploit any change in conditions to ensure their enduring survival and spread. The soil seed bank matrix is the spatial arrangement of environmental and physical factors over time. The behavior of soil seed banks at any level of biological, spatial, or temporal organization is a consequence of the accumulated, emergent behavior at lower levels of organization. Weed seed behavior arises from their sensitivity to environmental conditions within the physical structure of the soil seed bank. This sensitivity is reflected in changes of short duration (e.g., germination), during the annual life cycle, over multiple years (e.g., population shifts), and over evolutionary time. Understanding the processes that drive and control seed behavior will allow us to manipulate and manage weed seed banks in an economic and sustainable manner. This knowledge will allow us to implement improved, more informed, weed management systems and strategies. Important weed bank management strategies include prevention of seed introduction on farm, acquisition of weed biology information (including predictive tools), decision making about weed seed infestation levels and their implementation (eradication, reduction, tolerance), weed seed population shifts (within the seed bank, between species, increased diversity), and manipulations encouraging beneficial weed species. Environmental modification and changes in cropping systems can also be of considerable strategic importance in weed management.  相似文献   

太湖稻区水稻机械直播技术规程   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
机械直播水稻主要采用精量播种和宽行条播技术,实现水稻精细播种和个体有序生长。本文介绍了太湖稻区水稻机械直播技术规程。  相似文献   

直播稻特征特性及配套高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
实现水稻生产的优质、高产、高效是盐城市新一轮种植业结构调整的重要内容。相对于手栽稻而言,直播稻工序减少,操作简便,劳动强度降低,具有省工、节本、增效的优势,适应当前农业生产发展的新形势。近几年来,盐城市围绕该技术在推广应用中必须解决的品种选择、播期播量、全苗齐苗、杂草综防、肥水运筹等栽培技术环节进行了深入研究,初步集成了直播稻配套高产栽培技术体系,并及时在大面积生产上进行推广应用,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。2006年该项技术已在盐城市推广近3万hm2,节本增效近4000万元。1直播稻的特征特性1.1全生育期短直播稻…  相似文献   

直播栽培在晚稻救灾中的应用效果及技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2005年将水稻直播技术用作台风灾后晚稻生产补救措施,有效降低了产量损失。文章还介绍了连作晚稻直播栽培技术。  相似文献   

云南省水稻生产与杂草防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南省水稻常年播种面积约100.0—106.7万hm^2,2008年平均产量为412.7kg/667m^2。滇中为一季中稻,滇南为双季稻,多为大苗移栽。海拔1000m以下为籼稻种植区,1000—1500m为籼稻和粳稻混栽区,1500-2600m为粳稻种植区。一季中稻区本田主要杂草有稗草、眼子草、扁杆□草、异型莎草、四叶萍、鸭舌草、牛毛草、长瓣慈姑、莹蔺、双穗雀稗、泽泻、园叶节节菜、矮慈姑、滇□草、狼巴草、水莎草、假稻等。稻田常用除草剂有扑草净、丁草胺、乙草胺、丙草胺(含安全剂)、苄嘧磺隆、吡嘧磺隆、杀草丹、草达灭(禾大壮)、□草酮(□草灵)、五氟磺草胺(稻杰),以及复配剂丁草胺+苄嘧磺隆、乙草胺+苄嘧磺隆、丙草胺(含安全剂)+苄嘧磺隆、优克稗+苄嘧磺隆等。  相似文献   

WANG Jin-hua(Shanghai Guangming Qianjin Farm Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 202179)  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):245-270

Weeds pose a recurrent threat to agricultural productivity in both industrialized and developing countries. Weeds respond dynamically to all cropping practices, and therefore, the design and function of cropping systems plays a central role in the composition of weed communities. The unique and challenging nature of weed communities requires more integrated approaches to weed management than are currently being employed by most growers. Integrating weed management with cropping system design and application may be an effective approach to diversifying weed management systems. Each crop-weed system is a unique mix of genetics and biology and will respond dynamically to changes in management practices. Practices such as crop rotation, tillage, cover crops, and fertility management modify weed populations. The challenge is to integrate these and other practices with the best available control tactics to generate integrated management systems. Cropping system design provides an excellent framework for developing and applying integrated approaches to weed management because it allows for new and creative ways of meeting the challenge of managing weeds. Weed science must integrate the theories and application of weed management into cropping system design based on the unique characteristics of weed communities and the available weed management options.  相似文献   

In rice, the traditional system of transplanting gives the crop a 14 to 21-day growth advantage over the weeds [1]. The transplanting also enables rice to capture space earlier. This is because the young rice plants have leverage over germinating weeds due to shading and earlier establishment of root system. The immediate flooding after transplanting limits the establishment of many weeds [2]. Similarly, in direct seeded method, the use of high seed rates could reduce weed infestation to a lar…  相似文献   

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