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Chinook salmon from New Zealand were shown to have a generalized membranous glomerulonephritis that was most severe in large fish. Marked thickening of the glomerular basement membrane was the most consistent lesion, with the presence of an electron-dense deposit beneath the capillary endothelium.Severely affected glomeruli also had expansion of the mesangium and loss of capillaries,synechiae of the visceral and parietal epithelium and mild fibrosis of Bowmans capsule. Chinook salmon from British Columbia, Canada with bacterial kidney disease caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum had similar histological lesions. They also had thickened glomerular basement membranes that were recognized by rabbit antiserum to rainbow trout immunoglobulin. This was true only when frozen sections of kidney were used and not formalin-fixed tissue. An attempt to experimentally produce a glomerulopathy in rainbow trout by repeated immunization with killed R. salmoninarum was not successful. Case records from the Fish Pathology Laboratory at the University of Guelph over a 10-year period revealed that a range of species were diagnosed with glomerulopathies similar to those seen in Chinook salmon. The majority of these cases were determined to have chronic inflammatory disease. This report has identified the presence of immunoglobulin within thickened basement membranes of Chinook salmon with glomerulonephritis and supports the existence of type III hypersensitivity in fish.  相似文献   

Herein, we describe the prevalence of bacterial infections in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), returning to spawn in two tributaries within the Lake Michigan watershed. Ten bacterial genera, including Renibacterium, Aeromonas, Carnobacterium, Serratia, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Hafnia, Salmonella, Shewanella and Morganella, were detected in the kidneys of Chinook salmon (n = 480) using culture, serological and molecular analyses. Among these, Aeromonas salmonicida was detected at a prevalence of ~15%. Analyses revealed significant interactions between location/time of collection and gender for these infections, whereby overall infection prevalence increased greatly later in the spawning run and was significantly higher in females. Renibacterium salmoninarum was detected in fish kidneys at an overall prevalence of >25%. Logistic regression analyses revealed that R. salmoninarum prevalence differed significantly by location/time of collection and gender, with a higher likelihood of infection later in the spawning season and in females vs. males. Chi‐square analyses quantifying non‐independence of infection by multiple pathogens revealed a significant association between R. salmoninarum and motile aeromonad infections. Additionally, greater numbers of fish were found to be co‐infected by multiple bacterial species than would be expected by chance alone. The findings of this study suggest a potential synergism between bacteria infecting spawning Chinook salmon.  相似文献   

Renibacterium salmoninarum is a significant pathogen of salmonids and the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (BKD). Water temperature affects the replication rate of pathogens and the function of the fish immune system to influence the progression of disease. In addition, rapid shifts in temperature may serve as stressors that reduce host resistance. This study evaluated the effect of shifts in water temperature on established R. salmoninarum infections. We challenged Chinook salmon with R. salmoninarum at 12 °C for 2 weeks and then divided the fish into three temperature groups (8, 12 and 15 °C). Fish in the 8 °C group had significantly higher R. salmoninarum‐specific mortality, kidney R. salmoninarum loads and bacterial shedding rates relative to the fish held at 12 or 15 °C. There was a trend towards suppressed bacterial load and shedding in the 15 °C group, but the results were not significant. Bacterial load was a significant predictor of shedding for the 8 and 12 °C groups but not for the 15 °C group. Overall, our results showed little effect of temperature stress on the progress of infection, but do support the conclusion that cooler water temperatures contribute to infection progression and increased transmission potential in Chinook salmon infected with R. salmoninarum.  相似文献   

In the aquaculture industry, the physiological systems of fish can be chronically stressed by various biological, chemical and physical factors. Chronic stress leads to a decrease in the overall health and growth of the fish, making them more prone to diseases. Dietary iodine has been shown to reduce this stress response in chickens and increase disease resistance in dairy cattle, but the mechanisms by which iodine affects stress resistance and immunocompetency is not completely understood and has not been extensively studied in fish. This study investigated the effects of iodized feed as a nutritional supplement in relation to stress modulation in steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). We investigated effects on primary, secondary and tertiary stress responses by measuring plasma levels of cortisol, glucose and thyroid hormones as well as haematocrit percentage and average growth rate in steelhead trout. Iodine‐supplemented fish, on average, had lower levels of plasma cortisol and glucose and lower packed cell volumes than fish fed with regular commercial feed (P<0.05). Iodine‐supplemented fish also showed higher levels of thyroid hormones and exhibited better growth over the period of the experiment (P<0.05). It was concluded that, used with other husbandry practices, use of iodine‐supplemented feed could lead to better host defence, growth and survival in fish raised in the aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

Subcellular components of the probiotics Aeromonas sobria GC2 and Bacillus subtilis JB-1, when administered to rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , conferred protection against a new biogroup of Yersinia ruckeri . Thus, intraperitoneal or intramuscular injection of rainbow trout with cell wall proteins (CWPs), outer membrane proteins (OMPs), lipopolysaccharides (LPS), whole cell proteins (WCPs) and live cells followed by challenge on day 8 with Y. ruckeri led to 80–100% survival compared with 10% survival in the controls. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) profiles of WCPs and OMPs from GC2 had 10 and 5 variable protein bands in comparison to 11 and 5 bands in the WCPs and CWPs from JB-1. Proteomic analyses were employed following SDS-PAGE to categorize one dominant protein of 104.7 kDa from the CWPs of JB-1 and equated it with ' Bacillus spp. endoglucanase' with a Mascot score >69. These results point to the potential of using cellular components of probiotics for protection of fish against bacterial diseases.  相似文献   

The present paper describes, for the first time, clinical signs and pathological findings of pancreas disease (PD) in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), in sea water in Norway. Similarities and differences with reports of PD from Ireland and Scotland are discussed. Samples of 68 rainbow trout from disease outbreaks on 14 farms and from 155 Atlantic salmon from outbreaks on 20 farms collected from 1996 to 2004 were included in the present study. The histopathological findings of PD in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout in sea water were similar. Acute PD, characterized by acute necrosis of exocrine pancreatic tissues, was detected in nine Atlantic salmon and three rainbow trout. Salmonid alphavirus (SAV) was identified in acute pancreatic necroses by immunohistochemistry. Most fish showed severe loss of exocrine pancreatic tissue combined with chronic myositis. Myocarditis was often but not consistently found. Kidneys from 40% and 64% of the rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon, respectively, had cells along the sinusoids that were packed with cytoplasmic eosinophilic granules. These cells resembled hypertrophied endothelial cells or elongated mast cell analogues. Histochemical staining properties and electron microscopy of these cells are presented. SAV was identified by RT-PCR and neutralizing antibodies against SAV were detected in blood samples.  相似文献   

Captive broodstocks of spring chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha , were initiated from collections of naturally produced parr from the Lemhi River, a tributary of the Salmon River, ID, USA. These fish were subsequently demonstrated to be infested with the copepod parasite Salmincola californiensis . The initial prevalence of visible adult parasites for 4 years of observations made shortly after collection varied from 19.7 to 71.6%. Both the prevalence and intensity of the infestation increased in the freshwater culture of these fish. Manual removal was initiated as a means of control and practiced at monthly intervals. The number of Salmincola removed decreased in the ensuing 5 months, but the prevalence was not greatly affected. Ivermectin (22,23 dihydroavermectin), was diluted with saline and delivered by gavage at the rate of 0.20 mg kg−1 body weight when the groups were being handled for the manual removal of parasites. Either two or three ivermectin treatments were given to four broodstocks of chinook salmon depending on the severity of the infestation and on the extent of gill pathology. The combination of manual removal and ivermectin gavage eliminated live Salmincola and resolved all associated necrosis of the gill tissues. There was no trend to indicate that individual chinook salmon possessed a natural resistance to reinfestation.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) is caused by the infection of susceptible salmonid fish with spores of the myxozoan Tetracapsula bryosalmonae , a parasite harboured and released by several species of bryozoans. Under natural conditions, PKD is a water-borne infection of fish, whose outcome and spatio-temporal dissemination depend on the viability of spores present in the water. In order to evaluate the duration of parasite infectivity, juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , were exposed for 20 h to T. bryosalmonae -infected water at various times post-water collection or after different filtration procedures. When infected water was held in a temperature range of 14.5–17 °C for up to 14 days, PKD was transmitted to the fish only between 0 and 12 h post-water collection and its infectivity vanished between 12 and 24 h. Similarly, the infectivity of water passed through 25 μm but not through 1 μm mesh filters, and was lost in the material eluted from the 1 μm filtration membrane although the parasite's DNA was amplified from this material. The parasitic infectivity in water appears to be fragile and this may offer opportunities to decrease the impact of PKD in trout farms by the implementation of management procedures aimed at reducing the number of the bryozoan-holding surfaces located in the river, immediately upstream from these farms.  相似文献   

Microparasites play an important role in the demography, ecology and evolution of Pacific salmonids. As salmon stocks continue to decline and the impacts of global climate change on fish populations become apparent, a greater understanding of microparasites in wild salmon populations is warranted. We used high‐throughput, quantitative PCR (HT‐qRT‐PCR) to rapidly screen 82 adult Chinook salmon from five geographically or genetically distinct groups (mostly returning to tributaries of the Fraser River) for 45 microparasite taxa. We detected 20 microparasite species, four of which have not previously been documented in Chinook salmon, and four of which have not been previously detected in any salmonids in the Fraser River. Comparisons of microparasite load to blood plasma variables revealed some positive associations between Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Cryptobia salmositica and Ceratonova shasta and physiological indices suggestive of morbidity. We include a comparison of our findings for each microparasite taxa with previous knowledge of its distribution in British Columbia.  相似文献   

Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the aetiological agent of rainbow trout fry syndrome and bacterial cold water disease. This study examined the genetic diversity of F. psychrophilum isolates retrieved from multiple epizootics at rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, rearing facilities and from spawning coho salmon, O. kisutch. A total of 139 isolates were confirmed as F. psychrophilum by PCR assay and were further typed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Multiple epizootics at three proximally located rainbow trout rearing facilities were numerically dominated by three PFGE profiles, which accounted for 76% of all trout isolates. In coho salmon, 19 PFGE profiles were differentiated by PFGE and four numerically dominant PFGE profiles represented 56% of all coho salmon isolates. PFGE analysis also indicated that the average similarity of macrorestriction patterns of F. psychrophilum isolates was greater in rainbow trout than in coho salmon (88% vs. 70%). Furthermore, it was not unusual to isolate multiple PFGE profiles from a single coho salmon sample whereas only two PFGE profiles were shared between two sample dates separated by 1 month. It is clear that the domestic rainbow trout aquaculture facilities studied here were primarily affected by a complex of genetically related strains whereas spawning coho salmon supported a much more genetically diverse collection of F. psychrophilum.  相似文献   

The infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) has not been observed to cause natural disease in farmed rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), but may cause high mortality in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. In this study, ISAV was passaged 10 times in succession by intraperitoneal injections of serum from previous passage into naïve rainbow trout. The serum viraemia was monitored by real‐time qPCR. The rainbow trout in this study became infected but did not develop ISA. No clinical signs were observed in the rainbow trout in any passage, but replication of ISAV was detected from Day 4 post‐infection (p.i.). Neither increased relative virus loads nor histopathological and immunohistochemical findings consistent with ISA were observed. However, the expression of interferon type I and Mx genes were slightly up‐regulated in the hearts of some individual fish at day 17 p.i. Sequencing of all open reading frames in the ISAV genome of the 10th passage revealed two nucleotide mutations, one in segment 6 coding for the haemagglutinin–esterase (HE) and one in segment 1 coding for the basic polymerase 2 (PB2). The mutation in HE resulted in an amino acid substitution T/K312.  相似文献   

A simple method of detecting the presence of the salmonid alphaviruses (SAVs), salmon pancreas disease virus (SPDV) and sleeping disease virus (SDV), from serum samples is described. Using a 96-well tissue-culture plate format, test sera are diluted in medium and added to chinook salmon embryo (CHSE-214) cells. After incubation for 3 days at 15 degrees C, plates are fixed and stained using a monoclonal antibody (mAb)-based immunoperoxidase (IPX) detection system, and virus-infected cells are observed microscopically by white light. Application of this screening test, which is now used routinely in our laboratory in conjunction with an IPX-based virus neutralization (IPX-VN) test for detecting antibodies to SAVs, has resulted in the recovery of 12 additional isolates from salmon sera and four additional isolates from trout sera. A low level of antigenic variation was detected when these SAV isolates were investigated by indirect immunofluorescence using a panel of mAbs raised to reference SPDV and SDV isolates.  相似文献   

Strawberry disease (SD) is an inflammatory skin disorder in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). The aetiology of SD is unknown although the 16S rDNA sequence of a Rickettsia-like organism (RLO) has been associated with SD lesions using a nested PCR assay. In this study, we developed a Taqman quantitative PCR assay (qPCR) that targeted the RLO 16S rDNA sequence to examine the distribution of RLO relative to lesion status. We compared 18 lesion samples from 13 fish representing high or low lesion severity as judged by gross examination. QPCR results showed that there was a higher number of RLO sequences in high severity lesions (mean of 12,068 copies) compared with fewer copies of RLO sequence in low severity lesions (mean of 3287 copies, P = 0.012). Grossly normal skin samples (n = 13) from SD-affected fish were all negative by qPCR except two samples (121 and 139 copies). The qPCR assay described herein is a useful tool to investigate the role of RLO in SD in the absence of a culture system for RLO. Our results demonstrate a positive correlation between copy number and lesion severity consistent with the hypothesis that the RLO is the aetiologic agent of SD.  相似文献   

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