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Genetic differences in natural vs hormone-induced ovulation rates were compared in immature female mice from five lines that had undergone long-term single-trait and antagonistic index selection for litter size and(or) 6-wk BW. Lines used were control (K); high litter size (L+); high BW (W+); low litter size and high BW (L-W+); and high litter size and low BW (L+W-). Natural ovulation rate at a mean age of 34.3 d and hormone-induced (5 IU of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin followed 2 d later by 5 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin) superovulation rate at a fixed age of 31 d were obtained. Total number of eggs ovulated was affected by line (P less than .001), treatment (P less than .001), and line x treatment interaction (P less than .001). Line differences were subsequently tested within treatment because of the significant line x treatment interaction. Line differences were important (P less than .001) for natural ovulation, hormone-induced ovulation, and response to hormones. Mean natural ovulation rates for K, L+, W+, L-W+, and L+W- were 14.1, 19.8, 15.1, 13.6, and 16.4, respectively. Selection changed ovulation rate by 40, 16, 7, and -4% in the L+, L+W-, W+ and L-W+ lines, respectively (P less than .01). Hormone-induced ovulation rates in K, L+, W+, L-W+, and L+W- were 32.3, 24.6, 19.6, 20.9, and 22.1, respectively. Exogenous hormones increased ovulation by 18.2, 4.8, 4.6, 7.3, and 5.7 ova for K, L+, W+, L-W+, and L+W-, respectively (P less than .001). Lines with lower natural ovulation rates had higher responses to superovulation. Increased ovulation rate due to treatment ranged from 24.3% in L+ to 129% in K. These results indicate significant differences among lines in ovarian response to exogenous hormones.  相似文献   

Postpartum dam performance was studied in a complete diallel design involving five lines of mice. The selection criterion in each line was: large litter size at birth (L+); large 6-wk body weight (W+); an index for large litter size and small 6-wk body weight (L+W-); the complementary index (L-W+) and random (K). Females from the five lines and 20 reciprocal F1 crosses were mated to sires of a randomly selected control line (CC). Correlated responses in average direct genetic and average maternal genetic effects for dam body weight and litter size at parturition persisted throughout lactation, indicating important pleiotropic effects. Major correlated responses occurred for litter weight, feed intake and litter feed efficiency, primarily due to average direct genetic effects. Using general combining ability and net line effects as criteria for choosing among lines, L+ had a distinct advantage if the objective was to increase litter size in a crossing program. If the objective was to maximize litter weaning weight, then W+ would be favored for net line effects, while L+ and W+ would be about equivalent for general combining ability. None of the lines had an advantage for litter feed efficiency. Direct heterosis for dam weight at 12 and 21 d of lactation averaged 2.7 and 1.9%, while for litter size the respective averages were 7.4 and 7.3%. The W+ X L+W- cross exhibited overdominance for litter size. Direct heterosis was moderate for feed intake and litter weight, but was negligible for litter feed efficiency because of the mathematical relationship among the three traits. Maternal heterosis for preweaning progeny growth was suppressed because of heterosis for litter size in the dam. Grand-maternal effects on growth of the young were small and would not be an important consideration in choosing among these lines in a crossbreeding program.  相似文献   

Genetic factors affecting female reproductive performance in lines of mice with a known history of selection were estimated from a 5 X 5 diallel cross. Lines were selected as follows: large litter size at birth (L+); large 6-wk body weight (W+); an index for large litter size and small 6-wk body weight (L+W-); the complementary index (L-W+) and randomly (K). Partitioning of direct and correlated responses for litter size, 6-wk body weight and related traits into average direct genetic (li) and average maternal genetic (mi) effects indicated that the magnitude of differences in li exceeded those in mi. Lines having positive responses in li were W+ greater than L+ greater than L-W+ for dam body weight, L+ greater than L+W- greater than W+ for litter size and L+ greater than (W+, L+W-) for litter birth weight, whereas L-W+ responded negatively for litter size. A positive association was found between mi for litter size and dam body weight, W+ and L-W+ being high and L+ and L+W- low for both traits. Female infertility and time from male exposure to parturition had relatively small correlated responses. Line rankings in general combining ability (gi) and net line effects were similar for the respective traits. Depending upon the line and trait involved, the relative contribution of average direct genetic and line direct heterotic (hi) effects to general combining ability [gi = (1/2) li + hi] varied. Line heterosis refers to average heterosis in crosses involving that line. Direct heterosis ( hij ) for each trait differed considerably among crosses. The three crosses showing the highest hij for litter size at birth, W+ X L-W+ (1.78), L+ X W+ (1.28) and L-W+ X L+W- (1.22), possibly had loci contributing directional dominance to litter size with frequencies of parental lines deviating in opposite directions relative to mean gene frequency. The correlation between absolute difference in parental line means and hij for litter size was not significant, suggesting that the magnitudes of absolute differences in parental means were not reliable predictors of divergence in gene frequency. Crossbred performance increased linearly with midparent values for litter size at birth (b = .88 +/- .09, R2 = .92) and dam parturition body weight (b = 1.13 +/- .04, R2 = .99), the latter trait showing an increase (P less than .01) in heterosis as midparent values increased.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究饲喂大米草对纯种波尔山羊的产羔数、羔羊初生重以及羔羊体尺指标的影响。结果表明:饲喂大米草对波尔山羊产羔数、羔羊初生重和羔羊体尺指标等具有一定的影响。其中试验组与对照组双羔的初生重和胸围指标达到差异显著水平(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

The present study investigated differences in the allocation patterns of body stores in lactating female mice from a line selected for high litter size at birth (S-line, average litter size of 20) and dams from a nonselected control line (C-line, average litter size of 10). Body weight, litter size, litter weight, and absolute and relative lipid and protein mass were measured at peak lactation (2 wk in lactation) and at weaning (3 wk in lactation). Body size in S-line females has been increased as a correlated effect of selection for high litter size at birth, allowing for larger litters and higher absolute milk production. However, these dams produce larger litters relative to their own body weight. At peak lactation, lipid and protein percentage did not differ between lines. At weaning, S-line females had a higher protein percentage (P < 0.001) and lower lipid percentage (P < 0.05) than C-line females. Apparently, S-line females produce more offspring but at a greater cost to their own metabolism. This process was insufficient to supply the offspring with adequate resources, resulting in reduced (P < 0.0001) pup development and increased (P < 0.0001) preweaning mortality rates.  相似文献   

A divergent selection experiment for the environmental variability of litter size (Ve) over seven generations was carried out in rabbits at the University Miguel Hernández of Elche. The Ve was estimated as the phenotypic variance within the female, after correcting for year‐season and parity‐lactation status. The aim of this study was to analyse the correlated responses to selection in litter size components. The ovulation rate (OR) and number of implanted embryos (IE) in females were measured by laparoscopy at 12 day of the second gestation. At the end of the second gestation, the total number of kits born was measured (TB). Embryonic (ES), foetal (FS) and prenatal (PS) survival were computed as IE/OR, TB/IE and TB/OR, respectively. A total of 405 laparoscopies were performed. Data were analysed using Bayesian methodology. The correlated response to selection for litter size environmental variability in terms of the litter size components was estimated as either genetic trends, estimated by computing the average estimated breeding values for each generation and each line, or the phenotypic differences between lines. The OR was similar in both lines. However, after seven generations of selection, the homogenous line showed more IE (1.09 embryos for genetic means and 1.23 embryos for phenotypic means) and higher ES than the heterogeneous one (0.07 for genetic means and 0.08 for phenotypic means). The probability of the phenotypic differences between lines being higher than zero (p) was 1.00 and .99, respectively. A higher uterine overcrowding of embryos in the homogeneous line did not penalize FS; as a result, this line continued to show a greater TB (1.01 kits for genetic means and 1.30 kits for phenotypic means, p = .99, in the seventh generation). In conclusion, a decrease in litter size variability showed a favourable effect on ES and led to a higher litter size at birth.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in performance of dams were estimated by linear contrasts using means of two selected lines of mice and reciprocal F1's, F2's and backcrosses. The lines were selected for increased 6-wk body weight (W) or increased litter size (L). Genetic differences estimated were direct average (gD), direct heterosis (hD), maternal average (gM), progeny average (gP), and progeny heterosis (hP). For dam weight and feed consumption from 12 to 21 d postpartum (pp), gD was the largest genetic difference and favored line W. For litter size, litter weight at birth, litter efficiency (litter weight gain/dam feed consumption) from birth to 12 d pp and within litter mortality from 1 to 21 d pp, gD favored L and, except for hD in litter efficiency, was the most important genetic difference for these traits. Direct heterosis was the only significant difference for litter weight at 21 d pp, litter efficiency from 12 to 21 d pp and within litter mortality at parturition. The gM were larger in W than in L for dam weight and feed consumption, and for litter size and weight at birth, but they were usually of smaller magnitude than gD. The gP were significant only in litter traits measured before 12 d pp and favored W. For no trait measured was hP of consequence. Line differences in dam and litter weight accounted for genetic differences in dam feed consumption. Genetic differences in litter size at birth were not due to line differences in dam weight. The lower mortality within litters nursed by crossbred dams was responsible for hD on litter weight and litter efficiency. Within but not among lines, higher mortality rates were associated with larger litters.  相似文献   

M. Chimonyo  K. Dzama  E. Bhebhe   《Livestock Science》2006,105(1-3):69-77
Genetic parameters for individual birth weight (IBWT), total number of pigs born (NBT), number of pigs born alive (NBA), number of pigs born dead (NBD) and litter weight at birth (LBWT) were estimated using 1961 Mukota pigs kept at the University of Zimbabwe Farm, Harare, Zimbabwe. Variance components were estimated for IBWT based on a direct-maternal genetic effects model. The genetic relationships among NBT, NBA, NBD and LBWT were assessed using a multi-trait direct effects model. For LBWT, the direct, maternal and common environmental litter proportions on the phenotypic variance were 0.090, 0.033 and 0.009, respectively. After adjustment of IBWT for NBA, phenotypic fractions were 0.091, 0.034 and 0.011 for direct, maternal and litter effects. The correlation between the direct and maternal genetic effects of IBWT was − 0.354 and − 0.295, with and without adjustment for NBT. Heritabilities for NBT, NBA, NBD and LBWT were 0.020, 0.030, 0.088 and 0.196, respectively. Differences in the maternal heritability and the heritability for LBWT, a trait of the dam, are different due to accumulation of observations per litter. Maternal genetic effects are, therefore, of less importance than in highly selected European breeds.  相似文献   

Conception rate, prenatal survival and litter size were recorded for 444 ewes of two age groups from five lines of grade Targhee sheep: two unselected control lines, HC1 and DC(C); two lines selected for 20 yr for increased 120-d weight, HW and DH(W); and a line selected for 18 yr for increased multiple births, T. Line T was equal or superior to the control lines in conception rate, prenatal survival and litter size in both age groups, although most of the differences were not significant. The W selected lines were inferior to the C and T lines in fertility and tended to be lower in prenatal survival, among mature ewes, resulting in a significantly lower number of lambs born per corpus luteum in the W lines than in the other two groups. Among yearlings, C ewes were non-significantly lower in fertility than T and W ewes, while W ewes were significantly lower than C and T ewes in prenatal survival. The T line ewes had higher overall reproductive performance than either of the other two groups. Ewes with two ovulations had a significantly higher conception rate than ewes with single ovulations. Gestation period was exceptionally uniform with a coefficient of variation of 1.3% and little difference due either to line or litter size. It was concluded that selection for multiple births improved overall reproductive performance, whereas selection for increased growth rate had an adverse effect on several components of reproduction, leading to a net decline in fitness.  相似文献   

Metabolizable energy requirements of the ewe increase during pregnancy due to increases in fetal and maternal metabolism. Fetal metabolism is related to total weight of the fetuses. Fetal number is a primary contributor to fetal weight. Litter birth weight represents the culminated fetal growth of the litter and can be used to estimate the effect of fetal metabolism on energy requirements of the ewe. We hypothesized that litter weight in sheep would increase at a decreasing rate with increasing litter size. Birth weights of lambs born to yearling (11 to 15 mo) and mature ewes (> 34 mo) were collected on litters born to Dorset, Rambouillet, Suffolk, Finnsheep, Romanov, and Composite III ewes mated to produce straightbred lambs. Litter birth weight expressed as a function of litter size increased at a decreasing rate and the quadratic term differed from zero for mature Rambouillet, Suffolk, Finnsheep, Romanov, and Composite III litters (P < 0.042). The quadratic coefficient differed among breeds. In yearlings, litter weight increased at a decreasing rate for Suffolk ewes (P = 0.002). The quadratic term for the relationship between litter weight and litter size did not differ from zero for Finnsheep (P = 0.39) or Romanov litters (P = 0.07). The hypothesis that litter weight increases at a decreasing rate with increased litter size is supported by experimental results.  相似文献   

Reproductive and maternal performance of a line of mice selected for large first parity litter size (L+) and a control line (K) were compared under two mating systems: (1) postpartum mating (PP), in which females undergo concurrent gestation and lactation, and (2) postweaning mating (PW), in which females wean their litter before being remated. Females were evaluated in their first two parities. Litters in each line were standardized at birth to 4, 8, 12 or 16 pups in parity 1, and to 10 pups in parity 2. Concurrent gestation had no adverse effect on postnatal maternal performance in parity 1 of either line. In parity 2, both L+ and K declined in reproductive and postnatal maternal performance in PP compared with PW. The pattern of delayed implantation as number of pups nursed increased was similar in both lines under the PP regimen. Several interactions indicated that reproductive performance of L+ was more adversely affected than in K under postpartum mating. Pup mortality was greater in L+ than K under PP but not under PW. In the PP regimen, L+ dams nursing 12 and 16 pups had a lower mating success rate and dams nursing 16 pups had a smaller litter size and higher pup mortality than did K dams. Thus, when L+ dams nurse their natural litter, frequently exceeding 16 pups, their reproductive advantage over K dams observed in PW would be eliminated in PP. If the differences in the first two litters reflect subsequent parities, lifetime reproductive performance in the PP environment would be reduced in the high fecundity line. High fecundity appears to depend upon the environment of selection.  相似文献   

We performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping analysis for litter size (total number of pups born and/or number of pups born alive) in 255 backcross mice derived from C57BL/6J and RR/Sgn inbred mice. We identified one significant QTL on chromosome 7 and 4 suggestive QTLs on chromosomes 3, 5, 10 and 13. In addition, two suggestive QTLs were identified on chromosomes 1 and 4 for the number of stillbirth. These results suggested that both litter size and number of stillbirth were heritable traits, although they were controlled by distinct genes. The RR allele was associated with reduced litter size and increased stillbirth at all QTLs. Therefore, RR mothers were observed to have reduced prolificacy in this particular genetic cross.  相似文献   

Divergent selection in mice was renewed in 3 independent replicates for high (MH) and low (ML) heat loss. An unselected control (MC) was maintained in all replicates. Heat loss was measured for individual male mice for 15 h, overnight in direct calorimeters. After 16 initial generations of selection followed by 26 generations of relaxed selection, divergent selection resumed for 9 generations. The realized selection applied was very close to the maximum possible selection according to the criteria and protocol. Selection differentials were greater for high than for low selection due to greater variation in the MH line. When corrected for SD, standardized selection differentials were similar for MH and ML selection. Unintended selection in MC was negligible. Realized heritability for divergence was 0.14 +/- 0.01, which was considerably less than that realized during the initial generations of selection (0.28 +/- 0.03). Realized heritabilities for MH selection (0.16 +/- 0.05) and for ML selection (0.07 +/- 0.06) were less, especially for ML selection, than were observed in the earlier generations. The difference in heat loss between MH and ML males was 55.7% of the MC mean at generation 51, compared with a difference of 53.6% in generation 15; this difference had decreased to 34.4% at the end of the relaxed selection (generation 42). For feed intake between 8 and 11 wk, MH and ML males differed by 34.0% of the MC mean by the end of the selection process. Body weight at 12 wk for MH and ML males was less than for MC males. Litter size response was positively related to the heat loss response. Conception rate was poorer in MH matings than in MC and ML matings.  相似文献   

To survive, the newborn lamb must be able to maintain body temperature and to stand and move to the udder to suck colostrum to fuel heat production. The objective of this study was to investigate whether neonatal lambs showing slow behavioral progress to standing and sucking also have an impaired ability to maintain body temperature. The time taken to stand and suck after birth, rectal temperatures, and blood samples were collected from 115 newborn single, twin, and triplet lambs of 2 breeds, Scottish Blackface and Suffolk, which are known to show variations in their neonatal behavioral progress. Blood samples were assayed for thyroid hormones, known to be involved in heat production, and cortisol, which plays a role in tissue maturation before birth. In addition, colostrum samples were collected from the 56 ewes that gave birth to the lambs, and assayed for protein, fat, and vitamin contents. Heavy lambs (more than 1 SD above the breed mean), Blackface lambs, and singleton or twin lambs were quicker to stand and suck from their mothers than lightweight (more than 1 SD below the breed mean), Suffolk, or triplet lambs. Low birth weight lambs also had lower rectal temperatures than heavier lambs (P < 0.01), as did Suffolk compared with Blackface lambs (P < 0.001). Lambs that were slow to suck after birth had lower rectal temperatures than quick lambs, and this difference persisted for at least 3 d after birth. Within breed, heavy lambs had greater plasma triiodothyronine and thyroxine immediately after birth than light lambs. Blackface lambs had greater plasma triiodothyronine and thyroxine than Suffolk lambs but tended to have less cortisol. Colostrum produced by Blackface ewes had a greater fat content than that of Suffolk ewes (P < 0.001). Thus, lambs that are behaviorally slow at birth are also less able to maintain their body temperature after birth. Although part of their lower body temperature might be attributable to behavioral influences on thermoregulation, the data also suggest that physiological differences exist between these animals. These differences may be related to different degrees of maturity at birth.  相似文献   

Ovulation rate was measured by laparoscopy at two consecutive cycles on 366 ewes 2 yr old and over and 85 yearling ewes of five lines of Targhees from the base base population; 53 yearling linecross ewes were also included. The lines were two unselected controls (HCl and DC), two selected for 21 yr for increased 120-d weight (HW and DH) and one selected for 19 yr for multiple births (T). Ewes were synchronized in late July or early August at the start of the normal breeding season with intravaginal pessaries impregnated with 60 mg methylacetoxyprogesterone and examined at first and second estrus. Ovulation had occurred in both cycles in 327 (89%) and 177 (85%) of the mature and yearling ewes, respectively. Overall mean numbers of corpora lutea at first and second estrus were 1.42 and 1.63, respectively for ewes 2 yr and over and 1.20 and 1.44 for yearlings, indicating an effect of synchronizing treatment, season, flushing, or a combination of these. Among mature ewes, ovulation rate was higher (P less than .05) in DH (+.20), HW (+.19) and T (+.16) than in controls at first estrus, and in HW (+.29) and T (+.21) but not DH (-.04) at second estrus. Among yearlings, differences were significant only at second estrus (HW, +.40; T, +.35) and again not for DH (+.08). The failure of line DH to increase in ovulation rate from first to second estrus as did other lines was transmitted to linecross progeny. Body weight within line affected ovulation rate significantly, with a greater effect at second estrus, in both age groups. Adjustment for body weight removed the difference between HW and controls but not between T and controls. Repeatability of corpora lutea count was .27 and .25 for mature and yearling ewes, respectively.  相似文献   

选择体质量为(24.69±1.01)g的雄性昆明小鼠90只,随机分为5组。对照组为不含棉酚的全价饲料组,试验组日粮中添加不同质量浓度的提取棉酚,试验I~Ⅳ组添加量分别为每天40、80、120、160mg/kg。结果显示,试验6周结束后,试验小鼠体质量随日龄增加而相应上升,各组之间差异不显著。但试验Ⅱ组到试验后期体质量开始下降。试验组小鼠在饲喂棉酚2周后出现较明显的生理反应:拉稀、活动减少、被毛松散无光泽;试验结束,试验Ⅲ组小鼠解剖肾脏有出血点、质地变脆。试验Ⅳ组小鼠两侧肠膜变黄,腹膜变薄,胃肠蠕动较慢,肾脏有出血点现象。各组在第2周和试验结束后分别取样,发现试验组小鼠肾脏出现不同程度的病变。试验Ⅱ组小鼠肾脏病变较轻微,可试验Ⅲ组小鼠肾脏有不同程度的肾间质出血和肾小管上皮细胞颗粒变性坏死;试验Ⅳ组小鼠肾梗死、肾小球毛细血管扩张,充血,出血。结果表明:棉酚对小鼠的体增重有一定的抑制作用,但对肾脏的生理和病理损伤较大。  相似文献   

Economic benefits of improving litter size, body weight (i.e. pelt length) and pelt quality were estimated in mink. Effects of the size of the litter in which the kit was born, on pelt length and pelt quality, were also assessed. The traits were recorded during a selection experiment involving the traits litter size, body weight and underfur density. Skins originating from litters of ≥10 kits tended to be smaller and sold at a lower price, compared with pelts from smaller litters. Litter size did not seem to affect fur quality. Pelt quality score decreased with increasing September weight. Pelts of animals with September weights of < 2000 g and pelting weights of < 2300 g had a lower sales price than pelts of heavier animals. Pelt quality had only a small effect on the price The highest economic gain was achieved by increasing litter size. The net revenue from each extra kit per litter was, in Swedish Kronor, SEK 70, 122 and 170 at an average sales price of SEK 150, 200 and 250, respectively.  相似文献   

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