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The effect of control programmes on proliferative enteropathy and its causative agent (Lawsonia intracellularis) was investigated on four farrow-to-finish pig farms in Britain. Faeces samples from groups of boars and gilts in breeding programmes, and from preweaning and postweaning pigs were monitored prospectively every month for six months by a L intracellularis-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). On one farm with 150 sows, an outbreak of acute proliferative enteropathy in boars and gilts was controlled clinically by the use of tiamulin and chlortetracycline. The percentage of detectable PCR-positive pigs decreased from between 50 to 70 per cent to zero in the treated pigs and their progeny less than 14 weeks old, but clinical signs of the disease and PCR-positive pigs were detected in some 14-week-old pigs derived from the treated groups. On another farm with 160 sows, an outbreak of chronic proliferative enteropathy in six-week-old pigs (23 to 26 per cent PCR-positive) was controlled by the use of oral tylosin phosphate. Faeces samples from the medicated pigs on this farm remained PCR-negative during the study period, whereas samples from unmedicated control pigs showed that the infection persisted in some pigs for at least six weeks. The two other monitored farms remained PCR-negative and clinically negative for the disease during the study period. These farms treated the pigs regularly with oral chlortetracycline.  相似文献   

Examination of the small intestine of pigs with proliferative haemorrhagic enteropathy showed changes consistent with defects in vascular permeability. Early in the disease there were many eosinophils and distension of lacteals and intercellular spaces with proteinaceous material. Later the predominant features were red blood cells and exudate in tissue spaces. This was most severe and extensive at the tips of villi which were covered by a cast of cells and fibrinous exudate. Adenomatous intestinal mucosal cells contained organisms that were free within the apical cytoplasm and were morphologically identical with those seen in the related disease, porcine intestinal adenomatosis. Also these bacteria were seen free in the subepithelial mucosal area, in blood vessels and within membrane-bound vesicles in phagocytic cells in the mucosa and its blood vessels. Mast cells were prominent in some areas as were thrombosed vessels.  相似文献   

Prevalence of proliferative enteritis on pig farms in Australia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUMMARY Three surveys, undertaken to assess the prevalence of proliferative enteritis (PE) on pig farms in Australia and to investigate risk factors associated with clinical disease, indicated that PE was a common disease in pig farms. Forty of the 71 (56%) randomly-selected producers had either observed PE or had a veterinarian diagnose the disease in their herd during 1988 to 1990. A relatively low prevalence of the disease was recorded at veterinary diagnostic laboratories, and this suggested that diagnoses of PE were often not confirmed by histopathological examination of the intestines of affected pigs. Non-haemorrhagic PE occurred most often in six- to 24-week-old pigs, but was also reported in 52-week-old pigs. Proliferative haemorrhagic enteropathy usually affected pigs over 16 weeks of age, but was also reported in pigs as young as six weeks and as old as four years of age. A survey of pig-specialist veterinarians indicated that most veterinarians diagnosed PE based on clinical and gross pathological examination of affected pigs, without laboratory confirmation. There were difficulties associated with measuring the prevalence of PE among herds, including the effectiveness of antibacterials for its prevention and control, its subclinical nature and probable mis-diagnoses. This study highlighted the need for an ante-mortem diagnostic test to measure the prevalence of PE more accurately.  相似文献   

This study indicates that viable Campylobacter sputorum subsp mucosalis are not present or are present in small numbers in the mucosa of pigs dying of proliferative haemorrhagic enteropathy. The changes present in the mucosa are similar to those seen in pigs recovering from adenomatosis and the evidence obtained indicates that the intracellular organisms observed in this condition are indeed mucosalis. The presence of large amounts of IgA in the altered tissue of both proliferative haemorrhagic enteropathy and porcine intestinal adenomatosis indicates that the failure to recover bacteria may be immunologically mediated but is not simply related to the presence or absence of antibody in the respective conditions.  相似文献   

An outbreak of proliferative haemorrhagic enteropathy (PHE) occurred in two epidodes and affected 372 adult pigs in the breeding units of a minimal disease piggery; 186 pigs died. In the initial episode breeding sows and boars of all ages were affected, suggesting infection of a fully susceptible population. Animals involved in the first episode of the disease did not show clinical symptoms at a later date and further clinical cases occurred only in animals introduced into the breeding population. Antibiotic feed medication was an effective method of prophylaxis. Bacteria resembling Campylobacter sputorum subspecies mucosalis were isolated from the intestinal mucosa of affected animals.  相似文献   

Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) was isolated from tissues of aborted fetuses and weaned and suckling piglets from 4 different pig farms in Quebec. The farms were experiencing reproductive failure in sows of different parities concomitant to respiratory problems in suckling and postweaning piglets. At necropsy, gross lesions were confined to the lung and consisted of pulmonary congestion and edema of various degrees. Lesions of multifocal interstitial to proliferative pneumonia were found in the lungs of these piglets. Bacteriologic examination of various tissues from necropsied pigs yielded no pathogens in most cases. No significant antibody titers against 3 swine viruses (transmissible gastroenteritis virus, porcine parvovirus, and swine influenza virus) and two bovine viruses (bovine viral diarrhea and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis viruses) were detected in the sera of convalescent pigs. The Quebec EMCV isolates were antigenically related to the reference ATCC-VR129 strain of EMCV, as demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence, serum neutralization (SN), and Western immunoblotting. However, one of the Quebec isolates could be distinguish by SN. EMCV-specific SN antibody titers up to 1:12,800 were detected in thoracic and ascitis fluids of aborted fetuses and in sera of convalescent pigs. A possible pneumotropic EMCV variant in swine may exist.  相似文献   

姚武群  李明  田萍  林敏 《畜牧与兽医》2002,34(10):10-12
以广东省东莞某猪场种母猪的繁殖性能为调查研究对象 ,以美国印地安纳州CountryLean猪场相应指标作为参照 ,通过对比研究 ,发现该场的仔猪成活率较高 ,但母猪分娩率、母猪年产仔胎数、仔猪断奶日龄、母猪头均年提供断奶仔猪和平均胎产活仔数这 5个指标较低。针对该场存在的不足 ,提出了改善种母猪群的胎次结构 ,提高公猪精液质量 ,改进配种技术与配种方法 ,加强防暑降温等措施 ,以提高母猪生产力  相似文献   

Lawsonia intracellularis is the causative agent of proliferative enteritis in pigs (PPE). This bacterium is difficult to culture from clinical samples and antemortem demonstration is therefore usually performed by PCR on faecal samples. The aim of this study was to elucidate the frequency of L. intracellularis infection in pig herds in Estonia using PCR, histopathological methods and electronmicroscopical studies. The frequency of demonstration of L. intracellularis was highest in 9-12 weeks old pigs (68.1%). It was more frequent in growing pigs with enteritis on small farms where the system of "all-in all-out" was not practiced and where standards of hygiene were poor. Gross and histopathological studies demonstrated that characteristic macroscopic changes associated with PPE were localised to the distal jejunum and ileum.Thickened longitudinal and circumferential folds occurred in the mucosa of the affected regions of the bowel. Samples from pigs aged 4 to 20 weeks exhibited the most intensive inflammatory changes. The distal part of the jejunum, ileum and the upper third of proximal colon and cecum wall were visibly thickened with reduced luminal diameter. Hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue and, in many cases, pseudomembranous or fibrinous inflammation was found. L. intracellularis was detected in 56 young pigs using histopathological methods. Additionally, in 8 of these pigs intracellular bacteria were demonstrated in ilial epithelial cells by transmission electronmicroscopical (TEM) investigation. On the basis of these TEM investigations it was concluded that L. intracellularis causes disturbances of normal growth, differentiation and apoptosis of the epithelial cells of ileum.  相似文献   

Equine proliferative enteropathy (EPE) is a disease of foals caused by the obligate intracellular organism Lawsonia intracellularis. This emerging disease affects mainly weanling foals and causes fever, lethargy, peripheral oedema, diarrhoea, colic and weight loss. The diagnosis of EPE may be challenging and relies on the presence of hypoproteinaemia, thickening of segments of the small intestinal wall observed on abdominal ultrasonography, positive serology and molecular detection of L. intracellularis in faeces. Although the clinical entity, diagnostic work-up and treatment of EPE are well established and described, the epidemiology for this disease has remained largely unaddressed. This article reviews the aetiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of EPE.  相似文献   

Proliferative enteropathy (PE) caused by the obligate intracellular bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis is a disease of high economic impact in swine worldwide. In most other species the disease occurs as a sporadic infection. This paper reports a PE caused by L. intracellularis in a 9-month-old Pura Raza Espa?ola filly with a history of profuse diarrhoea. Pathological lesions consisted of a severe proliferative enteritis associated with argyrophilic bacteria in the apical cytoplasm of proliferating crypt epithelium. Characteristic PCR products confirmed the presumptive diagnosis of L. intracellularis infection. To our knowledge this is the first report of PE in a horse in Europe caused by L. intracellularis.  相似文献   

A weanling foal was diagnosed with proliferative enteropathy caused by Lawsonia intracellularis based on history, clinical findings of depression, anorexia, weight loss, colic, diarrhea, and ventral edema, and a combination of serology and fecal PCR. An epidemiological investigation on the premises revealed that many of the other foals and adult horses were seropositive for L. intracellularis, despite being clinically normal, and identified a dog as a potential carrier and source of infection for the foal.The foal was successfully treated with a combination of azithromycin and rifampin.  相似文献   

To characterize the immune response associated with Lawsonia intracellularis infection, twenty-eight, 7-week-old pigs were dosed orally with a pure culture of L. intracellularis. Animals were killed 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days postinfection. Light microscopic studies were undertaken to immunophenotype the immunologic response using specific antibodies to T-cell subsets (CD3, CD4, and CD8), B cells, major histocompatibility complex class II, cadherin, and macrophages over the course of time. The results indicate that there is a direct association between the presence of L. intracellularis and reduced T-cell and B-cell numbers. For the first time, this provides evidence of the presence of an immunosuppressive mechanism operating in this disease. Furthermore, macrophage marker studies indicated that macrophages may play a more complex and significant role in the disease process than has been previously reported, with activated macrophages accumulating in infected hyperplastic crypts.  相似文献   

An experimental challenge model was developed to demonstrate Lawsonia intracellularis colonization and reproduction of proliferative enteropathy (PE) in naïve weaner pigs. Groups of pigs were orally dosed with between 1010 and 105 L. intracellularis extracted from haemorrhagic PE affected mucosa. Pigs were monitored for clinical signs and intestinal lesions of PE and evidence of bacterial colonization by serology and faecal polymerase chain reaction (PCR). One group of challenged pigs were necropsied after 21 days to confirm the reproduction of PE. L. intracellularis colonization and seroconversion was delayed in pigs dosed with lower numbers of L. intracellularis. When faecal shedding of L. intracellularis ceased to be detected in all of the challenged pigs, they were re-dosed orally with approximately 1010 L. intracellularis and monitored for evidence of re-colonization and clinical disease. This study demonstrated that pigs previously challenged with L. intracellularis were protected from re-colonization and clinical disease on subsequent exposure 10 weeks later, regardless of the initial dose of L. intracellularis.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟是由非洲猪瘟病毒引起的猪的一种急性、热性、高度接触性传染病。该病虽不是人畜共患病、不感染人,但对生猪产业威胁巨大,发病率高、死亡率高,疫情早期发现难、预防难、根除难,防控难度极大。种猪场和规模化猪场(以下简称“两场”)是生猪产业发展的根基和猪肉市场供给的主要来源,严防“两场”发生非洲猪瘟疫情,对保障生猪产业稳定发展和猪肉市场供给至关重要。  相似文献   

Proliferative enteropathy (PE) is a transmissible enteric disease caused by Lawsonia intracellularis. An outbreak of equine PE was diagnosed in foals from 3 breeding farms. Most foals had been weaned prior to the appearance of clinical signs, which included depression, rapid and marked weight loss, subcutaneous oedema, diarrhoea and colic. Poor body condition with a rough haircoat and a potbellied appearance were common findings in affected foals. Respiratory tract infection, dermatitis and intestinal parasitism were also found in some foals. Haematological and plasma biochemical abnormalities included hypoproteinaemia, transient leucocytosis, anaemia and increased serum creatinine kinase concentration. Postmortem diagnosis of PE was confirmed on 4 foals based on the presence of characteristic intracellular bacteria within the apical cytoplasm of proliferating crypt epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa, using silver stains, and by results of PCR analysis and immunohistochemistry. Antemortem diagnosis of equine PE was based on the clinical signs, hypoproteinaemia and the exclusion of common enteric infections. Faecal PCR analysis was positive for the presence of L. intracellularis in 6 of 18 foals tested while the serum of all 7 foals with PE serologically evaluated had antibodies against L. intracellularis. Most foals were treated with erythromycin estolate alone or combined with rifampin for a minimum of 21 days. Additional symptomatic treatments were administered when indicated. All but one foal treated with erythromycin survived the infection. This study indicates that equine PE should be included in the differential diagnosis of outbreaks of rapid weight loss, diarrhoea, colic and hypoproteinaemia in weanling foals.  相似文献   

胞内劳森菌及其所致的增殖性肠病   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本综述介绍的胞内劳森菌 ,是一种弯曲状杆菌 ,无鞭毛 ,抗酸染色阳性 ,能为Warthin Starry或Lavaditti镀银法着色。该菌存在于病畜肠细胞原生质内 ,至今不能人工培养 ,但可在一些肠细胞培养中生长 ,引起猪增殖性肠病 ,还见于仓鼠、马、鹿、雪貂、大鼠、兔、狐、鸵鸟、鸸鹋等动物。可用病理学、血清学、细菌学、PCR等方法诊断 ,防治可用抗生素 ,如金霉素、tylosin、dimetridiazole、carbadax、timulin等治疗 ,至今无疫苗。  相似文献   

Lawsonia (L.) intracellularis is the etiologic agent of ileitis, which occurs in different forms in pigs. The infection can be demonstrated by several methods. In routine diagnosis the indirect detection of L. intracellularis is conducted by measuring antibodies performing an indirect IFT or ELISA. Furthermore, an IFT and PCR on faecal and/or tissue samples are well established for the direct detection. The suitability of PCR on faecal samples is frequently discussed. Problems are related to various inhibitors that are component of faeces. When interpreting laboratory results, the past medical history of pigs, i.e. antimicrobial treatment, has to be considered. Since 2004 a new vaccine against ileitis is licensed. A possible influence of vaccination on diagnostic testing, especially PCR and ELISA, is hardly investigated. Therefore, the interpretation of laboratory results from vaccinated animals is, considering the current literature, restrained.  相似文献   

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