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Selection was performed for high November weight on ad libitum (AL) and restricted feeding (RF) in mink in two generations. A farm fed line (FF) was maintained as a control. The estimates of heritability for November weight were large (0.62, 0.52, and 0.73 in males and 0.68, 0.51, and 0.60 in females in the FF-, AL-, and RF-line). The results indicate that selection on AL feeding increased appetite and thereby improved feed conversion ratio while selection on RF improved feed utilization. Furthermore, the results suggest that selection for August weight produces lean mink while selection for November weight produces fat mink.  相似文献   

Genomic selection relies on single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are often collected using medium-density SNP arrays. In mink, no such array is available; instead, genotyping by sequencing (GBS) can be used to generate marker information. Here, we evaluated the effect of genomic selection for mink using GBS. We compared the estimated breeding values (EBVs) from single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (SSGBLUP) models to the EBV from ordinary pedigree-based BLUP models. We analyzed seven size and quality traits from the live grading of brown mink. The phenotype data consisted of ~20,600 records for the seven traits from the mink born between 2013 and 2016. Genotype data included 2,103 mink born between 2010 and 2014, mostly breeding animals. In total, 28,336 SNP markers from 391 scaffolds were available for genomic prediction. The pedigree file included 29,212 mink. The predictive ability was assessed by the correlation (r) between progeny trait deviation (PTD) and EBV, and the regression of PTD on EBV, using 5-fold cross-validation. For each fold, one-fifth of animals born in 2014 formed the validation set. For all traits, the SSGBLUP model resulted in higher accuracies than the BLUP model. The average increase in accuracy was 15% (between 3% for fur clarity and 28% for body weight). For three traits (body weight, silky appearance of the under wool, and guard hair thickness), the difference in r between the two models was significant (P < 0.05). For all traits, the regression slopes of PTD on EBV from SSGBLUP models were closer to 1 than regression slopes from BLUP models, indicating SSGBLUP models resulted in less bias of EBV for selection candidates than the BLUP models. However, the regression coefficients did not differ significantly. In conclusion, the SSGBLUP model is superior to conventional BLUP model in the accurate selection of superior animals, and, thus, it would increase genetic gain in a selective breeding program. In addition, this study shows that GBS data work well in genomic prediction in mink, demonstrating the potential of GBS for genomic selection in livestock species.  相似文献   

The aims of this study are to estimate variance components of litter size and kit survival rate and estimate genetic correlations of litter size and kit survival rate with dam's juvenile body weight and pregnancy length. Variance components for litter size and kit survival were analysed using an AI-REML approach, based on data from 1940 litters of the black colour type mink from 1996 to 2001. The models included (i) additive genetic effect of dam; (ii) dam and sire genetic effects; (iii) additive genetic effect of dam in relation to litter size and dam and sire genetic effects in relation to survival rate; (iv) additive genetic effect of dam to estimate the correlations of litter size or kit survival with dam juvenile body weight and pregnancy length on yearling dams (1357 litters). The dam heritabilities were of litter size (0.02-0.08) and survival rate (0.05-0.10). The permanent effects of dam were important for litter size (0.15-0.19) but not for survival rate. A positive dam genetic correlation between litter size and survival rate was found at 1 week postpartum (0.42), and a positive sire genetic correlation between number of weaned kits and survival rate at the age of 6 month (0.72). Litter size and survival rate were genetically antagonistically related to dam's juvenile body weight (-0.34 to -0.53). These results indicate the following: (i) it is possible to improve litter size and kit survival by selection, (ii) effective improvement of kit survival rate in the suckling period requires selection for maternal effect on kit survival and kit's own capacity to survive and later in the growth period for kit's own ability to survive and (iii) antagonistic genetic correlation of dam juvenile body weight with litter size and survival rate should be taken into consideration in mink breeding programs.  相似文献   

In this article we present the first estimation of genetic variation of stereotypic behaviour (SB). Stereotypic behaviour is defined as an unvarying behaviour without any specific goal or function repeated at least five times. All types of SB were included in the analyses. Altogether 1484 adult mink females of the brown colour type were assessed for behaviour traits: SB, active or inactive behaviour, staying in nest box. Genetic correlations were based on estimates of additive genetic (co)variances obtained from a trivariate linear animal model fitted to behaviour traits, body weight and litter size. The SB has an intermediate genetic variation ( h 2∼0.3) and divergent selection for SB confirmed that the frequency of SB can be altered by selection. The results confirmed the hypotheses of negative genetic correlation between SB and body weight and negative genetic correlation between body weight and litter size. The hypotheses of positive correlation between SB and active behaviour and SB and litter size were not confirmed. Consequences of selection for reduced SB can be changes in other behaviour traits, body weight and litter size, depending on the genetic correlation between the traits.  相似文献   

Background: Basic pathologic characteristics for farmed minks were previously reported worldwide. However, its status in the wild has not been studied in detail.

Objective: Serology and electrophoresis were carried out for evidence of exposure to 12 mink pathogens on two different locations.

Animals and methods: Serology was done in 87 wild minks by reference techniques against Toxoplasma gondii, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, Neospora caninum, Brucella abortus, Mycobacterium bovis, Leptospira interrogans, canine distemper virus (CDV), canine adenovirus (CAV), canine parvovirus (CPV), rabies virus (RV), Influenza A virus (FLUAV) and Aleutian disease virus (ADV). Hypergammaglobulinemia, the ADV main clinical feature, was determined by conventional electrophoresis.

Results: Seventy-one percent of the 87 sera had antibodies against one or more pathogens. ADV accounted for the highest seroprevalence (29%), followed by T. gondii (26%), L. interrogans (14%), M. bovis (12%), B. abortus (9%), N. caninum (3%), CPV (3%) and CDV (2%). Seroprevalence was influenced by location but not sex or age. Additionally, 16% of the seropositive samples for ADV had gammaglobulin levels >40.0 g/L. Antibody titers for CDV and CPV were low and difficult to interpret as almost all these cases had borderline concentrations.

Conclusion: A cautious interpretation of the results is urged as the epidemiological role of the wild mink is largely unexplored for most of these agents. Nevertheless, the information may be clinically relevant..  相似文献   

Pelt character traits (size, quality, colour clarity, darkness) are important economic traits in blue fox breeding. Better feed efficiency (FE) is another economically important and new breeding goal for fur animals. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlations between pelt character traits, FE and size traits and to estimate genetic parameters for pelt character traits. Pelt size (pSIcm) had a high positive genetic correlation with animal grading size (gSI), final body weight (BWFin), body length and daily gain (DG), and a moderate correlation with body condition score (BCS). Animal body length and BCS (describing fatness) were considered as genetically different traits. Genetic correlations between pelt quality and size traits were estimated without precision and did not differ from zero, but colour clarity (pCL) had a low antagonistic genetic correlation with FE. Pelt size and DG had a favourable genetic correlation with FE but a fairly high unfavourable genetic correlation with dry matter feed intake. The current emphasis on selection for larger animal and pelt size improves FE indirectly, but selection for larger pelt size favours fast‐growing and fat individuals and simultaneously increases feed intake. The detected genetic connections between FE, size, feed intake and pCL should be taken into account in the Finnish blue fox breeding programme.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthesis by mink uterine glandular and luminal epithelia (GE and LE) is stimulated by estradiol (E2) during estrus. Subsequently, the glycogen deposits are mobilized to near completion to meet the energy requirements of pre‐embryonic development and implantation by as yet undetermined mechanisms. We hypothesized that progesterone (P4) was responsible for catabolism of uterine glycogen reserves as one of its actions to ensure reproductive success. Mink were treated with E2, P4 or vehicle (controls) for 3 days and uteri collected 24 h (E2, P4 and vehicle) and 96 h (E2) later. To evaluate E2 priming, mink were treated with E2 for 3 days, then P4 for an additional 3 days (E2→P4) and uteri collected 24 h later. Percent glycogen content of uterine epithelia was greater at E2 + 96 h (GE = 5.71 ± 0.55; LE = 11.54 ± 2.32) than E2+24 h (GE = 3.63 ± 0.71; LE = 2.82 ± 1.03), and both were higher than controls (GE = 0.27 ± 0.15; LE = 0.54 ± 0.30; P < 0.05). Treatment as E2→P4 reduced glycogen content (GE = 0.61 ± 0.16; LE = 0.51 ± 0.13), to levels not different from controls, while concomitantly increasing catabolic enzyme (glycogen phosphorylase m and glucose‐6‐phosphatase) gene expression and amount of phospho‐glycogen synthase protein (inactive) in uterine homogenates. Interestingly, E2→P4 increased glycogen synthase 1 messenger RNA (mRNA) and hexokinase 1mRNA and protein. Our findings suggest to us that while E2 promotes glycogen accumulation by the mink uterus during estrus and pregnancy, it is P4 that induces uterine glycogen catabolism, releasing the glucose that is essential to support pre‐embryonic survival and implantation.  相似文献   

Covariance components were estimated for growth traits (BW, birth weight; WW, weaning weight; YW, yearling weight), visual scores (BQ, breed quality; CS, conformation; MS, muscling; NS, navel; PS, finishing precocity), hip height (HH), and carcass traits (BF, backfat thickness; LMA, longissimus muscle area) measured at yearling. Genetic gains were obtained and validation models on direct and maternal effects for BW and WW were fitted. Genetic correlations of growth traits with CS, PS, MS, and HH ranged from 0.20 ± 0.01 to 0.94 ± 0.01 and were positive and low with NS (0.11 ± 0.01 to 0.20 ± 0.01) and favorable with BQ (0.14 ± 0.02 to 0.37 ± 0.02). Null to moderate genetic correlations were obtained between growth and carcass traits. Genetic gains were positive and significant, except for BW. An increase of 0.76 and 0.72 kg is expected for BW and WW, respectively, per unit increase in estimated breeding value (EBV) for direct effect and an additional 0.74 and 1.43, respectively, kg per unit increase in EBV for the maternal effect. Monitoring genetic gains for HH and NS is relevant to maintain an adequate body size and a navel morphological correction, if necessary. Simultaneous selection for growth, morphological, and carcass traits in line with improve maternal performance is a feasible strategy to increase herd productivity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether nutrient digestibility and reproductive performance of pregnant mink(Neovison vison) were affected by different dietary protein levels. One hundred and twenty female mink were randomly assigned to four groups, receiving diets of fresh material with different protein levels. The dietary protein levels,expressed as percentage of dry matter(DM),were 32,36, 40 and 44% respectively. These values corresponded to average 320, 360, 400 and 440 g protein/kg DM, respectively. Results were as follows. All of crude protein digestibility, nitrogen(N) intake, N retention increased along with dietary protein level increasing. Low protein level(32%) significantly reduced the above indicators(P 0.05). DM digestibility and ether extract digestibility were not affected by dietary protein level. Results of mated females, barren females, kids per litter, live born kids per mated female, birth survival rate, and birth weight showed that mink achieved optimal reproductive performance when dietary protein level was 36%. In conclusion, dietary protein was anticipated to significantly influence some nutrients' utilization. Adopting the appropriate dietary protein level allow better reproduction performance. The most preferable reproductive performance was achieved when diet contained 275.5 g digestible protein per kg DM for female mink in gestation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether farming leads to changes in gastrointestinal function and nitrogen metabolism in farmed mink (FA), as compared with their wild‐living counterparts. Three digestibility and balance trials were carried out. Experiment I was performed in May, and experiments II and III were conducted in September 2011. Farmed mink with the standard coat colour were purchased from a production farm in south‐eastern Poland. Feral mink were harvested using cages in the hunting grounds of the Polish Hunting Association, Branch in Olsztyn. The experimental materials comprised of the following: trial I – adult males (eight animals per group), trial II – young females (six animals per group), trial III–young animals (five males and five females per group). Food transit time was measured during digestibility trials, on 10 consecutive days. The coefficients of nutrient and energy digestibility and daily nitrogen balance values were compared between groups in each experiment. It was found that farming contributed to changes in gastrointestinal function and nitrogen metabolism in mink. Farmed animals were characterized by a longer bowel transit time, a tendency towards higher nutrient digestibility and higher nitrogen retention, which resulted from selection for higher productivity.  相似文献   

根据GenBank中公布的雪貂(登录号:EF405957)、大熊猫(登录号:XM_002930310)、家犬(登录号:CFU42219)及猫(登录号:AY959314)的酪氨酸酶(tyrosinase, TYR)基因DNA序列保守区域,设计1对特异性引物,利用PCR及克隆技术测定了短毛黑水貂、红眼白水貂和米黄色水貂的TYR基因外显子1部分序列,并对该序列进行了BLAST鉴定及变异位点分析,基于该基因编码氨基酸序列构建了16个物种的系统进化树。结果表明,测定的3种毛色水貂TYR基因序列长度均为796 bp,包括795 bp的外显子1和1 bp 5'UTR,共检测到5个单一突变位点:g.A34G、g.T138A、g.T248C、g.A545G和g.C765A,包含4个错义突变:g.A34G(p.Ser12Gly)、g.T248C(p.Val83Ala)、g.A545G(p.Tyr182Cys)和g.C765A(p.His255Gln),1个移码突变分别出现在短毛黑水貂和红眼白水貂个体间:g.T138A(p.Cys46*),获得TYR基因GenBank登录号分别为:短毛黑水貂(KJ198847)、红眼白水貂(KJ658343)和米黄色水貂(KJ152769)。水貂与雪貂、大熊猫、家犬、猫、家兔、猪、羊驼、山羊、绵羊、牛、人、猕猴、黑猩猩、原鸡和日本鹌鹑的TYR基因核苷酸序列同源性为72.8%~98.6%,相应氨基酸序列同源性为75.0%~98.1%。TYR基因分子进化树显示水貂与雪貂遗传关系最近,分化时间约为1000万年前,且与原鸡和日本鹌鹑亲缘关系最远。该结果为进一步开展TYR基因多态性与水貂毛色表型的相关性研究奠定了生物信息学基础。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to analyze the effects of the first mating date, age and color variety on the conception rates in farm mink. We analyzed female mink reproductive performance in 492 Sapphire and 463 Standard Black females over 3 or 4 years. The analysis included the number of inefficient matings, the interval between the first inefficient mating and the efficient mating (copulation) and the conception rates. The results show a significant effect of female's age and color variety on the conception rates. The youngest, yearling females of either color needed a higher number of matings per conception, as compared to older, 2‐ and 3‐year‐old females. Black females demonstrated a higher number of inefficient matings (1.066), as compared with Sapphires (0.730). Yearling females were most often mated from 1 to 10 March, and older females from 11 to 20 March. Older females achieved better conception rates than the yearlings. Dates between 11 and 25 March proved to be the optimum for the first mating, since the highest conception rates were observed if the females had mated during this period.  相似文献   

The welfare of an animal is ensured if it is able to fully satisfy its essential species‐typical needs in all functional aspects of behaviour. In mink, stereotypies and apathy, internal and/or external injuries as well as increased susceptibility to disease have been known to occur as a result of chronic stress. The non‐invasive method of analysing faecal cortisol metabolites (FCM) allows conclusions to be drawn about the stress level in the respective housing system. The objective of this study is to find out how the cortisol metabolites content in the faecal changes with increasing age of the mink under semi‐natural housing conditions. Thus, 40 American mink (Neovison vison) were housed in two outdoor enclosures imitating natural conditions. Throughout the entire study (13th to 32nd week of life), faecal samples were collected to measure cortisol metabolites. No differences in FCM concentrations between the two outdoor enclosures were found. In the young mink lower, less fluctuating FCM levels were found than in older animals. After the first faecal collection in the 13th/14th week of life, the level of metabolites decreased slightly (p = 0.032; 17th/18th week). From the 22nd/23rd week onwards until the 30th/31st week, shortly before the animals were pelted, continuously increasing concentrations were then measured. Increasing FCM levels with advancing age of the animals are probably attributable to the onset of sexual maturity and/or the respective season. This has to be taken into account in future studies using this method for assessing welfare and when comparing different mink housing systems.  相似文献   



Rapid body fat mobilization, obesity, and an inadequate supply of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) have been suggested to play roles in the etiology of fatty liver in the American mink (Neovison vison). This study examined the effects of feeding intensity and dietary fat source on fatty liver induced by fasting. In a multi-factorial design, 3 different fat sources (herring oil, rich in n-3 PUFA, soya oil, rich in n-6 PUFA, and canola oil, rich in n-9 monounsaturated fatty acids) were fed to mink at a low and high feeding intensity for 10 weeks, followed by an overnight or a 5-day fasting treatment to induce fatty liver.


Fasting led to the development of fatty liver with increased severity in the mink fed at the high feeding intensity. The herring oil diet, high in long-chain n-3 PUFA, was found to decrease the severity of fatty liver in the mink at the high feeding intensity.


Preventing excessive weight gain and increasing dietary intake of n-3 long-chain PUFA may help prevent excessive lipid accumulation during prolonged periods of fasting or inappetence by promoting hepatic fatty acid oxidation.  相似文献   

被毛颜色作为一个直观且易被识别的重要经济性状,在水貂优良品种培育过程中备受关注。不同毛色皮张的品质和价格也存在一定的差异,因此,探明水貂毛色遗传机理已成为育种者不可避免的问题。作者从遗传学角度对水貂的毛色进行分类,对决定其毛色性状的黑素亲和素(MLPH)、溶酶体转运调节基因(LYST)、酪氨酸酶相关蛋白1(TYRP1)、小眼畸形相关转录因子(MITF)、酪氨酸酶(TYR)、刺鼠信号蛋白(ASIP)、内皮素受体(EDNRB)基因与配对盒基因3(Pax3)转录因子的DNA序列变异与毛色表型之间的关系进行了综述,并概述了中国在培育水貂优良品种方面取得的重要成果,以期为今后系统性研究水貂毛色形成机理、制定育种目标与方案及新色型品种的选育提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Antimicrobial agents are used extensively off‐label in mink, as almost no agents are registered for this animal species. Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) data are required to determine antimicrobial dosages specifically targeting mink bacterial pathogens. The aims of this study were to assess, in a PKPD framework, the empirical dosage regimen for a combination of trimethoprim (TMP) and sulfadiazine (SDZ) in mink, and secondarily to produce data for future setting of clinical breakpoints. TMP and SDZ PK parameters were obtained experimentally in 22 minks following IV or oral administration of TMP/SDZ (30 mg/kg, i.e. 5 mg/kg TMP and 25 mg/kg SDZ). fAUC/MIC with a target value of 24 hr was selected as the PKPD index predictive of TMP/SDZ efficacy. Using a modeling approach, PKPD cutoffs for TMP and SDZ were determined as 0.062 and 16 mg/L, respectively. By incorporating an anticipated potentiation effect of SDZ on TMP against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus delphini, the PKPD cutoff of TMP was revised to 0.312 mg/L, which is above the tentative epidemiological cutoffs (TECOFF) for these species. The current empirical TMP/SDZ dosage regimen (30 mg/kg, PO, once daily) therefore appears adequate for treatment of wild‐type E. coli and S. delphini infections in mink.  相似文献   

试验旨在探究鼠灰色(agouti signaling protein,ASIP)基因单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms,SNPs)形成的单倍型及皮肤组织差异表达mRNA对水貂被毛色素沉积的影响。通过PCR扩增、Sanger测序技术对金州黑水貂、红眼白水貂和名威银蓝水貂ASIP基因进行SNPs单倍型检测分析,利用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测3种毛色皮肤组织ASIP基因的表达量,分析单倍型及mRNA差异表达与毛色表型的相关性。结果表明,301个样本中共检测到10个SNPs,内含子2中4个SNPs (G18A、A159G、G235T、C1189T)共形成10种单倍型(Hap1~Hap10),其中Hap1(GAGC)和Hap2(GAGT)是3种不同毛色水貂群体的共享单倍型;部分内含子3中6个SNPs (C252T、A290C、G298C、A340G、T343C、T379C)形成4种单倍型(Hap1~Hap4),且Hap2(CCCGCC)是名威银蓝水貂群体的主体单倍型。5个位点(A290C、G298C、A340G、T343C、T379C)均处于完全连锁不平衡状态。实时荧光定量PCR检测显示,金州黑水貂和名威银蓝水貂ASIP基因mRNA表达量分别是红眼白水貂的1.25和0.95倍,三者间差异不显著(P>0.05)。研究结果初步提示,ASIP基因调控水貂不同毛色表型形成的分子机制可能存在差异。  相似文献   

旨在探究中国荷斯坦牛性情的影响因素,估计方差组分和遗传参数并揭示其遗传趋势。本试验收集北京地区2015-2017年13个奶牛场共9 016头健康泌乳牛的性情评分,采用logistic回归模型分析性情影响因素,利用DMU软件使用动物模型估计性情评分、直肠温度、日产奶量和繁殖性状(产犊到首次配种间隔、重复输精次数)的遗传力及其之间的遗传相关,并根据估计育种值分析其遗传趋势。结果显示,北京地区中国荷斯坦牛性情评分1分、 2分和3分比例分别为75.00%、19.25%和5.75%;胎次和场-评定人效应对性情评分有显著影响(P<0.05);性情评分估计遗传力为0.03,属于低遗传力性状,与重复输精次数为中度遗传相关(r=0.56),与产犊到首次配种间隔和直肠温度为中度负遗传相关(r=-0.30,r=-0.17),而与日产奶量为低度遗传相关(r=0.07);2001-2017年,北京地区中国荷斯坦牛性情遗传趋势总体上无明显变化。本研究是国内首次对奶牛性情进行遗传分析,为了解奶牛行为特征、实现平衡育种提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for different claw disorders, overall claw health and feet and leg conformation traits were estimated for Finnish Ayrshire cows. The merged data set with records of claw health and feet and leg conformation traits consisted of 105 000 observations from 52 598 Finnish Ayrshire cows between 2000 and 2010. The binary claw health data and the linearly scored conformation data were analysed using an animal model and restricted maximum likelihood method by applying the statistical package ASReml. Binomial logistic models with mixed effects were used to estimate genetic parameters for sole haemorrhages, chronic laminitis, white‐line separation, sole ulcer, interdigital dermatitis, heel horn erosion, digital dermatitis, corkscrew claw and overall claw health. Estimated heritabilities for different claw disorders using a binomial logistic model ranged from 0.01 to 0.20. Estimated heritability for overall claw health using a binomial logistic model was 0.08. Estimated heritabilities for feet and leg conformation traits ranged from 0.07 to 0.39. The genetic correlations between claw health and feet and leg conformation traits ranged from ?0.40 to 0.42. All phenotypic correlations were close to zero. The moderate genetic correlation, together with higher heritability of feet and leg conformation traits, showed that RLSV (rear leg side view) is a useful indicator trait to be used together with claw trimming information to increase the accuracy of breeding values for claw health in genetic evaluation.  相似文献   

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