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The various conditions of the interphalangeal joint are presented; these include degenerative joint disease and osteochondral chip fractures of the proximal interphalangeal joint, fractures of the middle phalanx affecting proximal and/or distal interphalangeal joints, subluxation and osteochondrosis of the proximal interphalangeal joint, and arthrosis of the distal interphalangeal joint.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Sharp turns are suspected to increase expression of several distal forelimb lamenesses even at the walk but the biomechanical consequences of such a movement remain unknown. OBJECTIVE: To quantify the effects of a sharp turn at the walk on the 3-dimensional movements of the distal segments of the forelimb. METHODS: Kinematics of the distal segments were measured in 4 healthy horses invasively with an ultrasonic system. Three-dimensional rotations of the digital joints were calculated by use of a joint coordinate system. Data obtained for a turn at the walk were compared to those obtained in a straight line. RESULTS: During the stance phase in a turn, the inside forelimb underwent an adduction that induced lateromotion and medial rotation in the distal interphalangeal joint and medial rotation in the proximal interphalangeal joint. These movements were maximal at heel-off and decreased during breakover as the hoof underwent a sudden lateral rotation. CONCLUSIONS: Walking in a sharp turn affects the kinematics of the digital joints outside the sagittal plane. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This knowledge offers the opportunity to derive hypotheses on biomechanical factors that could contribute to the pathogenesis of digital injuries and on consequences for rational shoeing.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The equine metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints, although having virtually the same geometrical appearance, differ in the prevalence of joint pathologies, such as osteochondral fragmentation, and in biomechanical behaviour. The recently developed cartilage degeneration index (CDI) technique offers a possibility to assess quantitatively differences in cartilage degeneration between these joints and to compare these with known differences in biomechanics and clinical observations. OBJECTIVES: To compare the topographical distribution of articular cartilage degeneration across the proximal articular surface of the proximal phalanx (P1) in the equine fore- and hindlimb. METHODS: In 24 distal hindlimbs from 24 horses, articular cartilage degeneration of the proximal articular surface of P1 was quantified using the CDI. Overall CDI value (CDI(P1)) and CDI values of 6 areas of interest were determined: the medial dorsal surface (mds), lateral dorsal surface (lds), medial central fovea (mcf), lateral central fovea (lcf), medial plantar surface (mps) and lateral plantar surface (lps). The joints were divided into 4 equally sized groups of increasing CDI(P1) values. From an existing CDI database of MCP joints, 24 joints were selected with matching CDI(P1) values to the MTP joints and CDI values for the same areas of interest were determined. RESULTS: In both the MCP and MTP joints, highest CDI values were determined at the dorsal articular surfaces. Values were not significantly different between fore- and hindlimbs. In contrast to the MCP joint, CDI values at the plantar joint margin were significantly higher compared to CDI values in the central sites in the MTP joint. CDI values for the plantar surfaces of P1 were significantly higher than those for the palmar surfaces in the forelimb in joints with advanced stages of OA; and values for the central regions of P1 were significantly lower in the hindlimb compared with the forelimb in joints with severe OA. CONCLUSIONS: In both fore- and hindlimbs, initial cartilage degeneration started at the dorsal articular margin of P1. There was a major difference in the spread of cartilage degeneration; in the forelimb both the central and palmar parts are about equally involved, whereas in the hindlimb the plantar parts were significantly more and the central parts significantly less involved. These differences can be linked to differences in biomechanical loading reported elsewhere. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study supports the hypothesis that differences in biokinematics between fore- and hindlimbs are associated with differences in the development of cartilage degeneration and other joint pathologies such as osteochondral fragmentation in the MCP and MTP joints. This information is indispensable for a better understanding of the dynamic nature and progression of these joint disorders and may be of help when monitoring the effects of therapeutic interventions and preventative measures.  相似文献   

The article describes arthroscopical techniques (diagnostic and surgical) and limitations in the distal and proximal interphalangeal joints. Arthroscope and instrumental portals in the dorsal and palmar/plantar pouches of these joints are illustrated. Various pathological conditions are highlighted and discussed. The arthroscopic access to small joints and the special problems with arthroscopy in small joints under fluid and gas distension are compared. The surgical access to palmar proximal interphalangeal joint was not described earlier.  相似文献   

Strains of the suspensory ligament and deep digital flexor, superficial digital flexor, and long digital extensor tendons in the equine (pony) hind limb were recorded in vivo, using implanted strain gauges consisting of silicone rubber tubes filled with mercury. The relationship between strain gauge signals and tendon strains was obtained from tension-strain tests performed on isolated tendons after death of the ponies. During normal walking, maximal tendon strain (elongation over initial length, relative to the length of the structures at first ground contact) was 3.1% in the suspensory ligament and 3.4%, 2.3%, and 0.3% in the deep digital flexor, the superficial digital flexor, and the long digital extensor tendons, respectively. Changes (that occurred during walking) in the distance from origin to insertion of these musculotendinous structures were computed from limb geometric configuration and limb conformation. Maximal increase in origin to insertion length was 3.1% in the suspensory ligament and 2%, 1.6%, and 1.5% in the deep digital flexor, superficial digital flexor, and long digital extensor musculotendinous structures, respectively. The differences in strain, comparing the entire musculotendinous structure and its tendon, were explained by muscular contraction or relaxation.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional reconstruction of the equine ovary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The equine ovary has a very unique structure in terms of its extreme large size, the presence of the ovulation fossa and the inverted location of its cortex and medulla. In the previous study, it was recognized that the application of three-dimensional internal structure microscopy (3D-ISM) to observe the mare ovary is very effective. Three-dimensional reconstruction of serially sliced images made by 3D-ISM was successful in this study with the aid of the sophisticated image processing technique. The rotation of the reconstructed ovary has been carried out with and without the application of the transparency technique in the ovarian stromal region. The spatial localization of follicles and corpus luteum was clearly visualized by rotating the reconstructed image of the ovary. The extraction of the images of follicles and corpus luteum was also available and gave a quantifiable understanding of their structure.  相似文献   

Desmopathy of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal joint is a common cause of equine foot lameness and carries a poor prognosis with conservative management. Intralesional injections may improve healing, although accuracy of radiographically guided injections is significantly less than when guided by MRI, which requires special needles. Longitudinal ultrasound‐guided injection of the distal collateral ligament has not been evaluated objectively. In this prospective, anatomic study, seven equine cadaver limbs (14 collateral ligaments) were injected with methylene blue dye and radiographic contrast medium using ultrasound to guide the needle longitudinally into the collateral ligaments until contacting bone. The insertion site of the needle proximal to the coronary band was measured on the limb and the needles left in place for radiography and CT to evaluate the needle angulation, location of the contrast medium, and whether the contrast entered the distal interphalangeal joint. The limbs were frozen and sectioned with a band saw to identify the location of the dye. Fifty percentage of injections were in or around the collateral ligaments. However, the percentage of “successful” injections, defined as in the collateral ligament but not in the joint, was only 36%. All legs had dye and contrast in the joint after both ligaments had been injected. There were no significant differences between the needle angle and entry site for “successful” and “unsuccessful” injections. Findings from this study indicates that the success rate is low for injecting the distal portions of the distal interphalangeal joint collateral ligaments using ultrasound guidance alone.  相似文献   

Linear, temporal and angular biokinematic characteristics of the forelimb at the walk in different breeds were determined, highlighting inter-breed differences. Twenty-three healthy stallions were used: ten Andalusians (AN), seven Arabs (AR) and six Anglo-Arabs (AA). Height at the withers was significantly different between groups (P < 0.001). Six trials per horse were recorded using a levelled video camera (sampling frame rate 25 frames/s), digitized and analysed using a semi-automatic movement analysis system. No statistically significant differences in speeds were recorded between breeds (P > 0.05). The only temporal parameter which was similar in the three breeds was the moment at which the hoof reached the highest point in its trajectory. The variables presenting the most significant differences were the percentages of deceleration and propulsion within the stance phase. ANOVA for angular variables showed that the greatest difference was in the range of angular movement of the carpal joint, being higher in AN, due to a lower minimum value. In the fetlock joint, the greatest difference was observed in minimum values, which differed in all three breeds. Significant inter-breed differences were also observed for maximum limb retraction, being lowest in the AN group, followed by the AA and AR groups. This finding was reflected in the angular range of motion, despite smaller differences in the degree of limb protraction; very similar values were reported in all three breeds. As regards the elbow joint, no inter-breed differences were observed in terms of minimum values, whereas differences were recorded for maximum and angular range of motion, higher values being displayed by the AR and AN groups than by AA animals. In conclusion, inter-breed differences may be determined in equine forelimb biokinematics at the walk. This study distinguished between AN, AR and AA horses.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and stromelysin are produced by equine chondrocytes and synovial cells in vitro in response to recombinant human (rh) interleukin-1 (IL-1) alpha and beta, and equine mononuclear cell supernatants (MCS) containing IL-1. However, culture conditions are important. PGE2 concentrations increase in proportion to the concentration of fetal calf serum (FCS) in the culture medium, whereas stromelysin concentrations are inversely proportional to the concentration of FCS. Equine MCS, containing a lower concentration of IL-1 than the concentration of rhIL-1 used in these experiments, stimulated production of much higher levels of PGE2 than rhIL-1. In addition, equine MCS induced the production of broadly similar levels of PGE2 by both chondrocytes and synovial cells, whereas rhIL-1 was more active on equine synovial cells than equine chondrocytes. Although equine MCS induced both stromelysin and PGE2 production by equine articular cells, on the whole rhIL-1 failed to induce stromelysin production. This supports previous observations of species restrictions in the activity of human IL-1 on equine cells. Therefore, experiments using mammalian cells and heterologous IL-1 should be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine and correlate subchondral bone mineral density and overlying cartilage structure and tensile integrity in mature healthy equine stifle (low magnitude loading) and metacarpophalangeal (high magnitude loading) joints. ANIMALS: 8 healthy horses, 2 to 3 years of age. PROCEDURE: Osteochondral samples were acquired from the medial femoral condyle (FC) and medial trochlear ridge (TR) of the stifle joint and from the dorsal (MC3D) and palmar (MC3P) aspects of the distal medial third metacarpal condyles of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Articular cartilage surface fibrillation (evaluated via India ink staining) and tensile biomechanical properties were determined. The volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) of the underlying subchondral plate was assessed via dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. RESULTS: Cartilage staining (fibrillation), tensile moduli, tensile strength, and vBMD were greater in the MC3D and MC3P locations, compared with the FC and TR locations, whereas tensile strain at failure was less in MC3D and MC3P locations than FC and TR locations. Cartilage tensile moduli correlated positively with vBMD, whereas cartilage staining and tensile strain at failure correlated negatively with vBMD. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In areas of high joint loading, the subchondral bone had high vBMD and the articular cartilage surface layer had high tensile stiffness but signs of structural wear (fibrillation and low failure strain). The site-dependent variations and relationships in this study support the concept that articular cartilage and subchondral bone normally adapt to physiologic loading in a coordinated way.  相似文献   

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