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古尔班通古特沙漠风沙土水分垂直分布与受损植被的恢复 总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14
古尔班通古特沙漠中大规模、高强度的人类活动严重干扰和损坏了荒漠植被。在该沙漠特有的生境下 ,受损植被具有一定的自然恢复和更新能力。但要加速恢复过程 ,则需辅以积极有效的措施。本文经过跟踪监测人工种植荒漠植物的出苗、生长以及风沙土水分垂直分布特征 ,查明了植物出苗、存活率和风沙土中水分垂直分布的动态关系。 相似文献
2002-2009年中国干旱区积雪时空分布特征 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以中国干旱区为研究对象,利用MODIS和AMSR-E融合后的2002-2009年8个水文年份(8月1日至7月31日)的无云积雪产品,计算并验证了用遥感方法提取研究区积雪日数、初雪日期和终雪日期的精度,结合积雪日数制图和积雪面积统计,分析了研究区8 a来积雪时空分布特征。结果显示:① 与气象台站观测资料获取的积雪参数的对比验证表明,遥感方法提取积雪参数的精度较高,误差日数大多在20 d以内,主要表现为遥感方法积雪日数的低估,初雪日期的延后和终雪日期的提前。② 除山地冰川和永久积雪外,天山和阿尔泰山山系间的北疆地区是研究区内季节性积雪最为丰富的地区,积雪日数一般在60 d以上,不过积雪的分布不均匀,大体上从边缘山区向内部盆地中心积雪日数递减,初雪日期延后,终雪日期提前。③ 干旱区在2005年、2007年和2002年积雪面积较大,而2008年和2006年积雪面积较小。各年稳定积雪存在的地区和范围相对稳定,面积变化不大,其年际变化主要体现在积雪日数的增减上;不稳定积雪的面积一般高于稳定积雪,且年际变化较大,积雪日数大多在20 d以内。 相似文献
基于2001-2014年的MODIS10A2积雪产品数据,对新疆阿尔泰地区积雪的年际变化特征、年内变化特征及空间分布进行了分析研究,得到以下结论:1)年内积雪一般由10月中旬左右便开始累积建立,在第二年1月份积雪覆盖面积到最大值,7月份积雪覆盖面积达到最小值,其中,冬季积雪面积所占比例最大,夏季最小。2)2001-2014年新疆阿尔泰地区积雪覆盖面积呈减少趋势。阿尔泰地区积雪空间分布极不均匀,北部积雪分布明显多于南部,山区及高海拔地区为积雪频次分布的高值区,平原及流域地区为积雪覆盖频次的低值区。3)永久性积雪主要分布在阿尔泰山北部的高海拔区(3000-3923m),且面积较小。 相似文献
利用Snow Fork雪特性分析仪和超声波雪深传感器,分别对林地、草地和灌木地的积雪深度、雪密度及液态含水率进行监测,对比分析3种下垫面雪密度、液态含水率在积雪垂直剖面分布的差异性及积雪深度随时间累积的变化特征。结果表明:主要积雪期为历年11月至次年2月,积雪期3种下垫面雪深变化规律基本一致,呈累积变化趋势,但林地因自身树冠层的截留作用,其平均积雪深度最小,较林外草地积雪总量,林地树冠层对降雪的截留量约为45.33%;积雪初期(10月底至11月中旬)各下垫面雪密度、液态含水率从积雪底层至表层变化趋势基本一致,最大值均出现在积雪表层或中间层;积雪后期(12月至次年2月中旬)3种下垫面雪密度峰值均出现在积雪底层,而液态含水率存在差异性,林地、草地液态含水率在积雪底层0cm-10cm处达到峰值,灌木地在中间层20cm-30cm处达到峰值;不同下垫面在同一积雪层处雪密度、液态含水率随时间累积均呈递增趋势。 相似文献
古尔班通古特沙漠生物结皮影响下土壤水分的日变化 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对新疆古尔班通古特沙漠生物结皮影响下土壤水分的日变化特征进行了定量研究,结果表明:①无论是结皮覆盖区还是无结皮覆盖区,其土壤含水量随深度的变化均表现出明显的层次性,其中以距地表 20 cm处的土壤含水量最高.②结皮覆盖区距地表5 cm和10 cm处的土壤含水量显著高于无结皮覆盖区(LSD检验, p <0.05);而45 cm和60 cm处的土壤含水量则表现为结皮覆盖区极显著低于无结皮区(LSD检验,p<0.05),说明生物结皮具有较强的保持土壤表层水分的能力.③结皮覆盖区与无结皮覆盖区土壤水分的日变化特征明显不同于距地表5 cm处,而其他各土层的变化趋势则较为一致.无结皮覆盖区距地表5 cm处土壤水分的日变化呈先上升后下降的趋势,而结皮覆盖区的变化则恰恰相反. 相似文献
利用气象卫星监测雪情的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文利用极轨气象卫星NOAA/AVHRR资料和地面实测雪深数据,进行了积雪与裸露地面的判别、云雪区分,以及积雪深度的研究,并对积雪动态做了初步探讨。 相似文献
工程行为对古尔班通古特沙漠植被的破损及恢复 总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14
随着准噶尔盆地石油开发力度不断加大和工程建设相继上马 ,古尔班通古特沙漠环境脆弱的生态平衡受人为活动影响日益严重。突出表现在工程行为造成沙漠植被的破损 ,如碾压、铲除、压埋、油污 ,以及对植物生长环境地表的扰动等。通过观察试验发现 ,当工程行为方式及强度对生态环境的干扰未使生态稳定性瓦解时 ,则沙漠植被具有自然恢复能力 ,但恢复过程需要较长的时间才能完成。若要加速和强化恢复过程 ,就要在工程中采取及时固沙、适时补播灌草植物的有效人工辅助措施 相似文献
通过布设种子收集器收集种子,对收集的种子以时空差异进行分组分析,探讨羽毛针禾[WTBX](Stipagrostis pennata)[WTBZ]种子散布规律以及古尔班通古特沙漠种群的种子雨特征。结果表明:① 羽毛针禾种子雨的积累密度平均达到3 766.30粒·株-1,其中饱满种子占19.56%;② 种子散布的高峰集中在6月25到7月15日,其落种量占整个种子雨的61.96%,其后种子雨密度随时间逐渐减小;③ 种子雨密度与生境之间均不存在显著性差异;④ 种子雨总量与其年龄之间存在显著性差异;⑤ 种子雨的前扩散过程中种子集中降落在背风方向4 m范围和株丛周围1 m内。古尔班通古特沙漠南缘种子雨虽质量不高,但密度大,对种群的自然更新具有一定的意义。 相似文献
古尔班通古特沙漠南缘优势物种的种间关联特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于古尔班通古特沙漠南缘植物多样性的调查,对22个优势物种间的关联性进行了分析。结果表明:231个种对中,正关联种对数(141对)多于负关联种对(90对),且前者达到显著关联的种对数(89对)也多于后者(27对)。乔灌木对草本植物分布具有显著影响,形成种对中正关联种对数(44对)多于负关联种对(28对),且前者达到显著关联的种对数(22对)也多于后者(10对)。其中白梭梭、白茎绢蒿和淡枝沙拐枣分别与18个优势草本中的11个、13个和13个呈正关联,且多为显著关联;但梭梭与这些草本均不存在显著正关联,表现出明显的生境趋异性。绝大部分(211对)种对的OI<0.6,处于中等偏弱联结强度,表明干旱环境胁迫使部分物种在资源利用趋同同时,而不同物种集团之间发生了空间分布的分离。DCA排序图的种间距离和分布位置在一定程度上印证了上述结果。研究认为本沙漠白梭梭、白茎绢蒿和淡枝沙拐枣等灌木不仅具有防风固沙效应,而且对草本具有重要的看护效应,需要重点保护。在人工植被恢复过程中,应重视不同乔灌木与草本植物间的合理搭配,以构成灌木-草本群落,形成立体防风固沙体系,更好地发挥生态效应。 相似文献
积雪覆盖下的季节性冻土对融雪水出流的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以天山北坡军塘湖流域为研究区,利用2012-2013年融雪期实测逐日积雪、冻土数据,分析季节性冻土的水热状体对融雪水出流的影响.结果表明:①2012年融雪期30 cm以上季节性冻土的冻融变化经历了稳定冻结期、冻融交替变化期、无冻期3个阶段,其中10 cm季节性冻土稳定冻结期、无冻期分别占融雪期50%和40%.②以2012年、2013年融雪期起始积雪厚度分别为18 cm和30 cm为例,有季节性冻土存在条件下融雪水出流时间比没有季节性冻土存在提前2d.③不同深度土壤日积温与融雪水出流量均呈负相关,且土壤剖面10 cm以上负相关性最大(R2=0.825).④季节性冻土延缓了土壤液态水含量的增加速度,使融雪水最大出流提前到来. 相似文献
人为影响下古尔班通古特沙漠小尺度生态环境变化 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
随着沙漠中油气资源勘探开发、公路建设和重大工程相继实施 ,对生态环境的人为影响日益加深。本文以重大工程实验点为例 ,通过研究对比工程影响区内人工沙垄和自然沙垄的砂质新成土理化性状和植被群落特征 ,指出了沙漠生态环境在人为干扰下发生的一系列变化 ,以及受损生态环境在人们采取积极补救措施的情况下所具有的自然修复能力 相似文献
Spatial heterogeneity for grain size distribution of eolian sand soil on longitudinal dunes in the southern Gurbantunggut Desert 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
The grain size composition, distribution characteristics and spatial variation of eolian sand soil on distinct positions across two longitudinal dunes and interdune areas were studied by means of conventional grain size analysis and geostatistical methods. In the study, 184 samples of eolian sand soil from the 0-30cm layer were systemically collected and measured from two longitudinal dunes and interdunes in the southern Gurbantunggut Desert. The results show that the dominant grain sizes are fine and very fine sands, and the differences of grain size compositions between the distinct geomorphologic positions are significant. The contents of clay and silt are highest on the interdune areas and lowest on the crests, and higher on the leeward slopes than on the windward slopes. The contents of very fine and fine sands are highest on the windward slopes and lowest on the crests. The contents of medium, coarse and very coarse sands are lowest on the interdune lands, and highest on the crests, and are identical on the two slopes. The coarser sizes (φ1) and mean sizes (Mz) for eolian sand soil all have a varying tendency from fine to coarse sizes with interdune area → leeward slope → windward slope → crest, and the sorting (σ) are poorly to well sorted. The results of geostatistical analysis reveal that φ1, Mz and σ values are moderately to strongly spatially autocorrelated. The values of the spatially correlated ranges are φ1<σ相似文献
古尔班通古特沙漠地衣结皮对放牧踩踏干扰及其所引起的生境异质性具有重要的指示作用。研究表明:① 放牧踩踏干扰主要集中于结皮层(0~5 cm),随机调查的样方中,90%的样方干扰率均低于30%,生物土壤结皮(BSCs)破损尚处于较安全的范围;② 放牧踩踏干扰降低了BSCs总盖度,不同类型的结皮对践踏干扰的反应具差异性,其中,真菌-藻类共生形成的地衣结皮与干扰率呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),干扰率>30%的样方中,抗风蚀能力较强的苔藓结皮、地衣结皮盖度均显著低于未受干扰样方,地衣共生体的破坏导致真菌数量显著增加(P<0.05);③ 有机质、土壤容重等土壤理化指标均与干扰率呈负相关,干扰率>30%的样方中各指标均低于未受干扰样方。其中,土壤容重是对放牧干扰比较敏感的指标,与地衣结皮盖度亦呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与流沙盖度呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。 相似文献
Fengqin JIA 《干旱区科学》2017,9(3):355-367
Understanding the characteristics of soil seed banks in sand dunes is crucial to stabilize the dune systems and maintain the plant populations in deserts. In this study, we conducted a survey investigation in the field and a seed germination experiment in the laboratory to explore the characteristics of soil seed banks at various geomorphic positions of longitudinal sand dunes in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China. Totally, 17 plant species belonging to 17 genera and 9 families were identified in soil seed banks, and 35 plant species belonging to 34 genera and 17 families were identified in aboveground vegetation. Plant species richness in soil seed banks decreased with increasing soil depth. The highest species richness was presented in the upper slope of the windward slope and the lowest species richness was presented in the base of the windward slope. There was no significant difference in seed density of soil seed banks among the examined seven geomorphic positions. The highest seed density occurred in the lower slope of the leeward slope while the lowest occurred in the crest. Moreover, seed density decreased with increasing soil depth, being the highest in the upper soil layer(0–2 cm). For both soil seed banks and aboveground vegetation, there was no significant difference in Simpson's diversity index among the seven geomorphic positions; however, Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pielou's evenness index showed significant differences among the seven geomorphic positions. Those results showed that although there was no significant difference in seed density of soil seed banks among the seven geomorphic positions, the geomorphic positions significantly affected the species richness, diversity and distribution of soil seed banks. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of soil seed banks at different geomorphic positions of sand dunes is essential to vegetation restoration or reestablishment. Furthermore, the Jaccard's similarity coefficients of plant species between soil seed banks and aboveground vegetation at the seven geomorphic positions were low, suggesting that vegetation restoration or reestablishment processes should be promoted through adding seeds to surface layers. 相似文献
Soil moisture is critical for vegetation growth in deserts. However, detailed dataregarding the soil moisture distribution in space and time in the Gurbantunggut Desert have not yet been reported. In this study, we conducted a series ofinsitu observation experiments in a fixed sand dune at the southern edge of the GurbantunggutDesert from February 2014 to October 2016, to explore the spatio-temporal variation of soil moisture content, investigate the impact of Haloxylonammodendron (C. A. Mey.) Bungeon soil moisture content in its root zone, and examine the factors influencing the soil moisture spatial pattern. One-way analysis of variance,least significant difference testsand correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that the soil moisture content exhibited annual periodicity and the temporal variation of soil moisture content throughout a year could be divided into three periods, namely, a moisture-gaining period, a moisture-losing period and a moisture-stable period.According to the temporal and spatial variability, the 0-400 cm soil profile could be divided into two layers: an active layer with moderate variability and a stable layer with weak variability.The temporal variability was larger than the spatial variability in the active layer,and the mean profile soil moisture content at different slope positions displayed the trend of decreasing with increasing relative heightand mainly followed the order of interdunearea>westand east slopes>slope top.The mean profile soil moisture content in the root zone of dead H. ammodendronindividuals was significantly higher than that in the root zones of adult and young individuals, while the soil moisture content in the root zone of adult individuals was slightly higher than that in the root zone of young individuals with no significant difference.The spatial pattern of soil moisture was attributable to the combined effects of snowfall, vegetation and soil texture, whereas the effects of rainfall and evaporation were not significant. The findings may offer a foundation for the management of sandy soil moisture and vegetation restoration in arid areas. 相似文献
Dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with desert ephemeral plants in Gurbantunggut Desert 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Previous studies documented that most desert plants can be colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi,however,little is known about how the dynamics of AM fungi are related to ephemerals in desert ecosystems.The dynamics of AM fungi with desert ephemerals were examined to determine the effects of host plant life stages on the development of AM fungi.Mean colonization of ephemeral annual plants was 45% lower than that of ephemeral perennial plants.The colonizations were much higher in the early part of the growing season than in later parts,peaking at flowering times.The phenology of AM fungi in root systems varied among different ephemerals.The density of AM fungal spores increased with the development of ephemeral annual plants,reached its maximum at flowering times,and then plateaued about 20 days after the aboveground senescence.A significant positive correlation was found between AM fungi spore density and biomass of ephemeral annual plants.The life cycles of AM fungi associated with desert ephemerals were very short,being about 60-70 days.Soil temperature and water content had no direct influence on the development of AM fungal spores.We concluded that the development of AM fungi was in response to desert ephemeral phenology and life history strategy. 相似文献