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Summary Sweet potato cultivars, breeding lines and unselected seedling clones were grown under 9 stress conditions in field and greenhouse; heavy soil, space competition, competition with maize, shading, flooding, drought, acidity, salinity, and weevil infestation. High root yield was considered to be a sign of stress tolerance. Stresses were shown to reduce the growth of shoots and roots, except flooding, which increased fibrous root production. The percentge of plants showing high stress tolerance varied from 0.35 to 30.90 for the different stress situations. Tolerances to stresses tended to occur together, as shown by low but significant correlations, significant chi-squares for numbers of plants with multiple stresses, and by low but significant correlations between yield and multiple stresses. Root flooding, space and fertility competition, and soil acidity appear to be the stress factors most closely related to production in heavy soils. Yet the magnitude of the correlations suggest that other factors or random variation also affect yield, and thus the predictive value of greenhouse stress test is presently limited.  相似文献   

J. M. Ngeve 《Euphytica》1993,71(3):231-238
Summary Two experiments, each involving a set of 10 sweet potato clones, were conducted for three years at 4 sites (Ekona, Ebolowa, Nkolbisson, and Bambui Plain) in Cameroon. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance to determine the presence of genotype x environment (G x E) interactions, and to regression analysis to assess the performance of clones across anvironments. Environments were assessed in two ways: (i) the mean response of all clones (dependent assessment), and (ii) the average performance of a different set of clones (independent assessment).The first experiment (Expt 1) produced higher yields but had fewer stable clones than the second (Expt 2).The analysis of variance revealed that the clones interacted significantly with environments for all traits.The study has identified high yielding and stable sweet potato clones for distribution to growers in the major areas of cultivation in the tountry. Despite slight differences in numbers of clones judged stable by the various regression indices in the two methods of environmental assessments, the rankings of clones on the basis of their linear regression coefficients were similar. In a developing country like Cameroon, with limited resources and where sophisticated equipment for obtaining physical or biological measures of the environment may be lacking, the mean performance of genotypes may still be the most reliable measure of environment in evaluating the stability of performance of crop cultivars.  相似文献   

S.K. Hahn 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):13-18
Summary Screening sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, L., for source potentials is more difficult than for sink capacities. Twenty clones were grafted to four tester varieties to screen them for source potentials in relation to sink capacities which are interdependent. Source potential of a clone was measured by its average scion effect when grafted on the four tester varieties. There were significant differences in source potentials among the twenty clones. Seven clones were selected for having high source potentials. Clone TIS 2498 was the best. Degrees of response of source to sink were estimated using the regression method for twenty clones showed significant differences and ranged from b–0.45 to b=2.06. Source potential showed significant relationship (r=0.62**) with response of source to sink. Implication of this approach to sweet potato breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Fleshy roots of 18 sweet potato cultivars were wounded and cured for 12 days. Significant differences were found between cultivars for ethylene production, cell lignification, and wound periderm formation. Average ethylene production, the number of days ethylene was produced, or the day of peak ethylene production showed nonsignificant and low (r2=0.40) correlations with cell lignification or wound periderm formation; however, multiple regression analysis indicated statistically significant and moderate correlations between selected daily ethylene production and cell lignification (r2=0.74) and wound periderm formation (r2=0.73). These observations suggest that measurement of ethylene produced by wounded sweet potato roots may be useful in helping screen large numbers of sweet potato breeding lines and their progeny for the ability to produce lignified and wound periderm cell layers. Wound healing, however, is only one aspect of good storage capability in sweet potato cultivars.  相似文献   

The cultivated sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids, 2n = 100–130) is one crop for which interspecific hybridization involving wild germplasm has provided a major breakthrough in its improvement. Few clones were used in the initial hybridization event leading to a narrow genetic base for continued cultivar development. Molecular breeding would facilitate the identification and introgression of novel alleles/genes from the wild germplasm into cultivated sugarcane. We report the identification of molecular markers associated with sugar-related traits using an F1 population derived from a cross between S. officinarum ‘Louisiana Striped’ × S. spontaneum ‘SES 147B’, the two major progenitor species of cultivated sugarcane. Genetic linkage maps of the S. officinarum and S. spontaneum parents were produced using the AFLP, SRAP and TRAP molecular marker techniques. The mapping population was evaluated for sugar-related traits namely, Brix (B) and pol (P) at the early (E) and late (L) plant growing season in the plant cane (04) and first ratoon (05) crops (04EB, 04LB, 04LP, 05EB and 05EP). For S. officinarum, combined across all the traits, a total of 30 putative QTLs was observed with LOD scores ranging from 2.51 to 7.48. The phenotypic variation (adj. R2) explained by all QTLs per trait ranged from 22.1% (04LP) to 48.4% (04EB). For S. spontaneum, a total of 11 putative QTLs was observed with LOD scores ranging from 2.62 to 4.70 and adj. R2 ranging from 9.3% (04LP) to 43.0% (04LB). Nine digenic interactions (iQTL) were observed in S. officinarum whereas only three were observed in S. spontaneum. About half of the QTLs contributed by both progenitor species were associated with effects on the trait that was contrary to expectations based on the phenotype of the parent contributing the allele. Quantitative trait loci and their associated effects were consistent across crop-years and growing seasons with very few QTLs being unique to the early season. When the data were reanalyzed using the non-parametric discriminant analysis (DA) approach, significant marker-trait associations were detected for markers that were either identical to or in the vicinity of markers previously identified using the traditional QTL approach. Discriminant analysis also pointed to previously unidentified markers some of which remained unlinked on the map. These preliminary results suggest that DA could be used as a complementary approach to traditional QTL analysis in a crop like sugarcane for which saturated linkage maps are unavailable or difficult to obtain.  相似文献   

L. Li  C. H. Kao 《Euphytica》1990,47(2):131-138
Summary By using four tester clones either as scions or stocks, source potentials and sink capacities of two groups of 13 and 20 sweet potato clones were measured in 1986 and 1987, respectively. Results obtained in the 1986 trial were generally consistent with those in the 1987 trial, though different clones were used in both trials. There were significant differences in source potentials and in sink capacities among tested clones. Responses of source to sink and of sink to source were also estimated using a regression method. No significant correlation was observed between source potential and response of source to sink. However, sink capacity showed significant relationship with response of sink to source.  相似文献   

Sweetpotato virus disease (SPVD) is due to the dual infection and synergistic interaction of Sweetpotato feathery mottle potyvirus (SPFMV) and Sweetpotato chlorotic stunt crinivirus(SPCSV), and causes up to 98% yield loss in sweetpotato in East Africa. This study was conducted to determine the inheritance of resistance to SPVD in sweetpotato and to estimate the nature of genetic variance. Ten parental clones varying in reaction to SPVD were crossed in a half diallel mating design to generate 45 full-sib families. The families were graft-inoculated with SPCSV and SPFMV to induce SPVD and evaluated for resistance in a randomized complete block design at two sites in Namulonge, Uganda during 1998–2000. In serological assays for SPFMV and SPCSV,resistance to symptom development and recovery from initial systemic SPVD symptoms, characterised resistant genotypes. Genetic component analysis showed significant effects for both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for resistance to SPVD. GCA to SCA variance component ratios were large (0.51–0.87), hence GCA effects were more important than SCA effects. Resistant parents exhibited high GCA indicating that additive gene effects were predominant in the inheritance of resistance to SPVD and recovery. Narrow-sense heritability (31–41%) and broad-sense heritability (73–98%) were moderate to high, indicating that rapid genetic gains for SPVD resistance could be accomplished by mass selection breeding techniques. Two genotypes, New Kawogo and Sowola, had high negative GCA effects and had several families in specific crosses,which exhibited rapid recovery from SPVD,and are promising parents for enhancement of SPVD resistance and recovery. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The variation for postharvest, kitchen and table characteristics of sweet potato was studied in a collection of 310 seedlings by correlation techniques and cluster analysis. Desired states were defined for 21 characteristics, and frequency of desired state was determined. Sweet potatoes were classified into 7 groups that are identified from 6 discriminant functions, and a key to the groups was developed. Correlations among quality characteristics were frequent, but moderate in value, thus independent selection for desired characteristics is feasible.  相似文献   

Summary Bell pepper suffers considerable losses from a strain of potato virus Y (PVYo-sbp). Crosses were attempted between two resistant lines Perennial and S41-1 and two highly susceptible bell pepper commercial cultivars California Wonder and Yolo Wonder. Studies of F1's, F2's, back crosses and F3's indicated that Perennial and S41-1 carry a recessive gene imparting resistance to potato virus Y.  相似文献   

Identification of RAPD markers linked to the Ns locus in potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the RAPD method and bulked segregant analysis we identified four RAPD markers linked to a dominant gene Ns, responsible for a hypersensitive reaction of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to potato virus S (PVS) infection. The markers OPE15550, OPJ13500, OPG17450 and OPH19900 were found to be closely linked to the Ns gene in diploid potato clones. They are situated at 2.6, 3.3, 4.6 and 6.6 cM from Ns, respectively. As a source of the gene, clone G-LKS 678147/60, which is known to carry Ns transferred from S. tuberosum ssp. andigena was used. These RAPD markers were not amplified in resistant tetraploid clones containing Ns derived from the clone MPl65 118/3, also having an andigenum origin. This suggests that there may be two separate loci of Ns in the sources identified, or different alleles with the same specificity at a single locus, or that the genetic background of tetraploids tested results in different RAPD amphlification patterns.  相似文献   

Summary Four clones of the Chilota Potato Collection from the germplasm bank of the Universidad Austral de Chile, with potential combined resistance to PVX, PVY and PVS, were mechanically inoculated with these viruses in order to demonstrate wether they were truly resistant or not. Virus coat protein in the inoculated clones was determined by means of NCM-ELISA, DAS-ELISA, Western Blot and NASH.Two of the four inoculated clones were resistant to both PVY and PVS. This information will allow the utilization of these two clones in plant breeding programs.Abbreviations NCM-ELISA Nitrocellulose membrane enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - DAS-ELISA double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - NASH nucleic acid spot hybridization  相似文献   

To determine and utilize RAPD markers linked to resistance to downymildew incited by Peronospora manshurica in soybean, a resistantcultivar `AGS129' was crossed to a susceptible cultivar `Nakhon Sawan 1'(NS1). F2 and BC1 populations were advanced from the F1 and evaluatedfor resistance to the disease. 2-test demonstrated that the resistancewas controlled by a single dominant gene (Rpmx). Near-isogenic lines(NILs) and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used to identify RAPDmarkers linked to the gene. Six DNA bulks namely F5(R), F5(S),BC6F3(R), BC6F3(S), F2(R) and F2(S) were set up by pooling equalamount of DNA from 8 randomly selected plants of each disease responsetype. A total of 180 random sequence decamer oligonucleotide primerswere used for RAPD analysis. Primer OPH-02 (5 TCGGACGTGA 3 andOPP-10 (5 TCCCGCCTAC 3) generated OPH-021250 and OPP-10831fragments in donor parent and resistant bulks, but not in the recurrentparent and susceptible ones. Co-segregation analysis using 102 segregatingF2 progenies confirmed that both markers were linked to the Rpmxgene controlling downy mildew disease resistance with a genetic distance of4.9 cm and 23.1 cm, respectively. Marker OPH-021250 was presentin 13 of 16 resistant soybean cultivars and absent in susceptible cultivars,thus confirming a potential for MAS outside the mapping population.  相似文献   

Summary Potato virus Y (PVY) infects most Solanaceous crops grown in Mediterranean countries in open fields and in greenhouses. Necrogenic strains, which have been isolated from diseased tomatoes in France since the 1980's, seriously cause yield and quality loss of tomato fruits. Lycopersicon hirsutum PI 247087 was found to be resistant to PVY. Virus could not be detected in inoculated leaves by ELISA and/or by back-inoculation on susceptible plants. This resistance was efficient against the 16 tested isolates or strains. Temperature and inoculum concentration did not affect its expression. All the F1 plants of (Momor × PI 247087), (PI 134417 × PI 247087) and (PI 247087 × PI 134417) had symptom scores and ELISA values similar to those of the susceptible parents. The mechanism of resistance could be immunity-like or inhibition of virus migration from cell to cell. The resistance of L. hirsutum PI 247087 appeared to be governed by two independent recessive genes. In a few F2 plants of (PI 134417 × PI 247087) and F2 (Momor × PI 247087), virus was able to multiply in the inoculated leaves but could not establish a systemic infection. This finding may suggest a mechanism which interfers with the long distance migration of the virus in the plant.  相似文献   

Summary Verticillium wilt (V. albo-atrum Reinke & Berthold or V. dahliae Kleb) threatens potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production in most growing areas of the world. Genetic resistance offers the most cost-effective and environmentally-sound control measure. However, there is a dearth of genetic and breeding information on resistance to verticillium wilt in potato, because of obscure parentage of some standard cultivars and the complex segregation at the tetraploid level. The wide range of genetic variability in wild relatives of potatoes can be potentially useful as a source of disease resistance, such as verticillium wilt resistance. Six diploid, wild, interspecific Solanum hybrids involving resistant x resistant and susceptible x resistant crosses, were assayed for verticillium wilt resistance under greenhouse conditions to evaluate their potential as sources of verticillium wilt resistance. The cross between S. gourlayi Oka. and S. chacoense Bitt. and its reciprocal had the most resistant progenies based on mean colony counts. No simple mode of inheritance can be proposed based on the observed segregation ratios. However, the continuous distributions observed on verticillium wilt disease response among hybrid families indicate that inheritance of resistance may be polygenic and complex. In addition, skewness of colony count distributions toward the resistance parents were characteristic of all resistant x susceptible crosses suggesting that resistance may be dominant. By contrast, the susceptible x susceptible cross showed a more normal distribution. Overall, the cross between S. gourlayi and S. chacoense showed the most potential as a source of verticillium wilt resistance.  相似文献   

Barley yellow mosaic virus disease caused by different strains of BaYMV and BaMMV is a major threat to winter barley cultivation in Europe. Different resistance genes against these viruses have been mapped and suitable PCR-based markers have been developed. In this respect doubled haploid (DH) populations proved to be advantageous as they facilitate a repeated test for resistance against all agents of the barley yellow mosaic virus complex and besides this, dominant marker systems are as informative as co-dominant ones in DHs due to the lack of heterozygous genotypes. Using DH populations resistance genes rym4, rym5, rym11, rym13, rym15 and the BaYMV/BaYMV-2 resistance of the barley cultivar ‘Chikurin Ibaraki 1’ have been mapped. DHs are also well suited to pyramiding resistance genes against BaMMV and BaYMV. Since homozygous recessive genotypes are more frequent in DHs than in segregating F2 populations, DHs can be efficiently used to create broad-spectrum resistance and to extend the usability of partly overcome resistance genes. Results from employing two different strategies for pyramiding, based on one and two DH-steps, respectively, combining three recessive resistance genes, i.e. rym4/rym5, rym9 and rym11, are presented. The faster strategy based on one haploidy step resulted in the identification of all three and two-way combinations of the respective resistance genes.  相似文献   

Susan J. Turner 《Euphytica》1989,42(1-2):145-153
Summary Accessions obtained from the Commenwealth Potato Collection were evaluated for resistance to European populations of potato cyst-nematodes (PCN). With over 36% of the current collection assessed, resistance to pathotypes of both Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida were identified in 16 species from Argentina, Bolivia or Peru. Resistance to all PCN pathotypes was particularly prevalent in species from the Andean regions of Bolivia and North Argentina, supporting the hypothesis of co-evolution of the potato and PCN in these regions.  相似文献   

The wild non-tuberous species Solanumetuberosum is resistant to biotic andabiotic stresses, but is very difficult tocross with cultivated potato. Therefore,interspecific somatic hybrids between adihaploid clone of potato S.tuberosum (2n=2x=24, AA genome) and thediploid species S. etuberosum(2n=2x=24, EE genome) were produced byprotoplast fusion. Among the 7 fertilefusion hybrids analysed by genomic insitu hybridisation (GISH), three groups ofplants were found with the genomicconstitution of AAEE, AAEEEE and AAAAEE.Four fusion hybrids had exactly theexpected chromosome composition, while eachof the three aneuploid hybrids had lost twochromosomes of S. etuberosum. Twobackcross progenies were developed, andGISH analysis was applied to analysetransmission of the parental chromosomesinto the sexual generations. BC1hybrids derived from the crosses of thehexaploid somatic hybrids with tetraploidpotato were pentaploid with thetheoretically expected genomic compositionor with slight deviation from thisexpectation. In the three BC2 hybridsanalysed by GISH seven to 12 chromosomes ofS. etuberosum were detected in thepredominant S. tuberosum background.No recombinant chromosomes in the hybridswere detected. Genome dosage affects tuberformation in hybrids and their progenies,but has less effect on resistance to potatovirus Y (PVY) in fusion hybrids. Severalgenotypes of the fusion hybrids andBC1 progeny did not show viralinfection even in the graftingexperiments.  相似文献   

Summary In two experiments, using different testing methods, the number of newly formed cysts was determined on nine potato genotypes with resistance from various sources. Ten potato cyst nematode (PCN) populations were used in these experiments. Rank correlation between numbers of cysts over potato genotype-PCN population combinations for both experiments was high (rs = 0.90). Dendrograms for PCN populations and potato genotypes were constructed, based on a simultaneous hierarchical clustering procedure for potato genotype-PCN population interaction terms. Several virulence groups could be identified within Globodera rostochiensis as well as within G. pallida. Host genotypes, derived from the same sources of resistance, were clustered in different resistance groups.  相似文献   

Summary Potato plantlets derived from in vitro propagation of three cultivars known for their field resistance (Cruza 148 and BR-63.65) or susceptibility (Désirée) to Pseudomonas solanacearum E.F. Smith were artificially inoculated under controlled conditions. The aim of this work was to determine the optimal inoculum concentration and the best observation period in which the cultivars would show different reactions to bacterial infection as expected on the basis of their field performance.A suitable statistical analysis of disease indices is proposed to distinguish between resistant and susceptible responses, with a particular care for the applicative needs and a univocal interpretation of the results. In order to evaluate the significance of sources of variation related to the observed mean differences, the analysis of variance and a convenient clustering procedure of disease index means were applied.The statistical analysis revealed that, under our conditions, an inoculum concentration of 5×106 cfu/plant was suitable for separating resistant from susceptible responses, in accordance with the reactions already observed in field experiments by other authors. Also, differences among the three cultivars were best observed nine to twelve days after inoculation with the pathogen.  相似文献   

Potato leafroll virus (PLRV; Genus Polerovirus; Family Luteoviridae) is one of the most important virus pathogens of potato worldwide and breeders are looking for new sources of resistance. Solanum etuberosum Lindl., a wild potato species native to Chile, was identified as having resistances to PLRV, potato virus Y, potato virus X, and green peach aphid. Barriers to sexual hybridization between S. etuberosum and cultivated potato were overcome through somatic hybridization. Resistance to PLRV has been identified in the BC1, BC2 and BC3 progeny of the somatic hybrids of S. etuberosum (+) S. tuberosum haploid × S. berthaultii Hawkes. In this study, RFLP markers previously mapped in potato, tomato or populations derived from S. palustre (syn S. brevidens) × S. etuberosum and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed from tomato and potato EST sequences were used to characterize S. etuberosum genomic regions associated with resistance to PLRV. The RFLP marker TG443 from tomato linkage group 4 was found to segregate with PLRV resistance. This chromosome region has not previously been associated with PLRV resistance and therefore suggests a unique source of resistance. Synteny groups of molecular markers were constructed using information from published genetic linkage maps of potato, tomato and S. palustre (syn. S. brevidens) × S. etuberosum. Analysis of synteny group transmission over generations confirmed the sequential loss of S. etuberosum chromosomes with each backcross to potato. Marker analyses provided evidence of recombination between the potato and S. etuberosum genomes and/or fragmentation of the S. etuberosum chromosomes.  相似文献   

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