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Passive transfer of colostral immunoglobulins has long been accepted as imperative to optimal calf health. Many factors, including timing of colostrum ingestion, the method and volume of colostrum administration, the immunoglobulin concentration of the colostrum ingested, and the age of the dam have been implicated in affecting the optimization of absorption. The practice of colostrum pooling, the breed and presence of the dam, and the presence of respiratory acidosis in the calf also may affect passive transfer. Various tests have been reported to accurately measure passive transfer status in neonatal calves. The radial immunodiffusion and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are the only tests that directly measure serum IgG concentration. All other available tests including serum total solids by refractometry, sodium sulfite turbidity test, zinc sulfate turbidity test, serum gamma-glutamyl transferase activity, and whole blood glutaraldehyde gelation estimate serum IgG concentration based on concentration of total globulins or other proteins whose passive transfer is statistically associated with that of IgG. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the literature of passive transfer in calves including factors that affect passive transfer status, testing modalities, effects of failure of passive transfer on baseline mortality, consequences of failure of passive transfer, and some treatment options. Many previously accepted truisms regarding passive transfer in calves should be rejected based on the results of recent research.  相似文献   

Newborn Holstein-Friesian calves were cold stressed by immersion in water at 15 to 17 degrees C until the core body temperature was lowered by 10 degrees C. Non-cold stressed calves were immersed in water at thermoneutral temperature (35 to 37 degrees C). The time required to lower the core body temperature of the cold stressed calves by 10 degrees C was 172 +/- 87 minutes (mean +/- SD). The time required for the core body temperature of the cold stressed calves to return to normal after immersion was 400 +/- 140 minutes (mean +/- SD). Differences were observed between cold and noncold stressed calves in the shivering response during immersion and the clinical condition after immersion. Cold-induced pathological lesions were confined to tissues located peripherally, particularly in the hind legs. Significant differences were observed between cold and noncold stressed calves in the incidence of subcutaneous edema in the ventral sternum (P less than or equal to 0.025), subcutaneous hemorrhage in the hind legs (P less than or equal to 0.025), synovitis (P less than or equal to 0.025) and hemorrhage (P less than or equal to 0.05) of the synovial membranes of the hock joints and hemorrhage (P less than or equal to 0.05) into the hock joint cavities.  相似文献   

Three main factors underlying the immunity state of newborn calves are evaluated. During the absorption of colostral immunoglobulins the immunoprotein profile of a newborn calf is influenced by the following factors (arranged according to importance): volume of the first colostrum taken in, time of the first drinking, and immunoglobulin concentration (IgG and IgM) in colostrum. When given 1.1 or 2.0 litres of colostrum of about the same quality (as to immunity), the calves of the compared groups had significantly different levels of total serum Ig measured 24 hours after birth: 10.7 and 18.6 U ZST (P less than 0.05) and 48 hours after birth: 11.7 and 19.7 U ZST (P less than 0.01). A significant difference in total serum proteins was observed only in the 48th hour post partum (54.4 and 63.6 g per litre; P less than 0.05). At the intake of 1.5 litres of colostrum within two and five hours after birth, with the same total intake of the sum of IgG and IgM in the groups, the calves exhibited, in the 24th hour, total serum Ig levels of 14.4 and 12.4 U ZST (P greater than 0.05) respectively, and 56.0 and 47.9 g per litre (P greater than 0.05) of total serum protein, respectively. With a different concentration of colostral IgG (122.0 or 77.0 g per litre) the statistically significant Ig absorption into blood was adequately different (17.2 and 10.0 U ZST, respectively, P less than 0.05). The differences in the concentration of total serum Ig and total proteins between the 24th and 48th hour after birth were only very small and statistically insignificant. Regression analysis proved a significant relation (P less than 0.01) between the level of total serum Ig 24 and 48 hours after birth and the total amount of IgG and IgM taken in with the first colostrum. The calves coming from primiparae had a lower immunity (P less than 0.01) in comparison with the calves of multiparae. A similar relation in the absorption of colostral Ig was observed when the spontaneously born calves were compared with those born by the Caesarean section (P less than 0.01).  相似文献   

Pairs of newborn calves were exposed to bovine leukemia virus (BLV) when they were given their 1st colostrum feeding. Calves that were given 10(6) BLV-infected lymphocytes in colostrum free of BLV-specific antibody became infected. Calves that were fed 10(7), 10(8), or 10(9) infected lymphocytes in colostrum that contained BLV-specific antibody did not become infected. One of 2 calves inoculated intradermally with 250,000 infected lymphocytes was protected by colostral antibody, but the other was not. Colostral antibody titers in the unprotected calf decreased normally until the calf was 4 months old and then increased markedly; this pattern indicates that the presence of colostral antibody may have prolonged the latent period of the BLV infection.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of vaccination of young calves and to see whether maternal antibodies may influence the immunological response in calves. For this project 20 matched-pairs of cows and their offspring were selected. Of each pair, one cow received a placebo 8 and 4 weeks before term (group A) and the other was vaccinated against Feline Leucose Virus, FeLV, with Leucogen? (group B). All calves received colostrum from their respective mother shortly after birth and all calves were vaccinated with Leucogen? 10 days after birth. Blood samples from the cows and calves were taken during the whole study period (till four weeks after calf vaccination). An ELISA test was done in the lab to define the FeLV antibody concentration. 30 % of the vaccinated cows showed a seroconversion, 13 out of 20 vaccinated cows passed the antibodies onto their calves. 11 calves of group B did not convert in comparation of only 4 of group A. All seroconverted calves had low antibody concentration before their vaccination. Calves of group B with a low passive antibody level at the beginning showed a higher seroconversion as compared to calves with higher antibody concentrations of the same group. Two thirds of the calves without maternal antibodies reacted adequately to the vaccination. Therefore, an early vaccination of calves can be recommended.  相似文献   

Absorption of bovine colostral immunoglobulins G and M in newborn foals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uptake of colostral IgG and IgM, their serum half-lives, and the rates of endogenous synthesis of IgG and IgM were evaluated in 6 newborn foals fed bovine colostrum (principals) and 6 foals allowed to suckle their dams (controls). The principal foals were fed 400 ml of bovine colostrum (IgG, 10,000 mg/dl and IgM, 200 mg/dl) at 2-hour intervals, from 2 to 20 hours after foaling (total dose, 4 L). Serum IgG and IgM concentrations were determined by single radial immunodiffusion from birth to 98 days of age. At foaling, principal foals had no detectable serum equine IgG, but 1 control foal had serum equine IgG of 185 mg/dl. After ingestion of colostrum, there was no significant difference in the maximal serum bovine IgG concentration (range, 1,350 to 3,300 mg/dl) in the principal foals, and maximal serum equine IgG concentration in the control foals (range, 500 to 6,000 mg/dl). The calculated biological bovine and equine IgG half-life in the principal and control groups was 9.4 and 26 days, respectively. Endogenous IgG synthesis was first detected in 1 principal foal at 3 days of age, but was detected first between 28 and 42 days in the other principal foals. Starting on day 56 there was no significant difference in serum equine IgG concentration between groups. At foaling, foals in both groups had low equine IgM concentrations. In the control foals, there was marked individual variation in the increases in equine IgM concentration (range, 5 to 73 mg/dl) after ingestion of colostrum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

New-born calves, artificially fed colostrum or native colostral whey, either dried or preserved by another method, had good health and good weight gains (between 0.05 and 0.60 kg). No greater differences were observed between the groups of calves given three times the colostrum of their mothers, calves given mixed colostrum, and calves fed colostral whey powder. In all groups only individual differences in IgG content in the blood serum were observed after 48 hours from birth. Hypogammaglobulinaemia occurred in individual cases both in calves given small amounts of colostrum or colostral whey and in calves given sufficient quantities. The time that had elapsed from birth to the first drinking did not exert any greater influence upon the IgG level in the blood; the decisive factor was the amount of colostrum taken in by the calf in the first dose. The rate of the absorption of IgG1, IgG2, IgA, and IgM from colostrum and the concentration of the immunoglobulins in the serum depended on the quantity of colostrum in the first dose and were not influenced to any greater degree by the amount of colostrum given to the calves in further doses. The amount of IgG in the blood serum of calves corresponded approximately to the level of colostral antibodies to the virus PI-3. The antibodies to the virus PI-3 and small quantities of IgG were observed also in the serum to new-born calves before drinking colostrum.  相似文献   

Intestinal absorption of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled maternal colostral leukocytes (FITC-CL) was studied in 49 neonatal colostrum-deprived (CD) pigs from nine Minnesota miniature sows. Within 2 h postfeeding (pf), maternal FITC-CL were absorbed from the sibling's digestive tract and migrated into blood. The peak appearance of FITC-CL in blood occurred in samples at 5 and 7 h pf. By 24 h pf, cells were detected in liver, lung, lymph nodes, spleen and gastrointestinal tissues. To confirm intercellular migration of FITC-CL, gastrointestinal explant cultures from neonatal CD pigs were used. Maternal FITC-CL were observed to intercellularly migrate in 24 to 48 h pf between duodenal- and jejunal-epithelial cells to lamina propria cells and submucosal spaces. Fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled maternal colostral leukocytes were not absorbed via ileal explant cultures. Unlike FITC-CL, maternal FITC-peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (FITC-PBL) were not absorbed either in vivo or in vitro by gastrointestinal tissues. When maternal FITC-PBL were intravenously administered to siblings they were distributed in blood and organs similar to FITC-CL. Following exposure to FITC-labelled cells, treated- and mock (untreated)-pigs were compared on the basis of PBL proliferative responses to phytomitogens. Sibling CD-pigs fed maternal FITC-CL showed higher PBL T-cell responses to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (ConA), and a significant stimulation (p < or = 0.01) of B-cell responses to pokeweed mitogen (PWM). Pigs fed FITC-PBL showed little PBL responses to PHA, ConA and PWM over PBL from mock pigs. Similarly, the influence of noncellular constituents of colostrum were also assessed by proliferative studies.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The transfer of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) from ewe to lamb was quantitated to determine the occurrence of failure in passive transfer. Concentrations of IgG and IgM in ewe serum did not correlate with those in the colostrum. Colostrum from all ewes contained abundant amounts of immunoglobulins when compared with serum values, with IgG being selectively concentrated over IgM. Absorption through the intestinal tract of the lamb appeared to be a nonselective process, lacking predilection for IgG and IgM. All lambs tested 24 hours after birth absorbed colostral immunoglobulins to some extent; however, 13 (14%) of 91 clinically normal lambs demonstrated some failure of passive transfer. In contrast, failure of passive transfer was found in 27 (46%) of 59 lambs dying of natural causes between 24 hours and 5 weeks of age. Evidence presented emphasizes the importance of absorption of adequate amounts of immunoglobulins to enable the newborn lamb to survive the first few weeks of life.  相似文献   

It has been established that maternal leukocytes, conditioned by the mammary environment, cross the neonatal gut and circulate in the newborn calf. However, the impact of these cells on the development of neonatal immunity remains to be determined. This study examined the effects of maternal colostral leukocytes on development and maturation of neonatal adaptive immunity by examining the expression of surface markers on neonatal lymphocytes. At birth, neonatal calves were fed whole colostrum, or colostrum that had the maternal cells removed (cell-free colostrum), from their respective dams. Peripheral blood samples were collected at regular intervals over the first 4 weeks of life and lymphocytes were evaluated for surface expression of cellular markers. The results of these studies demonstrated that calves receiving whole colostrum had fewer CD11a positive lymphocytes in circulation during the first 2 weeks of life and this marker was expressed at a lower density than calves receiving cell-free colostrum. In addition, calves receiving whole colostrum also had a higher percentage of lymphocytes expressing the activation markers CD25 and CD26 by 7 days after birth. During the first week of life, lymphocytes from calves receiving whole colostrum had a higher density of MHC class I expression on their surfaces than cells from calves receiving cell-free colostrum. In general, these results indicate that transfer of maternal cells with colostrum allows for more rapid development of lymphocytes and maternal cells appeared to enhance their activation.  相似文献   


Neonatal diseases of calves cause a significant loss to the dairy and dairy-beef industries, and the influence of passive immunity derived from colostral transfer on mortality and morbidity is widely recognised(1).  相似文献   

Beef cows were placed on protein-deficient and/or energy deficient rations for the last 150 days of pregnancy. After birth their calves were placed on 1 or 21 C environmental chambers for 3 days, and sera were collected for determination of complement (C) levels. At birth, the mean complement hemolytic (CH50) titer of all calves was 46.0 +/- 1.7 units, but the titer rapidly dropped (P < 0.01) to 31.6 +/- 1.2 by 12 hours after birth. Levels of C activity then began to rise and reached a mean titer of 76.3 +/- 3.0 by 3 days of age. A quadratic curve of predicted CH50 values was constructed from the data. Differences between principal and control groups of calves were not detected. These results suggest that maternal protein-calorie deprivation and limited cold stresses have little effect on levels of C activity in the bovine neonate. Possible explanations for the decrease in CH50 levels after birth are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of colostral leukocytes on the concentration of immunoglobulins and antibodies against an enterotoxigenic strain of E. coli in the sera of newborn calves was investigated for four weeks using four experimental groups. The calves received either complete colostrum (COL-, n = 16), cell-supplemented milk substitute (MS+, n = 7) or pure milk substitute (MS-, n = 6) during the first three days of life. The cows were not specifically immunized. The sera of the COL+ calves had significantly higher concentrations of antibodies against E. coli mainly of IgG1 specificity on the second day of life as compared to those of the COL-. The sera of the COL+ calves contained significantly more IgM on days 2 and 5 and slightly more IgA during the first week. Both COL groups had equal concentrations of serum IgG. It appears that colostral leukocytes which are an integral part of the colostrum enhance the passive immunity of the neonatal calf, especially in regard of antibodies and immunoglobulin classes which are essential for intestinal immunity. The concentration of IgM in the sera of the MS+ calves was reduced, that of IgG did not rise to appreciable amounts; the IgA synthesis started one week later as compared to the MS- group. The administration of isolated colostral cells led to an impairment of the natural active immunization.  相似文献   

The extent and the duration of the passage of intact proteins from the intestinal lumen into the bloodstream of newborn piglets was investigated. A total of 48 piglets from 4 litters were used in groups of 6 animals per experiment. The piglets were removed from the sow immediately after birth and placed in individual boxes of an automatic feeding device. Liquids were offered in trays, access to which was controlled by electronically operated gates. Volumes of 25 ml were allotted in hourly intervals. Porcine colostrum (6 x 25 ml) or bovine colostrum (24 x 25 ml) were either offered immediately, or after a 24 h fasting period without or with access to tap water. Two groups received 24 hourly rations of a 13 % glucose solution prior to the onset of feeding with porcine and bovine colostrum, respectively. The plasma levels of immunoglobulins were assessed by radial diffusion in blood samples drawn from a subcutaneous abdominal vein. The passage of intact proteins ceases between 12-18 hrs after the onset of feeding. Both the time course of the passage and the maximal levels achieved are unaffected after previous fasting or after tap water allowances only for 24 hrs. Previously fed glucose solution--in contrast--closes the gut barrier to subsequently ingested proteins. There was no difference in the postexperimental weight developments between groups.  相似文献   

Levels of colostral antibodies against neonatal calf diaahoea virus.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

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