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正2016年5月,笔者进行田间调查,在紫背天葵(Gynura bicolor)和苍耳(Xanthium mongolicum)上发现一种网蝽,经江西农业大学专家鉴定为菊方翅网蝽(Corythucha marmorata(Uhler,1878))。该虫为国内新入侵物种,2010年首次在上海发现,2012年南开大学党凯等记述了该虫的形态特征、分布和寄主。在江西首次发现。菊方翅网蝽(Corythucha marmorata(Uhler,1878)),隶属半翅目(Hemiptera)网蝽科(Tingidae)方翅网蝽  相似文献   

翅形态特征在重阳木斑蛾成虫性别鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确重阳木斑蛾的翅形态特征在其性别鉴定中的作用,探索雌雄难于区分的成虫的数值鉴定方法。采用图像处理与分析技术,通过爱普生扫描仪获取重阳木斑蛾前翅图,利用BugShape v1.0软件提取雌雄成虫翅的轮廓特征,利用tpsDig2软件获取翅脉交叉点位置特征,并利用独立样本t检验和标志点空间普氏叠加和扭曲分析,以明确此类特征在该成虫雌雄鉴定中的作用。结果表明,重阳木斑蛾成虫左右前翅轮廓特征在同一性别中差异不显著。仅利用左前翅数据进行分析时,翅面积、短轴长度、等效圆半径、偏心率、球状性和圆形度在两个性别中存在极显著差异,周长和长轴长度的差异达到显著水平,而紧凑度和叶状性差异不显著。使用左右前翅作为数据集进行分析时,除紧凑度和叶状性差异仍不显著外,其余参数均达到极显著水平。雌雄前翅轮廓特征作为指标来判别性别时正确率为100%,但存在左右翅相互错判现象。翅膀内部翅脉交叉点的空间位置在个体间存在较大差异,主要表现在相对于翅的横向方向变异大。雌雄间的差异主要存在于外缘附近的翅脉交叉点。结论:通过前翅的轮廓特征可以区分重阳木斑蛾雌雄成虫的差异。翅脉交叉点空间位置在雌雄间和个体间存在一定的变异。  相似文献   

蠋蝽Arma chinensis Fallou是一种优良的捕食性天敌昆虫, 在多种农林害虫的生物防治中发挥着重要作用?为明确不同地理来源的蠋蝽种群的生物学特征, 指导蠋蝽的扩繁及在不同地区的释放应用, 本研究测定并比较了河北廊坊和贵州六盘水两个地区蠋蝽种群的表观形态?发育历期?成虫寿命和繁殖能力等生物学指标?结果表明, 贵州六盘水蠋蝽种群的体型显著大于河北廊坊种群; 河北廊坊蠋蝽种群的若虫期虽长于贵州六盘水种群, 但二者无显著差异; 河北廊坊种群配对饲养的雄虫和单雌饲养的雌虫其寿命显著长于贵州六盘水种群, 配对饲养的雌虫寿命两种群间无显著差异; 两个种群蠋蝽雌虫均在羽化后5~8 d进入产卵高峰期, 贵州六盘水种群的产卵前期较短, 且配对饲养条件下其单雌产卵量显著高于河北廊坊种群?  相似文献   

大眼蝉长蝽[Geocoris pallidi pennis (Costa)]作为一种捕食性昆虫,是棉花和其他作物害虫的重要捕食性天敌,室内大规模繁殖大眼蝉长蝽对于棉田害虫的控制具有十分重要的意义.本试验以米蛾卵+菜豆叶片饲养作为对照,研究了4种不同的人工饲料对大眼蝉长蝽生长、发育和繁殖的影响.4种人工饲料分别以柞蚕匀浆液、柞蚕脱脂粉、柞蚕全脂粉和柞蚕冷冻干粉为主,并添加蔗糖、玉米油、鸡蛋黄、脱脂奶粉等配制而成.研究结果表明:以匀浆液为主要成分的饲料喂养效果最佳,大眼蝉长蝽成虫获得率最高,达到了76.0%,若虫发育历期为(34.42±0.80)d、产卵前期为(7.80±0.33)d,均显著长于对照;雄虫体重为(1.88±0.05)mg、雌虫体重为(2.90±0.04)mg,单雌产卵量为(46.10±1.85)粒、卵的孵化率为(0.80±0.04),与对照差异不显著.  相似文献   

为明确花生-玉米间作种植模式对蓟马类害虫的控制效果,通过3年田间试验系统调查花生单作、玉米单作和花生-玉米间作3种种植模式下蓟马及其主要捕食性天敌东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri的种群数量动态特征及不同种植模式下东亚小花蝽和蓟马的益害比。结果显示,花生-玉米间作种植模式下东亚小花蝽种群密度显著高于花生单作种植模式,花生-玉米间作种植模式下82.94%以上的东亚小花蝽来源于玉米斑块;与2种单作种植模式相比,花生-玉米间作种植模式未显著减少蓟马的种群密度;东亚小花蝽种群密度与蓟马种群密度呈显著线性关系;花生-玉米间作种植模式下东亚小花蝽与蓟马的益害比均显著低于其他2种单作种植模式。表明花生-玉米间作种植模式在局域农田小范围空间尺度下能显著提高捕食性天敌的种群密度,但并不能显著减少蓟马类害虫种群数量。  相似文献   

选择17种云木香挥发物测定绿盲蝽对其电生理及行为学反应。结果表明,芳樟醇和5-羟甲基糠醛可引起绿盲蝽强烈的电生理反应,且芳樟醇对绿盲蝽雌、雄虫均具有极显著的驱避作用,选择反应率均低于40%。而5-羟甲基糠醛原液与100倍稀释液均能显著地引诱绿盲蝽,选择反应率分别为51.43%和70.59%。此外,芳樟醇原液对Q型烟粉虱驱避与5-羟甲基糠醛对其的引诱作用同样显著。将这两种化合物组合形成“推-拉”策略后,寄主上绿盲蝽和Q型烟粉虱平均虫量分别为(2.2±0.6)头和(1.9±1.0)头,粘虫板上虫量分别为(7.7±0.7)头和(21.9±1.6)头,与对照组差异显著。5-羟甲基糠醛未对赤拟谷盗表现出引诱作用,但芳樟醇驱避作用显著,选择反应率为25%。表明利用“推-拉”策略防治经济害虫具有良好应用前景。  相似文献   

在山西临猗进行了枣园绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür)绿色防控技术的研究和示范。组建"冬剪残桩、寄生蜂释放、性诱剂诱捕、生物制剂喷施"为主要措施的枣园绿盲蝽绿色防控技术体系。结果表明,人工大量释放红颈常室茧蜂Peristenus spretus Chen et van Achterberg、绿盲蝽性诱剂等技术后,冬枣幼果(疏果前)和果实(疏果后)受害率在绿色防控园分别为14.4%和4.2%,与农户常规防治园的差异不显著;红颈常室茧蜂对绿盲蝽若虫的平均寄生率为37.5%,显著高于农户常规防治园的6.2%;每公顷枣园总计诱集到30 749头绿盲蝽成虫,平均每个诱捕器能诱捕到绿盲蝽成虫(683.3±23.1)头。6-8月绿色防控园绿盲蝽的数量(5.05±0.86)头/百枝,显著低于农户常规防治园(12.71±2.22)头/百枝。绿色防控技术完全替代化学防治,有效控制了枣园绿盲蝽的种群发生与为害。  相似文献   

樟曼盲蝽的形态特征及在上海的发生情况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王凤 《植物保护》2012,38(5):134-138
樟曼盲蝽(Mansoniella cinnamomi)是近年来在香樟上发现的新害虫。本文报道了该虫形态特征和在上海的发生情况。比较了居民区绿地、生态防护林、行道树、公园绿地4种不同绿地类型中的虫情发生差异。樟曼盲蝽成虫体型狭长,红褐色;卵光亮、半透明、长茄形;若虫分5龄,半透明,光亮,鲜绿色,长形。该虫在上海18个区县均有发生,大部分地区株害率均为100%,为害程度较严重的分别为挹翠苑、东方苑、四和花园、闵行东方花园、松江中山西路、古华新村、长江农场,这些地点虫情指数均大于80%;4种不同绿地类型中樟曼盲蝽为害程度差异显著,居民区绿地中发生最为严重。  相似文献   

为明确新疆棉田牧草盲蝽Lygus pratensis(Linnaeus)的空间分布型,于2012-2014年对新疆喀什地区棉田牧草盲蝽种群数量进行了系统调查,应用5种聚集度指数、Iwao m*-m回归方程和Taylor幂法则分析判定牧草盲蝽成虫、若虫及整个种群(成虫和若虫)在棉田的空间分布型,并利用种群聚集均数分析聚集原因。结果表明,牧草盲蝽成虫、若虫及整个种群的久野指数C_A0、负二项分布参数k0、丛生指数I0、聚块指数m*/~-1,表明三者在新疆棉田均呈聚集分布。且牧草盲蝽成虫和若虫的Blackith聚集均数λ2,说明二者在棉田的聚集是由环境因素引起的。Iwao m*-m回归分析结果表明,牧草盲蝽成虫、若虫和整个种群个体间相互吸引,分布的基本成分为个体群(α0、β1);Taylor幂法则分析结果表明,牧草盲蝽成虫、若虫和整个种群在棉田更趋向于聚集分布,聚集度依赖于密度。  相似文献   

为探究蠋蝽对两种烟草害虫烟青虫和斜纹夜蛾的捕食能力,在室内可控条件下开展了蠋蝽雌雄成虫对烟青虫和斜纹夜蛾卵及3龄幼虫的捕食试验,利用HollingⅡ功能模型拟合蠋蝽雌雄成虫对烟青虫和斜纹夜蛾的捕食功能反应。结果表明,蠋蝽雌成虫对烟青虫和斜纹夜蛾的瞬时攻击率为:烟青虫3龄幼虫(1.056)>斜纹夜蛾卵(1.055)>烟青虫卵(1.035)>斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫(0.973);控害效应高低为:烟青虫卵(152.21)>斜纹夜蛾卵(124.18)>烟青虫3龄幼虫(15.09)>斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫(9.63);蠋蝽雄成虫对烟青虫和斜纹夜蛾的瞬时攻击率为:烟青虫卵(1.060)>斜纹夜蛾卵(1.056)>烟青虫3龄幼虫(0.825)>斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫(0.760);控害效应高低顺序为:斜纹夜蛾卵(111.16)>烟青虫卵(101.92)>烟青虫3龄幼虫(8.87)>斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫(7.04)。随着烟青虫和斜纹夜蛾密度的增加,蠋蝽成虫的搜寻效应会逐渐下降。研究结果表明蠋蝽雌雄成虫对烟青虫和斜纹夜蛾具有良好的防控能力,因此,可结合害...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The efficacy of systemic applications of imidacloprid for the management of avocado thrips and avocado lace bug was determined in field trials. Following insecticide treatment by chemigation, leaves of appropriate age for each insect were sampled over a 6 month period and used for bioassays. Imidacloprid residues were measured by ELISA in leaves used for bioassays to determine concentrations of insecticide that were toxic to both pests. RESULTS: The uptake of imidacloprid into treated trees was extremely slow, peaking in the current year's leaf flush at only 8 ng cm?2 leaf tissue after 15 weeks. Avocado thrips mortality in bioassays with young flush leaves, the preferred feeding substrate for this insect, was minimal, indicating that imidacloprid concentrations were below threshold levels needed for effective control. Residues present in older leaves, which are preferred by the avocado lace bug, were higher than in young flush leaves, and provided good control of this pest. Probit analysis of bioassay data showed that the avocado lace bug (LC50 = 6.1 ng imidacloprid cm?2 leaf tissue) was more susceptible to imidacloprid than the avocado thrips (LC50 = 73 ng imidacloprid cm?2 leaf tissue). CONCLUSIONS: In spite of the slow uptake of imidacloprid into avocado trees, the levels of imidacloprid would be sufficient to control avocado lace bug infestations. In contrast, the slow uptake would be problematic for avocado thrips control because inadequate levels of insecticide accumulate in new flush foliage and would allow avocado thrips populations to build to levels that would subsequently damage developing avocado fruit. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Sri Lankan black pepper with symptoms of yellow mottle disease contained a mixture of viruses: Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMV) particles (30 × 130 nm), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, 30 nm diameter isometric particles), and unidentified, isometric virus-like particles (30 nm diameter). An effective purification procedure is described for PYMV. Immunosorbent and conventional electron microscopy successfully detected badnavirus particles only when at least partially purified extracts were used. PYMV was confirmed as the cause of the disease, with the other two viruses apparently playing no part in producing symptoms. PYMV was transmitted by grafting, by the insect vectors citrus mealy bug ( Planococcus citri ) and black pepper lace bug ( Diconocoris distanti ), but not by mechanical inoculation or through seeds. The CMV isolate was transmitted to indicator plants by mechanical inoculation and by the vector Aphis gossypii , but not by Myzus persicae ; but neither mechanical nor insect transmission of CMV to black pepper was successful. A sensitive polymerase chain reaction assay was developed to detect PYMV in black pepper.  相似文献   

食物显著地影响荔枝蝽的卵巢发育,产卵量和成虫的产卵期寿命,罩养于支树花(果)枝上,荔枝蝽每雌平均产卵222.3粒,净增殖率为110.57;雌、雄成虫的平均寿命分别为96.25和93.19d。罩养于嫩枝上者,每雌平均产卵193.4 ,净增殖率为96.26;雌、雄成虫的平均寿命分别为89.69和89.25d。罩养于老枝上的成虫不能产卵,雌,雄成虫的平均寿命分别为70.44和70.31d。在花(果)枝上  相似文献   

红尾白禾螟Scirpophaga excerptalis(Walker)近年来在广西甘蔗产区为害严重,扩展迅速,造成枯心苗和死尾株,死尾率高达70%以上,为此本文通过室内饲养结合田间调查对甘蔗红尾白禾螟主要生物学特性进行了初步研究。结果表明,红尾白禾螟在南宁1年发生4~5代,世代明显,绘制了年生活史图。各虫态发育历期:卵期(11.58±0.27)d,幼虫期(36.54±0.28)d,蛹期♀(23.54±0.86)d,♂(24.20±1.27)d,成虫寿命♀(6.10±0.22)d,♂(7.13±0.45)d,全世代(64.92±0.31)d。蛹的形态发育可分为5个级别,列出了分级表,可用于预测预报。此虫为单食性,仅取食甘蔗而不取食荸荠,可与荸荠白禾螟Scirpophagapraelata(Scopoli)明显区别,澄清了文献上的混淆。  相似文献   

Indoxacarb is a new oxadiazine insecticide that has shown outstanding field insecticidal activity. The toxicity of a 145 g litre-1 indoxacarb SC formulation (Steward) was studied on the tarnished plant bug Lygus lineolaris and the big-eyed bug Geocoris punctipes. Both insect species responded very similarly to indoxacarb in topical, tarsal contact and plant feeding toxicity studies. The topical LD50 of the formulation was c 35 ng AI per insect for both species. Prolonged tarsal contact with dry indoxacarb residues did not result in mortality for either insect species. However, both species were susceptible to feeding through dried residues of indoxacarb after spraying on young cotton plants. Feeding on water-washed plants resulted in lower mortality than that observed with unwashed plants, and toxicity declined even more dramatically after a, detergent rinse, indicating that much of the indoxacarb probably resides on the cotton leaf surface or in the waxy cuticle. These results were corroborated by HPLC-mass spectrometry measurements of indoxacarb residues on the plants. Greater mortality for both species was observed in a higher relative humidity environment. Higher levels of accumulated indoxacarb and its active metabolite were detected in dead G punctipes than in L lineolaris after feeding on sprayed, unwashed plants. When female G punctipes ate indoxacarb-treated Heliothis zea eggs, there was significant toxicity. However, only c 15% of the females consumed indoxacarb-treated eggs, and the rest of the females showed a significant diminution of feeding in response to the insecticide. Cotton field studies have shown that indoxacarb treatments at labelled rates lead to a dramatic decline in L lineolaris, with negligible declines in beneficial populations. A major route of intoxication of L lineolaris in indoxacarb-treated cotton fields thus appears to be via oral, and not cuticular, uptake of residues from treated cotton plants. The mechanisms for selectivity/safety for G punctipes are currently under investigation and may be a combination of differential feeding behavior and diminution of feeding by females exposed to indoxacarb-treated eggs.  相似文献   

北京发现悬铃木方翅网蝽为害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2012年8月在北京怀柔的二球悬铃木上初次发现了外来入侵物种—悬铃木方翅网蝽 (Corythucha ciliata), 但数量较少, 未造成明显危害; 2013年在北京昌平再度发现悬铃木方翅网蝽为害, 且种群数量极大。北京发现的悬铃木方翅网蝽是该入侵物种在我国的最北分布记录。本文记述了悬铃木方翅网蝽在北京的为害现状, 并提供了彩色图片。  相似文献   

Soybeans are of great importance in the world agricultural landscape, and their productive potential is significantly reduced by attacks from insect pests. Factors such as the expansion of national agricultural regions, together with no-tillage management and “off-season” maize cultivation, have favored the increase of secondary species such as Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), intensifying the damage caused by the soybean stink bug complex. The use of resistant genotypes may be a valuable strategy as an alternative to the excessive use of chemical control in crops. This study evaluated the attractiveness and feeding preferences of the green-belly stink bug in 17 soybean genotypes in different maturity groups (early, semiearly, and late) to characterize the expression of antixenosis resistance. To this end, free-choice tests of attractiveness and food preference were performed under laboratory conditions. The early genotypes PI 171451 and D 75-10169, the semiearly genotypes IAC 78-2318, “IAC 100”, IAC 74-2832, PI 227687, and “IAC 24” and the late genotypes PI 274454, PI 274453, and L 1-1-01 expressed significant levels of antixenosis against adult D. melacanthus. These results will be useful for soybean breeding programs focusing on the stink bug resistance complex.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) have become a common insect pest in urban areas and are often difficult to manage. Eradication is made more problematic by widespread insecticide resistance, raising interest in alternative control products. Juvenile hormone analogs (JHAs) such as methoprene and hydroprene are relatively harmless to non‐arthropods and have proved to be effective against other urban insect pests. Two JHA products (Gentrol® and Precor®, Central Life Sciences, Schaumburg, IL) were tested for efficacy against various bed bug stages as direct spray and as dry residue using three bed bug strains. RESULTS: At 1× and 2× the label rate, Precor® [active ingredient (S)‐methoprene] had no significant effect on the development or fecundity of bed bugs. At 2× the label rate, confinement to residues of Gentrol® [active ingredient (S)‐hydroprene] had no significant effect, but residues at 3× and 10× the label rate caused a reduction in fecundity and impaired development. Field strains were more susceptible to the reproductive effects of (S)‐hydroprene than a long‐maintained laboratory strain. CONCLUSIONS: While JHAs are attractive alternatives for pest management because of their inherent safety and distinct mode of action, these JHA formulations would have little impact on bed bug populations without relabeling to allow for higher application rates. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The species Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Vassiliev) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is currently being considered as a candidate for augmentative biological control agent (BCA) against several pests, including Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Protocols for mass production of a BCA need fundamental information on its biological attributes. Here we tested a possible laboratory host for the rearing of O. telenomicida: the common bug Graphosoma lineatum L. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). At tested conditions, O. telenomicida biological parameters were: rm 0.154, offspring production 84.07 specimens/female, sex ratio (% females) 71%, juvenile development time about 16 days, population doubling time 4.52 days, emergence rate about 90%.  相似文献   

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