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针对式农业电力网感性负载较多,功率因数较低的情况,研制出一种电力网无功补偿装置,可根据电力网功率因数的高低,采用单片微机进行相应的数据处理得到电网我最佳无功补偿量,从而投入或切除相应容量的并联电容器。使电网我运行在最佳功率因数状态,实现电网的运行,同时对该装置了智能化设计。  相似文献   

油松对松毛虫危害的补偿机制研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采取人工模拟松毛虫取食的方法,摘去油松部分2,3年生针叶,发现油松失去部分针叶后光合强度有所提高,并对当年新叶生长量没有影响.这表明油松受害后,其光合产量的增加是通过提高光合强度实现的.通过对组建的失叶率与初级产量关系模型分析,求出了不同失叶水平下的补偿点和超补偿点.当失叶率为25%时,其初级产量不受当年新叶量多少的影响,始终高于对照组,其超补偿的表现相对稳定;当失叶率为50%时,其补偿量随当年新生叶量而变化,表现出超补偿、补偿、准补偿,使“油松允许失叶量在50%左右”有了一个可信的解释,为进一步研究油松被害后的补偿与超补偿机制提供了依据  相似文献   

在市场经济体制下,农民以独立商品生产者参与市场竞争。农业生产的特点和农业、农村、农民的现状,决定了必须对农民的物质利益加以保护,才能促进公平竞争和农村市场经济的发展。为此,必须建立保护农民物质利益的机制,才能既治标又治本,进一步巩固农业的基础地位。  相似文献   

大豆伤根补偿效应及内源激素变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了大豆伤根生长及产量的补偿效应及其内源素的动态变化,结果表明:不同生育期伤测根以苗期补偿效果最好;苗期伤根促进侧根数增加,伤根10d后根重接近地对照,但仍低于对照,到鼓粒期仍是如此,成熟期考种时经济产量高于对照;伤根补偿与大豆内源激素ZR,ABA变化有密切的关系,伤根初期(48h内)ABA迅速增加,ZR/ABA在48~144h内不断增,促进补偿或超补偿效应。  相似文献   

耕地资源的价值体系及其经济补偿机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从生态系统的角度对耕地的功能和价值体系进行了重新认识和定位,在此基础上探讨了构建旨在使耕地保护外部性内部化的经济补偿机制,以解决耕地持有及保护主体激励不足、耕地占用主体或破坏主体约束不足的问题,建立起耕地保护的长效机制,并对补偿机制构建过程中的相关问题进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中.企业将面临着很多风险,特别是原材料、产品市场价格波动带来的风险,是企业的经营者所无法预料的。随着我国市场体系的不断完善,期货市场的建立,期货交易的套期保值功能,为我国商品生产者回避产品市场价格波动风险,提供了一种强有力的工具。  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中.企业将面临着很多风险,特别是原材料、产品市场价格波动带来的风险,是企业的经营者所无法预料的。随着我国市场体系的不断完善,期货市场的建立,期货交易的套期保值功能,为我国商品生产者回避产品市场价格波动风险,提供了一种强有力的工具。  相似文献   

大豆伤根补偿效应及内源激素变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了大豆伤根生长及产量的补偿效应及其内源激素的动态变化,结果表明:不同生育期伤侧根以苗期补偿效果最好;苗期伤根促进侧根数增加,伤根10d后根重接近于对照.但仍低于对照,到鼓粒期仍是如此,成熟期考种时经济产量高于对照;伤根补偿与大豆内源激素ZR、ABA变化有密切的关系。伤根初期(48h内)ABA迅速增加;ZR/ABA在48~144h不断增,促进补偿或超补偿效应。  相似文献   

科研后勤体制改革经过10多年的实践,取得了一定的成绩,后勤服务具备了相当的自我发展能力。但也遇到了改革的思想与目的不统一、资产权利难明晰、市场运行机制难行成、体制关系难理顺等一系列难题。问题的症结就是没有进行产权制度的改革,后勤服务系统没有成为具有法人地位的市场行为主体。后勤服务系统10多年的改革,一直采取绕开产权问题的改革方式,力图在不触动国家所有权的前提下,通过分离所有权与经营权,来确立后勤服务系统自主经营、自负盈亏的商品生产者的地位。然而,在实践中“两权分离”的改革并没有使“两权”真正分开,也…  相似文献   

分析了森林生态补偿的科学依据和协调发展对横向生态补偿的影响过程,厘清了京津冀地区横向森林生态补偿中存在的问题,并基于区域协调发展理论提出了公平、高效的森林生态补偿机制,使生态补偿从"输血式"补偿向"造血式"补偿转变,建立可持续的生态补偿模式。  相似文献   

明清时期湖州桑蚕业商品生产的发展,体现在社会经济分工的扩大和湖州桑蚕业内部分工的加深。湖州桑蚕业的发展是商品经济发展的结果,反过来,它又促进了商品经济的发展。  相似文献   

Despite their recent proliferation in global agricultural commodity chains, little is known about the potential of intersectoral partnerships to improve the position of smallholder farmers and their organizations. This article explores the potential of partnerships by developing a conceptual approach based on the sustainable livelihoods and linking farmers to market perspectives, which is applied in an exploratory study to six partnerships in the coffee sector in Peru. It is concluded that partnerships stimulate the application of standards to receive market access and therefore emphasize human capital development of farmers to facilitate certification. By transferring knowledge to farmers, partnerships present a new source of technological change, which, in combination with certification, holds potential for improved environmental management and price premiums for producers. However, the emphasis on certification results in a comparatively narrow target group of farmers and is associated with high financial burdens for producer organizations. At the same time, other assets of producer organizations are often not strengthened sufficiently for them to operate successfully without further external support. This suggests that preparing producers for certification is prioritized over empowering organizations toward self-dependence.  相似文献   

The UK dairy sector has undergone considerable structural change in recent years, with a decrease in the number of producers accompanied by an increased average herd size and increased concentrate use and milk yields. One of the key drivers to producers remaining in the industry is the profitability of their herds. The current paper adopts a holistic approach to decomposing the variation in dairy profitability through an analysis of net margin data explained by physical input-output measures, milk price variation, labour utilization and managerial behaviours and characteristics. Data are drawn from the Farm Business Survey (FBS) for England in 2007/08 for 228 dairy enterprises. Average yields are 7100 litres/cow/yr, from a herd size of 110 cows that use 0·56 forage ha/cow/yr and 43·2 labour h/cow/yr. An average milk price of 22·57 pence per litre (ppl) produced milk output of £1602/cow/yr, which after accounting for calf sales, herd replacements and quota leasing costs, gave an average dairy output of £1516/cow/yr. After total costs of £1464/cow/yr this left an economic return of £52/cow/yr (0·73 ppl) net margin profit. There is wide variation in performance, with the most profitable (as measured by net margin per cow) quartile of producers achieving 2000 litres/cow/yr more than the least profitable quartile, returning a net margin of £335/cow/yr compared to a loss of £361/cow/yr for the least profitable. The most profitable producers operate larger, higher yielding herds and achieve a greater milk price for their output. In addition, a significantly greater number of the most profitable producers undertake financial benchmarking within their businesses and operate specialist dairy farms. When examining the full data set, the most profitable enterprises included significantly greater numbers of organic producers. The most profitable tend to have a greater reliance on independent technical advice, but this finding is not statistically significant. Decomposing the variation in net margin performance between the most and least profitable groups, an approximate ratio of 65:23:12 is observed for higher yields: lower costs: higher milk price. This result indicates that yield differentials are the key performance driver in dairy profitability. Lower costs per cow are dominated by the significantly lower cost of farmer and spouse labour per cow of the most profitable group, flowing directly from the upper quartile expending 37·7 labour h/cow/yr in comparison with 58·8 h/cow/yr for the lower quartile. The upper quartile's greater milk price is argued to be achieved through contract negotiations and higher milk quality, and this accounts for 0·12 of the variation in net margin performance. The average economic return to the sample of dairy enterprises in this survey year was less than £6000/farm/yr. However, the most profitable quartile returned an average economic return of approximately £50?000 per farm/yr. Structural change in the UK dairy sector is likely to continue with the least profitable and typically smaller dairy enterprises being replaced by a smaller number of expanding dairy production units.  相似文献   

我国的西部开发在财政投资、优惠政策、生态建设、招商引资、商品销售、劳务输出、发展旅游等方面都为洛阳提供了极为有利的发展机遇;同时洛阳又面临着国家政策和市场方面,周边地区及人才、技术、资金等方面的挑战。  相似文献   

Why do tobacco farmers continue to produce tobacco in light of the bleak future of this crop? Given the changing political economy of tobacco, we might expect producers to respond by diversifying their enterprises. This study of Kentucky burley tobacco farmers finds that farmers express contradictory values toward the economic role of production and the social value of tobacco consumption. The economic value of tobacco is articulated by drawing upon experiential lessons with the crop. These, in turn, are used to inform production processes (reproduction of tobacco farming), all the while castigating the consumption of their commodity. Farmers persist in producing tobacco because of the structural and historical conditions of the region that have engendered a culture of tobacco production. The contradiction in production and consumption values suggests that the “cultural turn” in agro-food studies needs to move away from a linear approach of cultural values as determinants of social action and become sensitive to the differential ways commodity actors produce, use, and reproduce a culture of commodity production and a culture of commodity consumption. This unproblematic and linear association between values and economic activity misinforms social science research about seemingly “individual” motivations that are shaped by historical and structural conditions.  相似文献   

Since the New Deal era, the commodity title has been the major farm support program in US farm bills. Commodity programs have encouraged farmers to pursue specialized, monocultural, and input intensive production strategies that are increasingly viewed as unsustainable. Yet commodity programs remain politically resilient. As revealed in the farm payment limitation debate in the 2007 farm bill reauthorization process, political support for commodity programs is maintained through policy elasticity adaptations that combine new with old policy rationales. The recent extension of farm program support to producers of commodities that have not received benefits in the past poses a potential threat to existing commodity programs, as this legislation has institutionalized competition within production agriculture over the allocation and design of subsidies. This paper argues for renewed attention to the policy support mechanisms that undergird the conventional agrifood system in order to better understand alternative agrifood system possibilities and constraints.
Larry L. BurmeisterEmail:

In 1984, William Friedland proposed a Commodity Systems Analysis framework for describing the stages through which a commodity is transformed and how it acquires value. He challenged us to think of commodities as entities with a social as well as a physical presence. Friedland's argument enriched the concept of commodity production, but it remains essentially a supply side perspective.Since then, many commentators have argued that power is shifting from producers to consumers. Furthermore, some are claiming that, contrary to much traditional Marxist thinking about how individuals find meaning through their productive capacities, it is now through consumption that individuals are identifying themselves. Given the significance of this view, it seems timely to extend Friedland's framework to incorporate the consumption perspective.In light of other claims that the distance between production and consumption is increasing, it is equally important to acknowledge the processes that structure the relationship between the two spheres. This entails using new retail geographical and cultural studies to explore further what takes place in distribution and exchange.This article describes a new model for understanding power in commodity systems, one that acknowledges the input and interests of a range of actors beyond the agricultural sector. The proposed cultural economy model also emphasizes a range of value adding processes that are wider than those that apply to commodity production.  相似文献   

本文对社会主义有计划的商品经济这一范畴能否覆盖整个社会主义发展阶段提出质疑,认为有计划的商品经济是社会主义成熟阶段商品经济的典型特征,社会主义初级阶段的商品经济只能是创造条件向有计划的商品经济过渡的中间形式;其根本原因在于商品经济具有自身客观的发展过程,社会主义必须经历商品经济的各个发展阶段,才能达到有计划的商品经济这一发达阶段。  相似文献   

以宁紫薯1号为试材,研究了不同扦插时间对鲜薯产量和商品薯产量、商品薯率的影响,以及商品薯产量与商品薯率的动态变化,并确定了适宜收获期。结果表明:不同扦插时期对宁紫薯1号的鲜薯产量、商品薯产量和商品薯率有直接影响。适当提早扦插、适时收获可获得最高商品薯产量。最迟扦插期应掌握在7月底以前,收获时间掌握在扦插后100~130 d。  相似文献   

对我国部分地区生志农业建设综合发展的研究表明,我国生态农业建设必须以合理的投入为前题。以高效多功能的农林牧复合系统的建立为基础,并以农业生态工程配套技术为保证。生态农业建设对于充分合理地利用资源,加速我国农村商品经济的发展,有效地保护和改善农村生态环境,吸收农村剩余劳动力和促进农业生产的良性循环具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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