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为提高能源植物柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)的能源品质,通过田间试验探讨黄河三角洲盐碱地施氮水平和收获时间对柳枝稷生物质产量和氮含量、灰分含量、木质纤维素含量的影响。结果表明,收获时间对柳枝稷生物质产量、氮含量、灰分、木质纤维素含量有显著(P0.05)或极显著(P0.01)影响。生物质产量随着施氮量的增加而增加,且在施氮量为200 kg·hm~(-2)时达到最高值;木质纤维素含量随着收获时间的推迟而增加,冬季收获含量最高,施氮水平为100 kg·hm~(-2)时含量最高;灰分含量、氮含量随收获时间推移而降低。黄河三角洲地区柳枝稷生产时施氮肥100~150kg·hm~(-2),且在冬季收获,能获得较高的能源品质。  相似文献   

Relationships between residual feed intake (RFI) and other performance variables were determined using 54 purebred Angus steers. Individual feed intake and BW gain were recorded during a 70-d post-weaning period to calculate RFI. After the 70-d post-weaning test, steers were fed a finishing ration to a similar fat thickness (FT), transported to a commercial facility, and slaughtered. A subsample of carcasses (n = 32) was selected to examine the relationships among RFI, meat quality, and palatability. Steers were categorized into high (> 0.5 SD above the mean; n = 16), medium (mid; +/- 0.5 SD from the mean; n = 21), and low (< 0.5 SD below the mean; n = 17) RFI groups. No differences were detected in ADG, initial BW, and d 71 BW among the high, mid, and low RFI steers. Steers from the high RFI group had a greater DMI (P = 0.004) and feed conversion ratio (FCR; DMI:ADG; P = 0.002) compared with the low RFI steers. Residual feed intake was positively correlated with DMI (r = 0.54; P = 0.003) and FCR (r = 0.42; P = 0.002), but not with initial BW, d 71 BW, d 71 ultrasound FT, initial ultrasound LM area, d 71 ultrasound LM area, or ADG. The FCR was positively correlated with initial BW (r = 0.46; P = 0.0005), d 71 BW (r = 0.34; P = 0.01), and DMI (r = 0.40; P = 0.003) and was negatively correlated with ADG (r = -0.65; P = 0.001). There were no differences among RFI groups for HCW, LM area, FT, KPH, USDA yield grade, marbling score, or quality grade. Reflectance color b* scores of steaks from high RFI steers were greater (P = 0.02) than those from low RFI steers. There was no difference between high and low RFI groups for LM calpastatin activity. Warner-Bratzler shear force and sensory panel tenderness and flavor scores of steaks were similar across RFI groups. Steaks from high RFI steers had lower (P = 0.04) off-flavor scores than those from low RFI steers. Cook loss percentages were greater (P = 0.005) for steaks from low RFI steers than for those from mid RFI steers. These data support current views that RFI is independent of ADG, but is correlated with DMI and FCR. Importantly, the data also support the hypothesis that there is no relationship between RFI and beef quality in purebred Angus steers.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to estimate heterosis and breed genetic effects for carcass quantity, quality, and palatability traits of steers (Bos spp.) produced from matings of Romosinuano, Brahman, and Angus cattle. Steers (n = 464) were weaned at 7 mo of age and transported to the Southern Great Plains where they grazed winter wheat for 6 mo and were then fed a finishing diet until serial slaughter after different days on feed (average 130 d). Carcass quality and quantity traits were measured; steaks (aged 7 d) were obtained for palatability evaluation. Heterosis was detected for BW, HCW, dressing percentage, LM area, and yield grade for all pairs of breeds. Generally, Romosinuano-Angus heterosis estimates were smallest, Romosinuano-Brahman estimates were intermediate, and Brahman-Angus heterosis estimates were largest. The direct Romosinuano effect was to decrease (P < 0.05) BW (-67 ± 16 kg), HCW (-48 ± 10 kg), dressing percentage (-1.4 ± 0.5 units), 12th rib fat thickness (-5.2 ± 0.8 mm), and yield grade (-0.9 ± 0.1), and to increase LM area per 100 kg HCW (3.6 ± 0.3 cm(2)/100 kg). Significant Brahman direct effects were detected for BW (34 ± 17 kg), HCW (29 ± 10 kg), dressing percentage (1.6 ± 0.6 %), LM area per 100 kg HCW (-3.3 ± 0.4 cm(2)/100 kg), and yield grade (0.6 ± 0.1). Significant Angus direct effects were to increase 12th rib fat thickness (3.8 ± 1 mm). Among sire breed means, Romosinuano had reduced (P = 0.002) marbling score (393 ± 9) than Angus, but greater mean sensory tenderness scores (5.8 ± 0.1), and reduced percentage Standard carcasses (10 ± 2%) than Brahman (P < 0.002). Angus sire breed means for marbling score (475 ± 10), overall tenderness (5.8 ± 0.1), and percentage Choice carcasses (75 ± 5%) were greater (P < 0.05) than Brahman sire breed means (360 ± 11, 5.4 ± 0.1, 31 ± 5%). From consideration only of characteristics of the end product of beef production, Romosinuano did not provide a clearly superior alternative to Brahman for U.S. producers, as they had some quality and palatability advantages relative to Brahman, but at lighter HCW.  相似文献   

The effects of two forage species and N levels on urea kinetics and whole-body N metabolism were evaluated in eight Angus steers (initial BW 217+/-15 kg). In a replicated, 4 x 4 Latin square design, steers were fed gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.) or switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), each of which had 56.2 (LO) or 168.5 (HI) kg of N fertilization per hectare. Diets provided adequate energy for 0.5 kg ADG. Nitrogen balance and urea kinetics were measured from d 22 to 27 of each period. Urine samples collected during intravenous infusion of bis 15N urea were used to calculate production and recycling of urea N from relative abundance of urea isotopomers. Jugular blood serum was analyzed for serum urea N (SUN). Gamagrass differed from switchgrass (P < 0.05) in daily DMI (4,273 vs 4,185 g), N intake (72 vs 67 g), DM digestibility (61.0 vs 63.6%), fecal N (30.6 vs 28.3 g/d), urine urea N (10.5 vs 8.0 g/d), and percentage of urinary N present as urea N (53.5 vs 40.0%). After adjustment for differences in N intake, fecal N still tended to be greater (P < 0.09) for gamagrass than for switchgrass. The LO differed from the HI (P < 0.01) in daily N intake (63 vs 76 g), DM digestibility (61.3 vs 63.3%), urine N (13.6 vs 25.9 g/d), and N retained as a percentage of N digested (57.3 vs 43.5%). Compared to switchgrass, gamagrass had greater SUN, N digestibility, and N digested as N level increased (forage x N level interactions, P < 0.05). As N level increased, N retention increased from 19.5 to 23.5 g/d in gamagrass and decreased from 20.5 to 18.1 g/d in switchgrass (interaction, P < 0.07). The HI group was greater than the LO intake group (P < 0.03) in endogenous production of urea N (44.4 vs 34.0 g/d), gut entry rate of urea N (31.6 vs 28.2 g/d), and the amount of urea N that re-entered the ornithine cycle (9.4 vs 7.9 g/d). However, the percentage of urea N entering the gastrointestinal tract that was recycled was constant among treatments (29.1%), indicating that almost 70% of the urea N that entered the gastrointestinal tract was potentially available for anabolic purposes of the steers as a component of microbial products that were absorbed or excreted in the feces. In summary, N levels affected N metabolism of steers more when they were fed gamagrass than when they were fed switchgrass. Although the absolute amounts of N moving through the system changed with variations in intake, the proportions remained similar, with a greater efficiency of N use at low N intakes.  相似文献   

Thirty-two wethers were used to compare the nutritive value of Climax timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and quackgrass (Agropyron repens L. Beauv.) harvested at two stages of maturity, joint and early heading, and fed as hay. Crude protein was higher for quackgrass than for timothy (P less than .01). As maturity advanced, CP decreased (P less than .01), but NDF and ADL increased (P less than .01). Dry matter intake was similar between species but decreased by 8% with increasing maturity (P less than .01). Intake of NDF (g/kg.75) was similar for all hays. With increasing plant maturity, apparent digestibility decreased, the effect being more pronounced for quackgrass. Apparent digestibilities of DM and energy were slightly higher (P less than .06) for timothy, and those of CP and hemicellulose were higher for quackgrass (P less than .01). Apparent digestibilities of NDF, ADF, ADL, crude fiber and cellulose were similar between species. Dry matter intake and digestibility were correlated negatively with the ADL/ADF ratio of the hay (r = -.99, P less than .01), whereas CP intake and CP digestibility were correlated with CP of the hay (r = .99, P less than .01). The Lucas test estimated true protein digestibility at 88.1% and metabolic fecal protein at 29.4 g per kg of DM intake. During the growth trial, DM intake was similar between hays, but ADG of sheep was lower (P less than .01) for those fed hays at early heading vs those receiving hays at the joint stage of maturity. The feed to gain ratio was slightly lower for hays at joint (P less than .08). Under the climatic conditions of the 1988 growing season, the nutritive value of quackgrass was similar to that of Climax timothy.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and protein quality of 11 alternative protein sources (chicken products, blood products, enzyme-hydrolyzed fish protein concentrate, soybean meal, and spray-dried pork liver) were determined, and an experiment was conducted to determine palatability and digestibility of processed red blood cell-containing diets. Chicken protein sources differed in concentrations of CP, acid-hydrolyzed fat, and total AA (TAA) by 20, 31, and 24%, respectively, and GE by 1.7 kcal/g. Blood protein sources varied little in acid-hydrolyzed fat and GE concentrations, but concentrations of CP and TAA differed by 11 and 8%, respectively. Protein solubility of chicken and blood protein source categories averaged 57 and 69%, respectively. Protein solubility of enzyme-hydrolyzed fish protein concentrate, soybean meal, and spray-dried pork liver was 53, 67, and 26%, respectively. Based on calculations from immobilized digestive enzyme assay values, lysine digestibility averaged approximately 80.4 and 81.7% for blood and chicken protein sources, respectively. Lysine digestibility values for soybean meal and spray-dried pork liver were 89 and 77%, respectively. A chick protein efficiency ratio (PER) assay showed that chicken protein sources had high protein quality values, as the PER ranged from 2.7 to 5.3, whereas blood protein sources had poor protein quality (PER values less than 1.5). Enzyme-hydrolyzed fish protein concentrate, spray-dried pork liver, and soybean meal had high protein quality (PER values greater than 2.8). In the dog palatability and digestibility experiments, a corn and chicken-based diet supplemented with either 0 or 3% processed red blood cells was tested. The palatability test showed that dogs consumed more of the diet that contained 0% vs. 3% processed red blood cells. The intake ratio for the 3% processed red blood cells diet was 0.34. Nutrient digestibilities did not differ, except for CP, where the digestibility was greater (P = 0.01) for dogs consuming the 0% processed red blood cells diet. These data suggest that chemical composition and quality of alternative protein sources differ greatly among ingredients within the same category. Palatability data suggest that a processed red blood cells-containing diet is not highly palatable but, when this diet was offered as only one food, dogs demonstrated no aversion response but some decrease in protein digestion.  相似文献   

To determine effects of maternal diet on in vitro fertilization (IVF) and early embryonic development, ewes (n = 48) were divided into control, overfed (ad libitum feeding), and underfed (60% of control) nutritional planes for 8 wk before oocyte collection. Follicular development was induced by twice-daily injections of FSH on days 13 and 14 of the estrous cycle, and ovaries and blood samples were collected on day 15 of the estrous cycle. During the 8-wk experiment, for control ewes BW and BCS did not change, but for overfed ewes mean (± SEM) BW and BCS increased (11.8 ± 1.1 kg and 2.0 ± 0.1, respectively) and for underfed ewes decreased (14.2 ± 0.9 kg and 0.7 ± 0.1, respectively). The number of follicles was determined; oocytes were collected and subjected to in vitro maturation and fertilization. After IVF, developing embryos were evaluated throughout the 8-d culture period. The proportion of cleaved oocytes after IVF and developing morula and blastocyst were less (P < 0.0001) in overfed and underfed ewes than in control ewes. However, number of visible follicles, total number of oocytes, number of healthy oocytes, and percentage of healthy oocytes were similar for control, overfed, and underfed ewes. Serum insulin concentration was greater (P < 0.05) in overfed ewes than in underfed ewes, estradiol 17-β (E2) concentration was greater (P < 0.05) in underfed ewes than in overfed ewes, but triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) concentrations were similar in all treatment groups. These data show that inadequate feeding has a negative effect on oocyte quality which results in lower oocyte cleavage after IVF and morula and blastocyst formation; overfeeding increased serum insulin and underfeeding increased serum E2 but not T3 or T4. These data emphasize the importance of diet for reproductive and metabolic functions. Furthermore, the mechanisms through which enhanced or decreased energy in diet affect oocyte quality and serum insulin and E2 concentrations remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

为了改善库布齐沙地的生态环境,实现生态效益和经济效益的有效结合,将暖季型草本能源植物柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)引种到库布齐沙地。以柳枝稷品种"BL-1"为试验材料,研究了施用硫酸铵和尿素两种氮肥对柳枝稷产量、氮肥利用率及0-40 cm土层土壤硝态氮分布和积累的影响。本研究采用完全随机区组设计,设置0、75、150、225 kg·hm-2共4个施氮水平,每个处理3个重复。硫酸铵和尿素分别于苗期、分蘖期和拔节期施入各试验小区,施入量分别为施氮量的1/5、2/5和2/5。在初花期对柳枝稷的产量及土壤硝态氮含量进行测定。结果表明,硫酸铵和尿素的施用均可以显著提高柳枝稷的产量(P0.05)。柳枝稷的产量、吸氮量、氮肥利用率在施用硫酸铵时随着施氮量的增加逐渐增加;在施用尿素时,随着施氮量的增加出现先升高后降低的趋势,在施氮量为150 kg·hm-2时达到峰值。在0-40cm土层土壤硝态氮集中分布在10-20 cm,且其积累量随着施氮量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

In a 3-yr study, 135 crossbred steers (330 ± 10 kg) were used in a randomized complete block design to evaluate corn dried distillers grains plus solubles (DDGS) fed to yearling steers as a substitute for forage and N fertilizer and its effect on N use efficiency in yearling steers grazing smooth bromegrass pastures. Steers were initially stocked at 6.8 animal unit months (AUM)/ha on nonfertilized smooth bromegrass pastures (CONT), at 9.9 AUM/ha on smooth bromegrass pastures fertilized with 90 kg of N/ha (FERT), or at 9.9 AUM/ha on nonfertilized smooth bromegrass pastures with 2.3 kg (DM) of DDGS supplemented daily per steer (SUPP). Paddock was the experimental unit, with 3 replications per treatment per year for 3 yr. Paddocks were strip-grazed, and put-and-take cattle were used to maintain similar grazing pressure among treatment paddocks during the 160-d grazing season. Steers consumed less forage (P < 0.01), but total N intake for SUPP was greater (P < 0.01) per steer and per hectare than for FERT, and both were greater (P < 0.01) than for CONT. Nitrogen retention for steers in the SUPP treatment was increased (P < 0.01) by 31% compared with N retention in the CONT and FERT treatments. Nitrogen retention per hectare for SUPP was 30 and 98% greater (P < 0.01) than N retention per hectare for FERT and CONT, respectively. Nitrogen excretion per steer and per hectare were also greater (P < 0.01) for SUPP than FERT, and both were increased (P < 0.01) compared with CONT. Animal N use efficiency was similar (P = 0.29) for steers in the CONT, FERT, and SUPP treatments. However, system-based N use improved (P < 0.01) by 144% for SUPP compared with FERT. The DDGS increased N intake and N excretion in yearling steers. However, because of improvements in BW gain and increases in stocking rate of pastures, DDGS can be a useful tool to increase the efficiency of N use in smooth bromegrass grazing systems.  相似文献   

Pea chips are produced as a by-product when field peas are processed to produce split peas for human consumption. The objective of this experiment was to test the hypothesis that inclusion of pea chips in diets fed to finishing pigs does not negatively influence pig growth performance, carcass composition, and the palatability of pork. A total of 24 barrows (initial BW: 58.0 ± 6.6 kg) were allotted to 1 of 4 treatments and fed early finishing diets for 35 d and late finishing diets for 35 d. A corn-soybean meal (SBM) control diet and 3 diets containing pea chips were formulated for each phase. Pea chips replaced 33.3, 66.6, or 100% of the SBM in the control diet. Pigs were housed individually, and all pigs were slaughtered at the conclusion of the experiment. Overall, there were no differences (P > 0.11) in final BW, ADFI, and G:F of pigs among treatments, but there was a quadratic response in ADG (P = 0.04), with the smallest value observed in pigs fed the control diet. Dressing percentage linearly decreased (P = 0.04) as pea chips replaced SBM in diets, but there were no differences (P > 0.20) among treatments in HCW, LM area, 10th-rib backfat, lean meat percentage, and marbling. Likewise, pH in loin and ham, drip loss, and purge loss were not influenced (P > 0.13) by treatment. However, there was a quadratic response (P = 0.08) in 24-h pH in the shoulder, with the smallest value present in pigs fed the diet, in which 66.6% of the SBM was replaced by pea chips. Subjective LM color and Japanese color score standard were reduced (quadratic, P = 0.03 and 0.05, respectively) and LM b* values and hue angle were increased (quadratic, P = 0.09 and 0.10, respectively) when pea chips replaced SBM in the diets. Ham L* (quadratic, P = 0.04), a* (linear, P = 0.02), b* (quadratic, P = 0.07), color saturation (linear, P = 0.02), and hue angle (quadratic, P = 0.05) were increased when pea chips replaced SBM. However, there were no differences (P > 0.16) in shoulder and fat color. Moreover, cook loss percentage, shear force, juiciness, and pork flavor of pork chops were not different (P > 0.10) among treatments, but tenderness of pork chops linearly decreased (P = 0.04) as SBM replaced pea chips. It is concluded that all the SBM in diets fed to growing-finishing pigs may be replaced by pea chips without negatively influencing growth performance or carcass composition. However, pigs fed pea chips will have pork chops and hams that are lighter, and chops may be less tender if pigs are fed pea chips rather than corn and SBM.  相似文献   

Four nonlactating Holstein cows (593 kg) with ruminal cannulas were fed bromegrass hay that was fertilized with 0 or 89 kg of N/ha and harvested in the late-boot or full-head stage of maturity. Total tract apparent digestibility of N was less for full-head than for late-boot bromegrass (48 vs 64%; P less than .01) and was greater for N-fertilized than for unfertilized bromegrass (60 vs 52%, P less than .01). True N digestibility was greater (P less than .01) by cows fed late-boot hay than by those fed full-head bromegrass (85 vs 81%). Maturity did not affect N retention. Nitrogen fertilization increased N retained, both grams per day (70 vs 20; P less than .01) and as a percentage of N intake (P less than .01). Nitrogen and amino acid disappearance kinetics were determined in situ. Rate constants for N disappearance within rapidly and slowly degraded pools were not different among treatments, but because late-boot had a larger proportion of N in the rapidly degraded pool, overall disappearance rate for N was faster (P less than .05) for late-boot than for full-head bromegrass (12.0 vs 7.1 %/h). Treatment effects observed for individual amino acids were similar to those found for N. Both composition and kinetic data were needed to explain differences in N digestion and balance. Distribution of N within the forage had profound effects on the N economy of the cows.  相似文献   

A sample survey of anthelmintic usage and farmers; drenching policies was conducted on 614 sheep farms, in the North and South Islands, selected from among those carrying 1500 or more breeding ewes. The survey was based on information for the 1978179 and 1979/80 farming years recorded on questionnaires completed during personal interviews between Livestock Officers and the farmers concerned. Results show that there were no significant between-Island differences in mean drenching frequencies for any age class of sheep. In 1979/80, the overall New Zealand drenching frequencies were 6.3 for lambs, 1.8 for 1-2-year-olds and 1.2 for sheep older than 2 years. Of the farmers surveyed, 20% did not drench 1-2-year-old sheep and 29% did not drench sheep older than 2 years. There were also no between-Island differences in timing of drenches and alternation of drench brands. Sixty-nine per cent of the farmers followed a pre-determined drenching programme whereas 27% stated that they drenched if and when necessary. For lambs, some drenching was carried out in all months of the year hut fewer farmers drenched during the mid-winter to mid-spring period (July-October). Older stock were drenched in all months also but there was a general acceptance by farmers of the practices of pre-tupping and pre or post-lambing drenching. At the time of the survey, 48% of the farmers were using three or more brands of drench with a maximum of nine. Analysis of data relating to brands of drench used shows that whereas 39% of the farmers w,ere alternating drench families [i.e. benzimidazoles (BZ) c.f. non-benzimidazoles (NBZ)] within a single farming year, only 3% were practising a strict alternation of drench families between years. General comments by the farmers surveyed indicate a disturbing degree of misunderstanding and misconception regarding the properties and limitations of current anthelmintics. The survey also revealed a lack of appreciation of the rationale of prophylactic (;preventive;) parasite control. These aspects are discussed in relation to currently recommended control strategies and the problem of anthelmintic resistance.  相似文献   

宰前应激如热、冷、运输、机械性应激,以及屠宰操作不当等因素影响猪胴体外观及肉质.表现为皮肤毛细血管出血,全身出现红斑,甚至出现白肌肉(PSE,肉色苍白、质地松软、切面汁液渗出)或黑干肉(DFD,肉色暗、坚硬和干燥)等.笔者通过观察和试验,证实倒悬沥血时间短,可影响猪胴体外观和肉品质,出现PSE肉,引起内脏器官出血、呛水、变性等变化.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the potential for using blood urea N concentration to predict urinary N excretion rate, and to develop a mathematical model to estimate important variables of N utilization for several different species of farm animals and for rats. Treatment means (n = 251) from 41 research publications were used to develop mathematical relationships. There was a strong linear relationship between blood urea N concentration (mg/100 mL) and rate of N excretion (g x d(-1) x kg BW(-1)) for all animal species investigated. The N clearance rate of the kidney (L of blood cleared of urea x d(-1) x kg BW(-1)) was greater for pigs and rats than for herbivores (cattle, sheep, goats, horses). A model was developed to estimate parameters of N utilization. Driving variables for the model included blood urea N concentration (mg/100 mL), BW (kg), milk production rate (kg/d), and ADG (kg/d), and response variables included urinary N excretion rate (g/d), fecal N excretion rate (g/d), rate of N intake (g/d), and N utilization efficiency (N in milk and gain per unit of N intake). Prediction errors varied widely depending on the variable and species of animal, with most of the variation attributed to study differences. Blood urea N concentration (mg/100 mL) can be used to predict relative differences in urinary N excretion rate (g/d) for animals of a similar type and stage of production within a study, but is less reliable across animal types or studies. Blood urea N concentration (mg/100 mL) can be further integrated with estimates of N digestibility (g/g) and N retention (g/d) to predict fecal N (g/d), N intake (g/d), and N utilization efficiency (grams of N in milk and meat per gram of N intake). Target values of blood urea N concentration (mg/100 mL) can be backcalculated from required dietary N (g/d) and expected protein digestibility. Blood urea N can be used in various animal species to quantify N utilization and excretion rates.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to investigate the associative effects of a cornstalk-based diet supplemented with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) hay on intake, digestibility, nitrogen (N) metabolisation, rumen environment and hematological parameters in Xiaoweihan sheep. We also investigated the optimal range of alfalfa hay to achieve positive associative effects and avoid negative effects. Xiaoweihan sheep (n = 5; fitted with rumen T-cannula) were fed five cornstalk-based diets in a 5 × 5 Latin square design. Diets contained 0, 50, 150, 300, 450 g alfalfa, and were supplemented with 100 g concentrate, respectively. Our results suggested that supplementation of 300 g alfalfa hay reduced (P < 0.05) cornstalk intake, but significantly increased dry matter (DM) intake (P < 0.05). Additionally, DM digestibility of 150 g alfalfa hay supplementation was slightly higher than that noted in other diets. Metabolism studies showed 50–150 g alfalfa hay supplementation had a positive associative effect (P < 0.05) on N utilization, with the greatest benefit noted with 150 g per day (P < 0.05) compared to unsupplemented diets. Alfalfa supplementation (50–450 g per day) resulted in an elevated trend of ammonia nitrogen (NH3–N) with 50 or 150 g of alfalfa hay more likely to promote sheep rumen environment, with a noticeable increase (P < 0.05) in serum urea nitrogen (UREAN) concentrations observed with 300 g alfalfa hay per day. Our data suggested that the optimal range to achieve beneficial effects and avoid negative effects was 150–300 g per day for cornstalk-based diets for sheep.  相似文献   

Thirty nonlactating Holstein cows were superovulated to determine the effect of artificial insemination time on fertilization status and embryo quality. During the luteal phase of the estrous cycle, cows were administered 38 mg FSH-P in a 4-d descending dose regimen. Luteolysis was induced with two injections of prostaglandin on the last day of FSH-P treatment. All cows were continuously monitored for behavioral estrus using the HeatWatch estrus detection system. All cows were inseminated once with one .5-mL straw (50 x 10(6) sperm) at either 0 (n = 10), 12 (n = 10), or 24 h (n = 10) after the first standing event. The elapsed time (mean +/- SD) from the first prostaglandin dose to the first standing event was 39.4 h +/- 7.7 h. The (mean +/- SD) duration of behavioral estrus was 13.2 h +/- 4.1 h. The (mean +/- SD) number of standing events was 27 +/- 17. Five hundred twenty-nine embryos and ova were recovered nonsurgically 6 d after insemination. Fertilization rates were 29 (0 h), 60 (12 h), and 81% (24 h) (P < .01). Percentages of excellent and good, fair and poor, and degenerate embryos were not different (P > .05). Percentages of embryos with accessory sperm were 5 (0 h), 8 (12 h), and 41 (24 h) and differed between the 0 and 24 h and the 12 and 24 h inseminations (P < .01). Artificial insemination of superovulated, nonlactating Holstein cattle 24 h after onset of estrus increased fertilization rate and percentage of embryos with accessory sperm compared with insemination at 0 or 12 h after onset of estrus. Embryo quality was not affected by time of insemination.  相似文献   

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