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在河北省沧州市海兴县选取耕层土壤初始含水量有较大差异的两个地块,于春季利用当地高矿化度咸水(10~15 g·L~(-1))进行灌溉和地膜覆盖,以探究地膜覆盖对春季咸水灌溉条件下滨海盐渍土水盐动态的影响。设不灌咸水不覆膜(对照,CK)、不灌咸水覆膜(PM)及3月29日和4月13日灌咸水不覆膜(SE、SL)、灌咸水后覆膜(SE+PM、SL+PM)6个处理探讨不同咸水灌溉和覆膜对土壤水盐动态的影响;另在耕层土壤含水量≥20%(海兴县小山乡)和20%(海兴县农场)两个地点分别设灌咸水后覆膜(SE+PM)和不灌咸水不覆膜(CK)处理,探讨初始土壤含水量对咸水灌溉下土壤水盐动态的影响。灌水量均为180 mm,灌溉咸水来自排水渠,矿化度分别为12.12 g·L~(-1)和11.53 g·L~(-1),咸水入渗后,播种油葵。结果表明:春季咸水灌溉后覆膜能有效降低耕层土壤盐分,并且该项措施实施的时间越早越好,脱盐深度和脱盐率均较深和较高,本研究中,脱盐效果最优的为SE+PM处理,该处理在油葵收获后0~5 cm脱盐率为58.93%,土壤含盐量由1.15%降至0.51%。此外,脱盐效果也受到土壤初始含水量的影响,耕层土壤含水量20%时,春季咸水灌溉覆膜处理对土壤盐分的淋洗效果较好,平均脱盐深度大于40 cm,保证了油葵正常生长,油葵出苗率和产量分别为73.9%和920 kg·hm~(-2),至油葵收获时,0~20 cm土层土壤含盐量由灌溉前的1.93%降低至0.32%,脱盐率达84.07%;而当耕层土壤含水量≥20%时,脱盐速度慢、深度浅,至油葵播种时,土壤盐分依然较高,导致油葵出苗率低,最终绝收。本研究通过利用春季高矿化度咸水灌溉和地膜覆盖措施,在春季干旱和土壤严重积盐条件下有效降低了耕层土壤盐分,为作物播种出苗提供适宜的土壤水分条件和低盐环境。  相似文献   

This article explores the response of three genotypes of Amaranthus to different sowing date and to different doses of nitrogen (N) fertilization. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with three replicates for cultivars, planting date and fertilization per treatment. Mexicano sown in early December had the best yield (5285?kg ha-1) with highly significant differences (p?<?0.001) respect to Dorado and Antorcha. To assess the N fertilization Mexicano cultivar was sown at the end of spring (1 December). Morphophysiological variables increased as the N fertilization dose was raised. Higher doses of N fertilizer resulted in greater economic yields this was mainly due to the increase in grain number rather than that of a 1000 grain weight. The results of this investigation suggest that sowing Amaranthus cruentus cv Mexicano on 1 December with 150?kg N ha?1 favors its general development and allows to obtain high economic and biological yields with an appropriate protein content.  相似文献   

Food and fodder shortage in arid and semi‐arid regions force farmers to use marginal quality water for meeting the water requirement of crops which result in low quality, reduced production and an adverse impact on soil properties. A field study on loamy‐sand (Hyperthermic Typic Ustipsamments) saline soil was conducted during 1999–2001 at Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar. This involved assessment of effects of conjunctive use of saline water, EC = 4·6–7·4 dSm−1, SAR = 14–22 ((mmol−1)½ with good quality water on five fodder crop rotations: oat‐sorghum (Avena sativa‐Sorghum bicolor), rye grass–sorghum (Loleum rigidumSorghum bicolor), Egyptian clover—sorghum (Trifoleum alexandrinumSorghum bicolor), Persian clover—sorghum (Trifoleum resupinatumSorghum bicolor) and Indian clover–sorghum (Melilotus indicaSorghum bicolor) and certain soil properties associated with it. Leguminous winter fodder crops were more sensitive to poor quality water use. Reductions in fodder yield with use of saline water alone throughout season were 85, 68, 54, 42, 36 and 26 per cent in Indian clover, Egyptian clover, Persian clover, oat, rye grass and sorghum respectively as compared to good quality water. Leguminous fodder crops produced protein rich (12–14 per cent) and low fibre (18–20 per cent) fodder as compared to poor quality grassy fodder under good quality water irrigation but their quality deteriorated when saline water was used. These leguminous crops accumulated proportionately higher Na+ (1·58 per cent) resulting in adverse impact on their growth as compared to grassy fodder crops. Higher soil salinity (12·2 dSm−1), SAR = 20 (mmol−1)½ was recorded with saline water irrigation; and slight adverse impact was noticed on infiltration rate and contents of water dispersible clay. Alternate cyclic use of canal and saline water could be an option for fodder production under such conditions. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ridge and furrow systems as well as the wide-narrow row spacing are recognized as good management practices in crop production. To obtain some available information concerning the suitable agricultural practices for buckwheat cultivation in arid and semi-arid area, a two-year field study was conducted to investigate the performance of common buckwheat grown under six cropping patterns: conventional flat single/double row planting (NS/ND); furrow single/double row planting (FS/FD); ridge single/double row planting (RS/RD); single row planting with equal row spacing and double row planting with wide-narrow row spacing practice. Plants grown under the FD system exhibited higher water use efficiency (WUE) and rainfall use efficiency (RUE) than plants cultivated with the NS system, increases with 13.7% and 21.9%, respectively, in 2014, while 9.8% and 14.0%, respectively, in 2015. Plants of the FD system also displayed the greatest leaf area index and canopy openness at growth stage of 40, 60, and 80 days after sowing, maximum biomass production (13.96 t ha?1) and grain yield (3486.2 kg ha?1) in 2014, and the least pronounced soil nitrate consumption as compared to plants from other tillage systems. We conclude that FD is the optimum planting pattern for common buckwheat cultivation in semi-arid and arid environments.  相似文献   

Alkali lands in India occupy about 3 million ha. Due to poor physical properties, excessive exchangeable sodium and high pH, most of these lands support a very poor vegetation cover. Many of the medicinal and aromatic plants are in great demand for both internal requirements and export. But since these crops are non‐conventional in nature, it is not always possible for them to be produced on fertile lands, which can be used for arable crops. The marginal lands, specifically the lands affected by salinity or sodicity problems where profitable returns are not possible from agricultural crops, could be successfully utilized for the cultivation of these high‐value crops with marginal inputs. Results reported in this paper clearly indicated that out of three aromatic grasses, palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Wats.) and lemon grass (C. flexuosus (Steud.) Wats.) could successfully be grown on moderatly alkali soils of pH up to 9·2 while vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash), which withstands both high pH and stagnation of water, could successfully be grown without significant yield reduction on highly alkali soils. These grasses not only produce essential oils used for industrial purposes but also ameliorate the soil. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the fragile hilly ecosystem of North‐eastern Himalayan Region (NEHR) of India, interaction of land use change and soil organic carbon (SOC) holds significance in sustaining land productivity. However, because of limited data, the effect of land use on SOC inventory at regional level is poorly quantified. The present study assessed the influence of seven major land uses and agrophysical variables (soil texture, bulk density, annual rainfall and mean temperature) on SOC concentration and stock across altitudinal gradients (6–3,500 masl) of NEHR of India. Results revealed that non‐agricultural land uses (grasslands and forests) registered significantly higher SOC concentration (2·20 to 2·51%) and stock (35·2–42·1 Mg ha−1) compared with agricultural (shifting and settled‐up and lowlands), plantation and horticultural land uses (SOC, 1·44 to 1·63%; stock, 27·4–28·4 Mg ha−1). Principal component analysis exhibited that the variation in SOC concentration among the land uses was mostly contributed by finer fractions of soil separates (silt and clay contents), and altitudinal gradient led variation in climatic variables (rainfall and temperature). Trend analyses depicted that SOC increased with an increase in rainfall and clay content but decreased with mean temperature and soil bulk density. Along the altitudinal gradient (6 to 1,000 masl), an inconsistent increase in silt + clay, annual rainfall, SOC concentration, and stock was also observed. However, beyond 1,000 masl, the corresponding increase was linear. The wide variability in SOC concentration and stock, therefore, resulted from the interaction of land uses, altitudinal gradients, textural gradients and climatic variables Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The knowledge of profile distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) in long‐term agricultural systems could help to store atmospheric carbon in the soil. We investigated profile distribution of easily oxidisable Walkley–Black SOC pool (SOCWB) under long‐term rice‐wheat (R‐W) and maize‐wheat (M‐W) cropping systems under soils of different pedogenesis. The soil samples were collected from the characteristic genetic horizons and analysed for carbon fractions. The SOCWB was the highest in soils under R‐W systems in both Alfisols and Inceptisols. The SOCWB stock in the deeper profile horizons under R‐W system was significantly (p < 0·05) higher than that under M‐W system especially in Typic Hapludalfs. Long‐term R‐W system could store on average 3·55 Mg ha−1 more SOCWB than M‐W system in the Ap horizon. The SOCWB stock in the Ap horizon of all pedons was significantly (p < 0·05) higher in Alfisols than that in Inceptisols. About 60–90% of the total profile SOCWB stock was contributed by B‐horizon because of its greater extent. Considering the whole profile, clay was negatively correlated with SOC fractions; however, the SOC fractions were closely related to each other. This study reveals that the distribution of SOCWB is different in long‐term R‐W and M‐W systems not only in surface but also in the deeper horizons and the magnitude of the variation is influenced by the specific pedogenic processes. This indicates the significance of profile SOCWB stock instead of topsoil SOCWB stock in quantifying carbon retention potential of the long‐term management practices. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most of reforestation projects have not been successful in the low‐mountain region of the Jinsha River Basin, which has a harsh environment (high temperatures and lack of available water). Analysis of few successful reforestation cases in Yuanmou, Yunnan Province of China, a typical semiarid region of the Jinsha River Basin, reveals that a holistic approach is needed for successful reforestation in the region. Techniques of tree planting need to be taken into account to ensure normal growth during the early stages after transplanting from the nursery in such a dry and hot environment. More important are the follow‐up management of trees and the implementation of management policies in reforestation areas, of which after‐care and forest watching are important measures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the differences between the villagers' and the Forest Department's preferences in the choice of tree species to be planted in eastern Rajasthan, India. Locals learned to manage the tree resources in a sustainable manner before the formal knowledge perspectives started to dominate through various state forestry programmes in which decision making is dominated by expert perspectives in a given political context. The study also attempts to identify the problems of complementary relationships between local and expert knowledge and the resulting management implications. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To improve soil structure and take advantage of several accompanying ecological benefits, it is necessary to understand the underlying processes of aggregate dynamics in soils. Our objective was to quantify macroaggregate (> 250 μm) rebuilding in soils from loess (Haplic Luvisol) with different initial soil organic C (SOC) contents and different amendments of organic matter (OM) in a short term incubation experiment. Two soils differing in C content and sampled at 0–5 and 5–25 cm soil depths were incubated after macroaggregate destruction. The following treatments were applied: (1) control (without any addition), (2) OM1 (addition of OM: preincubated wheat straw [< 10 mm, C : N 40.6] at a rate of 4.1 g C [kg soil]–1), and (3) OM2 (same as (2) at a rate of 8.2 g C [kg soil]–1). Evolution of CO2 released from the treatments was measured continuously, and contents of different water‐stable aggregate‐size classes (> 250 μm, 250–53 μm, < 53 μm), microbial biomass, and ergosterol were determined after 7 and 28 d of incubation. Highest microbial activity was observed in the first 3 d after the OM application. With one exception, > 50% of the rebuilt macroaggregates were formed within the first 7 d after rewetting and addition of OM. However, the amount of organic C within the new macroaggregates was ≈ 2‐ to 3‐fold higher than in the original soil. The process of aggregate formation was still proceeding after 7 d of incubation, however at a lower rate. Contents of organic C within macroaggregates were decreased markedly after 28 d of incubation in the OM1 and OM2 treatments, suggesting that the microbial biomass (bacteria and fungi) used organic C within the newly built macroaggregates. Overall, the results confirmed for all treatments that macroaggregate formation is a rapid process and highly connected with the amount of OM added and microbial activity. However, the time of maximum aggregation after C addition depends on the soil and substrate investigated. Moreover, the results suggest that the primary macroaggregates, formed within the first 7 d, are still unstable and oversaturated with OM and therefore act as C source for microbial decomposition processes.  相似文献   

Pandanus amaryllifolius, an herb, is cultivated in home gardens in coastal regions of India. The leaves are added to ordinary rice while cooking to impart basmati rice aroma. The plant bears the same aroma principle 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) that has been reported in Basmati and other scented rice. Quantitatively the 2AP contents are highest in this plant among the plant kingdom. Therefore, it has good scope for commercial cultivation.  相似文献   

Conservation tillage has been applied in vast semi‐arid regions of the Guanzhong Plain, Northwest China. The tillage effects on soil aggregation, organic carbon (OC) stabilization and grain yield on this plain have not been fully elucidated. A 9‐year field experiment was established from 2002 on a silty clay loam soil (Eum‐Orthic Anthrosol) growing winter wheat–maize in a double‐cropping system. Six conservation tillage treatments were applied by different combinations of rotary tillage (RT), subsoiling (SS) and no‐till (NT), with or without finely chopped straw retention. Conventional tillage (CT) acted as the control. Results showed that in the surface (0–10 cm) soil, the proportion of water‐stable aggregates (WSA) <0.05 mm was 18% less while that for WSA >2 mm was 98% more under NT treatments compared with CT. Additionally, the oxidizable OC content in WSA 0.25–2 mm was 27% greater under NT treatments compared with CT. The OC stocks increased under SS by 17%, RT by 16% and NT by 15% relative to CT. Grain yield (wheat + maize) showed similar increasing trends in all the tillage treatments compared with CT. Both OC stocks and grain yield were larger in treatments with than without straw retentions. These results indicate that NT is beneficial for OC accumulation in WSA but is limited in its ability to improve soil structure in this region. SS plus straw retention (fine‐chopped or as a mulch) is an effective practice to improve soil structural stability, OC accumulation and soil productivity of Eum‐Orthic Anthrosols in Northwest China.  相似文献   

Experimentation by farmers with conservation agriculture (CA) is increasing in southern Africa, but local longer term data on these new production systems are scarce. This study focuses on CA research at two contrasting on‐farm sites and one on‐station long‐term trial in Zimbabwe. The on‐farm trials were conducted at Chikato village on a sandy soil at Zimuto Communal Area with low rainfall and at Hereford farm near Bindura on a clay‐rich soil in a high rainfall area. The on‐station trial was at Henderson Research Station near Mazowe where more in‐depth soil studies were possible. Results of CA systems from the on‐station site show on average 38 and 65% greater water infiltration on ripline‐seeded (RS) and direct‐seeded CA treatments compared with conventionally ploughed control treatments. Results from on‐farm sites show a 123 and 168% greater aggregate stability at Hereford and 11 and 24% lower dispersion ratio at Chikato on the two CA compared with the conventionally ploughed control treatments. Soil carbon increased by 46% in the first 20 cm on the sandy soils at Chikato in RS and by 104% in direct‐seeded CA treatments in four cropping seasons from 2004 to 2008, while it stayed at low levels on the conventionally tilled control treatment. Yields on CA plots were higher on the sandy soils in dry seasons, but lower in very wet seasons because of waterlogging. Yields on clay soils were less affected by the rainfall season. Crop productivity from CA systems increased at all sites over time owing to better management although significant differences between CA and conventional treatments on the three sites were apparent only after several cropping seasons. Conservation agriculture offers practical solutions to small‐scale farmers threatened by future soil degradation and fertility loss, but its successful use will depend on weed control and adequate application of fertilizers. The results indicate that there is no immediate increase in maize (Zea mays L.) yield when changing from a tilled to a CA system, but there is gradual improvement in some soil quality indicators over time.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of consecutive application of gypsum dissolved in leaching water on hydraulic conductivity of a saline‐sodic soil. Drainage type plastic columns with a 10 cm diameter were used in this laboratory experiment. Soil depth within columns was 30 cm with an average bulk density of 1.38 g cm–3. Leaching water was applied in six equal portions. Total gypsum was applied at 1, 3, and 5 portions after dissolving in leaching water. In dissolution, equal (1.273 + 1.273 + 1.273 Mg ha–1), increasing (0.637 + 1.273 + 1.910 Mg ha–1) and decreasing (1.910 + 1.273 + 0.637 Mg ha–1) quantities of gypsum were used. Results were compared with the control treatment, in which total amount of gypsum were mixed with surface layer of soil column before leaching. Hydraulic conductivity of soil increased in all treatments. The maximum hydraulic conductivity value was obtained at consecutive application of gypsum at decreasing quantities.  相似文献   

Post‐methanation effluent (PME) generated through bio‐methanation of distillery effluent, a foul‐smelling, dark colored by‐product of distillery industries, is applied to arable land in some areas near the vicinity of the distillery industries as an amendment. The PME contains considerable amount of organic matter and salt besides its high plant‐nutrient content. The present investigation was conducted for three years during 1999–2002 on soybean‐wheat cropping sequence to evaluate the effect of graded levels of post‐methanation effluent (PME) on soil physical properties and crop productivity in a deep Vertisol of central India. Six application doses of PME viz. S2.5+W0: 2.5 cm PME applied to soybean and wheat on residual nutrition, S2.5+W1.25: 2.5 cm PME to soybean and 1.25 cm to wheat, S5.0+W0: 5 cm PME to soybean and wheat on residual nutrition, S5.0+W2.5: 5.0 cm PME to soybean and 2.5 cm to wheat, S10.0+W0: 10 cm PME to soybean and wheat on residual nutrition, and S10.0+W5.0: 10.0 cm PME to soybean and 5.0 cm to wheat, were compared with 100% recommended NPK+FYM ? 4 Mg ha–1 and control (no fertilizer, manure or PME). The application of PME increased the organic carbon content and electrical conductivity of the soil compared to control and 100% NPK+FYM treatment. The organic C content was maximum in S10.0+W5.0 (11.2 g kg–1) and minimum in control (5.2 g kg–1). Electrical conductivity increased from 0.47 dS m–1 in control to 1.58 dS m–1 in highest dose of PME (S10.0+W5.0). The PME treatments have not affected the soil pH. The application of PME showed a significant improvement in the physical properties of the soil. The mean weight diameter (MWD), percent water‐stable aggregation (% WSA), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), and water retention (WR) at 0.033 MPa suction were significantly (P < 0.05) more while bulk density (BD) and penetration resistance was significantly less in PME‐treated plots than that of control. The MWD showed a linear and positive relationship (r = 0.89**) with the soil organic C. Soybean recorded significantly higher seed yield at all PME treatments than control. Highest average soybean yield (2.39 Mg ha–1) was recorded in S10.0+W0 but yield decreased significantly in S10.0+W5.0 (2.08 Mg ha–1). In wheat, all the PME‐treated plots except S2.5+W0 yielded significantly higher than control while the 100% NPK+FYM treatment yielded (3.46 Mg ha–1) at par with the S10.0+W5.0 (4.0 Mg ha–1) and S5.0+W2.5 (3.66 Mg ha–1). Fresh application of PME to wheat resulted in significant improvement in grain yield over that grown on residual fertility. Thus, application of PME to arable land, as an amendment, could be considered as a viable option for the safe disposal of this industrial waste.  相似文献   

Crop growth in sandy soils is usually limited by plant‐available nutrients and water contents. This study was conducted to determine whether these limiting factors could be improved through applications of compost and biochar. For this purpose, a maize (Zea mays L.) field trial was established at 1 ha area of a Dystric Cambisol in Brandenburg, NE Germany. Five treatments (control, compost, and three biochar‐compost mixtures with constant compost amount (32.5 Mg ha–1) and increasing biochar amount, ranging from 5–20 Mg ha–1) were compared. Analyses comprised total organic C (TOC), total N (TN), plant‐available nutrients, and volumetric soil water content for 4 months under field conditions during the growing season 2009. In addition, soil water‐retention characteristics were analyzed on undisturbed soil columns in the laboratory. Total organic‐C content could be increased by a factor of 2.5 from 0.8 to 2% (p < 0.01) at the highest biochar‐compost level compared with control while TN content only slightly increased. Plant‐available Ca, K, P, and Na contents increased by a factor of 2.2, 2.5, 1.2, and 2.8, respectively. With compost addition, the soil pH value significantly increased by up to 0.6 (p < 0.05) and plant‐available soil water retention increased by a factor of 2. Our results clearly demonstrated a synergistic positive effect of compost and biochar mixtures on soil organic‐matter content, nutrients levels, and water‐storage capacity of a sandy soil under field conditions.  相似文献   

Detailed information on the profile distributions of agronomically important soil properties in the planting season can be used as criteria to select the best soil tillage practices. Soil cores (0–60 cm) were collected in May, 2012 (before soybean planting), from soil transects on a 30‐yr tillage experiment, including no‐tillage (NT), ridge tillage (RT) and mouldboard plough (MP) on a Brookston clay loam soil (mesic Typic Argiaquoll). Soil cores were taken every 19 cm across three corn rows and these were used to investigate the lateral and vertical profile characteristics of soil organic carbon (SOC), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soil volumetric water content (SWC), bulk density (BD), and penetration resistance (PR). Compared to NT and MP, the RT system resulted in greater spatial heterogeneity of soil properties across the transect. Average SOC concentrations in the top 10 cm layer were significantly greater in RT than in NT and MP (= 0.05). NT soil contained between 0.8 and 2.5% (vol/vol) more water in the top 0–30 cm than RT and MP, respectively. MP soil had lower PR and BD in the plough layer compared to NT and RT soils, with both soil properties increasing sharply with depth in MP. The RT had lower PR relative to NT in the upper 35 cm of soil on the crop rows. Overall, RT was a superior conservation tillage option than NT in this clay loam soil; however, MP had the most favourable soil conditions in upper soil layers for early crop development across all treatments.  相似文献   

Total, mobile, and easily available C and N fractions, microbial biomass, and enzyme activities in a sandy soil under pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) stands were investigated in a field study near Riesa, NE Germany. Samples of the organic layers (Oi and Oe‐Oa) and the mineral soil (0–5, 5–10, 10–20, and 10–30 cm) were taken in fall 1999 and analyzed for their contents of organic C and total N, hot‐water‐extractable organic C and N (HWC and HWN), KCl‐extractable organic C and N (Corg(KCl) and Norg(KCl)), NH ‐N and NO ‐N, microbial‐biomass C and N, and activities of β‐glucosidase and L‐asparaginase. With exception of the HWC, all investigated C and N pools showed a clear response to tilling, which was most pronounced in the Oi horizon. Compared to soils under pine, those under black locust had higher contents of medium‐ and short‐term available C (HWC, Corg(KCl)) and N (HWN, Norg(KCl)), mineral N (NH ‐N, NO ‐N), microbial‐biomass C and N, and enzyme activities in the uppermost horizons of the soil. The strong depth gradient found for all studied parameters was most pronounced in soils under black locust. Microbial‐biomass C and N and enzyme activities were closely related to the amounts of readily mineralizable organic C (HWC and Corg(KCl)). However, the presented results implicate a faster C and N turnover in the top‐soil layers under black locust caused by higher N‐input rates by symbiotic N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is one of the main environmental problems of the tropical mountains of Central America. The fragility of these areas, the significant degree of human population pressure exerted and changes in traditional farming systems all contribute to the current state of degradation. In this study, we compare two types of agricultural management (conventional tillage with traditional ploughing and no‐tillage with a digging stick) and analyse the influence of land slope, the management of vegetation cover, and various soil features and properties related to erosion in fields dedicated to the cultivation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to determine the erosion thresholds. The study area was located in the hills around El Cuá, in northern Nicaragua. The results showed the system of no‐tillage (NT) to be more effective at controlling erosion than conventional tillage (CT), such that 28.7% less land was affected by erosion. Erosion in plots under CT did not present any statistically significant relationship with the factors analysed. Conversely, the erosion in the plots under NT was significantly related to the coverage of vegetation residues, and we calculated an erosion threshold of 40% of the level of vegetation coverage, which significantly reduces erosion.  相似文献   

In a 20‐yr‐old long‐term experiment, the impact of continuous application of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on soil quality and the sustainability of finger millet production was conducted on two cropping systems: finger millet and finger millet–groundnut on an Alfisol of semi‐arid southern India. The study was conducted from 1992 to 2011 at the All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture, UAS, Bangalore, using a randomized block design. The treatments comprised of T1: control [no fertilizer and no farmyard manure (FYM) applied], T2: FYM 10 t/ha, T3: FYM 10 t/ha + 50% of recommended NPK (50:50:25 kg/ha), T4: FYM 10 t/ha + 100% of recommended NPK and T5: 100% recommended NPK. Comparison of long‐term yield data between treatments was used to calculate a ‘sustainability yield index’ (SYI), which was greatest for T4 (FYM 10 t/ha + 100% of recommended NPK), in both rotational (0.68) and monocropping (0.63) situations. Soil quality indices were determined using principal component analysis linear scoring functions. The key indicators which contributed to the soil quality index (SQI) under rotation were organic C; potentially available N; extractable P, K and S; exchangeable Ca and Mg; dehydrogenase activity and microbial biomass C and N. The largest SQI (7.29) was observed in T4 (FYM 10 t/ha + 100% NPK), and the smallest (3.70) SQI was for the control. Application of 10 t/ha FYM together with NPK (50:50:25 kg/ha) sustained a mean yield of 3884 kg/ha.  相似文献   

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