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Seven isocaloric and isonitrogenous practical diets in which either glanded or glandless cottonseed products were substituted for soybean and/or peanut meals, and three purified diets containing graded levels of gossypol were fed to fingerling Tilapia aurea for a period of 10 weeks. Growth, feed conversion and survival data indicated that glanded and glandless cottonseed products were not as high in nutritive value for tilapia as are soybean and peanut meals. The inferior performance of fish fed cottonseed protein did not appear to be related to dietary gossypol. Carcass fatty acids generally reflected dietary fatty acids. An increase in palmitic and linoleic fatty acids was observed in fish fed fullfat, glandless cottonseed flour.  相似文献   

This paper reports an initial trial to cryopreserve semen from two freshwater South American fishes, the curimbatá (Prochilodus scrofa) and the dourado (Salminus maxillosus). Motility and duration of motility were observed in curimbatá and dourado fresh sperm. Semen mixed with extender (0.8% NaCl) was frozen using vials (1 ml) with subsequent storage in liquid nitrogen. Samples were thawed in 1% NaHCO3 or in 0.8% NaCl solutions. Post-thawing motility and duration of motility were verified. A simple extender consisting of 0.8% NaCl plus 10% DMSO was able to initiate motility in fresh spermatozoa. The percentage of motile cells and duration of motility were similar in both thawing solutions, but lower than in fresh sperm.  相似文献   

The growth of rainbow trout fed diets containing 4, 10 and 25% chitin, over a 12-week period, was significantly depressed (P < 0.001) when compared with controls fed diets containing 25% starch. There was no difference in growth rate between control fish and those fed diets containing 10% N-acetyl glucosamine (GlcNAc). Isotopically labelled amino sugars were shown to be oxidized when injected intraperitoneally into rainbow trout. Relatively high levels were found of chitinase activity in the stomachs and of chitobiase in the intestines. These enzyme activities were similar in all the trout, irrespective of the amount of chitin in their diets, except that chitobiase in the intestines of fish fed diets containing GlcNAc showed higher levels of activity than the controls (P < 0.05). Chitin was not significantly digested when fed at 10 and 30% of the diet but the apparent digestibility of pre-cooked starch was 50% when fed at either 15 or 25%, on the basis of the inert indicator (Cr2O3) method. Chitinase and chitobiase activities were not reduced in fish fed diets containing 10% chitin and an antibiotic (Tribrissen®) although the alimentary microflora were completely eliminated. Enzyme activities were not enhanced when live chitinolytic bacteria (Vibrio alginolyticus) were incorporated into diets with 10% chitin; these bacteria were only recovered from the intestine. The evidence indicates an endogenous origin of chitinolytic enzymes in the trout gastro-intestinal tract. The presence of either antibiotic or bacteria in the diet had no effect on the digestibility of chitin.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding three local feeds (53%, 43% and 33% protein) on the growth and quality of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were investigated. The 43% protein feed proved most economical, with the highest biological value and has increased the protein and amino acid contents of the flesh but resulted in poor fish growth (0.10 g/day).  相似文献   

Cyprinus carpio fry (173 ± 38 mg) were fed 6 times a day, 3 times a day, 2 times a day, once a day, once in 2 days, once in 3 days or given no food at all for a total period of 21 days. Food consumption by the group fed 3 times a day was maximum (45.6 gcal*/meal) and the level of consumption per meal was very low in the remaining groups.

Feeding rate increased to a maximum (598.2 gcal g−1 day−1) in fry fed 3 times a day; a further increase in feeding frequency reduced the feeding rate. Feeding frequency influenced all bioenergetic parameters except absorption efficiency which remained constant at 97.7%. Although the growth efficiency did not change significantly in the groups fed very frequently (2 times a day or more), the growth rate was maximum in the group fed 3 times a day. With regard to both feeding and growth, a feeding schedule of 3 times a day seemed to be optimum and was suggested for practical nursery culture of Cyprinus carpio.  相似文献   

Growth of newly metamorphosed Macrobrachium australiense was monitored in individually vidually held and group held laboratory animals over 28 weeks. A breeding population was also established in a farm dam and the growth of young juvenile F1 progeny was recorded for a similar time. Up to 26 moults were recorded in this period and intermoult periods increased with age. Prawns held in groups grew better than those held individually. Reproductive maturity was attained by some females in group held laboratory and farm dam animals within the observation period. Length—weight regression equations were calculated for laboratory maintained prawns, i.e., log W = 0.44+ 2.44 log L; log W = 0.45 + 2.46 log L for individually held males and females, respectively; log W = 0.27 + 2.70 log L for group held males and females.  相似文献   

Using standard equations, we have concluded that the light intensities which have been used by investigators attempting to induce maturation and spawning are up to 4000 times higher than would occur over the spawning grounds of Penaeus setiferus, a species for which successful controlled spawning has yet to be achieved. We recommend that future attempts at captive maturation and spawning with that species be conducted at light levels of no more than 12 μW cm?2 and that the intensity at which other species of shrimp are matured and spawned be examined relative to natural light levels on their spawning grounds. It is further recommended that the need for light of blue or green color be evaluated for its role as a promotor of maturation and spawning. The intent of these modifications in current spawning procedures is to eliminate the need for eyestalk ablation in captively spawned penaeid shrimp.  相似文献   

The effects of intraperitoneal injections of [D-Ala6, Pro9-N-ethylaminde]-luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH-A) and pimozide (PIM), a dopamine receptor antagonist, on ovulation in loach were investigated. LHRH-A and PIM administered separately were ineffective in inducing ovulation. However, injections of PIM and LHRH-A simultaneously or the injection of PIM 2.5–3 h prior to LHRH-A were highly effective means of inducing ovulation. The simultaneous injection of PIM (1.0 μg/g body wt) and LHRH-A (0.05 μg/g body wt) resulted in a greater ovulatory response than injection of carp pituitary extract (1 pituitary/fish).  相似文献   

A series of studies was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding diets imbalanced with respect to branched-chain amino acids on channel catfish. Basal diets contained casein and gelatin supplemented with crystalline L-amino acids to correspond to the amino acid pattern found in 24% whole egg protein except for the branched-chain amino acids. Basal diets were formulated to be deficient in either leucine, isoleucine, or valine. Excess levels of either leucine, isoleucine, or valine were added to the appropriate basal diet. Growth and feed efficiency data demonstrate that excess leucine depressed growth of fish fed diets deficient in isoleucine or valine, but not in diets adequate in branched-chain amino acids. The deleterious effects of excess leucine could be reversed by supplementation with the deficient amino acid, but not by the other branched-chain amino acid. Growth was also depressed in fish fed excess isoleucine but not valine in leucine-deficient diets. Serum levels of isoleucine and valine suggest that leucine may control the tissue uptake of these amino acids in the channel catfish.  相似文献   

The feeding efficiency of larval, post larval and juvenile Dover sole (Solea solea L.) was studied by using Artemia stained with five different food colourings — brilliant blue, pink, lemon yellow, red “C” and black.The results show that the feeding efficiency is markedly improved by this treatment. The maximum feeding efficiency was found using black stained Artemia and minimum for the unstained control. This clearly suggests that the contrast perception of the food in relation to the illumination of the background is of major importance especially during the critical weaning period of the larval stage when feeding is being established.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout were held in densities of 15, 35 or 50 fish per tank (2.48–8.27 kg m?3) and fed one of six balanced diets varying in protein (34%, 48%, 58%) and lipid levels (7%, 23%). The elevation in oxygen consumption following feeding was attributed to apparent heat increment. Apparent heat increment tended to increase with dietary protein for each of the two lipid levels within each density of fish. A significant change in apparent heat increment relative to digestible energy was not demonstrable with dietary protein for each lipid level and fish density. When dietary lipid was high, the fraction of energy lost through apparent heat increment was improved and tended to decrease with dietary protein. Thus, a decrease in dietary protein with a concomitant increase in lipid provides for a more efficient utilization of dietary protein for growth. Apparent heat increment varied directly with rainbow trout density on the basis of equivalent weights and diets.  相似文献   

Strains of Vibrio anguillarum isolated from rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and saithe (Gadus virens) have been studied and compared, and strains to be used for further investigations are described.  相似文献   

Triploidy may provide a means to neuter the Pacific oyster, C. gigas, genetically thereby increasing survival and marketability during periods of reproduction. Pressure treatments administered 10 min after fertilization for 10 min duration at 6000–8000 psi consistently produced triploids. The highest proportion obtained was 57%. Triploidy was assayed in all experiments at the larval stage and again as spat (metamorphosed larvae) using flow cytometry. A technique to assay larvae as small as 250 μm is described. Results obtained by flow cytometry were verified by chromosome counts. Analysis of triploidy at the larval stage provides reliable estimates of the proportion of triploids, eliminating several weeks of culture time.  相似文献   

Female channel catfish were induced to ovulate in fiberglass raceways by administering a total dose of 11 mg/kg of carp pituitary extract in two injections. Eggs were handstripped and fertilized with minced testis from donor males. First cleavage division was visible and occurred around 90 min postfertilization. Eggs were heat shocked in 56-1 aquaria at 80, 85, or 90 min postfertilization at temperatures of 40, 41, 42, or 43°C for a duration of 1, 2, 3, or 4 min.Eggs subjected to heat shock produced tetraploids, triploids, diploids, and mosaics. Ploidy level was determined by counts of chromosome preparations of five embryos per treatment combination sampled prior to hatching. Eggs stressed at 42 and 43°C had nearly complete mortality in shocks longer than 1 min. Forty-one degrees and 3 min duration induced tetraploidy in 62% of the embryos sampled. In shocks of 3 and 4 min at 40 and 41°C, postfertilization time did not significantly affect rates of polyploid generation. Hatchability was low in treatments which induced tetraploidy but no abnormalities were found among sampled embryos. Live fry from these groups are being raised for further study.  相似文献   

Seven isocaloric and isonitrogenous semi-purified diets which contained graded levels of calcium ranging from 0.17 to 3.20% were fed to fingerling Tilapia aurea for a period of 11 weeks. The fish were maintained in a flow-through aquarium system supplied with calcium-free well water. Growth, feed conversion and bone composition data indicated that between 0.17 and 0.65% dietary calcium was adequate for optimum growth and normal bone mineralization.  相似文献   

The effects of variations in diet composition on biotin deficiency symptoms were studied in rainbow trout. Fish were fed one of six diets differing in lipid type, carbohydrate and biotin content. Fish given biotin-deficient diets gained less weight, and had inferior feed conversion ratios than the appropriate controls but did not suffer from anorexia nor were any pathological signs observed either by gross or microscopic analysis. Marked reduction in liver biotin concentration and activities of pyruvate carboxylase and acetyl CoA carboxylase, characteristic of biotin deficiency, were observed. Some less marked changes also occurred in the levels of other liver components and enzymes; these changes were influenced by diet composition as well as biotin intake. Hepatic lactate levels tended to increase in biotin deficiency when diets contained starch while the activities of citrate synthase and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase decreased, but these changes were reversed when diets lacked starch. Consequently, some secondary effects of biotin deficiency are related to diet composition. In certain treatments, palmitic and oleic acids in muscle triglycerides of biotin-deficient trout were significantly lower than in control fish; but there was no evidence among muscle lipids of chain elongation of linolenic acid in trout given biotin-supplemented diets.  相似文献   

A modified filter system is described for the intensive culturing of Artemia in a continuously renewed medium. Extrapolated to a 1 m3 tank, 25 kg live weight Artemia could be produced over a culture period of two weeks on a diet of micronized and defatted rice bran using the salt enriched effluent of an abandoned geothermal well as a culture medium.  相似文献   

The development of proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin and aminopeptidase) was studied in three species of fish: Coregonus sp. (hybrids of C. wartmanni and C. lavaretus from Lake Constance), Salmo gairdneri and Rutilus rutilus. Enzyme activity increased more or less with increasing age, particularly in R. rutilus. In this species (a stomachless cyprinid), the level of proteolytic activity was considerably higher than that of S. gairdneri and Coregonus. However, in trout, the low activity of pancreatic enzymes may be compensated by the action of the stomach whereas in coregonids the stomach is not developed until 50 days (body weight without gut content: 65 mg; temperature: 10°C) after hatching. In coregonids this may lead to insufficient digestion of proteins which nevertheless can be compensated by the use of exogenous (dietary) enzymes ingested together with the natural diet. In coregonid larvae fed with Moina sp., exogenous trypsin represents a very high portion of the total tryptic activity. In juveniles older than 60 days (> 150 mg) and in the other two species, the exogenous portion of tryptic activity is less important. Furthermore, a change in the pattern of tryptic isozymes has been found during development of coregonids. It is concluded that low enzyme production as well as the absence of a stomach in the first few weeks after hatching are two important reasons for difficulties in rearing coregonids on an artificial diet.  相似文献   

杨淞  卢迈新  黄樟翰  高风英 《水利渔业》2006,26(4):14-15,20
用呼吸室法对荷那龙罗非鱼、橙色莫桑比克罗非鱼及其杂交F1的呼吸耗氧率、窒息点进行了试验。试验结果表明:①水温为16~32℃时,平均体重为10.40~116.28 g的荷那龙罗非鱼的耗氧率在0.07~0.61 mg/g.h,平均体重为18.98~102.53 g的橙色莫桑比克罗非鱼的耗氧率范围是0.06~0.43 mg/g.h,平均体重2.24~133.82 g的杂交F1莫荷鱼的耗氧率范围是0.06~0.65 mg/g.h;3种试验鱼的耗氧率随着温度的升高而增加;耗氧率与鱼体规格呈负相关。②3种实验鱼的耗氧率均为白天高于夜间。③水温24℃时,3种试验鱼的溶氧临界窒息点分别是:荷那龙罗非鱼0.33~0.55 mg/L,橙色莫桑比克罗非鱼0.24~0.31mg/L,莫荷鱼为0.38~0.43 mg/L。  相似文献   

The respiratory rates of Tawny puffer Takifugu flavidus juvenile were measured at four temperatures (20, 23, 26 and 29 °C) and seven salinities (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 g L?1). The results showed that both temperature and salinity significantly affected the oxygen consumption of tawny puffer juvenile. The oxygen consumption rate (OCR) increased significantly with an increase in the temperature from 20 to 29 °C. Over the entire experimental temperature range (20–29 °C), the Q10 value was 1.59, and the lowest Q10 value was found between 23 and 26 °C. The optimal temperature for the juvenile lies between 23 °C and 26 °C. The OCR at 25 g L?1 was the highest among all salinity treatments. The OCRs show a parabolic relationship with salinity (5–35 g L?1). From the quadratic relationship, the highest OCR was predicted to occur at 23.56 g L?1. The optimal salinity range for the juvenile is from 23 to 25 g L?1. The results of this study are useful towards facilitating an increase in the production of the species juvenile culture.  相似文献   

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