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Abstract. European grayling, Thymallus thymallus L., larvae, after hatching, were fed solely on a dry food diet and compared to those fed live zooplankton. After 28 days of rearing at temperatures ranging from 15·0°C to 18·3°C (mean, 16·4°C) fish fed the dry diet reached 0·21 g individual wet weight and 31mm in total length; those fed zooplankton reached 0·13g and 27·5 mm respectively. The survival rate of fish fed the dry diet was higher (56·6%) than that of fish fed the live food (40·7%). Results are discussed in the light of the development of the alimentary tract in the early ontogeny of grayling.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of rearing whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) and peled (Coregonus peled Gmel.) in illuminated lake cages during a period of 4 years. In 3 successive years about 97 kg of summer coregonid fry were produced during initial 2-month rearing. Whitefish fry reached a length of 30.0–49.5 mm and an average individual weight of 201 mg–1 g. Peled fry reached 31.0–38.3 mm in length and 300–370 mg in weight. Whitefish survival rates amounted successively to 72.6% in 1977, 51.4% in 1978, and 3.1% in 1979. Survival rates for peled were 57.8%, 63.1% and 6%, respectively. Fishes at the age of 1+ and 2+ years showed high mortalities. Their growth rate was slower than in wild populations, and they did not attain sexual maturity.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of observations on gonad development in whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) in the fourth year of culture in illuminated like cages. Whitefish ovaries attained stage III of maturity. Stage IV of maturity was attained by only a few individual females. Disturbances in the development of the ovary were observed, consisting of asynchronous growth of the oocytes, their partial resorption, and delayed trophoplasmatic growth. Development of male gonads was also disturbed. Different males matured at different times, and their testes were in different stages of maturity. Fishes did not attain sexual maturity by the end of the fourth year of cage culture, so that no spawning could have taken place.  相似文献   

High larval mortalities and anatomical deformities are among the major obstacles restricting the development of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) aquaculture. The immune system of cod larvae is poorly developed at hatch, and innate immune parameters are therefore of importance for defence against environmental microorganisms. Two separate experiments were conducted with bioencapsulation of the live feed of cod larvae using a pollock (Pollachius virens) protein hydrolysate. Offering peptide enhanced live feed to larvae during the first weeks of exogenous feeding promoted larval development, with reduced incidence of severe deformities to 3.0% as compared with 9.6% deformities observed in the control group at 160 days posthatch. The production and distribution of IgM and lysozyme were furthermore increased in larvae fed peptide enhanced feed compared with control larvae. IgM was predominantly detected in the foregut and the epithelial lining of the digestive tract as well as in the epidermal mucus of the skin. Lysozyme was mainly detected in the epidermal mucus of the skin and in the foregut. Overall, the results indicate that live feed enhancement using a protein hydrolysate derived from pollock may reduce deformities and promote normal development during early production stages of cod larvae.  相似文献   

Sturgeon juveniles offered either natural food (Tubifex sp.) or various dry foods were used to analyse ammonia excretion and oxygen consumption. The control groups were fish of the same nutritional history but which were fasting during the 24-h metabolic studies. An increase in oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion was visible only in the groups offered live food and good quality dry food. Metabolic losses, expressed as a percentage of the meal intake, varied from 1.3 to 18.0% for nitrogen and from 7.0 to 13.5% for energy. Sturgeon offered a semi-purified, caseingelatin diet had a high increase in postprandial ammonia excretion, with only a negligible increase in oxygen consumption. The protein utilization in fasting fish, calculated on the basis of AQ (ammonia loss/oxygen uptake) values showed some diurnal variation and the peak values were not identical in all of the groups. The preliminary energy and nitrogen budgets suggested that protein from a live food source is catabolized to a higher degree than protein from larval dry diets, whereas the higher postprandial energy loss in the latter case advocates fat and carbohydrate utilization. The amino acid absorption was excellent when live food was offered. However, the fish performed worse on the semi-purified diet, absorbing only 98% of the amino acids. The limitations of the utilization of the casein-gelatin diet for growth are not at the digestive and absorptive levels; this diet provokes an immense amino acid degradation. In line with our previous results for other larvae, metabolic studies also proved to be very useful criteria in the evaluation of compound diets for sturgeon larvae.  相似文献   

Kutum Rutilus frisii kutum is known as a valuable commercial species in the southern part of Caspian Sea. Artificial rearing of fry has been introduced as an alternative to supply kutum fry in order to restock the kutum population in the Caspian Sea. The aim of this study was to find the suitable time to transfer kutum larvae from live food to artificial feed. The experiment began on day 3 post- hatching and lasted for 21 days. Mean initial weight of larvae was 4.5 mg. Five experimental groups including Group A (zooplankton alone for 21 days), Group B (12 days zooplankton + 9 days artificial feed), Group C (8 days zooplankton + 13 days artificial feed), Group D (4 days zooplankton + 17 days artificial feed) and Group E (artificial feed alone for 21 days) were considered for this experiment. According to the obtained results, the specific growth rate of kutum larvae varied from 8.01 to 13.58% day−1, and the highest and lowest specific growth rate were found in A and E treatments, respectively. The lowest mean body weight (24.6 mg) was found in larvae fed on artificial feed for 21 days. However, survival rates of kutum larvae fed mixed zooplankton for 8 and 12 days (85.83 and 89.33%, respectively) were comparable with those of larvae fed live food during the entire experiment (91.6%). The lowest survival rate (69.16%) was found in larvae fed artificial feed during the entire experiment.  相似文献   

This work is a continuation of the studies conducted in the ponds of the Fish and Aquaculture Research Station, Dor, in 1975 concerning the components of fish feed under conditions of polyculture, with additional food and intensive fertilization.A study was made of the food eaten by the silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Val.), grown with or without supplementary food in ponds that had previously been used for storage of fish fed on pellets (ponds Types 1 and 3), or which had been kept dry for various periods of time (ponds Types 2 and 4).The special pattern of its gills, which are adapted to retain suspended organisms and particles of sizes less than 20 μm, enables the silver carp to filter enormous quantities of phytoplankton and organic particles.A comparative study was made of the trophic relations existing between Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Val.), Cyprinus carpio (L.) and Tilapia aurea Steindachner, which were the principal species in the polyculture system, and of the influence of the type of pond used on the growth of the fish.  相似文献   

The study evaluated productive performance of larvae Nannostomus beckfordi submitted to feeding management (Experiment one) and different stock density (Experiment two) in captivity conditions. The first experiment evaluated feeding rate (100 and 200 nauplii of artemia larvae?1 day?1) and feeding frequency (2 and 4× per day). Second experiment evaluated different stock density (1, 5, 10, 20, 40 larvae per litre). At the end of 15 days, for both experiment, the survival and productive performance such as total length (TL), final weight (FW), specific development rate (SDR), specific growth rate (SGR), uniformity for weight (UW) uniformity for length (UL) and relative condition factor (Kr) was determined. For the main results, there is no significant difference to the rate and feeding frequency. The stock density has no significant difference for UW, Kr and survival. Nonetheless, a reduction in the TL, FW, SDR, SGR and FW with the increase in density (20 for 40 larvae per litre) was observed. Thus, for this species Nannostomus beckfordi during to initial stage using exogenous feeding, it is recommended 20 larvae per litre fed with 100 nauplii per larvae having two meals per day.  相似文献   

The organoleptic quality of barramundi fed for 66 days on pelleted diets containing varying amounts of fish meal and meat meal was determined in two experiments (E1 and E2). Each compared four diets: a 430 g kg?1 crude protein (CP) control diet (containing 35% Chilean anchovy fish meal); two diets containing high inclusions (40% or more) of meat meal; and a proprietary barramundi diet. In E1, the two meat meal diets contained 10% Chilean fish meal whereas the two meat meal diets in E2 had no marine protein ingredients. Panellists identified and rated the colour of flesh, and scored odour, flavour and texture characteristics and overall liking on structured graphic line scales (0–100). Fish fed the high‐meat meal diets were sweeter and firmer than those fed the high‐fish meal control diet in E1 (P < 0.05). Scores for fishy flavour were also highest for the meat meal diets and lowest for the proprietary diet. In both E1 and E2, scores were high (> 60) for overall liking and low (< 10) for undesirable odours and tastes. Exclusion of all sources of marine protein from the diet in E2 did not detract from the sensory value of the fish. The influence of diet on the fatty acid profile of the fish was examined in E2. Compared with fish fed the control diet, the neutral lipid fraction of those fed the meat meal diets had higher proportions of saturated and short‐chain monounsaturated fatty acids at the expense of longer chain fatty acids, especially 22:6n‐3. Polar lipids showed only subtle dietary effects, which were confined to the long‐chain unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of food type (formulated diet vs. natural food) and fish size on protein and energy utilization efficiencies for growth in common sole, Solea solea (L.). Replicate groups of common sole (mean initial body weight ± SD was 45.7 g ± 2.1 and 111.2 g ± 4.2) received the diets at five (natural feed) or four (formulated diet) feeding levels. The protein utilization efficiency for growth (kgCP) was higher (> 0.001) in common sole fed ragworms than in common sole fed the formulated diet (respectively, 0.40 and 0.31). Likewise, the energy utilization efficiency for growth (kgGE) was higher (= 0.001) in common sole fed ragworms than in common sole fed the formulated diet (respectively, 0.57 and 0.33). The protein maintenance requirement was not different between food types (= 0.64) or fish size (= 0.41) being on average 0.82 g kg?0.8 day?1. The energy maintenance requirement was not different between food type (= 0.390) but differed between fish size (= 0.036). The gross energy maintenance requirement of small common sole was 35 kJ g?0.8 day?1. The gross energy maintenance requirement of large common sole was 25 kJ g?0.8 day?1. In conclusion, the low growth of common sole fed formulated diets was related to reduced feed utilization.  相似文献   

Gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata (L.) and Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis (Kaup) are two fish of primary importance in Mediterranean aquaculture. In the present study, the larvae of these species were exposed to different rearing‐water pH during 24 h to examine their tolerance. The 24‐h pHL50 values were calculated with low and high pH values at 7, 20 and 32 days after hatching (DAH) in S. senegalensis larvae, and 12, 20 and 52 DAH in S. aurata larvae. Low 24‐h pHL50 values ranged between 4.88 and 5.76, whereas high 24‐h pHL50 values ranged between 8.94 and 9.57 in S. senegalensis larvae. S. aurata larvae showed values of low 24‐h pHL50 that ranged between 4.82 and 5.55, whereas values of high 24‐h pHL50 ranged between 8.66 and 9.26. Both species showed similar tolerance response at all the tested ages. The high 24‐h pHL50 values found were close to pH values that eventually can be reached in the rearing tanks. The pH should be carefully controlled in rearing water during the first development stages of both species.  相似文献   

Abstract  – This study investigated the habitat use of 0+ pike (9–17 cm) in relation to two different water transparency regimes (clear water/chlorophyll water), two different light regimes (day/night) and the presence/absence of prey using 16 m2 experimental ponds. Pike could freely choose between two structured habitats (a simple structured and a complex structured), an interface habitat (between the structured habitats and open water) and an open water habitat. Foraging success of the pike in relation to water transparency was investigated by comparing mean condition (Fultons K ) of the pike as well as the number of surviving prey fish. Habitat use was influenced by the presence/absence of prey and varied between waters with different transparency. The presence of prey intensified the use of structural habitats of 0+ pike in both clear and chlorophyll waters. A preference for complex habitats was found in clear water and was presumably related to foraging. The pike in chlorophyll water, in contrast, appeared more evenly distributed among all habitats, as illustrated by a more intensive use of open water in chlorophyll water compared to the clear water. No detectable impact of water transparency on the foraging success of 0+ pike was found.  相似文献   

Serotonin induced spawning in six bivalve species using individual spawning techniques without any additional stimuli. Intragonadal injection of serotonin induced spawning in the bay scallop Argopecten irradians, the American oyster Crassostrea virginica, and the surf clam Spisula solidissima. Injection of serotonin into the anterior adductor muscle of the ocean quahog Arctica islandica, the ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa, and the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria induced spawning. The dosage of 0.4 ml of 2 mM serotonin solution used in this study stimulated bivalves to spawn within 15 min.  相似文献   

This paper shows innovating results on Octopus vulgaris Cuvier 1797 growth under culture conditions during the whole life cycle. Experiments were conducted at the Spanish Institute of Oceanography of Vigo (Spain). Using mean water temperature of 22.5°C, salinity of 35‰ and adult Artemia (1–4 mm of total length) along with a diet complement of Maja squinado zoeae as living prey, it was possible to obtain a 31.5% paralarval survival at day 40 after hatching. At this age, paralarvae had reached a dry weight of 9.5 mg, 23 suckers per arm, and they began the settlement process. First results on juvenile growth showed that they reached 0.5–0.6 kg at the age of 6 months after hatching, and 2 months later, they attained weights ranging between 1.4 and 1.8 kg. Mean temperature of the ongrowing process was 18°C.  相似文献   

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