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In beer, the development of a solvent-like stale flavor is associated with the formation of furfuryl ethyl ether. The synthesis rate of this important flavor compound is proportional to the concentration of furfuryl alcohol in beer. This study shows that furfuryl alcohol in beer is mainly formed by Maillard reactions initiated during wort boiling and malt production. A mechanism for its formation from alpha-(1,4)-oligoglucans and amino acids in wort and beer is proposed. During wort boiling, a quadratic relationship was found between the wort extract concentration, on the one hand, and the increase of furfuryl alcohol and furfural, on the other. The reduction of furfural by yeast during fermentation further increases the furfuryl alcohol content. In pale beers, the furfuryl alcohol concentration is essentially determined by the thermal load on wort during brewing operations. In dark beers, a considerable fraction of furfuryl alcohol may, however, come from the dark malts used. These results lead to important practical conclusions concerning the control over furfuryl ethyl ether in beer.  相似文献   

Over a 4 month brewing process, the fate of three fungicides, myclobutanil, propiconazole, and nuarimol, was studied in the spent grain, brewer wort, and final beer product. Only the residual level of myclobutanil after the mashing step was higher than its maximum residue limit (MRL) on barley. A substantial fraction was removed with the spent grain in all cases (26-42%). The half-life times obtained for the fungicides during storage of the spent grains ranged from 82 to 187 days. No significant influence of the boiling stage on the decrease of the fungicide residues was demonstrated. During fermentation, the content reduction varied from 20 to 47%. After the lagering and filtration steps, no significant decrease (<10%) was observed in any of the residues. Finally, during storage of the beer (3 months), the amounts of fungicides fell by 25-50% of their respective concentrations in the finished beer.  相似文献   

The effect of red wine malolactic fermentation on the fate of seven fungicides (carbendazim, chlorothalonil, fenarimol, metalaxyl, oxadixyl, procymidone, and triadimenol) and three insecticides (carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, and dicofol) was investigated. After malolactic fermentation using Oenococcus oeni, which simulated common Australian enological conditions, the concentrations of the active compounds chlorpyrifos and dicofol were the most significantly reduced, whereas the concentrations of chlorothalonil and procymidone diminished only slightly. The effect of these pesticides on the activity of the bacteria was also studied. Dicofol had a major inhibitory effect on the catabolism of malic acid, whereas chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, and fenarimol had only a minor effect.  相似文献   

An electron spin resonance (ESR)-based method was used for evaluating the levels of radical formation during mashing and in sweet wort. The method included the addition of 5% (v/v) ethanol together with the spin trap alpha-4-pyridyl(1-oxide)- N- tert-butylnitrone (POBN) to wort, followed by monitoring the rate of formation of POBN spin adducts during aerobic heating of the wort. The presence of ethanol makes the spin trapping method more selective and sensitive for the detection of highly reactive radicals such as hydroxyl and alkoxyl radicals. Samples of wort that were collected during the early stages of the mashing process gave higher rates of spin adduct formation than wort samples collected during the later stages. The lower oxidative stability of the early wort samples was confirmed by measuring the rate of oxygen consumption during heating of the wort. The addition of Fe(II) to the wort samples increased the rate of spin adduct formation, whereas the addition of Fe(II) during the mashing had no effect on the oxidative stability of the wort samples. Analysis of the iron content in the sweet wort samples demonstrated that iron added during the mashing had no effect on the iron level in the wort. The moderate temperatures during the early steps of mashing allow the endogenous malt enzymes to be active. The potential antioxidative effects of different redox-active enzymes during mashing were tested by measuring the rate of spin adduct formation in samples of wort. Surprisingly, a high catalase dosage caused a significant, 20% reduction of the initial rate of radical formation, whereas superoxide dismutase had no effect on the oxidation rates. This suggests that hydrogen peroxide and superoxide are not the only intermediates that play a role in the oxidative reactions occurring during aerobic oxidation of sweet wort.  相似文献   

膨化大米辅料酿造啤酒的中试生产研究   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
该文在国内外学者研究的基础上,进行了用挤压膨化大米啤酒辅料生产100 t啤酒的中试生产研究。对照不膨化传统蒸煮糊化大米啤酒辅料对应的麦汁、成品啤酒,研究结果表明:膨化与不膨化大米啤酒辅料制备的麦汁的主要糖化指标及其过滤速率基本相同,麦汁收得率,前者比后者多3%,发酵时间前者比后者减少,成品啤酒均达到国家规定的质量标准。  相似文献   

Fate of xanthohumol and related prenylflavonoids from hops to beer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The fate of three prenylated flavonoids of the chalcone type, xanthohumol, desmethylxanthohumol, and 3'-geranylchalconaringenin, was monitored with LC/MS-MS from hops (Humulus lupulus L.) to beer in two brewing trials. The three prenylchalcones were largely converted into their isomeric flavanones, isoxanthohumol, prenylnaringenins, and geranylnaringenins, respectively, in the boiling wort. Losses of prenylflavonoids were due to incomplete extraction from the hops into the wort (13-25%), adsorption to insoluble malt proteins (18-26%), and adsorption to yeast cells (11-32%) during fermentation. The overall yield of xanthohumol, after lagering of the beer and largely in the form of isoxanthohumol, amounted to 22-30% of the hops' xanthohumol. About 10% of the hops' desmethylxanthohumol, completely converted into prenylnaringenins, remained in the beers. 3'-Geranylchalconaringenin behaved similarly to desmethylxanthohumol. Solubility experiments indicated that (1) malt carbohydrates form soluble complexes with xanthohumol and isoxanthohumol and (2) solubility does not dictate the isoxanthohumol levels of finished beers.  相似文献   

A principal component analysis (PCA) of 1H NMR spectra of beers differing in production site (A, B, C) and date is described, to obtain information about composition variability. First, lactic and pyruvic acids contents were found to vary significantly between production sites, good reproducibility between dates being found for site A but not for sites B and C beers. Second, site B beers were clearly distinguished by the predominance of linear dextrins, while A and C beers were richer in branched dextrins. Carbohydrate reproducibility between dates is poorer for site C with dextrin branching degree varying significantly. Finally, all production sites were successfully distinguished by their contents in adenosine/inosine, uridine, tyrosine/tyrosol, and 2-phenylethanol, reproducibility between dates being again poorer for site C. Interpretation of the above compositional differences is discussed in terms of the biochemistry taking place during brewing, and possible applications of the method in brewing process control are envisaged.  相似文献   

Involvement of flavanoids in beer color instability during storage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Besides Maillard reactions, structural rearrangements of flavan-3-ol monomers cause color changes in beer during storage. Acetone/water-soluble fractions (70/30, v/v) of three lager beers of the same batch, differently stabilized before bottling in glass or poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) bottles, were monitored by normal-phase HPLC-ESI(-)-MS/MS over a 1-year period of storage at 20 degrees C. In parallel, beer color was monitored by the European Brewery Convention assay. The evolution of color was similar in the silica gel-filtered beer to that in identically bottled and stored poly(vinylpolypyrrolidone)-treated samples, despite the high flavanoid dimers content of the former. On the other hand, color evolved more rapidly in the PET bottle, suggesting a key role of oxygen. The kinetics was still increased in model media containing (+)-catechin, while no color was detected when normal-phase HPLC-fractionated dimers or trimers were investigated. (+)-Catechin emerged as the precursor of less polar products, characterized by a yellow-brown color. MS/MS enabled us to identify these products as issued from the oxidation and intramolecular additions of dehydrodicatechin B4. Similar structures were found in aged beers spiked with (+)-catechin. Beer storage in the absence of oxygen and at low temperature is recommended so as to minimize the synthesis of such pigments.  相似文献   

With the aim of determining the formation of alpha-dicarbonyl intermediates during beer aging on the shelf, alpha-dicarbonyls were identified and quantified after derivatization with 1,2-diaminobenze to generate quinoxalines. The sensory effects of alpha-dicarbonyls were evaluated by the quantification of key Strecker aldehydes and by GC-olfactometry (GCO)analysis of beer headspace using solid phase microextraction. Four alpha-dicarbonyls, reported here for the first time, were detected in fresh and aged beers, three were derived from the 2,3-enolization pathway of mono- and disaccharides, and the fourth was derived from the epimerization of 3-deoxy-2-hexosulose. Ten alpha-dicarbonyls were quantified during beer processing and during different periods of beer aging at 28 degrees C. The aging periods were from 15 to 105 days. During beer aging, 1-deoxydiuloses were produced and degraded, while 1,4-dideoxydiuloses were produced at the highest rates. The GCO analysis indicated that forced beer aging increased the amounts of furaneol, trans-2-nonenal, and phenylacetaldehyde. The blockage of alpha-dicarbonyls inhibited the accumulation of sensory-active aldehydes in the beer headspace.  相似文献   

Consumption of certain phenolics in the diet is considered beneficial to human health. In this study, individual phenolics were measured by diode-array HPLC at monthly intervals in the peel of Granny Smith, Lady Williams, and Crofton apple cultivars stored in air at 0 degrees C for 9 months. The concentrations of total phenolics significantly differed among the cultivars examined, with Lady Williams peel having significantly more phenolics (over 4000 microg x g(-1) peel fresh weight) than Crofton (2668 microg x g(-1) peel fresh weight) and Granny Smith, which had the lowest concentration of total phenolics (1275 microg x g(-1) peel fresh weight). There were also significant differences in individual phenolics among cultivars and during storage. Quercetin glycosides were the only flavonols identified, with quercetin rhamnoglucoside being the most abundant phenolic in the peel. Chlorogenic acid was the major cinnamic acid derivative, with high concentrations, up to 412 microg x g(-1)) peel fresh weight, in Crofton peel. A pre-storage diphenylamine (DPA) treatment had few significant effects on peel phenolic metabolism. Where differences did occur, fruit treated with DPA retained higher concentrations of total peel phenolics during storage than fruit not treated with DPA. Storage of all cultivars for up to 9 months in air at 0 degrees C induced few significant changes in the peel phenolic concentrations. This indicates that phenolic metabolism in apple peel is relatively stable, and the health benefits of phenolics in apple peel should be maintained during long-term storage.  相似文献   

Concentrations of copper, azinphosmethyl, chlorothalonil, and endosulfan sulfate ranged from less than 1 to greater than 1000 microg/L in runoff from tomato plastic mulch production. When this runoff entered local creeks, the copper concentration was as high as 22 microg/L, which exceeded the measured larval clam LC50 values of 21 and 12 microg/L Cu at 96 and 192 h, respectively. A greenhouse scale investigation of copper and toxicity demonstrated that sedimentation reduced total copper concentration in runoff by 90%, although the dissolved copper concentration was unchanged, averaging 139 +/- 55 microg/L. When runoff was applied to marine mesocosms containing grass shrimp and mummichog fish, unsettled runoff produced the greatest mortality, although even settled runoff caused more mortality than that in the control mesocosm receiving runoff without added copper. Desorption of soil-sorbed copper occurred quickly in saline water and contributed to toxicity. Copper toxicity in runoff can be reduced, but not eliminated, by sedimentation.  相似文献   

The evolution of oxidized triglycerides (ox-TG) during industrial refining was studied in soybean, sunflower, peanut, and corn oils. The analytical techniques used were silica gel column chromatography and high-performance size exclusion chromatography. The decrease in ox-TG during refining (42.3% on average) was accompanied by an increase in triglyceride oligopolymers (TGP). The inverse correlation between the two lipid groups suggests that the decrease in ox-TG during refining was due in part to the occurrence of polymerization reactions. An inverse correlation was also found between the percentage sum of ox-TG + TGP and percent TGP, indicating that a part of the ox-TG also underwent degradation or transformation reactions. On average, almost 58% of the ox-TG remained unchanged during refining and, of the rest, about half was involved in polymerization reactions and half in degradation or transformation reactions.  相似文献   

The aging and consequent changes in flavor molecules of a top-fermented beer were studied. Different aging conditions were imposed on freshly bottled beer. After 6 months of aging, the concentration changes were recorded for acetate esters, ethyl esters, carbonyls, Maillard compounds, dioxolanes, and furanic ethers. For some flavor compounds, the changes with time of storage were monitored at different temperatures, either with CO(2) or with air in the headspace of the bottles. For some molecules a relationship was determined between concentration changes and sensory evaluation results. A decrease in volatile esters was responsible for a reduced fruity flavor during aging. On the contrary, various carbonyl compounds, some ethyl esters, Maillard compounds, dioxolanes, and furanic ethers showed a marked increase, due to oxidative and nonoxidative reactions. A very high increase was found for furfural, 2-furanmethanol, and especially the furanic ether, 2-furfuryl ethyl ether (FEE). For FEE a flavor threshold in beer of 6 mug/L was determined. In the aged top-fermented beer, FEE concentrations multiple times the flavor threshold were observed. This was associated with the appearance of a typical solvent-like flavor. As the FEE concentration increased with time at an almost constant rate, with or without air in the headspace, FEE (and probably other furanic ethers) is proposed as a good candidate to evaluate the thermal stress imposed on beer.  相似文献   

For the first time, quantitative LC-MS/MS profiling of 56 hop-derived sensometabolites contributing to the bitter taste of beer revealed a comprehensive insight into the transformation of individual bitter compounds during storage of beer. The proton-catalyzed cyclization of trans-iso-α-acids was identified to be the quantitatively predominant reaction leading to lingering, harsh bitter tasting tri- and tetracyclic compounds such as, e.g. the cocongeners tricyclocohumol, tricyclocohumene, isotricyclocohumene, tetracyclocohumol, and epitetracyclocohumol, accumulating in beer during storage with increasing time and temperature. The key role of these transformation products in storage-induced trans-iso-α-acid degradation was verified for the first time by multivariate statistics and hierarchical cluster analysis of the sensomics data obtained for a series of commercial beer samples stored under controlled conditions. The present study offers the scientific basis for a knowledge-based extension of the shelf life of the desirable beer's bitter taste and the delay of the onset of the less preferred harsh bitter aftertaste by controlling the initial pH value of the beer and by keeping the temperature as low as possible during storage of the final beverage.  相似文献   

The dissipation rate of seven currently used soybean and corn pesticides in two tropical soils (Ustox and Psamments) of Brazil was studied in a laboratory incubation experiment. Dissipation half-lives of pesticides ranged between 2 (monocrotofos) and 90 days (endosulfan-beta). The contrasting clay contents of the studied tropical soils (130 versus 470 g of clay kg(-1) of soil) did not influence the dissipation dynamics of pesticides substantially. Mineralization to CO(2) was high [up to 78% of the applied radioactivity (AR)] for the studied organophosphorus compounds and deltamethrin, which also formed considerable amounts of bound residues (>20% of AR) during the 80 days of incubation. The highest portion of nonextractable residues was found for alachlor and simazine (55-60% of AR). In contrast, the nonpolar trifluralin and endosulfan formed only small amounts of bound residues (mostly <20% of AR) but showed the highest dissipation half-lives (>14 days) in the studied soils, also due to a low mineralization rate. When endosulfan-sulfate, as the main metabolite of endosulfan, was considered, the half-life time of endosulfan compounds (sum of -alpha, -beta, and -sulfate) was enhanced to >160 days in both soils. In comparison with the laboratory experiments, dissipation half-life times of chlorpyrifos, endosulfan-alpha, and trifluralin were shortened by a factor of 10-30 in field trials with the same soils, which was related to the volatilization potential of pesticides from soils.  相似文献   

Diacetyl can be determined by adsorptive stripping voltammetry after derivatization with o-phenylenediamine. The method may be applicable to the determination of diacetyl in different foods, being a good alternative to other analytical methods. In this work an on-line automated analytical system for diacetyl determination in beer is described. A hanging mercury drop electrode voltammetric flow detector was used, and the analyte was determined without the traditional deoxygenation procedure. The method was successfully applied to the determination of diacetyl during beer fermentation and in the final product. The automation strategy used was based on a flow network similar to those used in multicommutated flow systems, with a pervaporation unit used for diacetyl separation. The developed system was tested in real conditions in the monitoring of brewing processes. The results obtained were similar to those obtained with the usual GC-ECD methodology in the 5-600 ppb range. The analytical rate of the developed method is about 12 determinations/h.  相似文献   

Effects of a 20-h fermentation on cell wall polysaccharides from the mucilage of pulped coffee beans were examined and compared to those of unfermented beans, on alcohol insoluble residues (AIRs), their hot-water-soluble crude pectic substances (PECTs), and their hot-water-insoluble residues (RESs). Yields and compositions were very similar: AIRs, which consisted of approximately 30% highly methylated pectic substances, approximately 9% cellulose, and approximately 15% neutral noncellulosic polysaccharides, exhibited no apparent degradation. However, PECTs from fermented beans were shown to have undergone a slight reduction of their intrinsic viscosity and weight-average molecular weight by capillary viscosimetry and high-performance size-exclusion chromatography. After fermentation, hot-water-insoluble pectic substances of RES exhibited partial de-esterification. Removal of coffee bean mucilage by natural fermentation seems to result from a restricted pectolysis, the mechanism of which remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Semillon and Shiraz grapes containing ochratoxin A (OA) were obtained by inoculation of bunches on the vine with Aspergillus carbonarius. Citric acid content was greater in the inoculated grapes than in healthy grapes. Samples were collected throughout vinification of these grapes and the OA content was quantified using a stable isotope dilution liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric method. The mass of processed and waste streams during vinification was also noted. Reduction in the amount of OA in juice and wine occurred at every solid-liquid separation stage. The OA concentration (microg/kg) in white and red wine after racking was 4% and 9%, respectively, of that in crushed grapes. This corresponds to 1% and 6% of the total OA content that was initially present in the inoculated grapes. The OA content was divided between solid and liquid phases at each stage of vinification. OA did not appear to be transformed either chemically or biologically by yeast during fermentation, rather was discarded with the marc, juice lees, and gross lees.  相似文献   

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