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A total of 719 serum samples collected from clinically healthy cattle from eight provinces located in different districts of South Africa were examined by the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the standard indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) to determine the serological prevalence of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina. The results showed that 35.3% and 39.7% of cattle were positive for B. bovis and 30% and 36.5% were positive for B. bigemina antibodies on ELISA and IFAT, respectively. Mixed infections were detected in 18.2% and 26.3% of the samples using ELISA and IFAT, respectively. Consequently, the ELISAs with recombinant B. bovis spherical body protein-4 (BbSBP-4) and B. bigemina C-terminal rhoptry-associated protein-1 (BbigRAP-1/CT) were proven to be highly reliable in the serological diagnoses of bovine babesiosis in South African cattle, as evidenced by the significant concordance rates when the results were compared to those of IFAT. Moreover, the serological prevalence was significantly different among the tested provinces, in which the ranges exhibited between 15% and 73% for B. bovis infection and between 13% and 54% for B. bigemina infection. High sero-positive rates were present in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, while the lowest rate was in the North West province. Our data provide important information regarding the current seroprevalence of bovine babesiosis in South Africa, which might be beneficial in developing rational strategies for disease control and management.  相似文献   

The persistence of Babesia bovis and B. bigemina infection in Friesian cows, following vaccination with attenuated live vaccines, was assessed by subinoculation of blood into splenectomized calves. Subinoculation tests showed that B. bigemina persisted in two out of 20 cows vaccinated 10 and 46 months previously, and that B. bovis persisted in 11 out of 22 cows vaccinated 10 to 47 months previously. Antibody was detected in five B. bigemina - and 15B. bovis -vaccinated cows. Parasites of both species persisted among the serologically negative cows, whereas blood obtained from serologically positive cows failed to transmit infection. It is concluded that in the absence of reinfection Friesian cattle may spontaneously eliminate B. bigemina and B. bovis infection after various periods following vaccination.  相似文献   

The virulence of an Uzbek isolate of Babesia bigemina, obtained from infected Boophilus annulatus ticks from an endemic area in Uzbekistan, was attenuated for immunization of cattle with autochthonous calf- or culture-derived parasites in Uzbekistan. After four "slow passages" in vivo the virulence was reduced, as evidenced by the response of calves inoculated with an experimental live frozen vaccine produced from the following passage. The vaccine was safe and protective against homologous virulent challenge under laboratory conditions. The culture-derived experimental vaccine was produced from cultures initiated after 3 passages in vivo followed by 22 passages in vitro. The cultured parasites did not elicit any clinical sign, but inoculated calves seroconverted following vaccination and were protected against the virulent homologous challenge. Both calf- and culture-derived vaccines were safe for cattle grazing in an endemic area in Uzbekistan. Despite the high polymorphism of B. bigemina, as reported from various geographical regions, the Central Asian strain was attenuated similarly to those that form the basis of the existing live B. bigemina vaccines in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Serum samples collected randomly from 500 cattle from the 10 northern states of Nigeria were tested for antibodies against Anaplasma marginale by indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA), card agglutination (CT) and capillary tube-agglutination (CA) tests. The serum samples were also examined for antibodies to Babesia bigemina and B. bovis by the IFA test only. Of the serum samples tested, 79.4% had antibodies against A. marginale by the IFA test, 40 and 25% in the CT and CA tests, respectively. The IFA test results for B. bigemina and B. bovis were 29.4 and 14.1%, respectively.  相似文献   

Bovine babesiosis is responsible for serious economic losses in Uruguay. Haemovaccines play an important role in disease prevention, but concern has been raised about their use. It is feared that the attenuated Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina vaccine strains may be transmitted by the local tick vector Boophilus microplus, and that reversion to virulence could occur. We therefore investigated the possibility that these strains could be transmitted via the transovarial route in ticks using a Babesia species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. DNA was extracted from the developmental stages of the tick vector that had fed on calves immunized with the haemovaccine. It was possible to detect Babesia DNA not only in adult ticks, but also in their eggs and larvae. In addition, it was shown that calves infested with larvae derived from eggs laid by ticks fed on acutely infected calves, were positive for Babesia using PCR. Caution should therefore be shown with the distribution of the haemovaccine in marginal areas. It is still advisable that suitable tick control measures be used to prevent transovarial transmission and the potential risk of attenuated Babesia reverting to virulence.  相似文献   

A total of 207 bovine blood samples were collected from clinically healthy cattle bred in central region of Syria and examined by Giemsa-stained blood smears, nested PCR, ELISA, and IFAT to determine the molecular and serological prevalence of Babesia bovis and B. bigemina. All samples were negative to Babesia spp. by microscopic examination of blood smears. On the other hand, the overall prevalence of B. bovis and B. bigemina was 9.18% and 15.46% by nPCR, 15.46% and 18.84% by ELISA, and 18.36% and 21.74% by IFAT, respectively. Mixed infections were detected in a total of 5 samples (2.4%) by nPCR, 16 (7.73%) by ELISA and 27 (13.04%) by IFAT. Statistically significant differences in the prevalence of the two infections were observed on the basis of age and location. These data provide valuable information regarding the occurrence and epidemiology of B. bovis and B. bigemina infections in Syrian cattle, which can be employed in developing rational strategies for disease control and management.  相似文献   

A single-step duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique and traditional microscopic examination of haemolymph smears were used to detect Babesia bigemina and/or Babesia bovis infection in engorged female ticks of Boophilus microplus recovered from calves raised in an endemic area of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In the PCR amplification of tick-derived DNA, pairs of oligonucleotide primers specific for a 278-bp sequence from B. bigemina and for a 350-bp sequence from B. bovis were used conjointly. The microscopic examination of haemolymph revealed that 16.7% of the engorged ticks were infected with Babesia spp., although no significant differences (rho > 0.05) were found in the infection rate of ticks collected from calves of different age groups. PCR analysis showed that 77.8% of the engorged ticks whose haemolymph contained sporokinetes were infected with B. bigemina, 7.8% with B. bovis and 14.4% with both protozoan species. However, the PCR assay further revealed that, amongst the engorged female ticks whose haemolymph was apparently negative for the presence of sporokinetes, 15.6% were infected with B. bigemina, 2.2% with B. bovis and 10.0% with both species. The duplex PCR method is thus more efficient and sensitive than the microscopic assay and also permits facile identification of the protozoa species present in engorged female ticks.  相似文献   

Bovine babesiosis is a tick-transmitted hemoprotozoan disease that is mainly caused by Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina and is characterized by significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The disease is widespread in the northeastern region of Thailand, where an increasingly large part of the livestock is composed of water buffaloes. The present study was therefore conducted to investigate the epidemiological distribution of B. bovis and B. bigemina in water buffaloes in the northeastern region of Thailand. A total of 305 buffalo blood samples were randomly collected from five provinces and simultaneously analyzed by the nested PCR (nPCR) assay, ELISA, and IFAT techniques. The overall prevalence of B. bovis and B. bigemina was 11.2% and 3.6% by nPCR, 14.7% and 5.9% by ELISA, and 16.8% and 5.6% by IFAT, respectively. The high concordance between the molecular and the serological detection tests revealed the specificity and sensitivity of the diagnostic assays used for the detection of infection as well as the endemic stability status of the parasites in the surveyed areas. Statistically significant differences in the prevalence of the two infections were observed on the basis of age and location but not gender. Our data provide valuable information regarding the epidemiology of B. bovis and B. bigemina infection in water buffaloes in the northeastern region of Thailand which will likely be very beneficial for management and control programs of this disease.  相似文献   

Forty Friesian one-year-old calves were vaccinated simultaneously with live Babesia bovis and B bigemina vaccines. Three groups of 10 calves each were treated with two, three or four doses of 20 mg kg-1 long-acting oxytetracycline (OTC/LA) at six- to seven-day intervals starting from day 6 after vaccination. Ten animals remained untreated. The treated calves showed considerably fewer days of patency and higher packed cell volumes than the vaccinated untreated calves. All calves developed serum antibodies to both parasites following vaccination. Five months later the 40 vaccinated and 30 new calves were challenged with syringe-transferred virulent parasites of both species. The vaccinated calves showed no parasites or clinical manifestations while calves of the new group exhibited severe clinical babesiosis. These results show that when OTC/LA is administered following anti-babesial vaccination, parasitaemia and red blood cell destruction are significantly reduced without, however, inhibiting the development of immunity.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in 2008 to determine the prevalence of Anaplasma and Babesia infections in cattle in the Puntarenas Province of Costa Rica. Blood samples were taken from a total of 449 cattle during the month of March at 30 farms in the region of Espiritu Santu, Costa Rica. Commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were used to determine presence of antibodies to Babesia bigemina and Anaplasma marginale, and real-time PCR was used to determine the presence of DNA from the disease-causing organisms. The ELISA results indicated that 87.5% of the cattle sampled were positive for antibodies to A. marginale, while 59.1% were positive for antibodies to B. bigemina. The real-time PCR results showed that 235 cattle were carrying A. marginale DNA (56.9%), 6 with B. bigemina DNA (1.34%), and 2 with B. bovis DNA (0.45%).  相似文献   

Coccidiosis, caused by Eimeria species, is a serious economic disease of chickens (Gallus gallus) and the search for vaccines to control the disease is intensifying especially with the increasing threat of drug resistance. A live attenuated multi-valent ionophore-tolerant Eimeria vaccine has been developed that contains three ionophore-resistant Eimeria species, E. tenella, E. maxima and E. acervulina. The attenuated lines were derived from virulent field strains resistant to monensin ionophore by selection for early development in chicks. The vaccine was administered by gavage and through drinking water to broiler chickens, Chinese Yellow strain, reared in wire cages. Vaccinated medicated birds performed better than vaccinated unmedicated and medicated unvaccinated groups. The final mean weights of vaccinated medicated birds were significantly higher (P<0.05), and a better vaccine protection index, using both vaccinating methods, was achieved. Results indicated that concomitant use of ionophores and vaccines could be a useful adjunct to planned immunization in the control of coccidiosis.  相似文献   

Serologic and molecular evidence suggest that white-tailed deer in South Texas and North Mexico carry the agents of bovine babesiosis, Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina. To determine if white-tailed deer in central Texas, which is outside the known occurrence of the vector tick at this time, harbor these parasites, blood samples from free-ranging and captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Tom Green County were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for B. bovis and B. bigemina 18S rDNA. Of the 25 samples tested, three (12%) were positive by nested PCR for B. bovis. This identity was confirmed by sequence analysis of the cloned 18S rDNA PCR product. Further confirmation was made by sequence analysis of the rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1, 5.8S rRNA gene, and ITS 2 genomic region in two (representing samples from two different ranches) of the B. bovis positive samples. Three samples were positive by B. bigemina nested PCR, but sequencing of the cloned products confirmed only one animal positive for B. bigemina; Theileria spp. DNA was amplified from the other two animal samples. In addition to Theileria spp., two genotypically unique Babesia species sequences were identified among the cloned sequences produced by the B. bigemina primers in one sample. Phylogenetic analysis showed no separation of the deer B. bovis or B. bigemina 18S rDNA, or deer B. bovis ITS region sequences from those of bovine origin. Clarification of the possible role of white-tailed deer as reservoir hosts in maintaining these important pathogens of cattle is critical to understanding whether or not deer contribute to the epidemiology of bovine babesiosis.  相似文献   

The haemoparasites Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina affect cattle over vast areas of the tropics and temperate parts of the world. Microscopic examination of blood smears allows the detection of clinical cases of babesiosis, but this procedure lacks sensitivity when parasitaemia levels are low. In addition, differentiating between similar haemoparasites can be very difficult. Molecular diagnostic procedures can, however, overcome these problems. This paper reports a quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay involving the use of SYBR Green. Based on the amplification of a small fragment of the cytochrome b gene, this method shows both high sensitivity and specificity, and allows quantification of parasite DNA. In tests, reproducible quantitative results were obtained over the range of 0.1 ng to 0.1 fg of parasite DNA. Melting curve analysis differentiated between B. bovis and B. bigemina. To assess the performance of the new qPCR procedure it was used to screen for babesiosis in 40 cows and 80 horses. B. bigemina was detected in five cows (three of these were also found to be positive by standard PCR techniques targeting the 18S rRNA gene). In addition, B. bovis was detected in one horse and B. bigemina in two horses using the proposed method, while none was found positive by ribosomal standard PCR. The sequences of the B. bigemina cytochrome b and 18S rRNA genes were completely conserved in isolates from Spain and Argentina, while those of B. bovis showed moderate polymorphism.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted at 30 communal dip tanks and on 5 commercial farms in Limpopo Province, South Africa, during 1999 and 2000 to determine the seroprevalence of antibodies to Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina. Cattle seropositive for B. bovis were found in 97% of the herds on communal land; the overall seroprevalence changed little between 1999 (63.3%) and 2000 (62.4%). All herds surveyed were infected with B. bigemina, and overall seroprevalence decreased significantly from 56.1% in 1999 to 49.3% in 2000. In herds on communal land in Sour Lowveld Bushveld, overall seroprevalence of B. bovis increased from 70% in 1999 to 80% in 2000, while seroprevalence of B. bigemina decreased from 70% in 1999 to 30% in 2000. This was possibly due to an influx of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus that occurred at the time. In commercially farmed herds the seroprevalence to B. bovis increased significantly from 19% in 1999 to 57.5% in 2000. All commercial herds in the survey tested positive to B. bigemina, with a seroprevalence of 48.3% in 1999 and 47.5% in 2000. During 1999, cattle in 60% of the dip tank/farm herds with only R. (B.) microplus present were approaching endemic stability to both B. bovis and B. bigemina. In 2000, 60% of the herds with only R. (B.) microplus present were approaching endemic stability for B. bovis, while only 45% were approaching endemic stability for B. bigemina. Those dip tanks/farms where only R. (B.) microplus was recorded had a significantly higher seroprevalence of B. bovis than those where both tick species were present.  相似文献   

The development and morphology of Babesia bigemina in the gut of Boophilus microplus ticks were studied during laboratory maintenance of the babesia by four methods: tick transmission in unsplenectomised (intact) calves; tick transmission in splenectomised calves; syringe passage at intervals of five days or less in splenectomised calves; and syringe passage at intervals of six weeks or more in intact calves. The first method had no apparent effect on the development of B bigemina in ticks compared to that of the original isolate. The other three methods had obvious effects, the most pronounced being increased numbers of babesial forms with processes, particularly during early stages of development. The findings emphasise the importance of maintaining laboratory strains of parasites by natural means in life cycle studies.  相似文献   

From blood collected from 94 cattle at 12 locations in the eastern and northeastern areas of Zimbabwe, DNA was extracted and analysed by polymerase chain reaction with primers previously reported to be specific for Babesia bigemina and Babesia borvis. Overall, DNA of Babesia bigemina was detected in the blood of 33/94 (35%) cattle and DNA from B. bovis was detected in 27/58 (47%) of cattle. The prevalence of DNA of B. bigemina was significantly higher in young animals (<2 years) (23/46) than in animals over 2 years of age (10/48; chi2= 8.77; P <0.01%). Although tick sampling was not thorough, Boophilus decoloratus could be collected at 7/9 sites sampled and Boophilus microplus at 4/9 sites. Of the 20 B. decoloratus allowed to oviposit before PCR analysis, 1 (5%) contained DNA that could be amplified with primers for B. bigemina while 12 (60%) were positive with primers for B. bovis. Of the B. microplus allowed to oviposit, 11/16 (69%) were positive for B. bovis DNA by PCR and 2/16 (12%) were positive for B. bigemina.  相似文献   

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