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Orobanche ramosa is a parasitic Angiosperm responsible for severe yield losses in several economical crops. It is a serious threat in oilseed rape in France and Morocco and is appearing in carrot crops in Morocco. In this study, several varieties of oilseed rape and carrot were screened in order to identify resistant cultivars and to characterize the resistance mechanisms involved. All the 15 oilseed rape varieties tested were susceptible. In carrot, the varieties 'Colmar à coeur rouge' and 'Nantaise demi-longue' were susceptible, whereas 'Palaiseau' and 'Buror' were resistant. In the susceptible 'Colmar à coeur rouge' carrot no defence reactions were found and the development of the parasite inhibited carrot tap root formation. In the resistant carrot varieties, the parasite germinated, became attached to the host root but became necrotic before emergence. In 'Buror' carrot, formation of a mechanical barrier was associated with the restriction to the cortex of the parasite. In maize cv. 'Vigni', a non-host of O. ramosa, thickening of xylem vessels, cell divisions in the central cylinder and formation of an encapsulation layer were observed in association with restricted development of Orobanche haustoria.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were carried out with the bean cultivar Carioca Comum to investigate the relationships among visual and virtual severity of angular leaf spot (caused by Phaeoisariopsis griseola), area under visual and virtual disease progress curves (AUDPC), healthy leaf area index on any given day (HLAI), healthy leaf area duration (HAD), healthy leaf area absorption (HAA), effective leaf area duration (ELAD), effective leaf area absorption (ELAA) and yield of Phaseolus vulgaris. To obtain a wide range of disease severities, the plots were sprayed with fungicide at different stages of plant growth (before, during and after flowering). Visual and virtual severity and AUDPC showed no significant correlation with yield. However, HAD, HAA, ELAD and ELAA were significantly correlated with yield. Variables that considered the effective leaf area (ELAD and ELAA) provided similar or better coefficients of determination (R2) than those that considered the remaining green leaf area only (HAD and HAA). Single-point models with HLAI, effective leaf area index (ELAI), intercepted radiation by healthy leaf area (HRI) and intercepted radiation by effective leaf area (EHRI) to estimate yield at various times during the crop season were developed. The slope of the relationship between yield and HLAI, ELAI, HRI and EHRI proved to be stable, regardless of planting date and bean growth stage (from R6 to R8).  相似文献   

Daily multiplication factor (number of daughter lesions per mother lesion per day) values were experimentally measured in four replications of a monocyclic experiment on angular leaf spot (ALS) of bean, where sources of inoculum were artificially established within a bean canopy, on the ground (defoliated infected leaves), or both. Daily multiplication factor of lesions in the canopy (DMFRc) was higher than that of infectious, defoliated tissues (DMFRd) in all replications. Both DMFRc and DMFRd were strongly reduced under dry compared to rainy conditions. Under rainy conditions for spore dispersal DMFRd was about two to three times smaller than DMFRc. Defoliated leaves may nevertheless represent a significant source of infection, depending on the amount of infectious tissues. Mother lesions within the canopy generated more daughter lesions in the medium (or lower) layers of the canopy than at its upper level (DMFRc higher at the medium and lower layers of a canopy), whereas DMFRd values seemed to decrease with height in the canopy. A mechanistic simulation model that combines host growth and disease-induced defoliation was designed to simulate the respective contributions of the two components of the dual inoculum source of a diseased canopy (infected foliage and defoliated infectious tissues), and varying infectious periods in both sources. Simulations suggest that higher DMFRc values have a large polycyclic effect on epidemics whereas that of DMFRd is small, and that large effects of the infectious period of lesions in the canopy are found when DMFRc is high. Simulations using experimentally measured DMFRc and DMFRd values indicated much stronger epidemics in rainy compared to dry conditions for spore dispersal, but disease persistence in the latter. The implications of considering a dual source of inoculum in the course of a polycyclic process are discussed with respect to epidemic thresholds.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to identify the causal agent of grey leaf spot disease of maize in southern Africa. Single-conidial cultures were recovered from maize leaves with typical disease symptoms sampled from several fields in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Morphology, cultural characteristics, and a PCR-based test using Cercospora zeae-maydis and C. zeina-specific primer sets identified all single-conidial cultures as C. zeina. In addition, sequence alignment of DNA fragments of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, ITS2, and the 5.8S gene) and elongation factor 1-α grouped all cultures in the same clade as the C. zeina ex-type culture CBS 118820. To by-pass cultivation of the slow-growing fungus, a rapid method to isolate DNA directly from lesions was successfully applied for PCR identification of C. zeina with species-specific ITS and histone primers. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled for C. zeina by artificially inoculating maize plants in a greenhouse, re-isolating conidia emerging from lesions and verifying pathogen identity with molecular techniques. These results provide evidence that confirms the presence of C. zeina and absence of C. zeae-maydis in commercial maize plantations in southern Africa.  相似文献   

We collected 247 isolates of Cercospora kikuchii from soybean seeds with typical purple stain symptoms from 15 prefectures in Japan. Of the 247 isolates, 93 were sensitive to thiophanate-methyl, a benzimidazole used to control this soybean disease; the remaining 154 were highly resistant to the fungicide. To examine genetic variability among the population of 247 isolates, we developed amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. An AFLP primer pair generated DNA fingerprint polymorphisms among the sample isolates, and with the unweighted pair-grouping method to cluster arithmetic means of the similarity coefficients among all pairs of the fingerprint patterns, the isolates were divided into four lineages (I to IV). Of the 247 isolates, 225 belonged to lineage I, including all isolates that were resistant to thiophanate-methyl. To determine whether the resistance of these isolates was related to mutations in the β-tubulin gene, we amplified partial nucleotide sequences of the gene from 29 representative isolates, including 12 that were resistant to thiophanate-methyl, by means of the polymerase chain reaction. The resistant isolates had identical nucleotide sequence with a one-step change at codon 198, in which the amino acid glutamic acid had been replaced by alanine. The evidence thus suggests that thiophanate-methyl resistance might have arisen in lineage I, the largest of the four lineages. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AB214511 to AB214515  相似文献   

Yellow or tan spot (caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) and septoria nodorum blotch (caused by Phaeosphaeria nodorum) occur together and are a constraint to wheat yields in Australia. Recently, higher crop yields and lower fungicide costs have made fungicides an attractive management tool against these diseases. Yield-loss under different rates of progress of yellow spot and septoria nodorum blotch was examined in four experiments over three years to define the relationship between disease severity and yield. In these experiments, differences in disease were first promoted by inoculations either with P. tritici-repentis-infected stubble or aqueous spore suspensions of P. nodorum. Disease progress was further manipulated with foliar application of fungicide. The pattern of disease development varied in each year under the influence of different rainfall patterns. The inoculation and fungicide treatments produced differences in disease levels after flag leaf emergence. The infection of yellow spot or septoria nodorum blotch caused similar losses in grain yield, ranging from 18% to 31%. The infection by either disease on the flag or penultimate leaf provided a good indication of yield-loss. Disease severity on flag leaves during the milk stage of the crop or an integration of disease as area under the disease progress curve on the flag leaves based on thermal time explained more than 80% variance in yield in a simple regression model. The data provided information towards the development of disease management strategies for the control of septoria nodorum blotch and yellow spot.  相似文献   

Azoxystrobin was recently registered in Japan for the control of purple seed stain of soybean caused by Cercospora kikuchii, because the pathogen has developed resistance to thiophanate-methyl. To investigate the effects of these fungicides on the frequency of C. kikuchii strains resistant to thiophanate-methyl and on the genotype structure of the population, we sowed purple-stained seeds, approximately 40% of which were infected with resistant strains, as inocula with asymptomatic seeds and applied thiophanate-methyl and azoxystrobin during the reproductive growth of soybeans. The isolation frequency of resistant strains increased more than 99% by thiophanate-methyl but was not significantly increased by azoxystrobin. In amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) DNA fingerprinting, genotypic diversity was significantly decreased by thiophanate-methyl but was not affected by azoxystrobin. In addition, the similarity of the AFLP genotype structure was increased by thiophanate-methyl but not by azoxystrobin. These results suggest that thiophanate-methyl selectively inhibited the proliferation of sensitive strains, which resulted in a small number of genotypes, most of which were resistant strains. Azoxystrobin was found to nonselectively inhibit proliferation of the pathogen, which retained a large number of genotypes including thiophanate-methyl-sensitive or thiophanate-methyl-resistant strains or both. The nucleotide sequence data for the cytochrome b gene are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession number AB231863.  相似文献   

Soybean cultivar Samsoy 1, and the breeding lines TGx 849-313D and TGx 996-26E, grown in a field with a heavy epidemic of frogeye leaf spot caused byCercospora sojina, were treated with double foliar applications of the fungicide benomyl. The treatments were made using four application schedules at six different growth stages, starting from V3 (fully developed leaves, beginning with trifoliate nodes) to R5 (beginning seed_, to determine the effect of the fungucide timing on frogeye leaf spot severity, soybean grain yield and grain quality. Generally, applications at R1 (beginning bloom) and R3 (beginning pod) significantly (P<-0.05) reduced disease severity in the 2 susceptible genotypes, Samsoy 1 and TGx 849-313D. Plot yields of these genotypes were also significantly greater than the untreated controls when the fungicide applications were made at R1 and R3. There was no significant difference in diseave severity or grain yield, between the untreated control and the different times of application, on the resistant genotype TGx 996-26E. Improved seed germination and lower levels of seed infection byC. sojina occurred for all fungicide timings in the susceptible genotypes. The results suggest that fungicide spraying initiated at R1 and followed up at R3 is most effective in frogeye leaf spot control and can also result in higher grain yields, than applications made earlier or later in the season. Control of frogeye leaf spot, however, is best achieved by growing resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

The effect ofPyricularia oryzae, the causal organism of leaf blast in rice, on photosynthesis characteristics of rice leaves was measured in two greenhouse experiments. Leaf blast reduced photosynthesis not only through a reduction in green leaf area, but also through an effect on photosynthesis of green leaf tissue surrounding the lesions. The assimilation rate at light saturation (P max ) was more affected than the initial light use efficiency (). Dark respiration (R d ) increased as a result of infection. The experimental data were used to derive relations between leaf blast severity andP max , andR d .  相似文献   

Development of Clonostachys rosea in rose leaves and petals and control of Botrytis cinerea by the agent were investigated. C. rosea germinated, established endophytic growth, and sporulated abundantly whether the tissues were mature, senescent or dead when inoculated. Germination incidence was moderate on mature and senescent leaves (47% and 35%) and petals (31% and 43%), and high (>98%) on dead tissues. Sporulation of C. rosea in tissues inoculated when mature, senescent or dead averaged 41%, 61%, and 75% in leaves, and 48%, 87% and 53% in petals. When leaves were wounded with needles before inoculation, germination of C. rosea increased from 45–56% to 90–92%, but sporulation became high (>75%) regardless of wounds. When leaves were inoculated with C. rosea at 0–24h after wounding and subsequently with B. cinerea, germination of the pathogen was reduced by 25–41% and sporulation by 99%. A humid period prior to inoculation of senescent or dead leaves promoted communities of indigenous fungi, reduced sporulation of C. rosea and B. cinerea, and, in dead leaves, increased control of the pathogen associated with C. rosea. Applied at high density, isolates of indigenous Penicillium sp. and Alternaria alternata from rose interacted with C. rosea and reduced control of the pathogen by 16% and 21%, respectively. In conclusion, C. rosea markedly suppressed sporulation of B. cinerea in rose leaves and petals regardless of developmental stage, minor wounds, and natural densities of microflora. This versatility should allow C. rosea to effectively control inoculum production of B. cinerea in rose production systems.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during 1997 and 1998 to determine the effects of sugar beet cultivar susceptibility to Cercospora leaf-spot on the sensitivity ofCercospora beticola isolates to the triazole fungicide flutriafol. Four cultivars with different levels of disease resistance were treated in experimental plots with six spray applications of flutriafol. Disease assessments were carried out at 15-day intervals. Sensitivity to flutriafol was measured on isolates collected from the plots ∼15 days after the last flutriafol application. Measurements of disease severity and calculations of AUDPC (area under disease progress curve) values showed a distinct differentiation among cultivars, reflecting their level of disease resistance. Disease severity was significantly lower in cvs. ‘Bianca’ and ‘Areth’ than in ‘Univers’ and ‘Rizor’ both in the untreated and in the flutriafol-treated plots. Fungal isolates from flutriafol-treated plots were less sensitive to the fungicide than were isolates from untreated plots. However, no differences in isolate sensitivity were observed among the cultivars, as regards their level of disease resistance. Despite the fact that the use of resistant cultivars cannot eliminate selectively the resistant strains, it can eliminate both resistant and sensitive isolates. Reducing the number of treatments with DMIs, by applying them only when environmental conditions are favorable for disease development, is a prerequisite for successful resistance management; therefore, the use of disease-resistant varieties could aid toward management of DMIs resistance inC. beticola. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 6, 2003.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight, caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae (Xad), is a major threat to the anthurium cut flower industry worldwide. Two field trials in Hawaii evaluated the long-term persistence of Xad in artificially-infested crop residues. Xad survived in leaf, petiole, and root residues for as long as 4 months when tissues were left on the surface or buried 15cm deep. Survival was considerably shorter (approximately 20 days) outside of residues. Xad that was recovered from residues over a period of 4 months retained pathogenicity. Xad was isolated from living roots of naturally-infected plants which further suggests that roots left in the field after culling may be particularly important, but overlooked, inoculum source. This information is key to determining minimum fallow periods before replanting devastated fields.  相似文献   

为了解不同营养对寄生性天敌亚金跳小蜂Aenasius arizonensis(Girault)寿命及适合度的影响,在室内测定了10%蜂蜜水、10%蜂蜜水+粉蚧蜜露、蒸馏水+粉蚧蜜露、粉蚧蜜露和蒸馏水等不同饲喂条件对亚金跳小蜂寿命、雌蜂平均寄生率、羽化率和子代雌性比例的影响。结果表明,不同营养处理均能显著延长亚金跳小蜂的平均寿命,其中以10%蜂蜜水+粉蚧蜜露处理的效果最为显著,其雌、雄蜂平均寿命较对照分别增加3.87 d和1.07 d;不同营养条件下,雌蜂的适合度以10%蜂蜜水+粉蚧蜜露处理最好,雌蜂平均寄生率、羽化率和子代雌性比例分别为对照的12.11、1.84和52.35倍,雌蜂平均寄生率、羽化率和子代雌性比例在4~10 d均维持在较高水平,其最大值分别达80.67%、70.72%和63.74%。表明各种营养条件,尤其以10%蜂蜜水+粉蚧蜜露为营养时可延长亚金跳小蜂寿命,同时能提高其适合度。  相似文献   

A gene encoding an endoxylanase from the phytopathogenic fungus Helminthosporium turcicum Pass. was cloned and sequenced. The entire nucleotide sequence of a 1991 bp genomic fragment containing an endoxylanase gene was determined. The xylanase gene of 795 bp, interrupted by two introns of 52 and 62 bp, encoded a protein of 227 amino acids showing up to 95% amino acid homology with other fungal xylanases. The precise splicing site of the introns was identified by sequencing the corresponding cDNA. A northern blot showed that the gene is expressed when the fungus is grown in a medium containing xylan as a sole carbon source. The cloned xylanase gene was expressed in maize plants during infection.  相似文献   

The Epidemiology of Purple Leaf Blotch on Leeks in Victoria, Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The incidence of purple leaf blotch disease was investigated on seven successive commercial leek crops grown at Cranbourne, Victoria between 1996 and 1997. First symptoms occurred on older leaves, 54–69 days after transplanting. Lesions with typical symptoms were colonised by either Alternaria porri (6%), Stemphylium vesicarium (42%) or mixtures of both pathogens (52%). Purple leaf blotch was caused by a disease complex and was endemic at nobreak Cranbourne due to the continuous cropping of leeks. Disease incidence in all monitored crops increased as plants matured (123–158 days after transplanting) until harvest but never exceeded 11% due to fortnightly applications of mancozeb. Disease levels showed no significant correlation with weekly temperature, precipitation, relative humidity or leaf wetness duration. Disease levels were significantly (P < 0.05) higher on autumn/winter (May/June) 1997 crops when 38 periods of leaf wetness 8 h because of dew and low temperatures (10–13 °C). The weekly rate of increase of disease incidence was significantly (P < 0.01) correlated with days after transplantation. nobreak Concentrations of airborne A. porri and S. vesicarium conidia within leek crops showed a diurnal periodicity and maximum numbers were trapped between 11:00 and 15:00 h. The concentration of airborne S. vesicarium conidia was three to six times the concentration of airborne A. porri conidia. Conidia were more abundant during spring/summer (September–February). Ascospores of Pleospora allii were found during May–September. The greater concentrations of airborne S. vesicarium conidia suggest that it may be the dominant pathogen in the purple leaf blight complex. Fungicide sprays were unnecessary until 8–10 weeks after transplanting, and regular protectant sprays curtailed but did not eradicate purple leaf blight. The results indicated that predictive models, based on temperature and the frequency of leaf wetness periods 8 h, will assist in reducing fungicide inputs as plants mature and, in southern Victoria, fungicide applications on leeks should be timed for autumn/winter when infection periods occur.  相似文献   

Citrus leaf and fruit spot disease caused by Phaeoramularia angolensis is a serious production constraint in tropical Africa. In previous studies, essential oils extracted from fruit peels of two tolerant varieties exhibited a strong antifungal activity in vitro against P. angolensis as compared to oils from susceptible ones. In order to investigate if the susceptibility of citrus varieties is associated with the antifungal activity of their essential oils, some 22 varieties of different susceptibility levels (tolerant, susceptible and highly susceptible) and belonging to different botanical groups were studied. Oils extracted from fruit peels were evaluated for their activity against radial growth and sporulation using the poisoned food technique. The optimal doses for growth inhibition and conidial reduction were 2500 and 1000 ppm, respectively. At these doses, radial growth and sporulation exceeded the untreated control respectively for four and nine varieties suggesting that oils from these varieties promote fungal development. In general, oils from the tolerant group were most effective in reducing radial growth irrespective of dose. The highly susceptible group ranked first in reducing sporulation at dose 1000 ppm (45.93%) while at higher doses of about 2000–2500 ppm, oils from the tolerant varieties could reduce sporulation up to 100%. The marked dose effect in reducing sporulation suggests that there may be different compounds acting with changing dose. Botanically, oils from pummelo (Citrus maxima, tolerant group), were best in reducing radial growth (>87% inhibition) while those from grapefruits (C. paradisi, highly susceptible group) were most effective in reducing sporulation (>64% reduction).  相似文献   

为了解致病类型G22-83及流行小种CYR32和CYR33对四川省近年小麦生产品种和后备品种的寄生适合度,在田间分别将致病类型G22-83、流行小种CYR32和CYR33接种于四川省109个小麦品种(系),采用综合病情指数法测定3个供试菌株的相对寄生适合度。结果显示,致病类型G22-83、流行小种CYR32和CYR33的平均寄生适合度分别为0.1930、0.0560和0.0379,且前者显著高于后两者;流行小种CYR32和CYR33的平均相对寄生适合度有差异,但是差异不显著。致病类型G22-83、流行小种CYR32和CYR33在四川省109个小麦品种(系)上相对寄生适合度的中位数分别为0.0626、0.0000和0.0000,前者在四川省109个小麦品种(系)上相对寄生适合度的平均水平和波动程度均高于后两者。致病类型G22-83在四川省小麦生产品种和后备品种上的寄生适合度较高,在今后一段时间内可能成为该地区小麦条锈菌的优势菌系。  相似文献   

基于大田试验、人工控制生长环境的旱棚与PEG模拟干旱胁迫的水培试验,对8个玉米品种成株期及苗期的抗旱性进行系统研究,调查分析了不同品种在3种水分控制条件下农艺性状、生理指标及产量表现,筛选出综合抗旱较好的品种。结果表明:通过2 a 5个试验点的大田试验和2 a旱棚试验筛选的抗旱性较强品种一致,分别为九圣禾2468、陕单650、联创825和MC703,在干旱和灌水条件下产量较高且抗旱指数较大,其中在大田条件下的抗旱指数分别为0.910、0.909、0.907和0.873,具有较短的散粉吐丝间隔期(ASI)、较高的SPAD值、较多的干物质等特点;水培试验通过相关指标隶属值筛选出的抗旱品种有陕单650、先玉335、九圣禾2468和MC703,隶属值分别为0.871、0.697、0.680和0.596,具有较发达的根系、较强的生理酶活性等特点。综合3种水分控制条件,结合第一性状(产量、抗旱指数)和第二性状(根系、ASI、生理)等指标的鉴定结果,筛选出稳定抗旱的玉米品种为MC703、九圣禾2468和陕单650。  相似文献   

A field study is described which explored the possibility of controlling Stagonospora nodorum and Septoria tritici on wheat using a barley pathogen, Drechslera teres. Pre-treatment of wheat cv. Hussar flag leaves with D. teres resulted in a significant reduction in disease caused by S. nodorum and S. tritici, resulting in a significant increase in grain yield. When cv. Brigadier leaves were treated with D. teres prior to inoculation with S. nodorum there was an initial increase in disease expression whilst D. teres had no effect on symptoms produced by S. tritici on cv. Brigadier. There was significantly less disease on leaves of cvs. Hussar and Brigadier pre-treated with D. teres prior to inoculation with an equal mixture of S. nodorum and S. tritici compared to plants pre-treated with water. It is concluded that D. teres and other non-host pathogens show potential as biological control agents for S. nodorum and S. tritici.  相似文献   

The ability of acibenzolar-S-methyl to induce resistance in pepper plants against Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria was investigated in both growth chamber and open field conditions. Growth chamber experiments showed that acibenzolar-S-methyl (300M) treatment protects pepper plants systemically and locally against X. campestris pv. vesicatoria. Evidence for this was a reduction in the number and diameter of bacterial spots and bacterial growth in planta. Systemic protection was also exerted by the acibenzolar-S-methyl acid derivative, CGA 210007, which may be produced by hydrolysis in the plant. The efficacy of acibenzolar-S-methyl was also found in open field conditions, where both leaves and fruit were protected from the disease. The highest efficacy (about 67%) was obtained by spraying the plants 6–7 times every 8–12 days with a mixture of acibenzolar-S-methyl and copper hydroxide (2.5 + 40ghl–1 active ingredient). Persistence and translocation data obtained from the growth chamber experiments revealed a persistence of acibenzolar-S-methyl lasting five days after treatment with rapid translocation and negligible levels of acid derivative formation. Since the protection exerted by acibenzolar-S-methyl against bacterial spot disease was observed when the inducer was completely degraded, it would appear to be due to SAR activation.  相似文献   

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