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研究成年家兔腓肠肌内外侧头和胫前肌的肌纤维构成比例与分布.应用烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸四唑氧化还原酶(NADH-TR)染色法,观察比较各型肌纤维的组织化学特性.结果表明:NADH-TR染色,依据其肌纤维内线粒体和肌质网显示紫色或紫蓝色,肌原纤维中的肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白不着色,可以分为Ⅰ型、ⅡA型、ⅡB型肌纤维,横切面呈多边形或椭圆形,以镶嵌交叉方式排列.三种类型的肌纤维在腓肠肌内侧头中分别约占15.2%,27.4%和57.4%,在站立负荷中提供足够肌力和稳定机体姿势的作用;在腓肠肌外侧头中分别约占13.7%,65.4%和20.9%,主要参与力量和速度运动,提供奔跑,跳跃中的推进动力;在胫前肌中约占10.9%,52.3%和36.8%,维持跗关节稳定,参与保持足弓形状与弹性,完成足跖屈和足内翻运动.腓肠肌内外侧头和胫前肌的三型肌纤维直径有所差异,其中Ⅰ型纤维为57.50~58.40 μm,ⅡA型纤维为59.25~75.40 μm,ⅡB型纤维为73.25~97.85 μm.ⅡB型纤维的横切面积最大,ⅡA型纤维的横切面积中等,Ⅰ型纤维的横切面积最小.  相似文献   

豫丰黄兔与新西兰兔、哈白兔进行增重对比试验表明,豫丰黄兔在增重、饲料转换率方面都略高于新西兰兔,而稍低于哈白兔,经t检验差异不显著(P>0.05),说明豫丰黄兔作为一个新的培育品种,具有良好的生产能力和饲料转换能力。  相似文献   

Goniodysgenesis, malformation of the filtration angle, was observed in a New Zealand white rabbit supplied with 100 g/day rabbit chow containing 0.2% cholesterol for 10 months. Histopathology revealed cupping of the optic disc, atrophy of the retina and hyalinization of the ciliary body in the bilateral eyeballs. These findings corresponded with histopathological features caused by glaucoma. On the basis of these findings, we diagnosed this lesion as glaucoma, and classified it as primary glaucoma because of the presence of developmental defects of the filtration angle. In this case, hypercholesterolemia-induced changes, such as aggregation of lipid-laden macrophages and cholesterin clefts in the sclera or choroid, might cause deterioration of the lesions in glaucoma.  相似文献   

对德国大白兔、新西兰兔两个品种的早期生长规律及对不同饲料的转化效率进行研究比较。结果表明:无论是德国大白兔,还是新西兰兔,都表现出早期生长快的特点,而且以30-75日龄生长最快,在此期间,新西兰兔日增重平均为32.1g,德国大白兔为43.6g;与新西兰兔相比,德国大白兔生长更快,整个试验期的日增重始终高于新西兰兔;从饲料报酬看,对同一饲料,虽然德国大白兔的饲料报酬高于新西兰兔,但差异不显著(P>0  相似文献   

选用代表循环、呼吸、消化、免疫等生理系统的内脏器官,以各内脏器官与胴体重的比率作为代表指标,对它们与屠宰率进行了通径分析。结果表明,心重率和脾重率是影响屠宰率的主要内脏器官性状,其他各器官主要是通过心脏来对屠宰率产生影响的。  相似文献   

This study used the New Zealand White rabbit to reveal the normal ossification development of the cervical component of the spine. Preserved cervical vertebrae representing five different age periods, each period including five individuals and the total number of animals being 25, were fixed in 3.5% formaldehyde solution and 95% ethanol, followed by a pure acetone bath. The materials were then stained with an alcian blue–alizarin red combination. The ossification centres were identical over time, and the pattern of fusion among them was homogenous and constant in appearance. There were three different primary ossification centres in all the cervical vertebrae except the axis, which showed four primary ossification centres. The dorsally located primary ossification centres later formed the pedicles of the neural arches, while the ventral centres constituted the body of each vertebra. The study was terminated at 10 weeks of age because the ossification centres observed in the cervical vertebrae completed their fusion and no further ossification centres were observed.  相似文献   

This study augments knowledge of bone growth by observing the development of the hyoid bone in the New Zealand White rabbit. Preserved hyoid bones representing five different age periods, each period including five individuals and the total number of animals being 25, were fixed in 3.5% formaldehyde solution and 95% ethanol, followed by a pure acetone bath. They were then stained with an alcian blue–alizarin red combination. The mode of bone formation was intracartilaginous type ossification. While the basihyoideum and thyrohyoideum were observed to start ossifying first at prenatal stage, indicating that they are the main skeletal structures of the hyoid apparatus, the ceratohyoideum and lingual process began to ossify in the second and third periods. The separately occurring primary ossification centres fused completely among themselves in the fifth period. Because no further ossification centers were observed and the ossified parts continued the development and growth, the research was terminated after 10 weeks of age.  相似文献   

普那菊苣饲喂新西兰肉兔的效果研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用普那菊苣配合精料育肥新西兰肉兔,在5个精青料搭配组合中,精青料比为1:20时,只日均增重为 22.63 g,屠宰率为68.39%,经济效益为9.53元,与其他组合差异显著,是一个比较理想的搭配组合,可直接用于生产推广。  相似文献   

白色獭兔R新品系的选育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本项研究根据分子遗传育种理论和技术,利用生产性能优良和遗传距离较大的美系獭兔(单倍型A1、Z7)和德系獭兔(单倍型A1、G1)进行两品系杂交,采用继代选育,培育出了适应性强、生产性能好、遗传性能稳定的白色獭兔R新品系。该品系主要生产性能:窝产活仔数7.10±0.85只,3周龄窝重2061.40±210.82g,6周龄窝重4493.48±502.70g,8周龄体重1268.52±143.12g,13周龄体重2016.92±224.18g,22周龄体重3040.44±263.34g,体尺(体长、胸围)43.39±2.24cm、26.57±1.29cm,22周龄成活率84.7%。被毛密度22935±2737根/cm2,被毛细度16.78±0.94μm,被毛长度17.46±1.09mm。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine identification, three-dimensional modelling, and morphometry of intracranial arteries in New Zealand Rabbit by using computed tomography angiography. A total of 20 adult New Zealand Rabbits from both sexes were used in the study. General anaesthesia procedure was followed before computed tomography angiography imaging. Rabbits were placed in a prone position for imaging. Computed tomography angiography imaging was performed by injecting contrast agent into vena auricularis marginalis of rabbits. Morphometric measurements of the specified points were taken by MIMICS program using the computed tomography angiography images acquired. Three-dimensional intracranial artery model was prepared from the two-dimensional images on the same program. Measurements were statistically compared in terms of sex and side. It was observed in the study that arteria basilaris was generated by bilateral arteria vertebralis at the basal level of medulla oblongata. In the study, a statistically significant difference was determined only in diameter values of arteria cerebri caudalis dextra et sinistra in both female and male rabbits. On the other hand, no statistically significant difference was determined with respect to the side. Consequently, we think that the data of the present study will contribute to further studies on cerebrovascular pathology, clinicians or researchers.  相似文献   

在对新育成的白色獭兔R品系选育群各世代间的选择进展作了遗传响应分析,并对其主要经济性状的遗传参数作出了估测。  相似文献   

对白色獭免R新品系选育群各世代间的选择进展进行了遗传响应分析,并估测了其主要经济性状的遗传参数。  相似文献   



To characterize the pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine when administered as a short intravenous (IV) infusion to isoflurane-anesthetized rabbits.

Study design

Experimental study.


A total of six healthy adult female New Zealand White rabbits.


Rabbits were anesthetized with isoflurane in oxygen. Following determination of isoflurane minimum alveolar concentration (MAC), the anesthetic dose was reduced to 0.7 × MAC, and dexmedetomidine hydrochloride (20 μg kg?1) was infused IV over 5 minutes. Arterial blood samples were obtained immediately before and at 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 240 and 360 minutes following termination of the infusion. Samples were transferred into tubes containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and centrifuged immediately. The plasma was harvested and stored at –80 °C until analyzed. Concentrations of dexmedetomidine in plasma were determined by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Compartment models were fitted to the time and concentration data using nonlinear regression.


A three-compartment model best fit the data set. Median volume of distribution at steady state and terminal half-life were 3169 mL kg?1 (range, 2182–3859 mL kg?1) and 80 minutes (range, 72–88 minutes), respectively.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

The pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine in isoflurane-anesthetized, healthy, New Zealand White rabbits were characterized in this study. Data from this study can be used to determine dosing regimens for dexmedetomidine in isoflurane-anesthetized rabbits.  相似文献   

日本大耳白兔、新西兰兔血液蛋白多态性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对日本大耳白兔、新西兰兔血液中的血清转铁蛋白 (Tf)、前转铁蛋白 (Prt)、后白蛋白 (Po)、血液结合素 (Hp)、红细胞酯酶 (ES - 1、ES - 2和ES - 3)等 7个蛋白座位进行测定。结果表明 :这 7个座位均呈多态。在多态座位中 ,Tf、Prt、Po、Hp、ES - 1、ES - 2、ES - 3分别出现 3、3、6、3、3和 3种表型 ,受 2、2、3、2、2和 2个共显性等位基因控制。X2 检验表明 ,新西兰兔在这 7个座位上均处于平衡状态 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,日本大耳白兔在Tf、Po、ES -1、ES - 34个座位处于平衡 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,而在Prt、Hp、ES - 2出现不平衡状态 (P <0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

Sperm morphology and morphometry are considered parameters in fertility diagnosis. They are especially important in the case of species for which there is no standard with respect to morphometric sperm parameters. It is then crucial to apply the staining technique that has the least influence on the sperm structure and provides the most detailed image, so as to enable measurements. The aim of the research was to assess the morphometric parameters of rabbit sperm using silver nitrate staining. The staining process revealed a detailed image of the spermatozoon head and tail, thus enabling precise measurements. From these basic morphometric parameters, four additional shape indices characterizing the sperm head were calculated: ellipticity, elongation, roughness and regularity. These parameters more precisely characterize the shape of the sperm head. Silver nitrate staining can be used as an independent technique in assessment of sperm structure or to supplement routine diagnostics.  相似文献   

八个品种家兔血清LDH同工酶电泳分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用不连续梯度聚丙烯酰胺圆盘凝胶电泳方法,对新西兰兔,青紫蓝兔,比利时兔等八个品种家兔血清的LDH同工酶进行电泳分析。实验结果表明,聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳能很好地分离出家兔血清中的五种LDH同工酶;家兔血清LDH同工酶图谱的区带分布具有种的特异性,家名义血清LDH同工酶以B亚基占优势,A、B亚基的比率反映家兔的亲缘关系,通过实验,对家兔品种组合杂种优势进行了估测。  相似文献   

A 2.4 kg, 7-year-old, female Rex rabbit was presented with a 4-month history of a left-sided head tilt, difficulty in mastication, lethargy, and chronic wasting. Diagnostic testing of the patient revealed a severe heterophilic leukocytosis and radiographic images of the skull radiographs indicated irregularity of the left tympanic bulla. A computed tomographic scan highlighted a heterogeneously contrast-enhancing mass, ventral and rostral to the left tympanic bulla, with contrast enhancement of the meninges on the left, consistent with an aggressive neoplasm. The patient was euthanized and the mass was identified as a salivary gland adenocarcinoma. The gland of origin is suspected to be the left parotid, owing to its location and close association with normal parotid tissue. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a salivary gland adenocarcinoma in a domestic rabbit. A computed tomography (CT) scan and histopathology examination were useful modalities for identifying the neoplasm in this case.  相似文献   

In order to deeply understand the meat quality and provide the basic information and scientific proof for better heredity selection of rabbit.This experiment option New Zealand rabbit and Californian rabbit were used to construct own DNA pools, respectively for complete sequences amplification of exon 2 and part of intron 1 region of UCP1 gene, two-way sequencing the amplification of the product, BLAST and DNAStar analysis and determine the SNP of rabbit UCP1 gene.The results showed that six SNPs were found in UCP1 gene of the New Zealand rabbit:T135C, C232T, T332C, C360T, T550C and A560G, two synonymous mutation (T135C and C232T) and the other SNPs located in intron region respectively.Using RNA online prediction software forecast UCP1 gene RNA secondary structure prediction software minimum free energy changed from -917.51 kJ/mol to -866.10 kJ/mol for the polymorphisms led to the changes of RNA secondary structure.  相似文献   

为了解兔肉质性状特征,给兔的品种选种选育提供理论依据。本试验选取新西兰兔和加利福尼亚兔分别构建各自的DNA池,对解偶联蛋白1(uncouplingprotein 1,UCP1)基因的第2外显子及第1内含子部分序列进行扩增,扩增产物进行双向测序,利用BLAST和DNAStar分析并确定其SNP。结果分析,在新西兰兔中发现6个SNPs:T135C、C232T、T332C、C360T、T550C和A560G,其中T135C和C232T为同义突变,T332C、C360T、T550C、A560G 4个突变位点位于内含子区。利用RNA在线预测软件预测UCP1基因RNA二级结构最小自由能由-917.51 kJ/mol变为-866.10 kJ/mol,说明SNPs对UCP1基因的RNA二级结构产生影响。  相似文献   

We previously investigated rabbit hereditary cerebellar cortical degenerative disease, called cerebellar cortical abiotrophy in the veterinary field, and determined that the pathogenesis of this disease is the result of failed synaptogenesis between parallel fibers and Purkinje cells. In this study, longitudinal changes in the development and atrophy of the cerebellum of rabbits with hereditary abiotrophy after birth were morphometrically examined (postnatal day [PD] 15 and 42) using image analysis. Although development of the cerebellum in rabbits with abiotrophy was observed from PD 15 to PD 42, the growth rate of the cerebellum was less than that in normal rabbits. In rabbits with abiotrophy, the number of granular cells undergoing apoptosis was significantly higher at PD 15 and dramatically decreased at PD 42. The number of granular cells did not increase from PD 15 to 42. The synaptogenesis peak at PD 15 occurred when the largest number of apoptotic granular cells in rabbits with abiotrophy was observed. Although 26% to 36% of parallel fiber terminals formed synaptic junctions with Purkinje cell spines, the remainder did not at PD 15 and 42. The rate of failure of synaptogenesis in the present study might be specific to this case of abiotrophy. Morphometric analysis revealed detailed changes in development and atrophy in animals with postnatal cerebellar disease occurring soon after birth.  相似文献   

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