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OBJECTIVES: To examine whether the occurrence of seasonal food insecurity was related to ethnicity, household wealth and perceived social support, and to assess whether social support was more efficacious in protecting against food insecurity in wealthier households. Secondary objectives were to assess the association between past food insecurity, current dietary intake and perceived health. DESIGN, SETTING AND SUBJECTS: A sample of 208 randomly selected mothers from two ethnic groups living in the same villages in rural Tanzania participated in a cross-sectional survey. RESULTS: Food insecurity was highly prevalent in this area, particularly among the poorer ethnic group. Half of ethnically Sukuma households fell into the most food-secure category, compared with only 20% of ethnically Pimbwe households. Among both groups, measures of household wealth and social support were strongly associated with food security. Interestingly, social support appeared to be more effective among the wealthier ethnic group/community. Past food insecurity was also related to current indicators of dietary intake and women's self-perceptions of health. CONCLUSION: Greater social support is associated with food security, suggesting that it may protect against the occurrence of seasonal food insecurity. Social support also interacts with wealth to offer greater protection against food insecurity, suggesting that increasing wealth at the community level may influence food insecurity through both direct and indirect means. Seasonal food insecurity also appears to have lasting effects that likely create and reinforce poverty.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to assess the construct validity, criterion-related validity and internal consistency of the Radimer/Cornell food insecurity measure for use in rural Tanzania. DESIGN: A cross-sectional community-based survey was conducted from March to May 2005. Key adaptations to the nine-item Radimer/Cornell items included translation to Swahili, replacing the term 'balanced diet' with 'full meal' and constructing the items as questions rather than statements. Factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha were used to assess validity and reliability, respectively. SETTING: Rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. SUBJECTS: Analysis was restricted to data from 530 women aged 15-44 years who had children under 5 years old. RESULTS: Principal component factor analysis revealed a two-factor solution: (1) altered eating pattern at household level and (2) altered eating pattern at child level. The two factors accounted for 66.2% of the total variance. The subscales developed had good reliability. Internal consistency of the scales was 0.853 and 0.784 for food insecurity at household level and food insecurity at child level, respectively. Only 14.0% of the women reported to be food-secure and 86.0% reported some kind of food insecurity. The Radimer/Cornell food insecurity measure showed significant associations with selected sociodemographic factors in the expected directions. There was also an association with the NHANES III (Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) and CCHIP (Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project) indicators. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the adapted Radimer/Cornell measure may have some utility in assessing food insecurity in settings like rural Tanzania.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence and identify the predictors of food insecurity among households in Los Angeles County with incomes below 300% of the federal poverty level. METHODS: The Six-Item Short Form of the US Department of Agriculture's Household Food Security Scale was used as part of a 1999 county-wide, population-based, telephone survey. RESULTS: The prevalence of food insecurity was 24.4% and was inversely associated with household income. Other independent predictors of food insecurity included the presence of children in the household (odds ratio (OR) 1.7, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2-2.3) and a history of homelessness in the past five years (OR 5.6, 95% CI 3.4-9.4). CONCLUSION: Food insecurity is a significant public health problem among low-income households in Los Angeles County. Food assistance programmes should focus efforts on households living in and near poverty, those with children, and those with a history of homelessness.  相似文献   

韩国农业信息化经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了韩国政府在稳定农水产品流通价格及推动农业农村信息化方面的主要做法和经验,主要从农产品流通及价格稳定、农业信息化和信息服务、农业信息监测体系、信息化村建设、电子商务等方面进行了分析,并对我国农业信息化的启示做了简要描述。  相似文献   

The detailed characterization of mineralogical changes with depth in pyrite-rich tailings from an abandoned mine provides insight into the future geochemical progression of the tailings. Based on the pH and mineralogical characterization, the Guryong mine tailings can be divided into four zones: jarosite zone, iron (Fe)-sulfate zone, Fe-oxyhydroxide and gypsum-bearing pyrite zone, and calcite-bearing pyrite zone. The jarosite zone was approximately 50 cm deep from the surface and had secondary gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6]. The pH of the jarosite zone ranged from 2.3 to 4.0, and the ratio of total Fe to total sulfur (S) ranged from 0.7 to 4.3. These results show that the solid phase, schwertmannite or jarosite, is associated with the total sulfate (SO4) content. The Fe-sulfate zone had low pH values caused by strong pyrite oxidation and greatest amounts of the secondary minerals and acid-leachable heavy metals. The Fe-oxyhydroxide and gypsum-bearing pyrite zone reflects partial alteration of pyrite resulting in the coexistence of secondary gypsum and primary pyrite. The calcite-bearing pyrite zone had pH values exceeding 7.0 at greater depths and contained primary calcite (CaCO3). However, the GS6 and GS10 profiles, which contained coarse particles near the water table, were the most acidic and their calcite contents were not dectected. The oxidation of pyrite is the most important factor in the mineral cycling of Guryong mine tailings, controlling the changes in pH, the precipitation of secondary mineral phases, and the behavior of heavy metals through the profile.  相似文献   

Summary Two collecting missions were carried out in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1986 within the frame of the agreement between the Academies of Sciences of the DPRK and the German Democratic Republic. The first mission was concentrated on genetic resources of the genusAllium. 23 samples have been collected. The second mission included cereals, grain legumes, vegetables and medicinal plants and resulted in 145 accessions. The areas covered are rich in land-races of cultivated plants and their wild relatives. Promising material for research and breeding purposes was collected.
Reisen zur Sammlung pflanzlicher genetischer Ressourcen in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik 1986
Zusammenfassung Zwei Sammelreisen wurden 1986 in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik innerhalb des Abkommens zwischen den Akademien der Wissenschaften der KDVR und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik durchgeführt. Die erste Reise konzentrierte sich auf die genetischen Ressourcen der GattungAllium. 23 Proben wurden gesammelt. Die zweite Reise schloß Getreide, Körnerleguminosen, Gemüse und Arzneipflanzen ein und erbrachte 145 Sammelnummern. Die untersuchten Gebiete sind reich an Landsorten von Kulturpflanzen und ihren wildwachsenden Verwandten. Es wurde aussichtsreiches Material für Forschungs-und Züchtungszwecke gesammelt.

- 1986
, 1986 ¶rt; - . ¶rt;

Summary A collecting mission was carried out in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea jointly by staff members of the Institute for Experimental Biology, Pyongyang, and the Zentralinstitut für Genetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, Gatersleben, in November 1985 for studying and collecting indigenous forms of cultivated plants. 127 samples, mainly of grain legumes, vegetables and medicinal plants were collected. The material represents highly variable old land-races; this is especially true for french beans, soya beans, other grain legumes and some vegetables. Genetic erosion is rather advanced for maize, rice, wheat, radish and the brassicas. Genetic resources of these crops can be expected in more marginal areas. The results of the mission stress the necessity for continuing the explorations.
Anmerkungen zu einer Exploration von Kulturpflanzen-Landsorten in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik im Jahre 1985
Zusammenfassung Eine Reise wurde im November 1985 in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik gemeinsam von Mitarbeitern des Instituts für Experimentelle Biologie, Pyongyang, und des Zentralinstituts für Genetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, Gatersleben, unternommen, die dem Studium und der Sammlung indigener Formen von Kulturpflanzen diente. 127 Proben, besonders von Körnerleguminosen, Gemüsen und Arzneipflanzen, wurden gesammelt. Das Material besteht aus hochvariablen alten Landsorten, besonders von Gartenbohnen, Sojabohnen, anderen Körnerleguminosen und einigen Gemüsen. Die Generosion ist bei Mais, Reis, Weizen, Rettich und denBrassica-Arten schon weit fortgeschritten. Genetische Ressourcen dieser Arten können in den abgelegeneren Landesteilen erwartet werden. Die Ergebnisse der Sammelreise unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit weiterer Explorationen.

- 1985
1985 () () - . 127 , , . , , , . , , Brassica , , ë . .

Summary A further collecting mission was carried out in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1987 within the frame of the agreement between the Academies of Sciences of the DPRK and the German Democratic Republic. 73 samples of medicinal plants, grain legumes, oil- and fibre plants and cereals were collected. The material collected is promising for research and breeding purposes.
Bericht über eine Reise zur Sammlung pflanzlicher genetischer Ressourcen in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik im Jahre 1987
Zusammenfassung Eine weitere Sammelreise in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik wurde im Jahre 1987 im Rahmen des Abkommens zwischen den Akademien der Wissenschaften der KDVR und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik durchgeführt. 73 Proben von Arzneipflanzen, Körnerleguminosen, Öl- und Faserpflanzen sowie Getreiden wurden gesammelt. Das Sammelmaterial ist als aussichtsreich für Forschungs- und Züchtungsaufgaben einzuschätzen.

- 1987
- . 73 , , . .

OBJECTIVES: To assess the occurrence and severity of food insecurity, and examine associations between food insecurity and measures of socio-economic status and indicators of acculturation. DESIGN: Structured interviews among a non-probability sample of West African refugees at baseline and 6 months' follow-up.Setting Mid-sized city in north-eastern USA. SUBJECTS: One hundred and one caregivers with children under the age of 5 years and who have been living the USA for fewer than 4 years. RESULTS: Food insecurity was indicated in approximately half of households (53%). The occurrence of food insecurity was associated with measures of socio-economic status such as income, employment status and participation in the Food Stamp Program (P < 0.05). Measures of acculturation such as difficulty in the shopping environment and language difficulty were also associated with the occurrence and severity of food insecurity, as was time lived in the USA (P < 0.05). Among households who had been in the USA for 1 year or less, food insecurity was indicated in 73%, whereas among households who had been in the USA for at least 3 years food insecurity was indicted in 33%. CONCLUSIONS: Refugees are a potentially vulnerable group and our results echo others in suggesting a need for more thorough monitoring of the health and well-being of recently resettled refugees. These results also suggest that reliance on employment as the sole indicator of success in the resettlement process may be too narrow an indicator. Future research should focus on a wider range of measures of health and well-being.  相似文献   

Summary A further collecting mission was carried out in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1988 within the frame of the agreement between the Academies of Sciences of the D.P.R.K. and the German Democratic Republic. 90 samples of grain legumes, medicinal plants, vegetables, oil- and fibre- plants and cereals were collected. The material indicates a long tradition of Korean agri- and horticulture and is promising for research and breeding purposes.
Bericht über eine Reise zur Sammlung pflanzlicher genetischer Ressourcen in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik im Jahre 1988
Zusammenfassung Eine weitere Sammelreise in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik wurde im Jahre 1988 im Rahmen des Abkommens zwischen den Akademien der Wissenschaften der KDVR und der DDR durchgeführt. 99 Proben von Körnerleguminosen, Arzneipflanzen, Gemüsen, Öl- und Faserpflanzen sowie Getreiden wurden gesammelt. Das Material weist auf eine lange Tradition des koreanischen Acker- und Gartenbaus hin und ist als aussichtsreich für Forschungs- und Züchtungsaufgaben cinzuschätzen.

¶rt; - 1988
¶rt; - 1988 . . 99 , , , , . . .

OBJECTIVE: To assess socio-economic indicators, nutritional status and living conditions of farm workers and their families, with the purpose to develop research and intervention programmes aimed at enhancing nutritional status and quality of life. DESIGN AND SETTING: Three farm schools in two districts of the North-West Province and farming communities were selected. Anthropometrical measurements, structured face-to-face questionnaires and focus group discussions were carried out in 2002 and 2003 by a multidisciplinary research team. RESULTS: Access to electricity, water and sanitation, as well as monthly food rations or subsidies, vary and depend on farm owners. The majority of adults have education below or up to grade four, farm schools provide only up to grade seven. Distance to farm schools and intra-household issues hamper children's attendance and performance at school. Household food security is compromised due to a lack of financial resources, infrastructure and also household resource allocation. This impacts negatively especially on children, with half of them being underweight, stunted or wasted. Employment is usually linked to men, while most women have access to casual jobs only. Insecurity of residence and the perceived disempowered position towards farm owners add to feelings of hopelessness and stress. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This study highlights destitute living conditions of farm worker families. Apart from structural and financial constraints, paternalistic structures of the past might also hamper development. Based on these findings, follow-up research projects and in-depth investigations into underlying social issues with regard to nutrition insecurity and livelihoods of farm workers were initiated.  相似文献   

[目的]探究卢旺达共和国(以下简称“卢旺达”)1992—2019年土地利用状况,为该国土地利用规划和土地资源可持续利用提供参考。[方法]本研究利用1992—2019年欧洲航天局全球陆地覆盖数据(ESA GlobCover),基于GIS空间统计分析及地理探测器等方法分析了卢旺达土地利用时空变化特征及其关键驱动力。[结果](1)卢旺达1992—2019年土地利用类型以农地和林地为主。城镇用地面积增加4.5倍,灌木林地和水域面积分别增加0.28%和2.65%。农地、林地、草地和湿地面积分别减少0.38%,1.46%,44.24%和0.27%。1992—2000年综合土地利用动态度最大,为0.19%。各地类空间分布表现出集聚性。(2)各驱动因子对各地类的驱动作用差异较大。各驱动因子独立作用q值解释力小于两因子间的交互作用。[结论]短期内,社会经济指标对卢旺达土地利用类型变化起决定性作用。因此,未来应当考虑土地使用的长期利益,最大限度地促进土地的有效管理。  相似文献   

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