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Chlamydophila (C.) abortus is a major cause of infectious abortion in sheep in many countries. Twenty-one pregnant sheep were experimentally infected intranasally with C. abortus at 70 days of gestation (dg). Thereafter, a number of animals were killed at weekly intervals and a post-mortem examination was carried out. Evidence of chlamydial infection in the placenta was determined by isolation of the bacterium by tissue culture and detection of C. abortus DNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR). In addition, histopathological changes in the placenta were assessed, as was the detection of chlamydial antigen by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Evidence of placental infection was observed as early as 2 weeks after inoculation, and while only relatively low numbers of bacteria were isolated by culture and/or detected by real-time PCR prior to 113-114dg, at 119-121dg, it was more numerous. This study, using the four criteria for assessment of infection, showed that while C. abortus gained access to the placenta as early as 85dg, characteristic histopathological changes were not apparent until 119/121dg. While the chronology of when the bacterium arrived in the placenta and subsequent lesion development is remarkable for its consistency this paper provides more reliable data on the former which in turn now allows study of the factors that permit its access to this tissue and govern its multiplication and the ensuing triggering of damage.  相似文献   

A Chlamydophila abortus-induced abortion model was carried out on the basis of the experimental infection of ewes at day 75 of gestation. The infection induced abortions and the birth of weak lambs during the last 3 weeks of pregnancy. To study the kinetics of the infection in the placenta and in other organs, infected ewes were killed at 105, 120, and 130 days of gestation and also several days after abortion or parturition. Infected ewes developed a systemic infection that caused a mild and transient pneumonia and focal hepatitis. Pathologic changes were observed in placentas at 120 day of gestation, although the lesions varied between animals and even between placentomes of the same placenta. The first placental area infected was the maternal stroma and epithelium next to the intercaruncular areas, where neutrophilic response seemed to control the infection. A substantial degree of multiplication of C. abortus was then observed in the trophoblast cells of the placentome, periplacentomal choriallantoic membranes, and hilius, with an inflammatory exudate composed mainly of neutrophils, some macrophages, and very scarce lymphocytes. After abortion, the lesions affected the intercotyledonary areas of the aborted placentas, whereas in the uterus significant lymphocyte infiltration was observed, together with a rapid decrease of the C. abortus antigen in the degenerated caruncular tissues.  相似文献   

Immunopathology of Chlamydophila abortus infection in sheep and mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chlamydophila abortus targets the placenta, causing tissue damage, inflammation and abortion (enzootic abortion of ewes). It is one of the main infectious causes of abortion in ewes, resulting in major economic losses to agricultural industries worldwide. Although ruminants and pigs are the principal hosts, humans are also susceptible to infection. Control of disease requires a host inflammatory response, which is likely to contribute to pathology and abortion. Mouse models have been widely used to provide insight into the role of specific immune cells in controlling infection and disease. The use of such model systems for investigating the mechanisms of abortion, latency, persistence, and immunity to reinfection will result in the identification of novel vaccine control strategies for sheep.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii, an intracellular protozoan parasite, is one of the major causes of infectious abortion in sheep. To further understand the pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis, serum, amniotic and allantoic fluids and foetal stomach contents were collected from experimentally infected pregnant ewes to determine pathogen numbers and other markers of infection. Fifteen pregnant ewes (90 days of gestation) were each orally inoculated with 3000 sporulated oocysts of T. gondii. Serum samples were collected weekly following challenge. Amniotic and allantoic fluids and foetal stomach contents were collected at 21, 25, 28, 33 and 35 days post-infection. Characteristic placental lesions were detected in 1 of 4 challenged ewes at day 25, 3 of 4 challenged ewes at day 28 and in all challenged ewes at days 33 and 35 post-infection. T. gondii was detected only sporadically in amniotic and allantoic fluids before 35 days of infection, by real-time PCR, and only in ewes with placental lesions. At 35 days post-infection, high numbers of parasite were detected in both amniotic and allantoic fluids. An increase in the number of fluids from challenged animals with IgM and IgG was detected over time, except for IgG in allantoic fluid, which was detected in all samples from day 21 post-infection. IgG in amniotic and allantoic fluids was shown to be specific for T. gondii, and reacted with antigens with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 22 kDa and 30 kDa. Results suggest a maternal source of immunoglobulin in the allantoic fluid and a foetal source of immunoglobulin in the amniotic fluid early in infection but that both sources may contribute immunoglobulin to both fluids at a later stage.  相似文献   

Objective   To examine the incidence of positive results in a complement fixation test (CFT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Chlamydophila abortus in Australian sheep and how this incidence differs with state of origin, age, sex, breed and property. To examine the consequences in relation to rejection of breeder sheep for export.
Design   Collection of blood samples from 891 sheep on 109 properties in southern Australia. All samples had a unique, coded property identification.
Procedure   The samples were tested using the Institut Pourquier Chlamydophila abortus antibody ELISA (rELISA) and a CFT. Residual maximum likelihood analyses of the sample to positive ratio of the corrected optical density for the rELISA and generalised linear mixed model analyses of the CFT outcomes were carried out.
Results   The sample to positive ratio of the corrected optical density values of the rELISA did not differ between sex, age, breed or state of origin, but differed greatly between properties. The CFT outcome did not differ between age, breed or state of origin, but differed greatly between properties and was more often positive with rams than with ewes.
Conclusion   Positive outcomes to C. abortus antibody tests are very common in Australia. Rams have a particularly high incidence of positive results with the CFT. Rejection of sheep and property consignments is likely to be very common with all tests and situations examined except for the CFT (at 1:32 dilution) in ewes.  相似文献   

Chlamydophila abortus is one of the principal causes of late-term abortion (enzootic abortion of ewes or EAE) in sheep across Europe. Serological diagnosis of EAE is routinely carried out by the complement fixation test, although the interpretation of results can often be difficult because of cross reaction with Chlamydophila pecorum, which also commonly infects sheep. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare four ELISAs developed at Moredun Research Institute and based on whole C. abortus elementary bodies (EBs), an outer membrane preparation of the whole organism (SolPr) and two recombinant polymorphic outer membrane protein fragments (rOMP90-3 and rOMP90-4), with 3 commercial tests, the CHEKIT Chlamydophila Abortus, Pourquier ELISA Chlamydophila abortus and ImmunoComb Ovine Chlamydophila Antibody tests. The tests were evaluated using a panel of 202 sera from experimentally and naturally infected animals, as well as from EAE-free flocks. The EB, SolPr and CHEKIT ELISAs performed similarly to the CFT, all lacking in specificity by cross reacting with sera from C. pecorum infected animals. The ImmunoComb also lacked specificity with C. pecorum sera, but also badly cross reacted with sera from EAE-free flocks. The rOMP90-3, rOMP90-4 and Pourquier ELISAs were the most specific, although the Pourquier test appeared less sensitive with sera from naturally infected animals. Overall, the rOMP90-3 ELISA performed the best, with high sensitivity (96.8%) and no cross reaction with sera from C. pecorum infected animals or from EAE-free flocks (100% specificity) and so would be a suitable alternative to the CFT for the serological diagnosis of EAE.  相似文献   

Enzootic abortion of ewes (EAE), resulting from infection with the bacterium Chlamydophila abortus (C. abortus), is a major cause of lamb loss in Europe. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential impact of the shedding of organisms in post-abortion ewes at oestrus and subsequent lambing on the epidemiology of EAE. Using a newly developed C. abortus specific real-time PCR assay, few chlamydial genomes could be detected in vaginal swabs taken from post-abortion ewes at oestrus. At subsequent parturition, all ewes lambed normally with no macroscopic or microbiological evidence of infection. Real-time PCR analysis of placental samples identified very few or no chlamydial genomes, which contrasted significantly with samples taken at the time of abortion, where an average of 2.7x10(7) chlamydial genomes per microgram of total tissue DNA was detected. Few genomes could also be detected from vaginal and cervical tissue samples and lymph nodes taken post-mortem. The results, although not discounting the possibility of a chronic low level persistent infection in post-abortion ewes, suggest that the low levels of chlamydial DNA detected during the periovulation period and at lambing do not significantly impact on the epidemiology of EAE. In terms of flock management, the products of abortion should be considered the major and principal source of infection for transmission to na?ve ewes.  相似文献   

Immunodiagnostic confirmation of cystic human hydatidosis is frequently required before surgical intervention or of chemotherapy. However, it remains inadequate to detect specific antibodies or antigens in some confirmed cases of echinococcosis. This study was carried out to investigate the accuracy of three different immunodiagnostic tests for detection of specific circulating antigens or antibodies in the serum and urine of 13 experimentally infected sheep. For this purpose, Echinococcus granulosus were collected from small intestine of experimentally infected dogs, and 2000 taenid eggs were orally administered to each of the 13 sheep. There were six other sheep, which were kept as the control group. Biweekly serum and urine samples were collected from all the sheep for 4 months after infection. The sera were subjected to indirect hemagglutination test and the concentrated urine samples were subjected to coagglutination and counter immunoelectrophoresis tests. The results revealed that the sensitivity of these tests in detecting the hydatid antigens in the urine or antihydatid antibodies in the serum of the infected sheep reached their maximum in 12th and 13th week after infection; then it decreased in the following weeks. Examination of the non-infected sheep samples throughout the experiment showed that the aforesaid findings were specific only to the infected sheep. It seems that the appearance of specific hydatid antigen in urine and its antibodies in the serum were simultaneous. Although these tests are highly specific, false negative outcomes were encountered in their detection of cystic echinococcosis. In general, it seems rational to establish some series of diagnostic procedures in order to reveal antibodies and antigen of metacestode in serum and urine of the patients.  相似文献   

Chlamydophila psittaci and Chlamydophila abortus are the causative agents of avian chlamydiosis (psittacosis) and ovine enzootic abortion, respectively. Both pathogens are known to possess zoonotic potential. Due to their close genetic relatedness, direct and rapid species identification is difficult. In the present study, new real-time PCR assays are reported for both species. The tests are based on highly specific probes targeting the ompA gene region and were conducted as duplex PCRs including an internal amplification control. The Cp. psittaci assay successfully passed a proficiency test at national level. Examination of field samples revealed Cp. psittaci as the dominating species in birds, but also Cp. abortus in a few psittacines. Real-time PCR assays for species-specific detection of Cp. psittaci and Cp. abortus are suited for routine diagnosis, which renders them important tools for the recognition of outbreaks of psittacosis and ovine enzootic abortion.  相似文献   

Six camels were experimentally infected with two strains of Brucella abortus, four with S19 and two with a field bovine strain. In all cases antibody titres were detected within 6 to 11 days. Serum agglutination titres peaked between days 11 and 32 and complement fixation titres between days 11 and 52; both titres then declined steadily. No clinical signs were observed in the four camels inoculated with S19. Slight non-specific symptoms were seen in the two camels infected with the field bovine strain. On post mortem examination no gross lesions were observed although histopathological sections showed focal granulomata in the liver and a generalized lymphadenitis. The organism was recovered mainly from the lymph nodes of the head and genital tract.  相似文献   

A PCR was used to detect the genome of Chlamydophila abortus in samples of uterine tissue collected from 304 sheep by a sterile technique at an abattoir. The stage of pregnancy of the sheep was determined by measuring the dimensions of the embryo/fetus, and its morphology was recorded. Only samples from non-pregnant sheep and sheep up to 100 days of gestation were retained; the clinical history of the animals was unknown. The total prevalence of the chlamydial genome was 30.9 per cent, with a significantly higher prevalence in the pregnant animals (46.9 per cent). Higher detection rates were recorded during early gestation than during mid-gestation.  相似文献   

The uterine tubes from 405 ewes, collected at an abattoir, were assessed grossly and microscopically for abnormalities that correlated with serological evidence of exposure to Chlamydophila abortus. Gross lesions were found in 41 ewes and 86 had microscopic lesions. Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) of serum was used as an indication of exposure of individual ewes to C. abortus; 52 were found to be positive. Chi-squared analysis indicated no association between EIA-positive animals and lesions of the uterine tube.  相似文献   

Anti-cryptosporidium antibody levels were measured in serum and faeces of experimentally infected calves. In serum, IgG was detectable six days after infection and remained elevated throughout infection. IgA and IgM in serum showed little change. IgG, IgA and IgM levels all rose in the faeces five or six days after infection and reached a peak between days 8 and 14 after infection and then declined.  相似文献   

An epidemiological survey was performed to detect the presence of Chlamydophila (C.) abortus and other members of the order Chlamydiales in ovine and caprine flocks with a history of abortion in southern Italy. Four pairs of primers were compared to evaluate their ability to detect Chlamydiales using purified DNA preparations and tissue samples from aborted foetuses with suspected chlamydial infections. As expected, amplification of DNA of the reference strain C. abortus using primer pairs U23F/23Sigr, 16SF2/23R, CTU/CTL and CpsiA/CpsiB produced fragments of about 600 bp, 585 bp, 1000 bp and 300 bp, respectively. The detection limits of the four PCR tests performed on serial DNA dilutions of the C. abortus reference strain were of 10 pg, 0.1 pg, 0.1 pg and 1 fg of DNA, respectively. The most sensitive amplification of DNA extracted from the organ tissues was obtained with primer pairs CpsiA/CpsiB, which detected Chlamydophila spp. DNA in all infected tissue samples. Only C. abortus was identified during the survey. The presence of this agent was confirmed in 3 out of 27 ovine and caprine flocks included in the survey suggesting that abortion due to C. abortus is uncommon in southern Italy.  相似文献   

《Veterinary parasitology》2015,207(1-2):7-16
Livestock animals are a potential risk for transmission of toxoplasmosis to humans. Sheep and pigs still remain an important source because their meat is often eaten undercooked which has been regarded as a major route of infection in many countries. Moreover, porcine tissues are processed in many food products.In the current study, the IFN-gamma (T-helper 1 cells), IL-4 (Th2 cells) and IL-10 mRNA (Treg cells) expression by blood mononuclear cells, and the serum antibody response against Toxoplasma gondii total lysate antigen, recombinant T. gondii GRA1, rGRA7, rMIC3 and rEC2, a chimeric antigen composed of MIC2, MIC3 and SAG1, was studied in sheep the first two months after a T. gondii infection and compared with these responses in pigs. At the end of this period, the parasite distribution in heart, brain and two skeletal muscles in sheep was compared with this in pigs.Whereas the parasite distribution was similar in sheep and pigs, the antibody response differed considerably. In sheep, antibodies appeared against all tested T. gondii antigens, but mainly against rGRA7, rMIC3234307 and TLA whereas in pigs only rGRA7-specific antibodies could be demonstrated. Also, the cytokine response differed. Both in sheep and pigs an IFN-gamma response occurred which seemed to be a slightly more pronounced in sheep. In sheep, also IL-10 and IL-4 mRNA expression showed an increase, but later than IFN-gamma and with more variation. However, in pigs no such increase was seen.As concerning diagnosis, results indicate that serum antibodies against GRA7 in live sheep and pigs and heart tissue for bioassay and qPCR in slaughtered animals are the best targets to demonstrate presence of T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

The value of cercarial antigen for diagnosis of experimental and natural sheep fasciolosis was studied by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and enzyme linked immunotransfer blot (EITB). In ELISA, the antibody levels of experimentally infected sheep with Fasciola gigantica appeared at 2 weeks post infection (PI), gradually increased till 7 weeks PI and nearly remained at the same level from 7 to 13 weeks PI (the end of experiment). Also, the sensitivity and specificity of cercarial antigen for diagnosis of naturally sheep fasciolosis were 100 and 90%, respectively.In EITB, in the sheep experimentally infected with F. gigantica, the band of 32.5kDa molecular weight polypeptide appeared at 2 weeks PI and continued till the end of experiment. Also, the cercarial antigen recognized 32.5kDa molecular weight band with all sera from naturally infected sheep with fasciolosis (n = 25). This band did not cross-react when tested with sera from infected sheep with Cysticercus tenuicollus (n = 20). This study suggests that, the 32.5kDa molecular weight polypeptide could be used as sensitive and specific epitope for the serodiagnosis of sheep fasciolosis.  相似文献   

Adult sheep and goats and new-born lambs and kids were experimentally infected with a Wesselsbron disease virus. The viraemia in lambs commenced approximately 27 h after infection and lasted on the average for 50 h. A febrile reaction, which was mostly biphasic, commenced several hours after the viraemia and outlasted it by 50 h. The viraemia in adult animals began about 50 h after infection and lasted for 30 h. The fever usually commenced several hours after the viraemia and, as in 3 cases out of 4 in lambs, it outlasted the viraemia by at least 30 h. The virus could be reisolated in mice from every tissue examined in lambs, although it has previously been shown that pathological lesions are restricted to the liver and lymphatic tissues.  相似文献   

Greco  G.  Totaro  M.  Madio  A.  Tarsitano  E.  Fasanella  A.  Lucifora  G.  Buonavoglia  D. 《Veterinary research communications》2005,29(1):107-115
An epidemiological survey was performed to detect the presence of Chlamydophila (C.) abortus and other members of the order Chlamydiales in ovine and caprine flocks with a history of abortion in southern Italy. Four pairs of primers were compared to evaluate their ability to detect Chlamydiales using purified DNA preparations and tissue samples from aborted foetuses with suspected chlamydial infections. As expected, amplification of DNA of the reference strain C. abortus using primer pairs U23F/23Sigr, 16SF2/23R, CTU/CTL and CpsiA/CpsiB produced fragments of about 600 bp, 585 bp, 1000 bp and 300 bp, respectively. The detection limits of the four PCR tests performed on serial DNA dilutions of the C. abortus reference strain were of 10 pg, 0.1 pg, 0.1 pg and 1 fg of DNA, respectively. The most sensitive amplification of DNA extracted from the organ tissues was obtained with primer pairs CpsiA/CpsiB, which detected Chlamydophila spp. DNA in all infected tissue samples. Only C. abortus was identified during the survey. The presence of this agent was confirmed in 3 out of 27 ovine and caprine flocks included in the survey suggesting that abortion due to C. abortus is uncommon in southern Italy.  相似文献   

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