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高生长率早熟公猪的营养是一大挑战  相似文献   

Correlated responses in physiological traits in lines of Texel-Oxford sheep selected for high or lowcarcass lean content were examined. Serum samples were taken at the end of performance test, 20 weeks of age, from 66 rams when fed ad libitum and every 24 h when fasted for 56 h. The lean line had higher serum concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and insulin-like growth factor- 1 (IGF-1) with lower concentrations of triglyceride (TRIG), creatinine (CREA) and UREA, but only the differences in UREA were statistically significant. There were substantial changes in serum concentrations of physiological traits in response to fasting as glucose and IGF-1 decreased while BHB, NEFA, TRIG, CREA and UREA increased. The correlated responses suggested that the lean line preferentially synthesises protein rather than deposits fat during normal feeding. When the animals are fasted, there may be relatively greater use of fat as an energy source in the lean line, rather than using products from protein catabolism as glucose precursors.The accuracy of selection was examined when physiological traits were incorporated into a selectionindex, which included the performance test traits: liveweight, ultrasonic backfat and muscle depths, to predict genetic merit for carcass lean content. UREA may be a useful predictor of genetic merit for lean meat production as it was correlated with estimated carcass lean content and there were substantial differences between the selection lines.  相似文献   

不同紫花苜蓿品种对蚜虫抗性的比较试验   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
通过对11个紫花苜蓿品种(系)对以苜蓿斑蚜为主的复合蚜虫种群的田间和室内抗性鉴定研究,田间结果表明:德宝、甘农3号、德福、阿尔冈金、中苜1号、三得利、WL232、X0010属于高抗;室内结果显示:甘农3号、X0010、金黄后、猎人河、中苜1号、陇东、阿尔冈金、德福属于高抗。综合分析表明,苜蓿抗蚜性的性状为数量遗传性状;不同的苜蓿品种对蚜虫的抗性在苗期与成株期有很大的差异;国外育成的抗蚜品种在兰州市的抗性级别基本与国外测定的抗性级别相同或相近。  相似文献   

Selection over eight generations for a shorter (fast hatching) or longer (slow‐hatching) incubation time in fowls resulted in a difference of 42 h in incubation time. Only minor asymmetry of response was observed since incubation time decreased by 19.8 h in the fast‐hatching line and increased by 22.4 h in the slow‐hatching line. The predicted response was less than that observed, probably because of underestimation of the true selection differentials and a low estimate of heritability used for prediction.

The realised heritability estimates decreased significantly from 0.222 to 0.179 between the first four and the last four generations. The estimate based on all eight generations was 0.199. These values are probably slightly overestimated because of the use of underestimated selection differentials in their calculation. The realised heritability in the original stock was probably between 0.20 and 0.25.

No evidence of correlations between hatchability or egg weight and hatching time was obtained. A significantly lower egg weight in the fast‐hatching line could be accounted for on the basis of random genetic drift.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Correlated responses in pituitary gland weight and growth hormone (GH) concentration in the serum and pituitary were studied in lines of mice selected for growth rate, and in controls. The selection criteria were weight gain between 28 and 38 days on an ad libitum feed intake (EPA line), or on intake restricted to 80% of the control mice (EPR line), and weight gain between 48 and 58 days under the above two feeding regimes (LPA and LPR lines). The control line was maintained by random breeding. In generation 13, pituitary weight and growth hormone levels were determined at 38 days in lines EPA, EPR and the control and at 58 days in lines LPA, LPR and the control. Pituitary weight, corrected for body weight gain, was smaller in the EPA line than in the control line at 38 days and was greater in the LPR line than in the control line at 58 days. There were large differences in serum GH concentrations between the selected lines and the control; the differences were statistically significant at 38 days, with the EPA and EPR lines having lower levels than the controls. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Ver?nderung von Wachstumshormonspiegel bei Selektion für Zuwachs bei M?usen Ver?nderungen im Hypophysengewicht und Wachstumshormon-(GH)-Konzentrationen im Serum und in der Hypophyse wurden bei Wachstumsselektionslinien und bei Kontrollm?usen untersucht. Selektionskriterien waren Zuwachs zwischen 28 und 38 Tagen bei ad libitum Futteraufnahme (EPA Linie) oder bei Linien, wo Futteraufnahme auf 80% derjenigen der Kontrollm?use (EPR Linie) begrenzt wurde und Zuwachs zwischen 48 und 58 Tagen unter beiden Futterweisen (LPA und LPR Linie). Die Kontrollinie wurde durch Zufallspaarung fortgepflanzt. In Generation 13 wurden Hypophysengewicht und Wachstumshormonspiegel im Alter von 38 Tagen in Linien EPA, EPR und in Kontrollen und bei 58 Tagen in Linien LPA und LPR und Kontrollen bestimmt. Hypophysengewicht, korrigiert für Zuwachs, war geringer in der LPA Linie als in der Kontrolle bei 38 Tagen Alter und gr??er in der LPR Linie als in der Kontrolle bei 58 Tagen. Zwischen GH Konzentrationen selektierter und Kontrollinien waren erhebliche Differenzen, die bei 38 Tagen signifikant waren, wobei EPA und EPR Linien geringere Werte als die Kontrollen aufwiesen.  相似文献   

Analytic results obtained using simple models show that estimates of selection response of univariate experiments using animal models are completely dependent on the heritability used as prior when fixed effects are nested within generations, and both on the prior and on the true heritability parameter when fixed effects overlap across generations. Univariate animal model estimators of correlated changes of a trait not selected directly are usually biased. The absolute value of the estimate of the correlated response is smaller than the true value when the traits are only genetically correlated and larger than the expected value of zero when they are only environmentally correlated. The validity of the results derived from the analysis of simple models is confirmed using computer simulations, which illustrate the magnitude of the bias. It is emphasized that use of univariate animal models to estimate response in breeding programs whose breeding objectives include several correlated traits may lead to erroneous conclusions.  相似文献   

Improvement in feed efficiency when selection is based on gain:feed ratio has often been accompanied by a reduction in feed intake. The following four criteria were used in mass selection for improved lean gain efficiency in mice with an objective of evaluating changes in lean gain and intake: 1) gain deviation, animals selected had the greatest gain in fat-free mass (FFM) after adjustment to a constant intake; 2) intake deviation, mice selected had the least feed intake after adjustment to a constant gain in FFM; 3) intrinsic efficiency, similar to the second criterion except that adjustment was also made for average weight maintained during the period; and 4) a positive control that used the ratio of gain in FFM: feed intake as the selection criterion. A fifth line, in which a male and a female were selected at random from each litter, served as a negative control. Experimental animals were outbred mice of the CF1 strain. Two replicates of the five lines were included in the study. Twelve males and females were pair-mated within each line-replicate combination each generation. Feed disappearance was measured from 25 to 42 d. Mice were scanned to obtain an electrical conductivity measurement for prediction of FFM. After six generations of selection, realized heritabilities for gain:feed, gain deviation, intake deviation, and intrinsic efficiency were .00 +/- .04, .04 +/- .29, .35 +/- .08, and .28 +/- .06, respectively. There were no differences among lines for gain:feed ratio. The correlated response in feed intake reduction was significant in the intake deviation and intrinsic efficiency lines (-.17 +/- .05 and -.21 +/- .04 g x d(-1) x generation(-1), respectively). The realized genetic correlations between the ratio and gain deviation, intake deviation, and intrinsic efficiency were .83 +/- .15, .01 +/- .04, and .21 +/- .12, respectively. Litter size was depressed in all selected lines.  相似文献   

Sperm motility, acrosome morphology, changes determined by the vital-lethal test and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) concentration in semen plasma were evaluated in the semen of four boars; the semen was stored for six years. No statistically significant changes in the percentage of motile spermatozoa were indicated when sperm motility was evaluated after four and six years of semen storage in liquid nitrogen. Neither did the fluctuation of the changes found on the basis of the vital-lethal test go beyond statistically insignificant values. After semen sample thawing in the BTS medium, the motility of spermatozoa was found to be somewhat higher than after thawing in the INRA-ITP medium, but after the termination of the thermoresistance test both media appeared to be equally effective. The AST level of the semen samples stored for four years was just slightly up on the initial values. After thawing in the BTS medium, AST level increased by 0.03 microcatal per litre of semen plasma, and in the INTRA-ITP medium by 0.06 microcatal per litre of semen plasma. The insemination of five sows with the semen stored for six years results in conception of two sows, i. e. 40%, and the average litter size was 7.5 piglets. It can be derived from the results that six years of boar semen storage in liquid nitrogen cause no further substantial changes in the structural and functional characteristics of spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Nine generations of selection for high ovulation rate were followed by two generations of random selection and then eight generations of selection for increased litter size at birth, decreased age at puberty, or continued random selection in the high ovulation rate line. A control line was maintained with random selection. Line means were regressed on generation number and on cumulative selection differentials to estimate responses to selection and realized heritabilities. Genetic parameters also were estimated by mixed-model procedures, and genetic trends were estimated with an animal model. Response to selection for ovulation rate was about 3.7 eggs. Response in litter size to selection for ovulation rate was .089 +/- .058 pigs per generation. Average differences between the high ovulation rate and control lines over generations 10 to 20 were 2.86 corpora lutea and .74 pigs (P less than .05). The regression estimate of total response to selection for litter size was 1.06 pigs per litter (P less than .01), and the realized heritability was .15 +/- .05. When the animal model was used, the estimate of response was .48 pigs per litter. Total response in litter size to selection for ovulation rate and then litter size was estimated to be 1.8 and 1.4 pigs by the two methods. Total response to selection for decreased age at puberty was estimated to be -15.7 d (P less than .01) when data were analyzed by regression (realized heritability of .25 +/- .05) and -17.1 d using the animal model. No changes in litter size occurred in the line selected for decreased age at puberty. Analyses by regression methods and mixed-model procedures gave similar estimates of responses and very similar estimates of heritabilities.  相似文献   

本试验比较了三个受仔猪断奶后多系统衰竭综合征感染猪群中的公猪猪种,以此研究公猪品种在该病发生中所起的作用。  相似文献   

本试验将三个PMWS受害猪场中的公猪作了对比. 毫无疑问,猪断奶后多系统消耗性综合征(PMWS)一直是近年来猪健康问题的热门话题.在从研究和实际经验中收集到的极大量有关信息,尤其是大量的争论,都围绕着这样一种观点:此病可能与品种有关.  相似文献   

Effects of social interactions on responses to selection for ADG were examined with records of 9,720 boars from dam lines (1 and 2) and sire lines (3 and 4) provided by Pig Improvement Company. Each line was analyzed separately. Pens contained 15 boars. Average daily gains were measured from about 71 to 161 d of age and BW from 31 to 120 kg. Models included fixed effects of contemporary groups and initial test age as a covariate and random direct genetic (a), social genetic (c), social environmental (ce), and litter (lt) effects. Estimates of direct heritability with model 1 (the full model with a, c, ce, and lt) were 0.21, 0.28, 0.13, and 0.15 for lines 1 to 4. Estimates of heritability of social effects were near zero. Estimates of total heritable variance were 55, 52, 38, and 96% of phenotypic variance for lines 1 through 4. Empirical responses to selection with model 1 were calculated using the parameter estimates from model 1. For response of 1 genetic SD for both components (a and c), the proportions of expected total gain due to social effects (with economic weights of 1 and pen size-1 = 14) were 54, 28, 65, and 65% for the 4 lines. Genetic superiorities of the top 10% of boars were calculated for boars ranked using reduced models, but with EBV calculated using the full model (model 1). Average total breeding values (ETBV = EBV(a)+14EBV(c)) for the top 10% of boars selected with model 1 were 74.08, 94.26, 31.79, and 92.88 g for lines 1 through 4, respectively. For rankings based on model 2 (a, ce, and lt), but EBV calculated with model 1, average total breeding values for the top 10% were 68.15, 94.03, 7.33, and 84.72 g with empirical correlated responses for genetic social effects from selection for direct effects of 0.93, 1.89, -2.19, and 3.52 g for lines 1 to 4.  相似文献   

Data from a selection experiment for growth carried out in Brazil were analyzed in order to evaluate the direct responses on yearling weight (YW) and the correlated responses on the size and reproduction traits of cows. The experiment was started in 1976, and in 1980 three lines of Nelore cattle were established: selection (NeS), traditional (NeT), both selected for higher YW, and control (NeC), selected for mean YW. The NeT was an open line that eventually received bulls from other herds. Yearling weight records for animals born from 1978 to 1998 and yearling hip height (H550) offemales born from 1985 to 1998 were analyzed by fitting an animal model in order to obtain the genetic trends. The means for weight, height, and body condition score at the start of the breeding season, days to calving, and calving success of cows born from 1993 to 1996 (pertaining to the third to fourth generations of selection) were compared between the selected (NeS and NeT) and control lines. The genetic trends obtained after 16 yr for YW were 1.7 +/- 0.2, 2.3 +/- 0.2, and -0.1 +/- 0.1 kg/yr for males and 1.9 +/- 0.2, 2.4 +/- 0.2, and -0.1 +/- 0.1 kg/yr for females, for the NeS, NeT, and NeC lines, respectively. Corresponding values for H550 were 0.25 +/- 0.03, 0.24 +/- 0.04 and -0.04 +/- 0.03 cm/yr for females. Heifers and cows from NeS and NeT were 19% and 15% heavier and 4% taller at the start of the breeding season than those from NeC. No significant differences between selected (NeS and NeT) and control females were detected for body condition scores and for reproductive performance. The results indicate that selection for body weight promoted high and consistent weight and height responses both at the yearling and later ages, without compromising the reproductive performance of the cows with respect to days to calving and calving success.  相似文献   

1. Two selection indices which included a measure of food conversion efficiency in broiler production, were formulated: one index (I1) used individual 9‐week body weight and 5‐ to 9‐week food consumption (FC); the other (I 2) used individual 9‐week weight and sire‐family average food consumption (FC).

2. Three empirical parameter sets and 10 hypothetical data sets were used in calculating the indices and in predicting selection responses.

3. The three empirical parameter sets gave relatively similar index coefficients for I1 which were proportional to the relative economic weightings to the two traits.

4. Predicted economic responses to selection based on I 2 were negligibly superior to selection for body weight alone for nearly all data sets, whereas selection based on I1 was always superior in economic response.

5. Predicted economic response to selection based on I1 calculated from typical published estimates of genetic parameters was 20% greater than predicted response to selection for body weight alone.  相似文献   

Mass selection for an index of increased postweaning average daily gain and decreased backfat thickness was practiced for five generations. Litter size and weight for 221 gilt litters, birth weight and nipple number for 2,242 piglets and weaning weight at 42 d of age for 2,111 pigs were recorded. Carcass measurements were taken on 331 pigs. Differences between means of the lines (select control) were regressed on cumulative selection differential of the index. These regression coefficients were negative (P greater than .10) for total number born, number born alive, number weaned per litter, nipple number and carcass backfat thickness. Coefficients were positive (P greater than .10) for individual pig and litter weights at birth and weaning and for the carcass traits of length, longissimus muscle area and percentage of ham and loin. Absolute values of realized genetic correlations of index with traits evaluated were all .35 or less except the correlation with carcass backfat, which was -.84. None of these was significant; therefore, index selection for lean growth should have little effect on litter size and weight but may have a beneficial effect on carcass backfat.  相似文献   

种公猪对整个猪群的作用很大,自然交配时,每头公猪可担负20~30头母猪的配种任务,一年繁殖仔猪400~600头;人工授精时,每头公猪一年可繁殖仔猪万头左右.俗话说:"母猪好,好一窝;公猪好,好一坡."这说明了公猪精液质量的好坏直接关系到猪场的经济效益.特别是在高温季节,规模化养殖场除了科学管理好种母猪外,对种公猪的科学管理也是必不可少的.笔者就高温季节如何做好种公猪的管理提出自己的看法,供参考.  相似文献   

Correlated responses to selection for yearling (AS1 herd) or 18-month weight (AS2 herd) wereevaluated against a control (AC0 herd) in a progeny test herd using 2294 calves born in 1975–1988. A sample of privately-owned Angus bulls, available by artificial insemination (AI), were compared with them for eight liveweight or gain traits up to 18 months, with four carcass traits on steers. Cows of known pedigree in the progeny test herd were also evaluated for seven maternal traits. Other correlated responses were evaluated directly in the ACO and selection herds (three puberty traits, daily food intake, cow weight, and survival and reproduction traits).Realised genetic correlations to selection for yearling weight (AS1 herd) averaged 6% higher (forgrowth and carcass traits) than published paternal half-sib estimates, whilst those with 18-month weight (AS2 herd) were about 10% lower than with yearling weight. The sign of maternal genetic effects for live weights up to weaning varied among selection herds. Realised genetic correlations with selection weight averaged 0.51 (carcass fat depth), 0.93 (food intake), 0.16 (scrotal circumference in bulls), 0. 18 (age at puberty) and 0.37 (weight at puberty in heifers), 0.38 (cow weight, AS I herd) and 0.92 (cow weight, AS2 herd). The selection herd differences from control were not significant for cow or calf mortality or reproductive traits (6501 mating records), but tended to be negative for cow and calf death rates, and variable for overall reproductive rate.  相似文献   

The owners of 135 pet birds were surveyed by questionnaire to determine their birds' weekly food consumption. The birds were divided into six food groups on the basis of the amounts of seeds, formulated products and human food they consumed. The formulated products and seeds were analysed for their nutrient content by two independent laboratories, the nutrient content of the human foods was obtained from a standard nutrition reference, and each bird's nutrient intake was estimated. The dietary content of individual nutrients was then compared with the estimated maintenance requirements for pet birds. Birds consuming less than approximately 50 per cent of their diets as formulated products had inadequate intakes of vitamins A and D3, and calcium. Diets high in human food were low in protein, energy, vitamins and minerals. Diets high in seed were excessive in fat and deficient in vitamins A and D3, and calcium.  相似文献   

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