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Eucalyptus nitens specimens were thermally modified under open and closed systems. The anatomical characteristics from selected modifications that presented similar mass losses were investigated by analyzing images taken from scanning electron microscopy, transmission light microscopy, and X-ray micro-computed tomography. Wood cell wall thickness, fiber, and lumen area were measured and compared to unmodified specimens, and the crack formation after modification was also analyzed. There was only a slight decrease in the measured characteristics when compared to unmodified specimens. The wood cell wall thickness was less affected than the fiber and lumen areas, and both modifications presented similar crack formations. Overall, there were no significant differences between open and closed system modifications in the anatomical structure.  相似文献   


Several key wood properties of four Australian hardwood species: Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus pilularis, Eucalyptus marginata and Eucalyptus obliqua, were characterized using state-of-the-art equipment at AgroParisTech, ENGREF, France. The wood properties were measured for input into microscopic (cellular level) and macroscopic (board level) vacuum-drying models currently under development. Morphological characterization was completed using a combination of environmental scanning electron microscopy and image analysis software. A clear difference in fibre porosity, size, wall thickness and orientation was evident between species. Viscoelastic properties were measured in the tangential and radial directions using dynamic mechanical analysis instrumentation. The glass transition temperature was markedly different for each species owing to anatomical and chemical variations. The radial direction showed higher stiffness, internal friction and glass transition temperature than the tangential direction. A highly sensitive microbalance and laser technology were used to measure loss of moisture content in conjunction with directional shrinkage on microsamples. Collapse shrinkage was clearly evident with this method for E. obliqua, but not with other species, consistent with industrial seasoning experience. To characterize the wood–water relations of E. obliqua, free of collapse, thinner sample sections (in the radial–tangential plane) are recommended.  相似文献   

中国榆属12种2变种木材解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国榆属(Ulmus.L)12种2变种的木材进行了比较解剖学研究。结果表明:(1)导管分子长度从睫毛榆组到榆组至榔榆组逐渐变短,而纤维分子逐渐变长,说明榆属由睫毛榆组到榆组到榔榆组是不断进化的。(2)通过对次生木质部有关的7个数量特征进行聚类分析和差异性比较,认为榆属属下设组而不设亚属是合理的。(3)通过对榆属12种2变种木材的解剖学研究,认为U.davidiana、U.davidiana Var.japonica、U.szechuanica三者亲缘关系较近,而与同属于Sect.Ulmus Seu.Nitentes的U.castaneifolia和U.glancesscens var.lasiocarpa的亲缘关系较远。U.gaussenii、U.macrocarpa、U.lamellosa的聚类分析距离很近,说明其三者亲缘关系较密切,但它们的花粉外壁纹饰,萌发孔数相差较远,故三者的亲缘关系还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Phellodendron amurense Rupr. produces berberine, a valuable ingredient in Chinese medicine. We examined how berberine content varied in different parts of the tree with age and geography in Northeast China. Berberine levels in root bark, trunk bark, and perennial branch bark, annual branches, and leaves were estimated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Root, trunk, and perennial branch barks had significantly higher berberine content than annual branches and leaves. Moreover, berberine content varied significantly with both longitude and latitude in samples of these three plant parts. The populations growing at low longitude and latitude contained significantly more berberine than those growing at high longitude and latitude. These results provide a scientific basis for the reasonable cultivation and efficient use of P. amurense.  相似文献   

Leaf litter decomposition of Castanopsis fissa, Cinnamomum camphora, Michelia macclurei and Mytilaria laosensis in mixed broad-leaved plantation and pine plantation was studied by the litterbag method for 1 year. Leaf litter decomposition rates of the four species were highest in Cinnamomum camphora, followed by Mytilaria laosensis, Michelia macclurei, and Castanopsis fissa. The decomposition rates of all four species were higher in the mixed than in pine plantation. The decomposition processes of all species followed Olson’s exponential model. The decomposition coefficients (k) of all species were also higher in the mixed plantation and had the same order as the decomposition rates. The nitrogen contents of leaf litter of the different species studied increased initially and then decreased with time. Net release of N only occurred in pine plantation. Potassium contents appeared to decrease first but later increase, and net release was only found in mixed plantation. Calcium, magnesium and boron all showed similar pattern of initial increase followed by later decrease. They all had net release in both mixed and pine plantations. The release of phosphorus varied greatly between species and showed no clear trend.  相似文献   

Understanding physiological responses and drought adaptation strategies of woody plant leaf traits in sub-humid to semi-arid regions is of vital importance to understand the interplay between ecological processes and plant resource-allocation strategies of different tree species.Seasonal variations of leaf morphological traits,stoichiometric traits and their relationships of two drought tolerant woody species,live oak(Quercus virginiana)and honey mesquite(Prosopis glandulosa)and two less drought tolerant species,sugarberry(Celtis laevigata)and white ash(Fraxinus americana)were analyzed in a sub-humid to semi-arid area of south Texas,USA.Our findings demonstrate that for the two drought tolerant species,the leguminous P.glandulosa had the highest specific leaf area,leaf N,P,and lowest leaf area and dry mass,indicating that P.glandulosa adapts to an arid habitat by decreasing leaf area,thus reducing water loss,reflecting a resource acquisition strategy.While the evergreen species Q.virginiana exhibited higher leaf dry mass,leaf dry matter content,C content,C:N,C:P and N:P ratios,adapts to an arid habitat through increased leaf thickness and thus reduced water loss,reflecting a resource conservation strategy in south Texas.For the two less drought tolerant deciduous species,the variations of leaf traits in C.laevigata and F.americana varied between Q.virginiana and P.glandulosa,reflecting a trade-off between rapid plant growth and nutrient maintenance in a semi-arid environment.  相似文献   

我国南方食用菌原料林培育研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
香菇等食用菌在我国具有近千年的栽培历史,是山区经济发展的重要产业,食用菌原料林的培育对于以阔叶权赤原食用菌产业持续发展意义重大。本文重点对食用菌原料林树种的优选、人促更新定向培育、主要原料林树种的丰产栽培以及其采种基地建设等进行述评。根据食用菌原料林培育研究现状和存在问题,提出进一步发展的技术对策和今后的研究重点,包括主要原料树树的种的良种选育和扩繁技术、育苗技术、松杉林冠下造林技术和多种食用菌原料林树种混植技术、二代食用菌原料林的萌芽更新技术等。  相似文献   

In our investigation we studied fiber lengths and the transition age from juvenile to mature wood in Acer velutinum Boiss. For this purpose, samples from three normal maple trees at a Noshahr site in northern Iran were selected. Disks were cut at breast height. Test samples were taken along a radial direction from the pith to the bark, accounting for every ring during a 48-year period. We used the Franklin method to distinguish between fibers of juvenile and mature wood. The results show that the fiber length increased along the radial direction from the pith to the bark. The transition age between juvenile and mature wood was determined at the 14th annual ring from the pith.  相似文献   

云南松直干、弯干材木材结构比较观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜对云南松直干、弯干材木材构造进行解剖学观察,结果表明:弯干材在解剖结构上跟直干材基本保持一致。与直干材相比,弯干材的早材比直干材的早材窄,树脂道多;早、晚材管胞的长度、壁厚、弦向直径差幅分别为:0.14、0.63、4.4、13.56、-0.46、0.81;最大交叉场纹孔数和最大单列射线细胞个数比直干材分别多1个和2个;纺锤形射线高度超出直干材的51.73%。弯干材具有右旋扭转纹。另外,两种材料都是较好的造纸原料,且以弯干材为优。  相似文献   

We studied radial and inter-progeny variations in the dimensions of the wood elements and specific gravity of 21 half sib progenies of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. The female parents of half sibprogenies were G48 and S7C13 clones. Variance ratio (F) test indicated that inter-progeny variations in the dimensions of wood elements andspecific gravity were significant for all wood traits while variations were significant for radial location for specific gravity only. Hierarchical cluster analysis was done by Squared Euclidean Distance for all of 21 progenies considering six wood traits. 21 progenies were grouped into 4 clusters. Cluster 1 was the largest cluster with 11 progenies, whereas cluster 3 had only one progeny. Selected progenies in clusters 3 (progeny 155,male) and 4 (progeny 108, 196, both female) were highly divergent from the other progenies so they were used in combinations as parents of hybrids to develop new clones with desired characters. Progeny 155 showed higher growth, fiber dimensions, and specific gravity, thus,should be used for the development of new clones.  相似文献   

以中国知识产权局专利数据库-s系统为数据源,利用专利分析的专利图理论(Patent map简称PM)定量分析了压缩木技术的分布年限、主要发明人、国家分布、重要申请人等数据。结果表明:压缩木为提高木制品质量的核心技术;近年来专利申请发展迅速,并处于平稳期;技术专利集中于中国和日本;国内技术专利以职务发明为主。压缩木技术未来应以集成技术开发为主,企业应加强与高校科研院所合作,促进集成创新。  相似文献   

Based on the current conditions, a forecast of trends in imports and exports of wood products and their demand and supply is presented in this paper for the years of 2005 and 2015. It is expected that imports will continue to exceed exports but that the trade deficit in wood products will decline. The form of trade will be changed from a condition of unilateral imports to one of exerting mutual advantage through imports and exports. The structure of trade in forest products will alter with changes in the forest resource base and with new developments in the forest industry.  相似文献   

香气包含有多种挥发性物质,是红木识别鉴定的重要辅助特征.采用气相色谱质谱联用技术比较分析了4种红木木材挥发油化学组成的异同.结果表明:鸟足紫檀与大果紫檀的挥发油色谱峰相近,两者具有较多共有谱峰;微凹黄檀与刀状黑黄檀的挥发油色谱峰相似,但特有色谱峰较明显.鸟足紫檀和大果紫檀挥发油主要组分为八氢-4a,8-四甲基-2-萘甲醇、十氢-4a-三甲基-8-亚甲基-2-萘甲醇和6a,11a-二氢-3,9-二甲氧基-6H-二苯并呋喃;微凹黄檀和刀状黑黄檀挥发油主要组分为1,7,7-三甲基苯亚乙基双环[2,2,1]庚-2-酮;刀状黑黄檀还含有较多的9-甲氧基-2,3,5,7-四甲基吡咯并喹啉和4-甲基-2-[5-(2-噻吩基)吡唑-3-基]苯酚.挥发油色谱峰和化学组成的差异可用于红木材种鉴别,同时为红木的精细化利用提供参考.  相似文献   

The performance and variability patterns in the wood element’s dimensions, specific gravity and growth parameters namely ramet height and GBH were evaluated in 16 clones of parents, F1 and F2 hybrids of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. Ramet radial variations were nonsignificant, while inter-clonal variations due to interaction of clone/replication were significant for all the wood traits except vessel element length. Inter-clonal variations were significant only for fiber length and fiber wall thickness....  相似文献   


Information regarding carbon concentration and wood density are lacking in Chilimo dry Afromontane forest.

The aim of this study was to estimate carbon concentration and wood density for Allophyllus abyssinicus, Olea europaea, Olinia rochetiana, Rhus glutinosa, and Scolopia theifolia. A total of 105, 30–50 mm thick wood discs were collected and oven dried at 102°C and 67°C to constant weight, chopped and finally grinded into 0.2 mm with a grinding mill. Carbon concentration was analyzed using the ash method, while wood density was estimated using the water displacement method. The highest carbon concentration (57.12%) was found for O. rochetiana, however, the lowest carbon concentration (56.43%) was found for A. abyssinicus. Stem parts had higher carbon concentration (56.98%) than branch (56.74%) and leave (54.53%) parts. O. europaea exhibited the highest wood density (0.67 g cm?3) value than other species. However, the lowest wood density (0.42 g cm?3) was exhibited for A. abyssinicus. Wood density was also showed a decreasing trend along with increases in stem height and maximum wood density (0.62 g cm?3) was found under stump position, while, the minimum wood density (0.4 g cm?3) was found under tree commercial height.  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化作为一个脆弱生态系统,对全球气候变化和碳循环具有重要影响。为阐明中国南方喀斯特石漠化生态治理工程背景下土壤呼吸作用的时空动态变化特征及其影响因素,选取贵州省贞丰县北盘江镇查耳岩村的核桃林Julans regia、花椒林Zanthoxylum bungeamum和关岭县花江镇峡谷村的枇杷林Eriobotrya japonica3种特色经济林作为研究对象,采用英国ADC Bioscientific公司生产的Lcpro+便携式土壤呼吸仪对土壤呼吸进行了监测。结果表明:1)土壤温度能预测土壤呼吸速率变异83%~89%的信息,是影响土壤碳排放量变异的主要因素;2)3种经济林中土壤呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10)有所差异,Q10为4.34~6.40;3)喀斯特石漠化地区冬季土壤的月平均碳排放量达到了63.46 g·m-2;4)土壤呼吸速率的偏离程度变化较大,在-56%~83%之间;5)花椒林在09:00、15:00、21:00,核桃林0:00、11:00,枇杷林在12:00土壤的呼吸速率与日平均值偏离程度较小(<10%),为最佳观测时间;6)各土壤特征因子中,全钾是影响土壤呼吸速率变异的主要因素。  相似文献   

In “West Development” of China, one of the most important activities is the Natural Forest Protection Program, designed to swiftly convert the focus of management and utilization of the natural forests from a timber orientation towards forest conservation, sustainable management and environmental protection. The project covered almost all the arid and semi-arid regions in Northwest region. Accompanying this great campaign this paper studied the conservation and restoration model of degraded ecosystems in arid and semi-arid lands in Northwest China. The past practices have resulted in considerably natural forest degradation and loss through land conversion (primarily for agriculture), over-harvesting, inadequate reforestation and lack of protection. The consequences have been the loss of soil and water resources, diminished timber production capacity on a sustainable basis, and environmental losses. This paper applied Aronson’s restoration model and proposed the conservation, restoration, re-allocation and preservation program for the implementation of environmental improvement and natural forest conservation.  相似文献   

中国榆属12种2变种叶的比较解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对中国榆属(Ulmus L)12种2变种的叶进行了比较解剖学研究,结果表明:(1)表皮毛长短、粗细及头部形状因种而异,是分组乃至分种的重要依据;毛被情况、气孔分布、角质层纹饰可以作为分种的辅助特征。(2)气孔的长宽比值,随自然分布海拔的升高而增大,表明生境对榆属造成的性状差异具有一定的稳定性。(3)脉间区由网眼缺乏一个或几个边缘,脉稍分离、末端较多的不完全发育类型,经过一个中间类型,向大小,形状均匀一致的发育完全的类型过渡;叶片栅栏组织发达与否与脉间区的大小呈反相关。  相似文献   

We compared patterns of acorn dispersal and predation by wood mice among four tree species (Quercus serrata, Quercus crispula, Castanea crenata, and Juglans mandshurica var. sieboldiana) that are abundant in cool temperate woodlands. We devised an acorn dispersal experiment using 400 magnet-inserted acorns and a magnetic locator in a 1.8-ha study plot, which spanned a cut-over area and an adjacent deciduous forest. Ten wire mesh baskets, each containing 40 acorns (10 acorns per species), were placed on the border between these two habitat types. About 13.0% (n = 52) of the total acorns remained in the baskets, while 77.3% (n = 309) were dispersed throughout the study plot and subsequently retrieved using the magnetic locator. Microhabitat, distance, and burial depth of transported acorns were significantly different among species. In the cut-over area, J. mandshurica var. sieboldiana acorns were dispersed under fallen trees or branches and near stumps, and were buried deeply in the soil. Dispersal distances of J. mandshurica var. sieboldiana acorns were significantly greater than those of Q. serrata acorns. The number and microhabitat of transported acorns significantly differed between habitat types. J. mandshurica var. sieboldiana acorns were dispersed in the cut-over area rather than in the forest. For all four species, the numbers of acorns delivered to fallen trees or branches, stumps, and crumbled soil with overhang under any vegetation type were greater in the cut-over area than in the forest.  相似文献   

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