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The purpose of this paper was to identify factors that would positively or negatively affect the short-term survival rate of foals with septic arthritis. Medical records of 81 foals (≤seven months of age) with a clinical diagnosis of septic arthritis, referred to the equine hospital at Cornell University Hospital for Animals, between 1994 and 2003 were reviewed. Signalment, age at presentation, number of affected joints, joint fluid parameters, bacterial agents, treatment modalities and year of treatment were compared between survivors and nonsurvivors. Sixty-two of 81 foals (77%) were discharged from the hospital and classified as 'survivors'. Multiple joint involvement and detection of intra-articular Gram-negative, mixed bacterial infection and degenerate neutrophils were negatively associated with short-term survival. Initiation of treatment within 24 hrs of onset of clinical signs and combination of treatment modalities were positively correlated with survival. Further investigation is needed to determine if these two factors have a similar influence on athletic performance.  相似文献   

Salmonella choleraesuis was isolated in pure or mixed bacterial cultures from 153 swine necropsied between Jan 1, 1987 and Dec 31, 1990. Pneumonia was seen in 99 of 109 swine from which this bacterium was isolated in the absence of other pathogenic bacteria. Pneumonia was seen more frequently than hepatitis, splenomegaly, or colitis. Pleuropneumonia that was grossly indistinguishable from the pleuropneumonia associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae was seen in 29 of 99 swine from which S choleraesuis was the only bacterium isolated.  相似文献   

Background: Neonatal foals with isoerythrolysis (NI) often die, but the risk factors for death have not been identified.
Objectives: To identify factors associated with outcome in foals with NI and to identify factors associated with death from liver failure or kernicterus in the same population.
Animals: Seventy-two foals with NI examined at referral institutions.
Methods: Retrospective case series. Information on signalment, clinical examination findings, laboratory testing, treatment, complications, outcome, and necropsy results were obtained.
Results: The overall survival rate was 75% (54 of 72). Liver failure (n = 7), kernicterus (n = 6), and complications related to bacterial sepsis (n = 3) were the 3 most common reasons for death or euthanasia. The number of transfusions with blood products was the factor most strongly associated with nonsurvival in a multivariate logistic regression model. The odds of liver failure developing in foals receiving a total volume of blood products ≥ 4.0 L were 19.5 (95% confidence intervals [CI]: 2.13–178) times higher than that of foals receiving a lower volume ( P = .009). The odds of kernicterus developing in foals with a total bilirubin ≥ 27.0 mg/dL were 17.0 (95% CI: 1.77–165) times higher than that of foals with a lower total bilirubin ( P = .014).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Development of liver failure, kernicterus, and complications related to bacterial sepsis are the most common causes of death in foals with NI. Foals administered a large volume of blood products are at greater risk for developing liver failure.  相似文献   

Parvovirus infection was confirmed by fluorescent antibody staining of or viral isolation from specimens of small intestine in 181 (17%) of 1,110 dogs necropsied between July 1, 1987 and Dec 31, 1990. Clostridium perfringens was isolated from 74 (69%) of 108 dogs with parvovirus infection from which specimens of jejunum also had been obtained for culture of anaerobic bacteria. Gram-positive bacilli in association with focal to diffuse necrosis of the superficial portions of the villi were observed in histologic sections of specimens of small intestine from 56 (98%) of 57 dogs from which parvovirus and C perfringens had been identified. These findings indicate that C perfringens frequently proliferates in dogs with parvovirus infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine factors associated with long-term survival after biliary surgery in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 34 dogs that underwent biliary surgery. PROCEDURES: Data extracted from medical records included sex, breed, body weight, age at surgery, history and clinical examination findings, preoperative and postoperative CBC, serum biochemical panel and coagulation profiles results, abdominal ultrasonographic findings, results of bacteriologic culture and histologic examination, surgical findings, postoperative complications, and survival time. Follow-up information was obtained from medical records or phone conversations with owners and referring veterinarians. RESULTS: Primary biliary findings included gallbladder mucocele (n = 20 dogs), inflammatory diseases (4), trauma (3), and neoplasia (1). Secondary biliary diseases included pancreatitis (n = 4), pancreatic neoplasia (1), and duodenal perforation (1). One- and 2-year survival rates were both 66%. Increasing age; gamma-glutamyltransferase activity; preanesthetic heart rate; BUN, phosphorus, and bilirubin concentrations; and the use of biliary diversion procedures were risk factors for death, although pancreatitis was not. However, poor long-term survival was associated with pancreatitis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Long-term prognosis was guarded after biliary surgery in dogs. However, dogs that survived the early postoperative period had good long-term prognosis. Dogs with pancreatitis had poor prognosis. Overall, the prognosis was worse for dogs that underwent a biliary diversion, compared with dogs that did not.  相似文献   

The case records of 119 young horses (all less than age one year) that underwent an exploratory celiotomy during a 17 year period were examined to determine the surgical findings, short- and long-term outcome, and prevalence of small intestinal disease compared to previous reports in the mature horse. Physical and laboratory values were compared for long-term survivors vs. nonsurvivors and the frequency of post operative intra-abdominal adhesions was determined. The most common cause for exploratory celiotomy was small intestinal strangulation, followed by enteritis and uroperitoneum. Six horses died during surgery, 23 were subjected to euthanasia at the time of surgery due to a grave prognosis, and 17 horses died or were destroyed after surgery, prior to discharge from the hospital; the short-term survival was 61%. Nine horses were lost to follow-up. Forty-one horses survived long-term (at least 6 months after surgery), 15 died or were subjected to euthanasia after discharge for reasons related to the prior abdominal surgery, and 8 died or were destroyed after discharge due to unrelated reasons, making the long-term survival 45%. Fifty-three (45%) of the horses presented as neonates, and 66 (55%) presented age 3-12 months. Uroperitoneum and meconium impaction were the most common disease in the neonate. Intussusception and enteritis were the most common diseases in older foals. The overall prevalence of small intestinal disease was 44%. Significant elevations in packed cell volume, heart rate, nucleated cell counts and total protein in abdominal fluid and rectal temperature were observed in nonsurvivors compared to survivors. Nonsurvivors had significantly decreased serum bicarbonate, chloride, sodium, and venous pH values. There was no evidence that location of the lesion affected long-term survival. Horses with a simple obstruction had a higher survival percentage than those with a strangulating obstruction, and horses that underwent an intestinal resection had a lower long-term survival than those horses undergoing only intestinal manipulation. Nineteen (33%) of the foals examined after the original surgery had evidence of intra-abdominal adhesions. Nine of these (16%) had adhesions that caused a clinical problem.  相似文献   

Of 183 foals examined by use of gastroendoscopy during 1987 and 1988, 94 had gastric lesions. Sixty-eight of 120 foals in the 1- to 85-day-old age range had endoscopically confirmed gastric lesions, and 26 of 63 foals in the 90- to 310-day-old age range had gastric lesions. Lesions were observed most frequently in the stratified squamous mucosal epithelium, particularly adjacent to the margo plicatus. Lesions were observed in the gastric glandular mucosa in 26 of the 94 foals with gastric lesions, and with a greater frequency in foals with a clinical disorder than in foals with no disorder (27% vs 3%). In young foals, lesions were consistently observed in the stratified squamous mucosal epithelium adjacent to the margo plicatus along the greater curvature of the stomach at 2 specific sites. These lesions were frequently associated with desquamation of the stratified squamous mucosal epithelium, which was observed in 69 of the 82 foals less than or equal to 30 days old and in 13 of the 101 foals greater than 30 days old. Lesions in the stratified squamous mucosal epithelium adjacent to the margo plicatus were associated with concurrent clinical disorders in foals greater than 90 days old, but developed with identical frequency in foals less than 90 days old with or without a clinical disorder. Lesions in the stratified squamous mucosal epithelium along the lesser curvature of the stomach were observed only in foals with concurrent clinical disorder, and with a higher frequency in foals greater than 90 days old than in younger foals (24% vs 3%).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the response to various treatments and long-term outcome of foals with tarsal valgus deformities. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 39 foals with tarsal valgus deformities. PROCEDURE: Data collected from medical records, included signalment, history, reason for admission, and clinical findings. Radiographic views of the tarsus were evaluated for incomplete ossification of tarsal bones and were classified as normal in appearance, type-I incomplete ossification, or type-II incomplete ossification. Treatment and athletic outcome were documented for each foal. RESULTS: Radiographic assessment revealed that 22 of 39 foals (56%) had concomitant tarsal valgus deformities and incomplete ossification of the tarsal bones. Eight of 19 foals with tarsal valgus deformities that were treated with periosteal stripping responded favorably. Foals < or = 60 days old were significantly more likely to respond to periosteal stripping than older foals. Five of 8 foals with tarsal valgus deformities that were treated with growth plate retardation responded favorably. Eleven of 21 foals with long-term follow-up performed as intended. Compared with foals with type-II incomplete ossification, foals with tarsal bones that had a normal radiographic appearance or type-I incomplete ossification were significantly more likely to perform as intended. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Foals with tarsal valgus deformities should have lateromedial radiographic views of the tarsus obtained to assess the tarsal bones for incomplete ossification, which will affect athletic outcome. Because foals with type-II incomplete ossification of the tarsal bones respond poorly to periosteal stripping alone, treatment by growth-plate retardation is recommended.  相似文献   

Gastroendoscopy was performed on 111 horses (1 to 22 years old) that had signs of abdominal discomfort of variable duration and severity. At least 1 episode of colic had been observed within 48 hours of examination in 31 horses. Recurrent episodes of colic were observed in 28 horses within 2 to 10 days of examination, 31 horses within 11 to 30 days, 12 horses within 31 to 60 days, and in 9 horses at more than 60 days after the initial examination. Gastric ulceration was found in 91 of 111 horses examined. Other abnormalities involving the gastrointestinal tract or other abdominal viscera were not found on examination in 57 of 91 horses with gastric ulcers. The most frequent concurrent abnormalities found in the remaining 34 horses with gastric ulcers were impaction of the large colon (n = 6), colonic tympany (n = 6), peritonitis (n = 6), gastric impaction (n = 4), ileocecal intussusception (n = 3), small-colon impaction (n = 4), and proximal enteritis (n = 2). Thirteen horses with gastric ulceration underwent abdominal surgery, and in 5 horses, lesions were not found at surgery. Gastric ulceration was determined to be the primary cause of colic in 31 horses on the basis of the lack of other abnormalities, clinical response to treatment with histamine type-2 receptor (H2) antagonists, and confirmation of improvement or resolution of gastric ulceration via endoscopy. Gastric ulceration was the suspected cause of colic in 26 other horses on the basis of the lack of other abnormalities, severity of lesions, and clinical response to treatment with H2 antagonists.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with outcome (ie, survival and return to function) following treatment of horses with septic tenosynovitis. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 51 horses with septic tenosynovitis. PROCEDURES: Information was obtained from medical records and through follow-up conversations with owners. Factors analyzed for an association with outcome included affected limb, etiology, duration of clinical signs prior to examination, presence of complications, primary treatment, secondary treatments, number of surgical procedures, and hospitalization time. RESULTS: Concurrent complications were identified in 41 (80%) horses. The primary treatment consisted of through-and-through lavage in 26 (51%) horses, tenoscopy in 20 (39%), and tenosynoviotomy combined with lavage in 5 (10%). Forty (78%) horses were discharged, and 37 (73%) survived at least 1 year after surgery; 21 of the 37 (57%) returned to their previous or a higher level of performance. Percentages of horses that survived 1 year after discharge and percentages that returned to their intended use did not vary significantly among treatments. Horses with tendon rupture or sepsis of an adjacent joint were significantly less likely to survive. Horses with tendon injury or pannus were significantly less likely to return to their intended use. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that various factors were associated with outcome in horses with septic tenosynovitis. However, surgical technique was not found to be associated with survival rate or rate of return to intended use.  相似文献   

Many uncomplicated umbilical hernias have been managed successfully in foals by the application of a hernia clamp. Isolated reports of complications following clamp application have led some authors to suggest that it is an unsuitable method of treatment. Little information has been published comparing the complication rates associated with the use of hernia clamps and herniorrhaphy in the treatment of umbilical hernias. The purpose of this retrospective study was to report the characteristics of clinical cases of umbilical hernia and to compare the complication rates following these 2 treatment approaches. Information was collected from records or from owners to identify the occurrence of complications and owner satisfaction following treatment. Of 93 cases, 10 complicated and 18 uncomplicated hernias were treated by herniorrhaphy, 40 uncomplicated hernias were treated by clamping, 1 originally uncomplicated hernia was treated by both techniques, and 24 cases were untreated. Nineteen percent of uncomplicated hernias treated by herniorrhaphy, and 19% of those clamped developed minor complications. This study demonstrates that although minor complications may be associated with either technique, they generally do not result in significant morbidity.  相似文献   

Disseminated Actinomycetales infections were diagnosed in 6 slender-horned gazelles at a zoologic park over a 17-month period. Nocardia and Mycobacterium spp were isolated. Possible predisposing causes leading to infection were investigated. Environmental contamination where the gazelles were housed was not high, and other breeds of gazelles at the park did not become infected, indicating that environmental exposure was not the sole factor involved. Information gathered from questionnaires sent to other zoologic parks and personnel communications indicated that this was not an isolated incident. Investigation into the genetic lineage of the gazelles revealed substantial inbreeding in prior generations. These findings suggested inbreeding may have been an important predisposing factor leading to infection. Careful scrutiny to ensure maximal heterozygosity of future breedings is warranted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the rate of development of septic arthritis after elective arthroscopy and evaluate associations between various factors and development of this complication in horses. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 682 horses that underwent arthroscopic procedures at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital from 1994 to 2003. PROCEDURES: Information pertaining to signalment, joints treated, whether antimicrobials were administered, and development of postoperative septic arthritis was collected from medical records. Horses with a primary problem of septic arthritis or wounds involving joints were excluded. The following factors were evaluated to determine their roles in joint sepsis: breed, sex, joint, and preoperative and intra-articular administration of antimicrobials. Telephone interviews with clients were used to determine whether unreported septic arthritis had developed. RESULTS: 8 of 932 (0.9%) joints in 7 of 682 (1.0%) horses that underwent arthroscopy developed postoperative septic arthritis. Follow-up information after discharge from the hospital was available for 461 of the 682 horses, and of those, 8 of 627 (1.3%) joints in 7 of 461 (1.5%) horses developed septic arthritis. Breed and joint treated were significant risk factors for development of postoperative septic arthritis, with draft breeds and tibiotarsal joints more likely than others to be affected. Sex, preoperatively administered antimicrobials, and intra-articularly administered antimicrobials were not associated with development of postoperative septic arthritis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results can be used for comparison with data from other institutions and surgical facilities. Additional precautions should be undertaken when arthroscopic surgery involves draft breeds and tibiotarsal joints.  相似文献   

Pharyngeal or esophageal trauma was diagnosed in 9 horses after nasogastric intubation. Evidence of trauma (edema or ulceration) was detected in the pharynx of 3 horses and in the esophagus of 6 horses. Complications associated with nasogastric intubation were first observed in 5 horses while they were intubated and in 4 horses after extubation. Clinical signs of pharyngeal or esophageal trauma were similar, and included salivation, bruxism, coughing, and nasal discharge. Treatment, including extubation, enteral feeding through a small nasogastric tube, or esophagostomy distal to the affected site, was attempted in 6 horses. Three of 6 treated horses survived, but 4 of 5 horses with perforated esophagus were euthanatized.  相似文献   

Over an 8-year period, 9 horses with septic pedal osteitis were admitted to the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine. Septic pedal osteitis was defined by the presence of purulent exudate combined with radiographic evidence of lysis of the distal phalanx. The condition described involved only the distal phalanx, the laminae and hoofwall, and the soft tissues of the sole. Treatment included curettage and removal of the affected portion of the distal phalanx through a ventral approach to the foot, combined with systemic administration of antibodies. Of the 9 horses, 7 returned to soundness and original function within 12 weeks after surgery. During the early postoperative period, 2 horses died from causes unrelated to the surgery or to septic pedal osteitis.  相似文献   

The mean platelet volume (MPV) was evaluated in 68 dogs with thrombocytopenia attributable to various causes. Platelet size was high or low in some dogs. The most clinically useful observation was that low MPV (microthrombocytosis) was a specific indicator of immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMT) in these thrombocytopenic dogs. All but one case of microthrombocytosis (MPV less than 5.4 fl) was found in dogs with IMT. Microthrombocytosis was detected in 17 of 31 dogs with IMT and appeared at the onset of the disease. Macrothrombocytosis (MPV greater than 9.4 fl) indicated active thrombopoiesis, but was not unique to any disease category. Macrothrombocytosis was detected in 18 of 31 dogs with IMT, 3 of 17 dogs with disseminated intravascular coagulation, and 3 of 9 dogs with primary bone-marrow disease.  相似文献   

Synovial sepsis represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality in foals; however, there are no studies focusing on foals particularly at risk during the first 2 months of life. Our objective was to analyse outcome in foals aged <2 months with haematogenous septic arthritis and to identify prognostic factors and compare the effects of two different lavage procedures on outcome. Sixty foals with synovial sepsis were used for our retrospective study in which medical records, online data and telephone interviews were utilised to analyse prognostic factors, and determine short‐ and long‐term survival and athletic performance of foals treated at Evidensia Equine Specialist Hospital, Helsingborg, between 2008 and 2014. Overall survival to discharge was 80% (48/60). Time to long‐term follow‐up ranged from 6 months to 6.5 years. Forty/60 (67%) horses survived long‐term. Four/8 (50%) of the nonsurvivors at long‐term follow‐up had been subjected to euthanasia due to sequelae of joint sepsis. Of the long‐term survivors, 37/40 (92.5%) achieved athletic soundness. Overall long‐term outcome for athletic soundness was 37/60 (62%). Prognostic factors based on historical, clinical or laboratory data, or the use of through‐and‐through needle lavage compared to endoscopic lavage as the first procedure, could not be identified. The present study demonstrates a more favourable prognosis than previously reported, with 80% of foals with synovial sepsis surviving to discharge, and approximately 60% achieving athletic soundness. However, the study was limited by a small population size, which may account for the failure to verify statistically significant prognostic factors.  相似文献   

The medical records of 9 foals less than 4 months old, with fracture of the tibial diaphysis, were reviewed. Open reduction was accomplished by use of 3 approaches; however, a cranial approach was preferred and was used in 7 foals. Two dynamic compression plates were implanted in all foals except the first of this series. The technique of plate luting was used in 7 foals and appeared to improve the ability of implants to resist failure. Complications after surgery included partial or complete failure of fracture fixation (n = 3 foals), osteomyelitis (n = 2 foals), angular limb deformity (n = 2 foals), minor dehiscence of the surgical wound (n = 3 foals), and mild extensor deficits of the injured limb (n = 4 foals). One foal was euthanatized 12 hours after surgery because of complete loss of fracture fixation. All other foals were discharged 10 to 295 days after surgery. One or both plates were subsequently removed in 7 foals. Follow-up information was obtained 6 to 36 months after discharge. Excellent results were reported for 6 foals, and good or fair results were reported for the remaining 2 foals.  相似文献   

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