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The Innervation of the Syrinx in the Duck (Anas platyrhinchos) The innervation of the Syrinx was studied in 15 female Peking Ducks of 10 to 12 months old by using L. M. and E. M. In this organ a nervous plexiform net is present located in the connective below the epithelium along the membrana tympaniformis medialis. This net-work is made of the nervous trunks which repeatedly anastomise among themselves and display during their course acapsulate ganglions. However, no specialized contact device were encountered at the periphery.  相似文献   

The morphological and structural aspects of the Membrana tympaniformis medialis of the syrinx were studied with L.M. and E.M. in 32 female and male Peking ducks from 6 to 12 months old. The membrane is covered by pseudostratified prismatic epithelium which shows different regional features. While at level of the proximal and distal third of the tympanic membrane the morphological and structural aspects of the cells resemble that of the adjacent structures (pessulus and primary bronchi), the middle part of the epithelium layer becomes gradually flattered; the epithelium is made up of oblique or horizontal cells which touch each other by means of many lateral interdigitations. At level of the upper parts of the cells there are several types of cell junctions. This particular disposition seem to be well adapted to the contractions of the syringeal muscles.  相似文献   

The structural organization of the epithelium lining the clavicular air sac in Duck was studied by light and electron microscopic. This epithelium consists of two types of pavement like cells. The first flat types of cells are numerous with large mitochondria containing cytoplasm and elongated nuclei. The second short and dumpy cells are few in number and are after seen near the ostium. They could have long microvilli like pseudopod on their apical surface ready to engulf inhaled foreign particles. Desmosomal bridges too are found between contiguous cells.  相似文献   

On the Morphology of the Fossa ovalis in the adult Dog Heart 1. The Fossae ovales of 77 adult dog hearts are not a partly persistent foramen ovale. 2. They are always translucent. 3. According to their shape there are 6 different types: pyriform (most frequently), triangulare, elliptical, ovale, reniform and round (most rarely). 4. The middle dimensions are 0.6227 cm. laterolateral and 0.3525 cm. craniocaudal. 5. The middle depth is 0.15 cm.  相似文献   

The histologic study on six horses of the ileo-caecal and caeco-colic junctions confirms their sphincteral structure. It appears that the activity of the muscular fibres, identified in the ileo-caecal and caeco-colic plica, modulates the curvature of the junctions and thus, blocks, as sphincters, the reflux of contents from the caecum into the ileum and from the colon into the caecum. But on the other hand, the pelvic flexure does not possess any microscopic organization to stop the reflux of contents from the dorsal colon into the ventral colon.  相似文献   

The long stabilizers of the VT-LGM filter rest on large areas of the vascular wall. The morphometric study of the layers of the vascular wall, after implantation of filter in 15 ewes, divided into 3 groups of follow-up (2, 4 or 8 weeks) of 5 animals, was made at 3 levels opposite the filter and 1 level outside of it. Changes are seen for all the layers. Filter produces intimal hyperplasia. Stabilizers are quickly isolated from the blood flow. The thickness of the intimal hyperplasia grows for 4 weeks. It is more important at the base of the filter than at its head. There is also hyperplasia of the media with no change according to the follow-up or the level opposite the filter. The adventitia becomes thinner without variation of time or level of the filter. Smooth muscle cells of the adventitia become less frequent and smaller. Their density, in front of the stabilizers, is the smallest by 4 week follow-up and remains the same along the stabilizer. The full thickness of the wall is bigger opposite the stabilizers than between them. The filter produces changes that are limited in time and in space. The most important changes are seen at 4 weeks after insertion and opposite the stabilizers.  相似文献   

The last hours of intrafollicular maturation are important to preserve the potential of oocytes for fertilization and development. To collect mature oocytes it is consequently essential to predict accurately the time of ovulation. Therefore we have modified a regular and specific plasma LH radioimmunoassay to a convenient assay providing reliable results within four to five hours. Using this technique we have been able to detect the LH peak with a delay small enough to predict the moment of ovulation; then we have been able to observe and photograph ovulation. The antigen-antibody reaction takes place during a two hour incubation at 37 degrees C. The immune complex is precipitated by addition of a rabbit anti-gamma-globulin and incubation at 22 degrees C for 30 minutes. The variation between fast and regular assays is lower than 15%. From a study of 25 cycles in 12 animals we suggest intervals of approximately 27 hours between the beginning of the LH peak and ovulation and of about 17 hours between the end of the peak and ovulation. Intervals between the beginning of heat and ovulation appear irregular and cannot be used with certainty as a reference point to predict ovulation. Five ovulations were observed closely and in the five cases, the formation of an apex was noted Our results clearly show that with the technique mentioned above we can predict rapidly and precisely bovine ovulation.  相似文献   

Necrotic enteritis was reproduced experimentally in two week old broiler chickens by intravenous injection and also by oral administration of a pure culture of Clostridium perfringens. In the first experiment, gross and microscopic intestinal lesions, typical of necrotic enteritis, were observed in all diseased birds and mortality was obtained only in the group of birds that were injected with 0.4 ml or more of the pure culture of the microorganism. In the second experiment, the highest mortality was noted in the group of birds that received orally, in addition to the Clostridium culture, a solution of sodium bicarbonate, to obtain an alkaline intestinal content and opium to decrease the intestinal peristaltism. The gross and microscopie intestinal lesions of the diseased and killed birds were more severe than those observed in the other groups and were similar to those encountered in field outbreaks of necrotic enteritis.  相似文献   

Specific histological lesions (Negri bodies) were recognized in three of 15 foxes having died of rabies. These lesions were found in sympathetic ganglia close to the nervus opticus, and in the nerve cells of the retina. They could explain eyesight trouble and some other symptoms of rabies in foxes.  相似文献   

Ketamine (0.3 mg/kg) administered intravenously to 12 halothane anesthetized horses caused a significant respiratory depression during ten minutes when respiration was spontaneous. Significant hemodynamic effects were not observed except for cardiac index. Clinical application was also discussed.  相似文献   

Neural receptors of the porcine clitoris were examined using light and electron microscopy. Perfusion with ink allowed study of the unique vascular arrangement associated with the genital corpuscles. Sensory nerve-endings were generally rounded and formed a morphologically and structurally characteristic unit. They were composed of a network of primarily non-myelinated nerve fibers and flat cells. Between these structures, isolated small blood vessels were embedded amongst collagen fibers and amorphous material. An external capsule of variable thickness always surrounded the structures. A complex arrangement of vessels in the center of the capsule was formed by a subpapillary mesh. The same arrangement was seen in the morphologically comparable penile genital corpuscles of the same species. Based on the particular arrangement of blood vessels and nerve fibers in the genital corpuscles, some authors postulate the presence of a neuro-vascular glomerulus.  相似文献   

Secondary effects of sulfaquinoxaline have been studied by comparing specific antibody titres of treated birds with the titres of those birds which were not treated.

Previously these birds had been immunized by intramuscular injections of a killed antigen of S. pullorum, standard strain, and S. pullorum, variant strain. This experiment demonstrated that this drug possesses an immuno-suppressing action. This secondary effect was confirmed by an experimental infection with the GB strain of Newcastle disease virus.


Cerebrospinal fluid composition has been studied in low and normal birthweight piglets. Values for urea, Ca, K, Cl and P did not differ between the two groups. However, glucose concentration was lower in low birthweight subjects and Mg and Na values were higher. Total leukocytes were also higher in low birthweight piglets. These differences may suggest that blood-brain-barrier is not at the same stage of maturation in low birthweight as in normal birthweight subjects.  相似文献   

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