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Postpartum dam performance was studied in a complete diallel design involving five lines of mice. The selection criterion in each line was: large litter size at birth (L+); large 6-wk body weight (W+); an index for large litter size and small 6-wk body weight (L+W-); the complementary index (L-W+) and random (K). Females from the five lines and 20 reciprocal F1 crosses were mated to sires of a randomly selected control line (CC). Correlated responses in average direct genetic and average maternal genetic effects for dam body weight and litter size at parturition persisted throughout lactation, indicating important pleiotropic effects. Major correlated responses occurred for litter weight, feed intake and litter feed efficiency, primarily due to average direct genetic effects. Using general combining ability and net line effects as criteria for choosing among lines, L+ had a distinct advantage if the objective was to increase litter size in a crossing program. If the objective was to maximize litter weaning weight, then W+ would be favored for net line effects, while L+ and W+ would be about equivalent for general combining ability. None of the lines had an advantage for litter feed efficiency. Direct heterosis for dam weight at 12 and 21 d of lactation averaged 2.7 and 1.9%, while for litter size the respective averages were 7.4 and 7.3%. The W+ X L+W- cross exhibited overdominance for litter size. Direct heterosis was moderate for feed intake and litter weight, but was negligible for litter feed efficiency because of the mathematical relationship among the three traits. Maternal heterosis for preweaning progeny growth was suppressed because of heterosis for litter size in the dam. Grand-maternal effects on growth of the young were small and would not be an important consideration in choosing among these lines in a crossbreeding program.  相似文献   

Genetic factors affecting female reproductive performance in lines of mice with a known history of selection were estimated from a 5 X 5 diallel cross. Lines were selected as follows: large litter size at birth (L+); large 6-wk body weight (W+); an index for large litter size and small 6-wk body weight (L+W-); the complementary index (L-W+) and randomly (K). Partitioning of direct and correlated responses for litter size, 6-wk body weight and related traits into average direct genetic (li) and average maternal genetic (mi) effects indicated that the magnitude of differences in li exceeded those in mi. Lines having positive responses in li were W+ greater than L+ greater than L-W+ for dam body weight, L+ greater than L+W- greater than W+ for litter size and L+ greater than (W+, L+W-) for litter birth weight, whereas L-W+ responded negatively for litter size. A positive association was found between mi for litter size and dam body weight, W+ and L-W+ being high and L+ and L+W- low for both traits. Female infertility and time from male exposure to parturition had relatively small correlated responses. Line rankings in general combining ability (gi) and net line effects were similar for the respective traits. Depending upon the line and trait involved, the relative contribution of average direct genetic and line direct heterotic (hi) effects to general combining ability [gi = (1/2) li + hi] varied. Line heterosis refers to average heterosis in crosses involving that line. Direct heterosis ( hij ) for each trait differed considerably among crosses. The three crosses showing the highest hij for litter size at birth, W+ X L-W+ (1.78), L+ X W+ (1.28) and L-W+ X L+W- (1.22), possibly had loci contributing directional dominance to litter size with frequencies of parental lines deviating in opposite directions relative to mean gene frequency. The correlation between absolute difference in parental line means and hij for litter size was not significant, suggesting that the magnitudes of absolute differences in parental means were not reliable predictors of divergence in gene frequency. Crossbred performance increased linearly with midparent values for litter size at birth (b = .88 +/- .09, R2 = .92) and dam parturition body weight (b = 1.13 +/- .04, R2 = .99), the latter trait showing an increase (P less than .01) in heterosis as midparent values increased.  相似文献   

Divergent selection for the total number of young born in the first three litters (TNY-3) and for 6-week body weight in mice resulted in different changes in the components of first litter size.Selection for large TNY-3 increased the number of ova shed while pre-natal losses were not modified. Selection for small TNY-3 caused both a decrease in ovulation rate and an increase in post-implantation mortality. Divergent selection for body weight modified ovulation rate in the same direction as body weight. Embryo survival declined in both lines selected for body weight. That decline was caused by an increase in pre-implantation mortality in the case of the high line, and by an increase in post-implantation mortality in the low line.  相似文献   

A divergent selection experiment for the environmental variability of litter size (Ve) over seven generations was carried out in rabbits at the University Miguel Hernández of Elche. The Ve was estimated as the phenotypic variance within the female, after correcting for year‐season and parity‐lactation status. The aim of this study was to analyse the correlated responses to selection in litter size components. The ovulation rate (OR) and number of implanted embryos (IE) in females were measured by laparoscopy at 12 day of the second gestation. At the end of the second gestation, the total number of kits born was measured (TB). Embryonic (ES), foetal (FS) and prenatal (PS) survival were computed as IE/OR, TB/IE and TB/OR, respectively. A total of 405 laparoscopies were performed. Data were analysed using Bayesian methodology. The correlated response to selection for litter size environmental variability in terms of the litter size components was estimated as either genetic trends, estimated by computing the average estimated breeding values for each generation and each line, or the phenotypic differences between lines. The OR was similar in both lines. However, after seven generations of selection, the homogenous line showed more IE (1.09 embryos for genetic means and 1.23 embryos for phenotypic means) and higher ES than the heterogeneous one (0.07 for genetic means and 0.08 for phenotypic means). The probability of the phenotypic differences between lines being higher than zero (p) was 1.00 and .99, respectively. A higher uterine overcrowding of embryos in the homogeneous line did not penalize FS; as a result, this line continued to show a greater TB (1.01 kits for genetic means and 1.30 kits for phenotypic means, p = .99, in the seventh generation). In conclusion, a decrease in litter size variability showed a favourable effect on ES and led to a higher litter size at birth.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight primiparous sows were used to study nutrient mobilization among body tissues as influenced by litter size in lactating sows. Litter size was set to 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 pigs within 48 h postpartum by cross-fostering. Four sows were allotted to each litter size group. Sows had 11.5 +/- 1.3 Mcal of ME and 39.3 +/- 4.4 g of lysine per day and were killed on d 20.6 +/- 1.1 of lactation. Liver, gastrointestinal tract (GIT, composed of the empty stomach, empty small and large intestines, cecum and rectum), reproductive tract, and other organs (excluding liver, GIT, reproductive tract, and mammary gland) were separated from the carcass. Gastrointestinal tracts were manually stripped of contents and flushed with water to remove digesta. Hot carcasses were split longitudinally at the midline after removing mammary glands and internal organs. Individual organs and carcasses were weighed then ground for chemical analysis. Dry matter, crude protein, fat, and ash contents were measured. As litter size increased, protein mobilization was linearly increased (P < 0.05) in carcass, GIT, and reproductive tract. Protein mobilization in liver was quadratically affected by litter size (P < 0.05). Fat mobilization was not affected by litter size. The amount of protein mobilized from carcass, GIT, liver, and reproductive tract in sows increased by 641 g as litter size increased by one pig from 6 to 12 pigs after a 21-d lactation. Carcass contributed the largest amount of protein (600 g for an additional pig) among body tissues, whereas the reproductive tract contributed the highest percentage (26%) of its protein among body tissues. Protein efficiency from milk to litter weight gain was 72% as litter size increased during a 21-d lactation. In feeding lactating sows, effect of litter size on nutrient mobilization from various tissues should be considered for minimizing the excess tissue mobilization during lactation.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in performance of dams were estimated by linear contrasts using means of two selected lines of mice and reciprocal F1's, F2's and backcrosses. The lines were selected for increased 6-wk body weight (W) or increased litter size (L). Genetic differences estimated were direct average (gD), direct heterosis (hD), maternal average (gM), progeny average (gP), and progeny heterosis (hP). For dam weight and feed consumption from 12 to 21 d postpartum (pp), gD was the largest genetic difference and favored line W. For litter size, litter weight at birth, litter efficiency (litter weight gain/dam feed consumption) from birth to 12 d pp and within litter mortality from 1 to 21 d pp, gD favored L and, except for hD in litter efficiency, was the most important genetic difference for these traits. Direct heterosis was the only significant difference for litter weight at 21 d pp, litter efficiency from 12 to 21 d pp and within litter mortality at parturition. The gM were larger in W than in L for dam weight and feed consumption, and for litter size and weight at birth, but they were usually of smaller magnitude than gD. The gP were significant only in litter traits measured before 12 d pp and favored W. For no trait measured was hP of consequence. Line differences in dam and litter weight accounted for genetic differences in dam feed consumption. Genetic differences in litter size at birth were not due to line differences in dam weight. The lower mortality within litters nursed by crossbred dams was responsible for hD on litter weight and litter efficiency. Within but not among lines, higher mortality rates were associated with larger litters.  相似文献   

Reproductive and maternal performance of a line of mice selected for large first parity litter size (L+) and a control line (K) were compared under two mating systems: (1) postpartum mating (PP), in which females undergo concurrent gestation and lactation, and (2) postweaning mating (PW), in which females wean their litter before being remated. Females were evaluated in their first two parities. Litters in each line were standardized at birth to 4, 8, 12 or 16 pups in parity 1, and to 10 pups in parity 2. Concurrent gestation had no adverse effect on postnatal maternal performance in parity 1 of either line. In parity 2, both L+ and K declined in reproductive and postnatal maternal performance in PP compared with PW. The pattern of delayed implantation as number of pups nursed increased was similar in both lines under the PP regimen. Several interactions indicated that reproductive performance of L+ was more adversely affected than in K under postpartum mating. Pup mortality was greater in L+ than K under PP but not under PW. In the PP regimen, L+ dams nursing 12 and 16 pups had a lower mating success rate and dams nursing 16 pups had a smaller litter size and higher pup mortality than did K dams. Thus, when L+ dams nurse their natural litter, frequently exceeding 16 pups, their reproductive advantage over K dams observed in PW would be eliminated in PP. If the differences in the first two litters reflect subsequent parities, lifetime reproductive performance in the PP environment would be reduced in the high fecundity line. High fecundity appears to depend upon the environment of selection.  相似文献   

Conception rate, prenatal survival and litter size were recorded for 444 ewes of two age groups from five lines of grade Targhee sheep: two unselected control lines, HC1 and DC(C); two lines selected for 20 yr for increased 120-d weight, HW and DH(W); and a line selected for 18 yr for increased multiple births, T. Line T was equal or superior to the control lines in conception rate, prenatal survival and litter size in both age groups, although most of the differences were not significant. The W selected lines were inferior to the C and T lines in fertility and tended to be lower in prenatal survival, among mature ewes, resulting in a significantly lower number of lambs born per corpus luteum in the W lines than in the other two groups. Among yearlings, C ewes were non-significantly lower in fertility than T and W ewes, while W ewes were significantly lower than C and T ewes in prenatal survival. The T line ewes had higher overall reproductive performance than either of the other two groups. Ewes with two ovulations had a significantly higher conception rate than ewes with single ovulations. Gestation period was exceptionally uniform with a coefficient of variation of 1.3% and little difference due either to line or litter size. It was concluded that selection for multiple births improved overall reproductive performance, whereas selection for increased growth rate had an adverse effect on several components of reproduction, leading to a net decline in fitness.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in natural vs hormone-induced ovulation rates were compared in immature female mice from five lines that had undergone long-term single-trait and antagonistic index selection for litter size and(or) 6-wk BW. Lines used were control (K); high litter size (L+); high BW (W+); low litter size and high BW (L-W+); and high litter size and low BW (L+W-). Natural ovulation rate at a mean age of 34.3 d and hormone-induced (5 IU of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin followed 2 d later by 5 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin) superovulation rate at a fixed age of 31 d were obtained. Total number of eggs ovulated was affected by line (P less than .001), treatment (P less than .001), and line x treatment interaction (P less than .001). Line differences were subsequently tested within treatment because of the significant line x treatment interaction. Line differences were important (P less than .001) for natural ovulation, hormone-induced ovulation, and response to hormones. Mean natural ovulation rates for K, L+, W+, L-W+, and L+W- were 14.1, 19.8, 15.1, 13.6, and 16.4, respectively. Selection changed ovulation rate by 40, 16, 7, and -4% in the L+, L+W-, W+ and L-W+ lines, respectively (P less than .01). Hormone-induced ovulation rates in K, L+, W+, L-W+, and L+W- were 32.3, 24.6, 19.6, 20.9, and 22.1, respectively. Exogenous hormones increased ovulation by 18.2, 4.8, 4.6, 7.3, and 5.7 ova for K, L+, W+, L-W+, and L+W-, respectively (P less than .001). Lines with lower natural ovulation rates had higher responses to superovulation. Increased ovulation rate due to treatment ranged from 24.3% in L+ to 129% in K. These results indicate significant differences among lines in ovarian response to exogenous hormones.  相似文献   

Ovulation rate was measured by laparoscopy at two consecutive cycles on 366 ewes 2 yr old and over and 85 yearling ewes of five lines of Targhees from the base base population; 53 yearling linecross ewes were also included. The lines were two unselected controls (HCl and DC), two selected for 21 yr for increased 120-d weight (HW and DH) and one selected for 19 yr for multiple births (T). Ewes were synchronized in late July or early August at the start of the normal breeding season with intravaginal pessaries impregnated with 60 mg methylacetoxyprogesterone and examined at first and second estrus. Ovulation had occurred in both cycles in 327 (89%) and 177 (85%) of the mature and yearling ewes, respectively. Overall mean numbers of corpora lutea at first and second estrus were 1.42 and 1.63, respectively for ewes 2 yr and over and 1.20 and 1.44 for yearlings, indicating an effect of synchronizing treatment, season, flushing, or a combination of these. Among mature ewes, ovulation rate was higher (P less than .05) in DH (+.20), HW (+.19) and T (+.16) than in controls at first estrus, and in HW (+.29) and T (+.21) but not DH (-.04) at second estrus. Among yearlings, differences were significant only at second estrus (HW, +.40; T, +.35) and again not for DH (+.08). The failure of line DH to increase in ovulation rate from first to second estrus as did other lines was transmitted to linecross progeny. Body weight within line affected ovulation rate significantly, with a greater effect at second estrus, in both age groups. Adjustment for body weight removed the difference between HW and controls but not between T and controls. Repeatability of corpora lutea count was .27 and .25 for mature and yearling ewes, respectively.  相似文献   

We performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping analysis for litter size (total number of pups born and/or number of pups born alive) in 255 backcross mice derived from C57BL/6J and RR/Sgn inbred mice. We identified one significant QTL on chromosome 7 and 4 suggestive QTLs on chromosomes 3, 5, 10 and 13. In addition, two suggestive QTLs were identified on chromosomes 1 and 4 for the number of stillbirth. These results suggested that both litter size and number of stillbirth were heritable traits, although they were controlled by distinct genes. The RR allele was associated with reduced litter size and increased stillbirth at all QTLs. Therefore, RR mothers were observed to have reduced prolificacy in this particular genetic cross.  相似文献   

Data obtained from the French Kennel Club and the Fichier National Canin were used to estimate the effect of inbreeding on average litter size and survival in seven French breeds of dog. Depending on the breed, litter sizes were 3.5–6.3 puppies and longevities were 7.7–12.2 years. Estimated heritabilities were 6.0–10.9% for litter size and 6.1–10.1% for survival at 2 years of age. Regression coefficients indicated a negative effect of inbreeding on both individual survival and litter size. Although the impact of baseline inbreeding within breeds appears to be limited, the improper mating of close relatives will reduce biological fitness through significant reduction of litter size and longevity.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Correlated responses in female reproductive performance were studied in lines of mice selected for high (HF) and low (LF) fat content relative to a randomly selected control line (RC). Selection was based on an indicator trait of body fat percentage in males (epididymal fat pad weight as a percentage of body weight at 12 weeks of age). LF mice showed a positive correlated response (P < 0.05) in number of pups born (NB), whereas HF showed no significant change. The increase in NB could be explained partially by an increase in ovulation rate (adjusted for body weight at mating; P < 0.01), measured as number of corpora lutea (CL) 16 days postcoitus (P < 0.05) or number of ova (OR) shed 2 days postcoitus (P < 0.01). Asymmetry was observed for CL (P < 0.05) and OR (P < 0.01); the major correlated response was observed in the LF line. Preimplantation and total embryo survival were higher (P < 0.01) in LF than in HF mice, whereas no significant divergence was found for post-implantation embryo survival. Reciprocal crosses of HF and LF lines allowed partitioning of divergence in OR into maternal (P < 0.10) and individual (P < 0.10) effects with LF being larger than HF. No significant heterosis was found for OR or mating weight. Body weight at mating was larger in HF females than in RC controls, while LF females were larger than controls in one experiment and not different from controls in a second experiment. Therefore, body weight at mating did not explain the positive correlated response in ovulation rate observed in the LF line. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Reproduktion in gegens?tzlich auf K?rperfett selektierten M?usen Korrelierte Selektionswirkungen auf weibliche Reproduktion wurden in Linien untersucht, die auf hohen (HF) oder niedrigen (LF) Fettgehalt selektiert worden waren, relativ zu einer zufallsgepaarten Kontrolle. Selektion beruhte auf Nebenhodenfett, korrigiert auf 12 Wochengewicht, als Indikator-merkmal. LF M?use hatten signifikant h?here Zahl geborener Junge (NB), HF zeigten keine signifikanten Wirkungen. Die Steigerung von NB kann teilweise durch hochsignifikante Steigerung der gewichtsadjustierten Ovulationsrate, gemessen als Zahl von Gelbk?rper (CL) 16 Tage postcoitus oder Zahl Eier (OR) 2 Tage pc, erkl?rt werden. Asymmetrie zeigte sich für CL (p < .01) und OR (p < .1), aber keine signifikanten Unterschiede zeigten sich für Post-Implantations überleben. Reziproke Kreuzungen von HF und LF erlaubten Aufteilung der OR Unterschiede in maternal (p < .1) una individuell verursachte (p < .1) Wirkungen, wobei LF gr??er als HF waren, aber sich keine Heterosis für OR oder Gewicht bei der Paarung ergab. Dieses war in HF Tieren h?her als in RC Kontrollen, was bei LF Tieren in einem, aber nicht im zweiten Versuch zutraf, so da? K?rpergewicht nicht die korrelierte Wirkung auf OR erkl?ren kann.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if selection response for increased litter size in pigs could be partially attributed to three type 1 marker loci coding for genes known to affect litter size: oestrogen receptor (ESR), retinol‐binding protein 4 (RBP4) and follistatin (FS). In the high litter size line (LS), pigs from the largest litters, based on number of pigs born alive (NBA), were retained to parent the next generation. A randomly selected control line (LC) was maintained. Gilts were reared in litters of 10 pigs or less to minimize maternal effects. Pigs were measured at generations 10–12. Additional traits scored were number of fully formed pigs (NFF) and number of mummified fetuses (MUM). Breeding values for NFF and NBA were greater (p < 0.05) in LS than LC in generations 11 and 12, but no significant line differences were found for MUM. The A allele of the ESR locus was fixed in both lines. After adjustment for effects of genetic drift, frequency of the two alleles segregating for the FS and RBP4 loci did not differ significantly between lines. No significant additive or dominance effects of the FS markers were detected for NFF, NBA and MUM in either LS or LC. Response to selection for increased litter size could not be attributed to effects at the ESR, RBP4 or FS loci.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究饲喂大米草对纯种波尔山羊的产羔数、羔羊初生重以及羔羊体尺指标的影响。结果表明:饲喂大米草对波尔山羊产羔数、羔羊初生重和羔羊体尺指标等具有一定的影响。其中试验组与对照组双羔的初生重和胸围指标达到差异显著水平(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Twenty-eight primiparous sows were used to determine the effect of litter size on the growth of mammary glands and nursing pigs during lactation. Litter size was set to 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 pigs by cross-fostering immediately after birth. Four sows were allotted to each litter-size group. Sows were allowed to consume a daily maximum of 13.6 Mcal ME and 46.3 g of lysine during lactation. Sows were slaughtered on d 21 (20.6+/-1.1) of lactation. Mammary glands were collected at slaughter and trimmed of skin and the extraneous fat pad. Each gland was separated, weighed, and ground for chemical analysis. Dry matter, dry fat-free tissue (DFFT), crude protein, ash, and DNA contents were measured. Only glands known to have been nursed were included in the data set. Wet and dry weights and the amounts of DFFT, protein, DNA, ash, and fat in individual nursed mammary glands linearly decreased (P<.05) as litter size increased. Percentages of DFFT, protein, and DNA were quadratically affected (P<.05) by litter size on d 21 of lactation. Total mammary wet and dry weights and total DFFT, protein, DNA, fat, and ash amount of all nursed mammary glands of each sow were increased as litter size increased (P<.05). Changing litter size from 6 to 12 pigs resulted in 2,098, 432, 253, 227, 4.4, 178, and 20 g increases in the amounts of total mammary wet weight, dry weight, DFFT, protein, DNA, fat, and ash, respectively, on d 21 of lactation. Litter weight gain was 18.1 kg greater in sows with 12 pigs than in sows with 6 pigs. Sows with a larger litter size had a greater increase in total mass of mammary gland tissue and litter weight but had lower growth of individual nursed mammary glands and individual pigs than sows with the smaller litter size. The need for nutrients to support additional mammary gland and litter growth as litter size increases should be considered when estimating nutrient requirements for lactating sows. Sows need an additional .96 g lysine per day to account for mammary gland growth for each pig added to a litter.  相似文献   

Strains selected for 54 generations for large 8-week weight (N8, S8), for small weight (N6, S6), for high 3–5-week gain and low 8-week weight (N1) as well as unselected randomly mated control strains (N9, S9) were crossed, and F 1, F 2 and both back crosses created. N strains are derived from a NMRI base, S strains from a synthetic four-way cross among inbred lines. Heterosis for 8-week weight (8-ww) was some 6%, but 30% for 3–5-week gain and it was on average negative (22%) for 5–8-week gain. When epistatic effects were taken into account, it appeared that heterosis for 8-ww was largely due to beneficial effects of non-parental gene combinations, i.e. additive × additive epistatic effects were negative. These non-parental combinations neutralized the mostly negative dominance effects. The latter were mostly positive for early gain but in all 9 line crosses negative for late gain. The digenic effects of the non-parental origin were not large enough to balance the negative dominance effects for late gain, so that heterosis was negative. It appears therefore that early and late gain are affected by different sets of genes. Maternal additive effects on 8-ww and early gain are smaller than direct additive effects but mostly of similar sign. For late gain there appears to be no connection with direct additive effects. Direct litter heterosis was almost 50% but much of this was due to positively acting recombinational gene combinations, while direct litter dominance was mostly negative. Maternal additive effects on litter size differed depending on whether they were estimated from dams with crossbred or with purebred litter. Heterosis was small in crosses between control strains. Heterosis caused by recombinant gene pairs should be amenable to improvement by selection.  相似文献   

A population of chimeras was made by aggregating 8- and 16-cell embryos from two mouse strains: a randomly bred line (C) and a selected line characterized by large litters (JU), with litter sizes of 7.7 and 13.5, respectively. The two genotypes were developmentally "balanced", as judged by the high frequency (90%) of chimeras with an intermediate or high degree of coat-color chimerism, a chimeric sex ratio of 2.2:1 males:females, and a high percentage of chimeras (31% of males, 71% of females) with germ cells of both strains. Litter size characteristics, including ovulation rate, implantation rate, rates of pre- and postimplantation embryo survival and number born were studied in the female chimeras and compared with the performance of both parent lines and to the genetic cross of the two lines. Values for JU females exceeded those for C females for all parameters studied except postimplantation embryo survival, which was the same for both lines in second litters and was lower for JU's third litters. For most traits, means for genetic crossbreds and chimeras were similar, regardless of whether the means were at or above the midparent average. In contrast, for ovulation rate and body weight, genetic crossbreds and chimeras clearly differed, with chimeric females being similar to the JU line and genetic crossbred females exhibiting additive inheritance. Because of phenotypic differences between experimental chimeras and crossbreds produced from the same two lines, chimeras may provide a useful model for studying the physiologic basis for expression of genetic differences in quantitative traits.  相似文献   

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